• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.



New Member

Hello there! I'm Sonata, and I'm new to this site. But don't worry, since I've been roleplaying for quite some time, and know the general rules. So don't be afraid at my joining date, and come take a look!!

While I was waiting for the 10post/24hours, I thought, why not post a thread? After all, I came here to search partners. It also seems a lot easier to post a thread to attract you sweeties. I like treasure hunting and sending messages too though. I am an addict to roleplaying haha.

So lets get to the point! Before I show you my inspirations, I would like you to read some short rules. It's nothing serious, but I'm sure they will make our relationship more comfortable and fun.

1. Grammar. I'm not a perfectionist, but I would like if my partner do follow proper spelling and punctuation marks. Don't worry. I'm open to some mistakes, and I commit some errors too. Just don't give me a post full of them. Also, I'm totes with emoticons or chat languages in OOC, but please do refrain from such in IC.

2. Posting Schedule. I'm flexible with this, mostly because I know how life can be hard, and I'm experiencing it too. But do inform me if you're going to be away for more than a week. My speed will vary, but at the latest, three to four days. If more than that, I'll inform you.

3. Post Length. I'm somwhere between Casual to Detailed. Probably a bit more lean to Casual in quality, but to Detailed in length. So I hope my partner can do the same. A few paragraphs will be wonderful, and the longer your post, happier and fuller I'll be. You see, I feed on roleplays haha. I love to see details and character development in the post, so please, a minimum of 3 paragraphs at the least. I would dote you if you give me more than that. For my case, I can usually write more than 10, but less than 20 paragraphs. But I don't expect as much (though I would fall head over heels for you if you do), and 3 to 5 is a big okay for me!

4. Coupling. I prefer MxM and MxF. I can play male or female, dominant or submissive. But I haven't really tried FxF much, and I don't think I'll be good at that. So suggest me that genre only if you're confident that you can put up with a novice (at FxF) like me!

Okay, done with boring parts! I hope my rules didn't scare you away. Please don't be intimidated by them! I don't bite.

I prefer role of Beta, but it's adjustable. Same for the plots, so don't hesitate to fix or add some ideas!

Most have to do with romance, but going platonic is no problem for me!

The ones with asteroids are possible addition to rp. We can incorporate that genre if you want. I'm a huge fan of supernaturals in modern city by the way. ;)

1. Babysitting Superstar (Modern/Celebrity/Once-A-Gang/*Supernatural/*Fluffy)

Alpha have spent quite a turbulent adolescence filled with bluffed pride and nondiscriminant violence. When they grew up, Alpha faced more real problems, and developed brain to understand what their action caused or brought about. Repent and determined to live a decent life, Alpha, with help from another friend, were employeed as manger for the famous celebrity, Beta. It is a stable job and quite high-paying considering Alpha's background, and it would've been the best job ever for Alpha if Beta weren't the infamous celebrity for their temper. Against all their wish of exemplary life, Alpha find Beta quite irritating, to the degree of murderous intensity actually. How will this retired gang leader and typical arrogant celebrity handle this relationship?

2. Anonymous (Modern/Underground Agent&Hacker/Highschool/*Supernatural/*Some more plot idea)

Alpha's name in their high school varies, but they all mean the same thing. Outcast. Being the blacksheep in the class, they are constantly harassed and bullied by almost everyone in the school. Alpha's only comfort is internet, where they are able to communicate with people without any stammering and fidgeting. Alpha meets another user in the net named Beta. Little did Alpha knew that Beta were secret agent. They knew of even less that Beta will fall on Alpha's doorstep one night, pulling the nerd boy into something more dangerous and sinister.

3. Ragged Lord (Vampire/Millionaire/Revenge/*Dark Humor/*Noir/Modern)

Alpha are the youngest and most successful entrepreneur in 21st century. They have appeared in famous magazines as Top 10 most aspiring, powerful, famous, and whatever people they called. The only force that pulled Alpha to this position though, is none other than revenge. However, even to the young millinaire, taking down a drug cartel who dominates half a continent is hard thing to do. That's when Alpha meet Beta. Beta knock on Alpha's door, claiming that they have the same enemy to take down. They suggest that while Beta will give their service and alliance to Alpha, the millionaire, in return, will give food and shelter. Sounds like a refugee camp, and sure, they looked like one. Ragged jeans and faded t-shirts were that of beggars. Even the actions of being awed and delighted at cheapest things convince Alpha's guess. Nevertheless, the vast knowledge and ruthless actions confuse Alpha. Never in their dream did Alpha knew that Beta was vampire lord, hidden in the darker world.

