Closed RP; a Girl and a monster


One Thousand Club
A 1/1 rp about a curious girl who meets a monster in the woods.

Character Sheet: Aquath

Species: Naiaid. A type of A Greek type of water monster that lives in small lakes, etc. Whilst in water they are completly made up of water and can reshape themselves, add water to their mass, etc, but outside of water they appear human but with a waterfall of hair. Generally live in peace without bothering other species, but the occasional one is born curious. Outside of water they can turn into a puddle to avoid harm, but if any water is lost when they reform they will have much less mass unless they can find a new source of natural fresh water.

Appearance: Wears simple clothes, has a faint blue tinge to skin and has flowing water for hair which matches the colour of their source water (In this case; the sort of colour a fresh water spring is.)

Personality: Generally happy and cheerful, but has very little exposure to the world beyond the small lake and spring he grew up in, so is easily delighted, shocked or saddened by the outside world, her limited experience with people outside of her lake makes her unusally trusting of strangers, even though he knows bad people etc exist, he hasn't really experienced them first hand, so always expects people to be good until they prove otherwise.

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Daisy Halliwel








Daisy is a girl who enjoys her life and is she very curious, when Daisy wants something she will not rest before she gets it.

But even though she is very friendly and cheerful she doesn’t have a lot of friends.

She enjoys being in the nature, it calms het down and she loves to hear the birds sing.

The scene:

People have long since known of the existence of monsters, spirits and faeries, but these mystical species live far removed from humans in quiet, out of the way places.

As the majority of them keep to themselves not very much is known about various other species, but there are some small villiages which coexist peacefully with their neighboring monsters.

There are some dangerous monsters, but these live in even farther removed places, hiding in the highest mountains, the deepest shadows, the deepest lakes.

In a quiet peaceful forest, birds sing and a warm breeze blows gently through the trees.

A small glassy brook meanders softly along a forest road, a musical tinkle playing in the air as it flows down a small series of waterfalls, until finally reaching a small lake.

Inside of the small lake, lives a group of Naiaids. For the most of the time, they stay entirely composed of water, but can travel on land if they want.

Despite warnings from family, one curious Naiaid wants to find out about humans, and leaves the lake.

Solidifying in to a tall human shape, he looks almost identical to humans, but his neck length hair remains water, flowing down in a watery blob.

He was simple leather clothes and a small vial of water on a pendant on his neck.

He idly walks along the forest path, towards the sound of footsteps.

Just in the distance he sees a red haired girl coming along towards him. His first instinct is to immediatly go and greet her, but the various warnings he's heard about humans causes him to retreat back into the water for safety, staying visible in human shape but made of water, ready to melt back into the lake if needed, he waits for the girl to spot him.
Daisy walked out of the door, pulling it to close behind her. She took a deep breath and smiled, it was an early Saturday morning, the sun started to shine and a soft breeze flowed around Daisy. She looked at her car but shook her head “No not today” she said to herself and walked over the path before her house to the street. She looked to the side and smiled when she saw the forest “What kind of species would live there?” she asked herself, and while she started thinking about it she turned around and started walking towards the forest. “For all those 20years I lived her I never met someone form an other species, but I will change that today.” She spoke to herself and walked towards the forest, she lived nearby so she would be there in a few minutes.

The Naiaid flowed along the river, top half out in the open, bottom half joined to the river himself.

If he was going to find any humans he figured, they'd most likley be at the side of the forest nearest the nearby village.

Eventually he got to the point he was within sight of the entrance to the forest, and decided to wait there
Daisy almost reached the forest already but she didn’t want to take the main entrance somehow. So she walked across a small path what would lead her to a smaller entrance, the path was small and it had a lot of bushes and trees around in. After a few minutes she reached the side entrance and took a deep breath “Oke Daisy here we go, are you sure you are ready for this?” she asked herself and then nodded. “Yes I am” she said to herself and started walking into the forest.

Waiting a short while at the entrance, eventually the sounds of cars and unfamiliar noises started to unsettle the Naiaid, so disheartedly he decided to flow back to the river running along the forest to wait and see if someone passed by.

After a short while, he heard footsteps coming from one of the smaller entrances to the forest.

Excited, he waited until the figure was nearby.

She had long orange hair running down her back like fire, and she didn't seem threatening. She wasn't carrying any weapons anyway.

As the figure got nearby, he slowly pooled up out from the water to stand with only feet submerged.

A freindly attitude was sure to win anyone over, right?

He waved, a little wary, but excited to see someone not his own species.

"Hey there. Are you human? Or are you a fire sprite? What with the firey hair and all."
Daisy heard a splashing sound coming from the river and she looked up. What she saw was weird, scary but amazing at the same time, because out of the river a man raised up. She looked at him and listened carefully. “Yes I am human, a very dull human whiteout anything special I guess.” She replied at him as walked a bit closer to take a good look at him. “What are you?” she whispered curious and she started to walk even closer to him.

