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Roleplay Type(s)
Lately there has been a couple of roleplays I have been craving to do. I am always open to a few more and I do have time, yet please do understand I am in high school so I don't typically have a flexible schedule. Don't take that as I won't post often, because I usually post multiple replies a day and especially on the weekends. I will let you know for sure if something comes up and I won't get a reply in just yet. I am honestly pretty cool with many things. Yet, I still have a few rules.

Those are~

  • I usually play the females in roleplays as a main character. Though I will play a main male character if needed, don't let this deter you from trying to do a roleplay with me.
  • I also like to have a double of characters in the roleplay, if possible and is not required, to just help out if you want to play as a female then you can and I can also play as a male too.
  • I tend to stick to the regular MxF
  • Paragraph style please, and have decent grammar
  • My post lengths are usually what my partners give me and I like to do at least a paragraph or two yet depends on the roleplay though.
  • I do not mind if we roleplay on PM or thread. Its your choice to make.
  • I also am a very talkative person sometimes. Depends on the day I had.

Now on to the few plots I have wanted to do for a little while now~

Summer House:

A group of friends decide to rent a beach house together for one month of summer. Due to a terrible thunderstorm on the day that everyone is supposed to arrive, only Muse A and Muse B show up on the first afternoon. Weather conditions become so poor that the roads are closed and the rest of their friends aren’t able to make it until the storm clears up (2 days later). On their own for the first weekend, Muse A and Muse B bond, exploring the house, cooking together, talking until morning, eventually giving in to a strong physical attraction between them the night before everyone else arrives.

  • Version 1: Muse B is dating one of the friends who hasn’t arrived yet, but hasn’t mentioned this to Muse A. The truth comes out when the rest of the group arrives.
  • Version 2: Both Muse A and Muse B are single and ready to spend the summer indulging in their steamy fling.

Don't Forget me:

Muse A is on their way home late one evening, driving along a quiet back road. A deer jumps in front of their vehicle, and startled, Muse A swerves sharply to avoid a collision with the animal. The car spins out of their control and causes them to crash, knocking Muse A unconscious. It takes nearly forty-five minutes for Muse B, a passerby (or first responder), to arrive on the scene. They immediately aid muse A, whose injuries are quite critical. Thankfully the quick actions of Muse B allow Muse A to be transported to the nearest hospital and stabilized, where they begin the long, slow road to recovery. Muse B continues on with their day to day life, but constantly thinks of Muse A and wonders how they are doing. Muse A recalls nothing of the accident, and tragically, absolutely nothing about their life up to this point (including their significant other), the head trauma endured in the crash having caused amnesia. When Muse A is removed from ICU, Muse B visits them in the hospital. Muse B is stunned and heartbroken when the nurse informs them that Muse A will have no idea who they are, but they still come forward to reintroduce themselves to Muse A.

  • Will Muse B back off upon discovering Muse A is spoken for?
  • Will Muse A eventually recall their memories?
  • Will a relationship develop between the savior and the saved?

The Experiment:

Muse A was experimented in a secret government lab. Altering them and giving them new abilities like wings or increasing there senses. (Similar to Maximum Ride if you have read it). Muse B is another experiment and they somehow together escape. They now have to learn how to blend in somehow and live on the run.

  • Plot twist: Muse B is the scientist that has experiment on Muse A and starts gaining caring feelings for them. Deciding to take Muse A from the lab and shows them how to live in the real world.


They have pen pals for a year or two now. Always sending emails (or whatever method of choice) to one another almost every day. They have never met in real life though they haven't discussed it before since feeling as if it may ruin things or something of the sort. They continue to make contact with one another. Later on one of them finds out that the other is in town for a few weeks for a job or something. They are set out to find them and finally meet one another face to face. Will it turn out like it was hoped? Will things go further and the relationship grows? Or will things change completely after talking to them face to face?

Reservations & Revelations:

Muse A and Muse B have been together romantically for 2 years and they’ve known each other for almost 5 years in total. Since their second date they’ve sworn to a policy of telling each other the truth no matter what, which they believe has kept their relationship strong for so long. Lately, the honest couple has been incredibly busy with work and family obligations, barely having time to sit down together for a full meal before one has to dash off. Their anniversary date approaches and the couple promises to set some time aside for the occasion. Whether by pure forgetfulness, a lack of time to talk, or a desire to surprise their significant other, Muse A and Muse B have been keeping some news from their partner –news that each of them will share during the anniversary dinner. The couple dresses up and heads out to their favorite spot in town, each person waiting for the right time to confess what they’ve been hiding. While waiting for dessert, Muse A finally speaks up and says they have news to share. But so does Muse B, at the same time. Each insists that the other say what they have to say first and they ultimately rely on the flip of a coin to decide who spills first. Muse A is one month pregnant. Muse B is leaving (for someone else
or for a job assignment thousands of miles away).

