Closed RP; a Girl and a monster

Daisy looks at her body, she was wet from head to toe, and because of the temp change around her she shivered. Then she looked at Naquath “I think I should thank you, yes it was a bit scary, but you saved me!” she took his hands and smiled warmly at him. “So thank you again!” she said and looked around again, and she heard Naquath’s words “But I don’t want to go home, I have so much more to ask, and I want to meet more people like you!” she said at last.
"Well...okay, but I've warned you, okay?" he loioked at her shivering.

"Sorry, my fault again."he said, putting his hand on her cheek again and channeling the water from her.

"I can show you more people exactly like me, if you want, but i've never actually left my river, so other than a few wood nymphs and fairys who borrow our water, I dont know a whole lot of people...I could introduce you to the people I do know, I guess?"

(If you like, we could both pick up a differn't creature he knows as a second character, that way we can get more variation and whatnot)
Daisy nods “Yes you have warned me, but I’m a terrible listener” she winked at him and then looked at his hands when he started to dry her again. “You know… that does come quiet handy, you can dry me faster that a fireplace would after a rainy day” she giggled. Then her eyes started to gloat when he said he could introduce her to some other creators. “I would love to meet some of your friends Naquath!” she said with excitement in her voice.

(sure…. Not very familiar with many kinds of creators, but I would like to try :D )
(Awesome! Well if theres anything at all you'd like to try then let me know, otherwise I'll pick a few, and you can pick the one you like the sound of the most :) )

"Haha, don't I know it" he grinned at her. "I guess it's pretty handy yeh, there are some drawbacks though."

He took her hand gently, so he could guide her through a gap in the trees.

"I'll take you to a meeting place, then. I'll let you know first hand though, mostve my freinds havent seen humans that much."
(Well I think i wouldn't mind trying to be a fairy... But I would like to see what my other options are :P )

Daisy grabs his and hand did hold on tight, she was excited and a bit nervous at the same time, she was going to meet more species than just Naquath! “Well I haven’t seen any of them probably as well, besides the one’s like you then, so it will be exciting for all species there, including me!” she said while she follow him in to the gap in the tree’s.
They walked for around twnety minutes, seemingly repeatedly walking through the same areas, and turning to walk back in the opposite direction despite not actually turning, until they came to a small clearing.

Naquath looked at her, and squeezed her hand gently.

"You ready?"

He whistled through the air, and there was a series of noises through the forest.

After a breif silence, one of the smaller trees imperceptably changed, untill it left a tall female.

She was clothed in an intracately braided series of flowers, and her skin was brown like tree bark, and up close it was slightly grooved.

Her face was entirely human shaped, but her eyes were all amber;no whites.

A short bunch of mossy green hair ran down her back, and she walked over to them.

At the same time there was a sparkling in the air, and a square patch of rainbow shone in the air, and a small, hand sized fairy flew out of it.

((I'll leave her appearence up to you if you decide you'd like her ;p))

Finally, a a trail of fire slowly raced along the ground, before erupting nearby them, and forming into a tall male body, small embers still flicking over him.
Daisy looked full of unbelief when she saw a tree transforming into a female humanlike shape, then she looked up and saw a tiny fairy coming closer, She had a white dress on with had a light glow over it, and she had a pink scarf draped around her arms, her long wavy blond hair gloat like the sun was shining on it fully. Then Daisy heard a sound coming from the ground and when she looked she saw a small men getting closer, Daisy didn’t speak, she just looked at all 3 of the new creators. The fairy sad down on a small tree branch as she looked at the human girl with a smile, then she turned her head at Naquath “Who is your friend?” she asked. Daisy was still standing there, not sure what to say or what to do, because she didn’t know how they would think about her.

(I would like to play the fairy :) even found a picture for her already!)

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(haha, nice one :) )

Naquath looked at them them all.

"Hey, this is Daisy. Shes, well, shes a human, but shes cool, I promise. Daist, this is Flora." he pointed to the Dryad.

"This is Blaze." he pointed to the firey man stood in front of them.

"And this, is (pretend I said whatever you want your fairys name to be)." he said, pointing to the dainty female floating near them.

The fire sprite was about to speak, but Aquath cut him off.

"Her hair isn't on fire, trust me."

"Oh...good." the fire sprite replied.
Daisy looked from Flora to the fire spirit and then at the fairy, Nienna was her name. “Nice to meet you all.” When she heard Naquath talk to Blaze she started to laugh loudly. “Believe me Blaze, Naquath was sure it was on fire and I had to feel that…. He tried to put it out with a blob of water.” She looked at Naquath and smiled “But I wasn’t mad, I understood that he meant it well.” She smiled while she squeezed in his hand softly.
Aquath blushed a little and squeezed her hand back.

