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Fandom (Closed) An Unova Adventure Sign-Ups/OOC

Ooh that’s great! It’ll be a lot of fun and I hope everyone is prepared for Calista to drag them along once they’ve all become closer friends!
She will be like come on you have to at least try it once!

Also should have a reply up by tomorrow.
Since our characters are gonna be traveling together would anyone wanna plot a little?
Since our characters are gonna be traveling together would anyone wanna plot a little?
Well, at some point Vincent's going to be getting into a battle, maybe with someone from Team Plasma if the other group members don't offer to battle him themselves. Either way... I would imagine hilarity might ensue.
Well sorry for the late reply. Didnt get any notifications about replies. But I'm down to plot with whoever!
Does anyone have any ideas so far? Like I mentioned at one point in a previous thread, I had a miniature story point in mind that would revolve around Vincent's Rockruff evolving. Since I believe there was going to be camping of some kind, I figured that, at some point, rather than just simply skip to the next day when a particular camping scene is over, Vincent would wake up in the middle of the night, discover his Rockruff is missing, and embark on a quest to find them. If it happens there's no "haunted house" or anything similar nearby, then he'll just go off into any nearby spoopy nighttime woods as he follows a trail of paw prints that suddenly get larger.

One detail I would leave open is if anyone else would join Vincent on his search-- perhaps Vincent would accidentally wake the others? Again, this is up in the air as far as plotting goes. :)
Wolfiee Wolfiee That's been happening to me on and off :/

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 John would definitely be one of the ones to help Vincent look for his Rockruff! As far as personal story points I have nothing in mind at the moment. And yes there will be plenty of camping moments! I definitely want to use camping points for other characters to develop their relationship with John. He'd definitely be one to go explore a spoopy forest in the middle of the night, probably get himself, and whichever unfortunate soul who tagged along, lost!

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