That's all for now! Whew, it feels strange to write in plural, they. I haven't been posting to search partner, so please understand me if my posts seem a bit rusty. I promise you my writing quality is better than that!

I may add some more stuff later. For now, I can't really think straight, because of the sleepiness. Oh and I'm a newbie to this site, so please post here for now! I'll open my inbox as soon as possible. ;)
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi there, im new to this site as well, so i know how you fell xD

I would love to start a roleplay with you, i have been roleplaying for a long time now as well, and i write about Casual to Detailed, just like you. :D

And i'm fine with all your rules, and i'm kind of addict to roleplaying as well. :3

And MxM 4 life xD
Sonata said:
Hello there! I'm Sonata, and I'm new to this site. But don't worry, since I've been roleplaying for quite some time, and know the general rules. So don't be afraid at my joining date, and come take a look!!
While I was waiting for the 10post/24hours, I thought, why not post a thread? After all, I came here to search partners. It also seems a lot easier to post a thread to attract you sweeties. I like treasure hunting and sending messages too though. I am an addict to roleplaying haha.

So lets get to the point! Before I show you my inspirations, I would like you to read some short rules. It's nothing serious, but I'm sure they will make our relationship more comfortable and fun.

1. Grammar. I'm not a perfectionist, but I would like if my partner do follow proper spelling and punctuation marks. Don't worry. I'm open to some mistakes, and I commit some errors too. Just don't give me a post full of them. Also, I'm totes with emoticons or chat languages in OOC, but please do refrain from such in IC.

2. Posting Schedule. I'm flexible with this, mostly because I know how life can be hard, and I'm experiencing it too. But do inform me if you're going to be away for more than a week. My speed will vary, but at the latest, three to four days. If more than that, I'll inform you.

3. Post Length. I'm somwhere between Casual to Detailed. Probably a bit more lean to Casual in quality, but to Detailed in length. So I hope my partner can do the same. A few paragraphs will be wonderful, and the longer your post, happier and fuller I'll be. You see, I feed on roleplays haha. I love to see details and character development in the post, so please, a minimum of 3 paragraphs at the least. I would dote you if you give me more than that. For my case, I can usually write more than 10, but less than 20 paragraphs. But I don't expect as much (though I would fall head over heels for you if you do), and 3 to 5 is a big okay for me!

4. Coupling. I prefer MxM and MxF. I can play male or female, dominant or submissive. But I haven't really tried FxF much, and I don't think I'll be good at that. So suggest me that genre only if you're confident that you can put up with a novice (at FxF) like me!

Okay, done with boring parts! I hope my rules didn't scare you away. Please don't be intimidated by them! I don't bite.

I prefer role of Beta, but it's adjustable. Same for the plots, so don't hesitate to fix or add some ideas!

Most have to do with romance, but going platonic is no problem for me!

The ones with asteroids are possible addition to rp. We can incorporate that genre if you want. I'm a huge fan of supernaturals in modern city by the way. ;)

1. Babysitting Superstar (Modern/Celebrity/Once-A-Gang/*Supernatural/*Fluffy)

Alpha have spent quite a turbulent adolescence filled with bluffed pride and nondiscriminant violence. When they grew up, Alpha faced more real problems, and developed brain to understand what their action caused or brought about. Repent and determined to live a decent life, Alpha, with help from another friend, were employeed as manger for the famous celebrity, Beta. It is a stable job and quite high-paying considering Alpha's background, and it would've been the best job ever for Alpha if Beta weren't the infamous celebrity for their temper. Against all their wish of exemplary life, Alpha find Beta quite irritating, to the degree of murderous intensity actually. How will this retired gang leader and typical arrogant celebrity handle this relationship?

2. Anonymous (Modern/Underground Agent&Hacker/Highschool/*Supernatural/*Some more plot idea)

Alpha's name in their high school varies, but they all mean the same thing. Outcast. Being the blacksheep in the class, they are constantly harassed and bullied by almost everyone in the school. Alpha's only comfort is internet, where they are able to communicate with people without any stammering and fidgeting. Alpha meets another user in the net named Beta. Little did Alpha knew that Beta were secret agent. They knew of even less that Beta will fall on Alpha's doorstep one night, pulling the nerd boy into something more dangerous and sinister.

