Clockwork Academy


A cunning linguist
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DividesByZer0 submitted a new role play. @DividesByZer0, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Name: Caterina Palomba

Age: 17

Year: Senior

House: Clockworks (lets try to keep these even)

Personality: Rich and some would say spoiled. Always prim and proper as any lady should be. Fashionable and always dons a dress and parasol. She also likes to read drink tea and eat sweets. She is headstrong and fearless. She is highly intelligent and perfer the comforts of the library over going to class. She would be deemed anti-social by most, but the fact is simply it is hard to relate with those not from similar circumstance.

Background: She is born to an Italian father, Alessandro Palomba and a British mother. She has inherited the unusual condition of being super rich yet despising money. This enables her to see past the material world and led her into retreating into the library to take solace in fanasty worlds as evidenced by her victorian fashion sense. She is adept in the art of parasol combat. She writes to cope with being raised in obscurity by an expatriate Brit and an incurable curmudgeon. She escaped small town life and inadvertently acquired several degrees in Higher Learning while still in high school. Ms. Palomba then traveled the historic cities of Europe, subsisting entirely on biscuits secreted in her handbag. She resides in the Colonies with her dog and estranged family, surrounded by fantastic shoes, where she insists on tea imported from London.

Other: (to be completed)


Engineering (Monday), Lunch, freetime,

Hydrolics (Tuesday), Lunch, freetime,

Shipwright & Aerotech (Wednesday), Lunch, freetime,

Weaponry (Thursday), Lunch, freetime,

Alchemy (Friday), Lunch, freetime,

No classes (Sat & Sun)

Keep an eye out I am going to make teachers for each class and the headmaster.

Name: Headmaster Kirland

Age: 46

Year: N/A

House: N/A

Personality: ....



Steam and Cogs
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Sure I'll mark all three of you down. I hope to have the details sorted out by the week end. Any suggestions you all have would be greatly appreciated. Post any such comments in the OOC tab. Thanks.

@Mikkelle Sting @Rachel Lynn @Krinar Havok

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Character skeleton







(this would include any details you think important: Likes, dislikes, schedule, sexual orientation, skill set, wrapons, etc)

@Mikkelle Sting @Rachel Lynn @Krinar Havok
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Name: Andrew Herlling

Age: 17



Bronze works (middle class working almost completely with bronze and other metals)

Personality: Andy is only uptight about one thing, his airships. While most of them are just scale models and drawings, that doesn't stop him from keeping them tidy. He is always trying to find ways to make something more efficient, or less space consuming. He is usually trying to make light of dark situations, and usually never fails.

Background: He grew up with his mom and brother in a small town (similar to Liverpool, England) and worked in the airship yard by his house for a little extra money. When he turned 14 he chose to come to the school in hopes to learn even more about the amazing ships and start a career building them.

Other: He does not take kindly to punks (assholes), and hates it when others make him feel like one.

Classes: (study hall is a free class, which is usually used as free time)

-Monday---Engineering 7am-1pm , lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm, study hall,

-Tuesday---Study hall 10am-7pm

-Wednesday---Lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm, Ship Design & Structure 4pm-7pm

-Thursday---Aerodynamics 6am-12pm, lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm, study hall,

-Friday---Engine Building & Hydraulics/In-Ship Mechanisms 11am-1pm, Lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm, class continues from 3pm-7pm

-Saturday---No classes

-Sunday---Weapons Design 1pm-5pm
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Rowan Sterling // 17 // Year 11 // Clockwork House


She keeps to herself most of the time, hiding out in her work station creating small automaton creatures. There is a certain organized chaos to her mind and her work place. Everything is scattered about yet she knows where everything is. To others she is a mystery, never having anyone close to her for most of her life she finds it hard to socialize with others. But, she does have a rebellious and adventurous side to her.


She isn't your normal steam punk; adopted by a wealthy couple who were very successful in the art of automatons. This is perhaps the only thing that she shares with her adoptive parents; other than that they couldn't be more different. They live in a world full of high class items and garments. While she chooses to live a life based off of pure necessity and creativity. She finds the stuck up ways of the rich to be irritating and chooses to separate herself from them as much as she can.


Monday: Alchemy, lunch & free time

Tuesday: Engineering, lunch & free time

Wednesday: Aerotech, lunch & free time

Thursday: Hydraulics, lunch & free time

Friday: Weapons Design, lunch & free time

Saturday/Sunday: No Classes

Steam and Cogs

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Name: Alette Dray

Age: 16

Year: 9

House: Boiler Punks

Personality: Alette is kind and caring, unlike her rowdy family. She loves animals as much as she loves the mystical world of gears. Despite being raised a more 'poor' house, Alette is very much a lady, always being courteous and speaking in polite tones. However, there are times when she isn't so nice, and these are usually when she's been drinking (not that often though, mainly due to her father's drinking habits) or when flustered or embarrassed.