The Naiaid had heard about bad people, but he'd never met anyone outside of his family and didnt actually have a solid concept of what bad was.

The person infront of him seemed freindly; therefore, she must be freindly.

His natural curiousity won out over his care for his safety in a matter of seconds.

Deciding things might go more smoothly if he looked more familiar, he solidified himself, looking almost entirely human other than a faint bluish tinge to his skin, and his hair which remained liquid, running like a small waterfall but never running out.

"Oh, that's great! Not the dull thing, but that your a human. Humans can build all kinds of stuff like cars, can you make a car?" he stopped his excited stream of questions.

"Sorry. What I am depends. If you were Welsh you'd call me a Ceffyl Dwyr. If you were German you'd call me an Undine, and if you were correct you'd call me a Naiaid. But-" he paused, holding out his hand as he spoke.

"If you were nice, you'd call me Naquath. Thats my name, I mean."
Daisy kept looking at the guy before her, and her eyes widened when he almost became fully humanlike. When he started talking she giggles lightly, he sounded so funny and cute, after he was done speaking she answered him. “No I cannot build a car, I work in a nursing home for animals, that means I’m taking care of sick animals all day.” Then she smiles softly “Well people who know me think I am nice, so I think I will just call you Naquath then.” She giggled again “A Naiaid… That’s a creator of the water right? Do you guys have power? And do I need to be afraid? I mean will you hurt me?” she had so much more questions but she would let him speak first.
Naquath looked at her, suprised.

"You can't make a car? I thought that was your elemental power. That, and making sweets." His eyes brightened.

"Do you have any sweets?"

He moved nearer to her, but stayed just out of arms reach, not wanting to alarm her.

"Whats your name? Its really cool you look after animals, I sometimes channel some water to little birds. I've got what you might call power I suppose." he said modestly.

"I can channel water and make myself bigger, sense where water is, control it to a degree. And no, you don't need to be afraid. Not of me, anyway. I've heard rumours of some unsavoury monsters trying to get through the magical barriers outside the town."

Whilst talking his gaze kept moving to her hair. He'd only seen a few creatures that actually had real hair, and they'd all had woodland browns.

"So, doesn't your head being on fire hurt if you don't have any powers? Here, I'll put it out for you."

As he spoke, he waved his hand forward and a small blob of water splashed over her head soaking her hair.
Daisy giggled “No I can’t make a car, but i do have some sweets in my bag someone, wait let me fond you a candy bar.” She said while she reached her hand into her bag, she kept listing to what he said and then replied while still looking to the candy bar. “It sounds cool what you can do with water though.” But then she heard his say something about her hair being on fire and before she knew it he felt a big blob of cold water on her head. She looked up confused and raised an eyebrow “What are you doing?”
"Your hair was on fire!" Aquath coughed embarassed, cheeks flushed red as realisation dawned on him as her hair didn't go out, it just got wet.

"...Thats just your hair colour, isn't it. Im really, really sorry. I mean, It's a really pretty colour, I like it, but I've never seen hair so bright. Um...the only hair i've seen before was on a wood nymph, and uh, there all brown. Did I mention im sorry?" he stood in embarrased silence for a few seconds.

"Here, um, let me dry it for you."

Stepping out of the water his feet formed and solidified. Putting his hand on the side of her soggy hair, the moisture in her hair flowed over on top, and then into, his hand.

Hand still in place, his eyes drifted to the candy bar in her hand. He'd never actually tasted sugar, but some of his more devious older brothers had occasionaly taken some from picknickers baskets, and he'd heard it was incredible.

After staring a few seconds, he realised his hand was still on Daisy's cheek, and he flushed even more.

"Oh, um, sorry." he said, moving the hand quickly.

"So...did, did you say I could have that?"
Daisy looked at hi mand her confused look started to change into a giggle girl “You thought my hair was on fire because of the color, you silly Naquath!” she said still giggling. Then she looked at him while he came out of the water, she watch how his feet become solid out of water. “That is so cool!” She said. And when he moved his hands to her head she looked at his eyes and smiled, she felt her hair drying in just a few seconds, and after her hair was dry she kept looking at Naquath “That is even more amazing" she whispered. Then she saw his eyes going to the candy bar. “yes you can try it if you like to.” She answered on het question while she handed him the candy bar.

{Oke now it’s bed time for me, will be back to RP again tomorrow!}
(Okey dokey, It's been good :) I'll be on tommorow too. See you then.)

Yeh, um, yeh I did. It's really bright." He smiled at her warmly, still a little embarrased.

"Aww wow, I've never tried one of those before." He raised to still closed packet to his mouth, and pulled a piece of the wrapper off with his teeth, starting to chew it, not actually getting any of the candy itself.

His excited look turn dissapointed.