3. Ragged Lord (Vampire/Millionaire/Revenge/*Dark Humor/*Noir/Modern)

Alpha are the youngest and most successful entrepreneur in 21st century. They have appeared in famous magazines as Top 10 most aspiring, powerful, famous, and whatever people they called. The only force that pulled Alpha to this position though, is none other than revenge. However, even to the young millinaire, taking down a drug cartel who dominates half a continent is hard thing to do. That's when Alpha meet Beta. Beta knock on Alpha's door, claiming that they have the same enemy to take down. They suggest that while Beta will give their service and alliance to Alpha, the millionaire, in return, will give food and shelter. Sounds like a refugee camp, and sure, they looked like one. Ragged jeans and faded t-shirts were that of beggars. Even the actions of being awed and delighted at cheapest things convince Alpha's guess. Nevertheless, the vast knowledge and ruthless actions confuse Alpha. Never in their dream did Alpha knew that Beta was vampire lord, hidden in the darker world.

That's all for now! Whew, it feels strange to write in plural, they. I haven't been posting to search partner, so please understand me if my posts seem a bit rusty. I promise you my writing quality is better than that!

I may add some more stuff later. For now, I can't really think straight, because of the sleepiness. Oh and I'm a newbie to this site, so please post here for now! I'll open my inbox as soon as possible. ;)
Hi there Sonata!

I am Stormee (or Fae, I will go by either). We seem like we may be able to do some rps together. We have similar interests and I currently have an idea for an rp that fits your liking of supernaturals in a modern city.

I prefer to play multiple characters but love playing males most. I do play females as well. I am enjoy both MxF and MxM, and I like it when RPs have multiple couples and levels (relationships/plot points) going on to increase drama, character development, and ultimately depth. Often times in RPs, I end up with the role of RPM. I cannot help it; it is just my personality. However, this does not mean that I am not open to others' contributions to the RP. I LOVE talking about ideas and potential directions for the plot to take.

Little bit about me very quick: I am 22 years old and have various various rp interests that range from genre to genre. There is very little I won't touch. I am graduating in a few months with my Bachelors in research psychology and writing specializing in fiction while also working two jobs as a research assistant and a coach of a gymnastics team. I can get rather busy at times, but I will always keep you informed.

There is one thing I want to go over though... You say you prefer 3-5 paragraphs per post because you believe it is necessary for good character decelopment and movement of the plot. I would like to propose that it is not length which contributes to exceptional writing and roleplaying, but it is quality. Always quality over quantity. If you can say everything you need to say in a paragraph, no more words are needed. If you need 5 paragraphs, take 5.

I would like to talk about roleplaying with you! I am new to this particular site as well.
I'm new in this site too. Q _ Q

That 10 post rules within 24 hours kinda sucks. And I'm indecisive at things to. If you'd like please let us help each other by role playing. I'll give the choices to you. I'm good at all rules. Except on MxM kind of role playing. That's all. :)
[QUOTE="Alex Black]Hi there, im new to this site as well, so i know how you fell xD
I would love to start a roleplay with you, i have been roleplaying for a long time now as well, and i write about Casual to Detailed, just like you. :D

And i'm fine with all your rules, and i'm kind of addict to roleplaying as well. :3

And MxM 4 life xD

Hi Alex! Good to hear that you're drawn to this post. xD I would absolutely love to roleplay with you! Do you have a plot in your mind? Or you can choose from mine listed above. MxM sounds fun, haha. I'll send you a pm soon when this 10/24 rule is finally over. Until then, please have patient with me.

[QUOTE="Stormee Fae]
Hi there Sonata!
I am Stormee (or Fae, I will go by either). We seem like we may be able to do some rps together. We have similar interests and I currently have an idea for an rp that fits your liking of supernaturals in a modern city.

I prefer to play multiple characters but love playing males most. I do play females as well. I am enjoy both MxF and MxM, and I like it when RPs have multiple couples and levels (relationships/plot points) going on to increase drama, character development, and ultimately depth. Often times in RPs, I end up with the role of RPM. I cannot help it; it is just my personality. However, this does not mean that I am not open to others' contributions to the RP. I LOVE talking about ideas and potential directions for the plot to take.