Who will lose the coin flip and have tell their secret first? Will the other person decide to keep their secret (or change plans) after learning what their lover has been hiding? Will the sharing of the secrets make or break the relationship? Where will it go if they do stay together?

The Tale of Two Kingdoms:

Muse A is a prince. Muse B is a princess. Both royals are from neighboring kingdoms that have had a tenuous alliance for hundreds of years. Muse A’s kingdom has a formidable army; while Muse B’s kingdom has plentiful gold and silks. War is threatening to come to their lands and the only thing that can secure peace for both kingdoms is a union of families by marriage of the next heirs to the throne. The prince and princess are set to be wed shortly after their first meeting, once Muse B is of age to bear children. At first, the betrothed couple do not get along. Bad blood between their fathers have tainted their views of each other long before they come to meet. Gradually, as they are forced to engage in the courting process for the sake of the kingdoms, their negative impressions of each other fall away

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[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]I will do the maximum ride one with you omfg yes XDD

That is my favorite one!! PM and we can defiantly discuss it a bit further and get started whenever we are ready!!!!
Holy cow, you're the first person that I have said Yes to all of the plots. I'm pretty picky about plots. They have to really capture my interest. They all are great and I'd do any of them The summer house with option A, I think is my favorite. If you add in the fact that they both have a partner then we could easily double up or even make a whole group of people. That's entirely up to you though.
I would love to do the Dont Forget Me and the Experiment with you and if you don't mind, could I play the female role?
Kiroshiven said:
Holy cow, you're the first person that I have said Yes to all of the plots. I'm pretty picky about plots. They have to really capture my interest. They all are great and I'd do any of them The summer house with option A, I think is my favorite. If you add in the fact that they both have a partner then we could easily double up or even make a whole group of people. That's entirely up to you though.
Awe! Im so happy that you liked them all! ^^ I'm a most definitely willing to double up on the summer house with your adding on to the plot twist!! Just message me and we can discuss it more.

[QUOTE="Geek with Me]I would love to do the Dont Forget Me and the Experiment with you and if you don't mind, could I play the female role?

Hmm...either one of those I'm willing to play the male role for you. Just let me know which one we will play out and message me!
Great job with the ideas of these. I like "Pen Pals" (: I'd love to do that with you. I saw you prefer to play the female role which is fine with me because I love playing the male role. (:
ClimbingClassTrash said:
Great job with the ideas of these. I like "Pen Pals" (: I'd love to do that with you. I saw you prefer to play the female role which is fine with me because I love playing the male role. (:
Awesome! PM me when you get a chance!
Hopeful said:
I'm interested in doing the Reservations & Revelations plot if you are still looking :)
Yes I am. I'll send you a PM and we can discuss things then get started! ^^
JoshMackMurph said:
Are you still looking?I would be happy to do one of these rps. :)
Just shoot me a PM and tell me which one you like the best.

[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]The Experiment and The Tale of Two Kingdoms sound really cool, are you still interested in them?

I am very much still interested in those two.
These plots are beautiful! I'd love to do The Experiment, Intertwined Souls, or Tale of Two Kingdoms with you! I am a female, but as long as you're okay with my limited understanding of male mentality and behavior, I'd be happy to play the main male role in any of these.
Skittish said:
These plots are beautiful! I'd love to do The Experiment, Intertwined Souls, or Tale of Two Kingdoms with you! I am a female, but as long as you're okay with my limited understanding of male mentality and behavior, I'd be happy to play the main male role in any of these.
Thank you, it means a lot to hear that! ^^ As well I am perfectly fine with that, shoot me a PM and we can choose which one to do and everything else.
@Heather,Can you PM me?I can't send PM's yet since I'm new here.I still haven't decided what plot I like.They're all so good.X3
@JoshMackMurph. I can't send PMs until late tonight/early tomorrow, depending on time zones, but I'll contact you as soon as I'm able. ^.^
I'm interested in:

Don't Forget me: <---I love this plot idea!!

^.^ I'd like to be Muse A if you dont mind? c;
cattamer said:
I'm interested in:
Don't Forget me: <---I love this plot idea!!

^.^ I'd like to be Muse A if you dont mind? c;
No, I don't mind at all. Just PM me and we can discuss it further.
[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]Me!

Shoot me a PM to let me know which one you'd like to do! ^^

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