"It really does look on fire." he explained.

"Well, Floras more or less our leader; we make up an elemental quartet; Water, fire, nature and magic." he said.
Daisy giggled when she saw the blush on his cheecks. "Like I said, I'm not mad." She said and looked at flore while Naquath spoke about her. Daisy looked at her from head to toe. "You look beautifull" she said softlt. Then the fairy started to fly around her and Naquath "So you are bringing a human in to our woods?" Her voice sounded like she didn't trust Daisy.
"Well, I didn't bring her here, she just sort of came here."

he looked around, serious.

"I brought her to clearing because the rumors about the monster breaking the place up? They're true. Its some sort of ice wraith."
Daisy looks down at the floor when she heard the tone of voice from the fairy. “It it’s his fault Nienna, I was curious about other species, so I wanted to go on a search, that when I run into Naquath.” She looks up at the little fairy and then at Naquath “I didn’t mean to break rules or get anyone in to trouble, Naquath just saved me from that thing, he has nothing to blame for!” she said still looking at Naquath. Nienna just looked at Daisy and Naqauth not saying anything yet, like she was waiting for Naqauth to say something.
"Shes alright, I promise. She looks after animals for a living. She was just curious about us. I don't know what we should do about the Ice spirit though, it could wreak havok if it gets into the human town, then we really will have problems."

The Dryad mulled it over, and beamed at the compliment.

"Thankyou, I like your clothes. Did you weave them yourself? I think for now we should wait and see, the wriath could just be passing through.
Daisy smiled at all the creators around her, then Nienna looked at the girl and started to fly circles around her. “Do you really take care of animals as a day job?” she asked and waited for the girl to reply. “Yes I do, I couldn’t life without animals thay are my best friends.” And after that words Nienna relaxed and smiled at Daisy. “Oke then I like you.” She said with a smile and sat down on Daisy’s shoulder. Daisy looked at the fairy and smiled while she sat on her shoulder, then she looked at Naquath. “what do you mean…. That the thing could cost trouble to out humans?” she asked a bit worried.
"Well theres a barrier on the east side of the forest and the west. It's broken through the east, which must have taken an awful lot of time, but, well, if it can break through that we have to assume it can break into the west, and i doubt it'd go there to make freinds. We'll have some time before it can, but it must take a while."
Daisy looks a bit worried after the word of Naquath “Is there something we can do?” she asked while she looked at Naquath. Then she looked at the others and smiled “And again I’m sorry for just storming in to your world, but I have always been fascinated about other species and I just wanted to meet you all… I hope you don’t mind?” She said a bit shy while she was still holding Naquaths hand.
"Long as you don't put me out im cool." the fire sprite said.

"Im happy to welcome you into our forest." Flora said.

"As for the ice wraith, we need to find out exactly what it is before we can stop it.
Daisy smiled at the Fire spirit “I would be more afraid that Naqauth tries to put you out, not me.” She winked and then looked at flora “Thank you for your friendliness.” Then Daisy looked at Nienna on her shoulder “he…. I already said that I liked you!” she giggled. Daisy looked at Naquath “Oke so… where is that think and how can I find out what it is?” she asked.
"Well...we could maybe do with some books on monsters or something, but...there arent any in this forest."

The fire sprite flared up angrily.

"We need a collection of books nearby!"
Daisy thinks for a moment and then a smile appears on her face “Well… Do you guys remember that I said I was always curious about other species?” She said while waiting on the answer from the others because she didn’t wanna spill it out all at the same time.
Naquath grinned.

"I sure remember hearing something about it, yeh."

"What, do you know of a source of knowledge?" Flora asked.
“Well… I did dig up some books about other species… some old lady gave them to me. She said it was very valuable and that I should never lose them.” She looked at everyone and when her eyes met Naquaths again she continued “I only read some of them quickly… But haven’t read everything yet, and I think there might be something in it about that thing if we look good.”
"Awesome! Way to go Daisy!" the fire sprite exclaimed, patting her shoulder, his hand warming her skin like a hot towel, but not painfully.

"Okay, I guess we need to get to your house without being spotted too much somehow. We don't really want to make a commotion.
Daisy looked at the creators around her and sighed “Hmmm yes that could be a little bit difficult.” Daisy grabs her backpack and starts digging in it. “Well I have a pair of clothes in my back, is you would wear that Flora, and you will do the hook of the sweater on your head they won’t see that your different.” She said, then she looked at Nienna “Well you could hide under my hair and hood and they won’t see you.” After Nienna she looked at Naquath “How much water do you need to survive if you will have water to grow out of again after the trip to my home?”

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