Little bit about me very quick: I am 22 years old and have various various rp interests that range from genre to genre. There is very little I won't touch. I am graduating in a few months with my Bachelors in research psychology and writing specializing in fiction while also working two jobs as a research assistant and a coach of a gymnastics team. I can get rather busy at times, but I will always keep you informed.

There is one thing I want to go over though... You say you prefer 3-5 paragraphs per post because you believe it is necessary for good character decelopment and movement of the plot. I would like to propose that it is not length which contributes to exceptional writing and roleplaying, but it is quality. Always quality over quantity. If you can say everything you need to say in a paragraph, no more words are needed. If you need 5 paragraphs, take 5.

I would like to talk about roleplaying with you! I am new to this particular site as well.

Hello there, Stormee! I guess I can go by both haha. I can't wait to hear your plot! Don't worry, I can also play both genders, and have no problem playing multiple couples. Long term is understandable, since I'm not a fast poster too. Still, it would be lovely to hear from you.

Also, I agree in quality over quantity part. But in most rps, I find that there are many NPCs aside from the main characters, and to lead the story with some reality and detail in describing such NPCs and building the more important actions and personalities of main characters, my post just swells. That's why I think probably 3-5 paragraphs would be enough to describe all of them. Still, I agree in your point, and if I see shorter post with enough description, I guess I will be glad to have that rp. After all, I am looking for an enjoyable rp. I also hope to write in such style if my writing skill improves! ;)

In any case, I'll send you a pm when 10/24 rule is over. I'm really excited to hear your plot!

Asterio said:
I'm new in this site too. Q _ Q
That 10 post rules within 24 hours kinda sucks. And I'm indecisive at things to. If you'd like please let us help each other by role playing. I'll give the choices to you. I'm good at all rules. Except on MxM kind of role playing. That's all. :)
Hi Asterio! I see that you're my fellow in being a newbie haha. Welcome to RpNation by the way! Anyway, to the point, I like girlxboy coupling, and all the plots are open for mxf (reason why I used 'they' huhu), so have your pick! I really can't choose, because I want to do everything there. In any case, I'll send you a pm too, but until then, you can try to open your inbox. 10/24 rule restricts receiving messages too, it seems. :(
Sonata said:
Hi Alex! Good to hear that you're drawn to this post. xD I would absolutely love to roleplay with you! Do you have a plot in your mind? Or you can choose from mine listed above. MxM sounds fun, haha. I'll send you a pm soon when this 10/24 rule is finally over. Until then, please have patient with me.
Hello there, Stormee! I guess I can go by both haha. I can't wait to hear your plot! Don't worry, I can also play both genders, and have no problem playing multiple couples. Long term is understandable, since I'm not a fast poster too. Still, it would be lovely to hear from you.

Also, I agree in quality over quantity part. But in most rps, I find that there are many NPCs aside from the main characters, and to lead the story with some reality and detail in describing such NPCs and building the more important actions and personalities of main characters, my post just swells. That's why I think probably 3-5 paragraphs would be enough to describe all of them. Still, I agree in your point, and if I see shorter post with enough description, I guess I will be glad to have that rp. After all, I am looking for an enjoyable rp. I also hope to write in such style if my writing skill improves! ;)

In any case, I'll send you a pm when 10/24 rule is over. I'm really excited to hear your plot!

Hi Asterio! I see that you're my fellow in being a newbie haha. Welcome to RpNation by the way! Anyway, to the point, I like girlxboy coupling, and all the plots are open for mxf (reason why I used 'they' huhu), so have your pick! I really can't choose, because I want to do everything there. In any case, I'll send you a pm too, but until then, you can try to open your inbox. 10/24 rule restricts receiving messages too, it seems. :(
I like the plot names Anonymous, and I'm totally fine with being Alpha, and I will wait for you, don't worry ^^
Sonata said:
Hi Alex! Good to hear that you're drawn to this post. xD I would absolutely love to roleplay with you! Do you have a plot in your mind? Or you can choose from mine listed above. MxM sounds fun, haha. I'll send you a pm soon when this 10/24 rule is finally over. Until then, please have patient with me.
Hello there, Stormee! I guess I can go by both haha. I can't wait to hear your plot! Don't worry, I can also play both genders, and have no problem playing multiple couples. Long term is understandable, since I'm not a fast poster too. Still, it would be lovely to hear from you.

