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Realistic or Modern [CLOSED] Cosmic Crusade: a Magical Girl RP!


Don't lose Ari~♪ Shine bright Ari~♪
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
“Hey. I’m your mascot, unfortunately. So, you’ve probably seen th—whatcha mean, ‘what do you mean?’ You ever heard of destiny? Anyways, you’re with me now. I got some other nerds like you, you’ll fit right in. You’re with us? Cool, first mission’s to hop down to the corner store, fetch me another pack. I only smoke Valstors, screw that up and you’re on your own again.”

  • 「 BASICS 」

    “Woah, you didn’t quit. Uh. Cool. I’ll take that. Want one? Too bad. Moving on. So, Japan. Nice country. We live here. You might have seen us back when we were branded as New Oasis, but we've since been disowned after father disappeared shopping for milk.

    Now, demons, malevolent yōkai, y’know, folklore and legend. Not nice. They make you not live. Hey, never say that anything’s just a myth. Always a seed of truth there. Always. Also, you have magic powers and are being talked at by an anime mascot. I really feel like you should be more receptive to this info, considering. Lemme lecture you more. Way, way back when, when electricity was the wrath of Raiden coming down to smite a guy for dishonoring their family and farming was the hot new trend, spirits and creatures of fairy tales were as real as the grass on the ground and the fish in the streams. These beasts ruled the land, and humans just had to deal. Run, hide, or die. Maybe the occasional benevolent being lended a hand, or paw, but mostly, it was tough luck for boring normies. Or so I’m told.

    What I wasn’t told was what happened to the fable creatures, exactly. All I can tell you is what’s been backed up by people with degrees who are smarter than me, which is that sometime around the Edo period, these mythical beings were sealed, leading us into our modern era.

    Few records detail this imprisonment. Nobody knows how it happened, or at least no one’s who’s telling, but the gist is they were supposed to have been locked away for forever and a day, and they were, until they weren’t. The surge in real world mahou shoujo anime type stuff, the one you’re hopping onto? Yeah, those aren’t just deranged cosplayers like everyone else seems to think. You know, of course. Probably. You wouldn’t happen to be an actual deranged cosplayer, would you?

    Aaaaanyways, some nasties, mostly the little guys that your great-great-great-great-grandwhatever did a hack job at sealing or something, are sneaking out, doing chaos entity things. Property damage. Terrorizing people. Mentally scarring them with images beyond human comprehension. Killing. Kill them. The chaos entity beasties. Destroy them. Beat them up, take their lunch money. Unless I tell you not to. That’s your job now. You’ve got powers now, haven’tcha?


    I have seen something special in you (I think), therefore you now work for me! Use my gifts to do good! Beat up the baddies! Save the world!

    Thanks to me, you are now amazing! Special! Unique! Fantastic! Or at least for later. But right now you guys have some sick powers unique to you! In case you aren't familiar with the magical girl formula, we have a contract, and you get to transform your lame old self into a cutie! Or a badass! Whichever works!

    What powers they have is up to you. They have room to develop and grow throughout the RP! OOC, we will judge if something is too powerful.

    "So you're gonna be fighting, natch. Against the demon things. Please don't try to fight each other."

    This roleplay will be "PvE", with a few opportunities for Player Character Vs. Player Character if they're forced. ("Why.") Events may have their outcomes determined via dice roll, with opportunity for advantaged rolls for characters who may have some trait or ability that would lend itself well to the task they are trying to complete. The dice rolls and advantages (or disadvantages) will be determined by the GMs prior to the roll.
「 MORE 」
I’ve not seen much magical girl shows, but I know quite a bit about the genre. I’ll say I’m fairly for the time being.
Honestly cool as heck to see this place get a second shot of life!
I still remember being excited over the idea of my enchantress Yoko as a character, and the idea of throwing her into some fun, even though in hindsight, she probably wasn't the greatest fit of character for the cast considering how self-absorbed she was. Either way, I can't help but to say that I'm tempted with the idea of throwing her in, although I'm still a little uncertain on doing so.
Honestly cool as heck to see this place get a second shot of life!
I still remember being excited over the idea of my enchantress Yoko as a character, and the idea of throwing her into some fun, even though in hindsight, she probably wasn't the greatest fit of character for the cast considering how self-absorbed she was. Either way, I can't help but to say that I'm tempted with the idea of throwing her in, although I'm still a little uncertain on doing so.
You're always welcome back if you'd like! I wouldn't worry about her being self-asborbed. There are plenty of oddballs
Honestly cool as heck to see this place get a second shot of life!
I still remember being excited over the idea of my enchantress Yoko as a character, and the idea of throwing her into some fun, even though in hindsight, she probably wasn't the greatest fit of character for the cast considering how self-absorbed she was. Either way, I can't help but to say that I'm tempted with the idea of throwing her in, although I'm still a little uncertain on doing so.

*pretend you can see the disc grabby hand*

Return! Come back nimmmmmm

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