Closed Adventure With @XxDemonxX [Inactive]

Ima make my caracter now c: 
Name: Alice Williams

Nickname: Ali

Age: 15

Powah: Telekenises and elecricity(meheheheh c:)


Likes: mah friends to win A game :) electricity and move things

Dislikes: To lose :c And water
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Name- Carly Jackson

Age- 15



Powers- A Fallen Angel, Can Control Plants, Can transform into a shadow, and can turn into a wolf

Likes- Animals, wildlife, darkness

Dislikes- Light 

Only telekensis?
(YAY! OK!)

Carly woke up, yawning, and stretched. Instantly, she felt a pain in her back. She opened her eyes, and sat up. and gasped. She looked around, to see she was in a stuffy attic. To Carly's side was her best friend, Alice. "Ali?!"
Carly's voice broke, as she panicked. "I was hoping you knew." She said, getting up, and noticing there was no doors, no windows, only an air vent.
Alice got up and looked around no Windows no door. "W-w-who Did this?" Alice Said with her voice shaking.
Carly gave Alice a quick hug, but went over to the air vent. "I d-don't know, but it's horrible." She out one hand in the air vent. "But, we might be able to escape that way."
Alice was shaking "A-A-are you sure we Will fit?" "And how Will we take that thingy of?" Alice asked still shaking.
"Easily." Carly said trying to sound more confident then she really was. She pulled off the air vent that was already hanging off. "I'll go first, k?" She said, turning into a wolf, an crawling into the spider-web-full vent.
"Okay i'm coming!" Alice Said as She crawled into the tight space. She crawled And crawled until She was at the End, when She saw Carlys Face, She know Something was wrong.
"Um..." Carly started, staring at the exit. "We're in a long hallway, with many doors." Carly said, hopping out so that Alice could see.
Alice looked around it. "No" She said looking at the exit. "Its too easy" Alice said. (She had watched reeelly much movies and from movies you can learn things x3)
"I know, it must be a trap." Carly agreed, looking at the doors, and at one named, 'the pool'. "Hmmm.." Carly wondered, looking at the door.
"What is it?" Alice looked at Carly, and Alice saw that Carly was looking at the door with the name: "THE POOL" "Whats the plan?" Alice said as she looked at Carly.
"To explore." Carly said with a wink, opening the door. Inside, was a little blood around the pool. Carly didn't even flinch, and ran past the pool into the changing room next to it. She let out a gasp, and nearly fell over. "ALICE!"
Alice looked at the cat, "T-t-that is just so disturbing" Alice said as she was looking away, "I-i c-cant look at i-i-it" She said.
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