Also, I agree in quality over quantity part. But in most rps, I find that there are many NPCs aside from the main characters, and to lead the story with some reality and detail in describing such NPCs and building the more important actions and personalities of main characters, my post just swells. That's why I think probably 3-5 paragraphs would be enough to describe all of them. Still, I agree in your point, and if I see shorter post with enough description, I guess I will be glad to have that rp. After all, I am looking for an enjoyable rp. I also hope to write in such style if my writing skill improves! ;)

In any case, I'll send you a pm when 10/24 rule is over. I'm really excited to hear your plot!

Hi Asterio! I see that you're my fellow in being a newbie haha. Welcome to RpNation by the way! Anyway, to the point, I like girlxboy coupling, and all the plots are open for mxf (reason why I used 'they' huhu), so have your pick! I really can't choose, because I want to do everything there. In any case, I'll send you a pm too, but until then, you can try to open your inbox. 10/24 rule restricts receiving messages too, it seems. :(
Oh yeah, but I passed the danger now. xD

I have a plot ready too. Though this plot of mine was used 3 years ago by my pair in role playing, I don't know your taste. Actually I'm a fan of Servant/Daughter of Evil series. To the point that I always choose Len ad my character. xD

The plot I have is almost the same as the servant of evil, just with revisions and some twist. (Actually when we played this, some took it seriously ; - ; (more like personally) ) But I believe that you're "pro" than me so we can enjoy roleplaying 1x1 (which is my first time I always role play with group, being the servant might look cool but is kind of hard task especially with masters. xD ) Send me a pm when you can, sometimes I'm forgetful. u_u''
[QUOTE="Alex Black]I like the plot names Anonymous, and I'm totally fine with being Alpha, and I will wait for you, don't worry ^^

Asterio said:
Oh yeah, but I passed the danger now. xD
I have a plot ready too. Though this plot of mine was used 3 years ago by my pair in role playing, I don't know your taste. Actually I'm a fan of Servant/Daughter of Evil series. To the point that I always choose Len ad my character. xD

The plot I have is almost the same as the servant of evil, just with revisions and some twist. (Actually when we played this, some took it seriously ; - ; (more like personally) ) But I believe that you're "pro" than me so we can enjoy roleplaying 1x1 (which is my first time I always role play with group, being the servant might look cool but is kind of hard task especially with masters. xD ) Send me a pm when you can, sometimes I'm forgetful. u_u''
Sent you a pm! :)

[QUOTE="Stormee Fae]
Hi there Sonata!
I am Stormee (or Fae, I will go by either). We seem like we may be able to do some rps together. We have similar interests and I currently have an idea for an rp that fits your liking of supernaturals in a modern city.

I prefer to play multiple characters but love playing males most. I do play females as well. I am enjoy both MxF and MxM, and I like it when RPs have multiple couples and levels (relationships/plot points) going on to increase drama, character development, and ultimately depth. Often times in RPs, I end up with the role of RPM. I cannot help it; it is just my personality. However, this does not mean that I am not open to others' contributions to the RP. I LOVE talking about ideas and potential directions for the plot to take.

Little bit about me very quick: I am 22 years old and have various various rp interests that range from genre to genre. There is very little I won't touch. I am graduating in a few months with my Bachelors in research psychology and writing specializing in fiction while also working two jobs as a research assistant and a coach of a gymnastics team. I can get rather busy at times, but I will always keep you informed.

There is one thing I want to go over though... You say you prefer 3-5 paragraphs per post because you believe it is necessary for good character decelopment and movement of the plot. I would like to propose that it is not length which contributes to exceptional writing and roleplaying, but it is quality. Always quality over quantity. If you can say everything you need to say in a paragraph, no more words are needed. If you need 5 paragraphs, take 5.

I would like to talk about roleplaying with you! I am new to this particular site as well.

Hi Fae, it seems that I can't send you a pm yet. I think you'll have to post 10? If you want, we can go to thread to discuss the plot for the time being. I hope to get a reply from you soon! :)

And to all other folks who may be viewing this thread, I'm really sorry, but I'm closing the thread for now. I already have sent messages to 5 people, and more partners will make my reply slower and messy. My life will become busier too, so see you next time!

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