
Hey there! My name is Allison and I'm fairly new to this site but not new to roleplaying - I've been roleplaying on other websites for years!

About me as a roleplayer:

- I only play female (I know I suck) in MxF although I'm open to MxM (but I'm picky on the ones I do)

- If I do do a MxM roleplay, I prefer for there not to be a dominant or submissive character because people have a tendency to let those roles completely dictate their character.

- I'm huge on romance - it's practically a necessity

- I write about as much as I'm given to work with. If you write two pages worth then I will match that.

- I have a life outside of this website (gasp! Shocking I know!) so sometimes I can't post right away or once a day although I try. I'll admit, I'm guilty of disappearing when real life stuff catches up to me. 90% of the time I'll notify you if something is keeping me from posting regularly but shit happens and I can't make that promise that I'll let you know though believe me if I disappear it's for a really good reason and I don't blame you if you give up on waiting for me (Example: The last time I disappeared was because I was recovering from a surgery - like I said, I don't disappear unless it's for a good reason

- I like to communicate with my partner and flesh out a story together. It gives me an idea of how you write.

- Sometimes I can tell from the start that me and another player are not compatible roleplayers. Perhaps we have different writing styles or expect different things or aren't communicative - if that's the case I might ask to end the roleplay before it even begins. This rarely happens but occasionally it comes up and I figure it's better to end it quick than wasting both of our times but starting a roleplay that isn't going to go anywhere.

Well, now if you're still here I'll consider that a good sign! To start, my favorite genres are fantasy and modern fantasy, and I have a definite soft spot for fairy tales or alternative fairy tales. That being said, I do enjoy slice of life type stuff and sci-fi as well.

Now here are my ideas!

1. My character is a lazy college student procrastinating on doing her school work by playing video games one night during a storm. Lightning strikes her apartment and the power flickers. Perhaps she gets a shock or the lights go out, but when she regains her sight there's a stranger in her home dressed in an awfully familiar armor. It turns out he's the protagonist/knight/prince of the very game she was just playing! Only now he's stuck here and living with her and midterms are coming up and she really doesn't have time for this shit.

2. Like the last plot only instead, my character gets sucked into the world of the video game and gets stuck.

3. My character is a paranormal investigator who took a job to investigate recent mysterious happenings in a cemetery. The cemetery is old and overrun by trees and foliage, one of the thorns of a rose bush catches on her arm, scratching her. The blood drips onto the ground, and unbeknownst to her, awakens the vampire who had been sleeping in the grave below for centuries. Oops.

4. This is a reincarnation RP. It'd be incredibly long and span across several eras. Your character is a vampire or immortal of some kind during the Victorian era where they meet my character for the first time and they fall in love. Due to some curse or something similar, my character is doomed to pass and be reincarnated over and over until the spell is broken. So both characters are technically immortal just in different ways. When the spell is broken, then they will live the rest of their lives as humans, just like everyone else. Every time your character loses mine, he waits and goes in search of her until he finds her reincarnated form and they fall in love all over again, only for the curse to befall them again and again. So this would start in the 1800s and then time skip to either WWI or the 1920s, then to the early WWII era, late 1960s hippie-era, then to the present day where the curse would be broken.

5. My character is a knight of some kind given the mission to escort the prince to a royal assembly of the kingdoms. It's a simple mission right? Just get from Point A to Point B. If only there were dragons, bandits, warlocks and other creatures trying to stop them from reaching Point B alive.

6. A plague is tearing apart a kingdom and for some reason or another our characters join together to find a cure for it. It's all dead ends up until they hear of a legendary item that will cure all ailments to those who hold it, and begin to go in search of it.

7. My character is an archaeologist who discovers an ancient artifact on one of her excavations. It turns out the artifact contains the living soul of a person/guardian/spirit of some sort and her discover has awakened him. She is absolutely fascinated and wants to learn more about this ancient culture, but it seems as if the person whom she encountered isn't the only thing person/creature that was awakened.

8. My character is a student attending a prestigious school (think Ouran High school type prestige or Special A). She's there on a scholarship and so long as she maintains a certain GPA, all of her expenses are paid for. Which is vital for her because she has a secret, she's homeless. She goes to school during the day and works part-time to earn some cash but otherwise rides the subways until the last train and hangs out in 24-hour diners when she can - occasionally mustering up enough cash to stay in a cheap motel for a while. It's a temporary situation, she tells herself, and if she were put into an orphanage she'd be forced to transfer schools so she'd prefer it to stay a secret. But what happens when someone from school finds out?

So those are the main ideas I'd like to try out! I'm willing to change things around and am flexible in terms of plot and characters and if you have any ideas of your own, feel free to share! I love to hear people's ideas!

