Closed RP; a Girl and a monster

"As long as someone doesnt activly knock water out of me and can shrink myself or change shape as long as I want; It's just if I actively lose water, I can't get it back. Not without returning to my natural water source, anyway."

Aquath replied as Flora pulled on the sweater, marveling at the hood.

"What a curious piece of clothing." she mused.
Daisy thought for a moment and looked at the fire spirit then she looked back at Naquath “How could you make yourself into a form that wont make any comotion in town?” she asked and then looked at the fire spirit again “But you… I really don’t have an idea fo you” Daisy looked sorry for saying that.
"Hmm. Well, I think all I could really do is shrink down and you can carry me; I'll have to come back here before I can grow again though."

The fire sprite frowned a little.

"Yeh, I see what you mean. Sort of hard to desguise something thats on fire...maybe I should stay and keep an eye out for the ice monster."
Daisy looks at Naquath and lays her hand on the handles from her backpack “Hmmmm do you think you could shrink to an size that you could find into my backpack?” she asked while she pointed over her shoulder. Then she looked at the fire spirit “I’m so sorry, I don’t want you to feel bad, but yes maybe it is the best to stay here and keep an eye on things.” She nods
"No worries, I;ll go on patrol." he said, turning into a flame and shooting off."

Naquath looked at the bag.

"yeh, no problem, can do." he said, shrinking down ready to fit inside."
Daisy looked at Naquat and mumbled “wow” then she puts her bag on the ground and unzips it, so Naquath could jump in. then she looked at Flora “is everything going oke with the sweater Flora or do you need help?” she asked and then looked at Nienna. Nienna smiled and fly’s to her and grown under her hair, Daisy giggles and puts on her hood. “Everything oke under there Nienna?” she asked and Nienna said “Yes it’s a bit warm but I’m comfy.”
((Heya Mari, you getting on alright?))

Naquath climbed in the bag and sat down cross legged.

"This is strange."

Flora looked at her, smiling.

"No, I think I've got the hang of it." she said, looking at Daisy for reference and then putting her hood up too."
Diasy looked at flora and smiled “yes it seems that you get the idea!” She said and then looked around. “euhmmm oke which way to the path that leads to the exit of the forest?” she asked while looking around a bit confused. Then she lifts up her backpack and puts it on her shoulders. “Are you oke in there Naquath?”
There was a little sploshing noise as she shifted the bag.

"Yeh im okay thanks! If you just keep walking forward you'll get to the path alongside the stream.
Daisy looked at the direction that she was told and started walking, looking back to see of Flora was following her.

(Sorry for the short post)

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