"Man, This is not what I was expecting!"
Daisy giggled at his comment about her hair “It’s oke, I’m not mad.” She said and she looked at him and his candy bar. “You never had candy before?” she asked a bit confused “How could someone never had candy before?” She asked herself in her head. When Naquath raised the candy bar to his mouth without unwrapping it Daisy raised an eyebrow but tried not to laugh, but when he started to chew on the rap instead of eating the candy Daisy started to giggle. But once she saw his look on his face becoming so disappointed she laughed out loud. “Oke Naquath, here let me help you, you are eating the wrap, not the candy.” She said while she took the candy bar and unwrapped it for him “Here you go, try it again.” she said while she handed him the candy bar without the wrap.

Naquath looking at her, a little embarassed, but grateful.

"Oh, thanks. Well, we don't really have any way to make our own candy and, well, you humans don't exactly line up to trade with us. So...what are you doing in the woods, anyway? I mean, im glad you came, but how come?" as he finished speaking he bit in to the candy bar, and his eyes lit up.

"Oh. Wow.....wowowow. This is, literally, the best thing i've ever tasted. It's so sweet!"
Daisy smiled while she looked at Naquath “You’re welcome!” she said in a soft kind voice. She shrugged and answered to him. “Well I’m not like most people, sure we all know that there are all kinds of species, but everyone is afraid of them. But not me, I have always been interested in other species though I never managed to find any. And today was one of my days of finally and I thought, let’s change that today, I’m going to the nearest forest to see what kind of species is there.” She giggled and looked at how Naquath enjoyed the candy bar.

(hey Mariposa, sorry I've barely been on today, got called out. I'll definitely be on pretty much all evening tommorow, though.)

"Oh, thats cool, Im glad you found me at least, anyway."

He smiled at Daisy warmly, before jerking his head to the road leading deep into the woods, listening intently, before shuddering, looking anxious.

There was a deadily chill floating down the road from the direction he looked, and ice started to creep along the path along with the sound of heavy, thudding metal footsteps.

"Look Daisy, I know I've only just met you, but theres something bad coming along the road. I don't have time to explain, Do you trust me?" he asked, holding out his hand for her.
Daisy tilted her head when Naquath looked at the road, the look in his eyes made Daisy nervous, she tried to see what he saw but she couldn't. "Naquath... I don't see anything strange." She said while she kept looking at the same direction, then she looked at him again and when she saw the panic in his eyes, she looked down at his hand and doubted for a moment. "I... I barely know you... but strangely enough I do trust you." She said while she laid her hand in his, not knowing to to expect.

{It's oke it can happen to everyone}
"Good. I trust you too. I know this is sudden, but I think one of those monsters I mentioned; the bad ones, might have gotten into the forest. You wont be able to see it until it's nearby because of it's glamour, but it's there, I promise. Now..." As he spoke he stared into her eyes, and took her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"As long as you stay calm and don't try to break away from this, I promise you wont be hurt."

As he finished speaking the sound of footsteps grew louder.

Holding Daisy's hand tightly, he jumped into the water, holding her hand tightly, pulling her with him.

As they splashed into the water they sank straight to the bottom, and Naquath dissapeared from sight.

For a breif second water engulfed Daisy, before Naquath formed into a bubble around her, so she was enclosed into a pocket of air, wet from having already touched the water, but no longer actually in contact with it, able to breath, and even speak.
Daisy looked up when she heard the footsteps getting closer, panic started to show in her eyes as Naquath spoke about the evil monster. Daisy did hold on to his hand firmly and when she got pulled into the water her heart started to beat faster, the feeling of drowning grew but then a huge air bubble grew around her, she looked at it with big eyes but it cost her a few seconds before she dared to breath. When she finally tried to breath a small gasp escaped from her lips, she could breath under water.... but how? "Naquath where are you?" She whispered silently
"Err, It's a little complicated to explain." Naquaths voice rang out around her, strangely ditached from a clear point of origin, and it echoed slightly around her.

"Im currently all around you, holding the water back. I'll bring us up soon."

There was a little silence, before Naquath's voice started again.

"'s passed. Im bringing us up now. Try keep your arms inside the bubble.

Gradually they both lifted to the surface.

The floor infront of them was covered with ice, the trees nearby cracked and broken. Naquaths head popped up next to Daisy's, and in the distance on the path was a large hooded figure gliding along the floor, an icy shreik following it.

"Okay...were safe now."
Daisy looked around her when she heard Naquath’s voice all around her “You… you are the Air bubble around me?” She asked a bit confused but nodded. Then when they started to move up to the surface again she held her arms against her body, after hearing Naquath say they she should keep her arms inside the bubble. When he brought her up and she landed on her own feet again she looked around “What happened?” she asked after seeing the surrounding around them. Then she saw the creator in the distance “What or who was that?” she asked while she looked at Naquath.
"I don't know exactly, some type of ice spirit, a nasty one. We aren't all as freindly as I am. Sorry I had to do that to you Daisy."

He looked at her intently, checking she hadn't been hurt at all.

"It must be one of the things in the rumors I heard about something trying to break into the magical seal. Maybe...maybe you should go home, It wont be able to get into the city. Not yet, anyway."

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