Other pairings I like include (the ones I prefer to play in bold and if they're both bold it means I have no preference):

Good guy x Bad girl

Jock/Popular Guy X Artist

Faerie x Artist

Celebrity x Critic

Nerd x Rebel

Student Council President x Vice President

x Civilian

Superhero x Superhero

Business Person/CEO x Environmentalist
(This is a weird one I know, but there's a story that goes along with it I swear!)

Host Club member x College student

Let me know if you're interested!
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By reading your thread I think we would work well together, I actually found myself nodding along. I agree with everything! especially the MxM thing about dom/sub you phrased it so nicely! Of your ideas I like these the best and they line up with my preference:

(I should mention I generally like to play male.)

5, 6 and 8

I love the idea of medieval Rps. and the homeless one is SO interesting.

Good guy x Bad girl

Have a GREAT character in mind

Faerie x Artist

I would LOVE to play a faerie prince!

x Civilian

Again I have a character in mind that I would love to use

Host Club member x College student

Just seems like it would be fun...
Nerdygeekflower said:
By reading your thread I think we would work well together, I actually found myself nodding along. I agree with everything! especially the MxM thing about dom/sub you phrased it so nicely! Of your ideas I like these the best and they line up with my preference:
(I should mention I generally like to play male.)

5, 6 and 8

I love the idea of medieval Rps. and the homeless one is SO interesting.

Good guy x Bad girl

Have a GREAT character in mind

Faerie x Artist

I would LOVE to play a faerie prince!

Superhero x Civilian

Again I have a character in mind that I would love to use

Host Club member x College student

Just seems like it would be fun...
Oh thank god you responded you seem like a great roleplayer and I would absolutely love to roleplay with you! I was afraid that my post sounded too mean or demanding so I'm glad that you're interested and seem to have similar preferences! I'll send you a message and we'll discuss the RP more in depth!
Hey I saw your thread and you seem to know what you are doing. So if you are still looking for a partner then I would enjoy rping with ya. My favorite ideas were 2, 3 and 4 they seem like really good ideas and I'm a sucker for fantasy romance. So if you still would like to do any of those I'm up for it
leefirefox said:
Hey I saw your thread and you seem to know what you are doing. So if you are still looking for a partner then I would enjoy rping with ya. My favorite ideas were 2, 3 and 4 they seem like really good ideas and I'm a sucker for fantasy romance. So if you still would like to do any of those I'm up for it
I'm game! I'll send you a message and we'll discuss plot!
Hello, just saw this and I think most of those are really good idea's and if you're up for it I, myself like; 1, 5, 6 and 7. Hopefully I'm not to late!
Hi Allison! I (quite literally) signed up because of this post :) All of your ideas are amazing - 1,2,5,6 and 7 sound exactly like my cup of tea. I'm a pretty experience RP (I'm not completely used to playing a girl so GG x BG may be tricky) and I completely get the time commitment thing - I have the same problem sometimes too... If I've missed the boat with this one then fair enough, but if you think you'd enjoy RPing with me then send me a PM and we'll work something out :)

Looking forward to hearing from you,

- H
Many of your ideas seem well-crafted. I'd like to do # 3 as myself the vampire. It should be noted that I roleplay in 1st person, not 3rd. If I do it in 3rd, my writing... kinda sucks, to be honest. Fairy x Artist looks cool. PM me if interested. Number 8 and the archeology one (Oh don't know what #) also look interesting. I'd like to do number 3 and 8 with you at some point, if it's possible for you and you'd still like to.
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Hello~ I love playing the male role and I'm really into idea #1 the most. So~ if it's not too late and you feel like you can get another rp in I'd be more the obliged to rp with you!
Number 7 please!! lol I've always liked that kind of story and I have a pretty good idea of how to flesh one out. I actually was going to put a post up for recruitment on it. You seem too have a ton of replies though lol, so its cool if there's no room for another. Let me know!
Ellimist said:
Number 7 please!! lol I've always liked that kind of story and I have a pretty good idea of how to flesh one out. I actually was going to put a post up for recruitment on it. You seem too have a ton of replies though lol, so its cool if there's no room for another. Let me know!
Great! I've been trying to find someone to do that one with me actually, you're the first one! 

Meredith said:
Many of your ideas seem well-crafted. I'd like to do # 3 as myself the vampire. It should be noted that I roleplay in 1st person, not 3rd. If I do it in 3rd, my writing... kinda sucks, to be honest. Fairy x Artist looks cool. PM me if interested. Number 8 and the archeology one (Oh don't know what #) also look interesting. I'd like to do number 3 and 8 with you at some point, if it's possible for you and you'd still like to.
Hmm I'll be honest I'm more partial to third person because I think it flows better, so I can't promise that we'd be compatible RP partners, but I'd love to do the archaeology one or #3, so is it okay if I request a writing sample to get an idea of how you write?

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