Background: Alette was raised in a loud and boisterous family, made up mainly of boys. Her father was a heavy drinker, and the kids often got into huge pillow fights with no intervention from their mom, who made most of the money. She has one older brother, who fell in love with medicine, and a younger sister who'd only 11. Alette also has about 5 younger brothers, of varying ages, but all are fun-seekers and barely take anything seriously. As the eldest female, it would have been Alette's role to be married off, but her father didn't really care, and her mother had objected to such a practice when she was young, and Alette was spared such a fate. Instead, her elder brother sent home some his wages to help their mother send Alette off to the school, as she had always taken an interest in machines and how they worked. She'd taken to fixing the machines they had around the house in unusual ways, so her mother figured it was for the best. After all, it was kind of hard to use some of the stuff when it had been reconfigured into the shape of a dragonfly.


Alette carries around a wrench at all times, often times this wrench is accompanied by various gears and cogs. She had a crush at one point, but hasn't had much interest in the love side of the world due to living with 6 boys who were constantly yelling in ear.

Likes: Animals, anything that uses gears, anyone who acts like a gentleman, pocket watches, wrenches.

Dislikes: Yelling, fire, killers, vegetables.

Classes: Morning | Afternoon | Evening

Monday: Free Time | Hydraulics | Hydraulics

Tuesday: Engineering | Engineering | Free Time

Wednesday: Alchemy | Alchemy | Free Time

Thursday: Free Time | Weaponry | Weaponry

Friday: Aerotech | Free Time | Aerotech

Saturday: Basics | Free Time | Free Time

Sunday: Free Time!-------------------------->

Steam and Cogs
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/uploadfromtaptalk1399411260214.jpg.22e12eaa4d7469dd2a96545c9249c7c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17773" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/uploadfromtaptalk1399411260214.jpg.22e12eaa4d7469dd2a96545c9249c7c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cid Kirkland

Age: 17

Year: Senior

House: Boiler punks

Personality: Headstrong, intelligent and passionate for machines. He dispises the class warefare in the country and hopes to make a change one day. His family has money but he dispises it and perfers the company of normal folk.

Background: Unbeknown to most people he is the son of the headmaster at the school.

Other: (to be completed)


Engineering (Monday), Lunch, freetime,

Hydrolics (Tuesday), Lunch, freetime,

Shipwright & Aerotech (Wednesday), Lunch, freetime,

Weaponry (Thursday), Lunch, freetime,

Alchemy (Friday), Lunch, freetime,

No classes (Sat & Sun)

Steam and Cogs

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?Eiron Kriplin at your service.?


?15! Finally.?


?Eh? Grade 10.?


?Boiler punks, hehe.?


?You're a monster.?

?Oh baby, I know.?

A self-proclaimed misanthrope, Eiron prefers spending time with corpses and dismembered limbs than the living. He tends to exaggerate occurrences, prefers death over life and has a dominance/submissive relationship fetish. Quite the cynic, yet also oddly optimistic. He speaks light of everything and seems to hold no concerns or regrets for his odd, nightmarish hobbies (not limited to experimenting on animals or cutting up live humans). It's all in the name of further development, after all. Not to mention his pretty words and innocent appearance can fool pretty much anyone. Eiron remains bitter for being sent to this academy by his father, as he wanted to be a doctor. Or get thrown in an insane asylum. Whatever came first.


?Let's see. Father, mother. That's it.?

Kriplin Industries ring a bell? Yes? No? Well, they were the biggest engineering firm a while back. Seamlessly handling high profile clients and conducting black market affairs, the bad karma hit them in the form of bankruptcy. The Kriplin family could still manage their lavish lifestyle, but were now ridicules of their former upper echelon society. Eiron, the only Kriplin heir, had his life decided for him. Yet, when his parents found out of his strange (and illegal) habits and hobbies, they locked him away. When he came of age, they sent him off to the Clockwork Academy. It's a tradition, after all. However, Eiron threw ugly tantrums and a compromise had to be made. Instead of being sent to the Clockwork house (as was the esteemed tradition), he chose the Boiler Punks. Uh. 'Cuz he's a punk too.


  • ?Tea and crumpets suffice for breakfast, peasants.?
  • ?I am the Lord, uh. Serve me without fail.?
  • ?Speak properly to me, okay??
  • ?I like everyone for who they are. My sexuality isn't confined. Confinement is a mortal quality.?
  • ?You're not my friend. Clear? Good.?
  • ?This weather's perfect for drug injection. Uh.?
  • ?I'm actually quite lonely. Keep me company??

Engineering (Monday), Lunch, free time.

Hydraulics (Tuesday), Lunch, free time.

Shipwright & Aerotech (Wednesday), Lunch, free time.

Weaponry (Thursday), Lunch, free time.

Alchemy (Friday), Lunch, free time.

steam and cogs


Armin Caseopia

Age: 16

Year: 11th

House: Clockwork House

Personality: Armin is a quiet kind of guy, who prefers creating things from his imagination or thoughts than following someone else's layout. He's built up a kind of social awkwardness over the years in the tower, so now that he's around other people, he's not sure of how to enact with them. Typically a good guy, although he does tend to be a tad selfish, and mischievous as well if it benefits him.

Background: Armin was born in a tower to the far West, under the prestigious family of the Caseopia. His grandfather began the family from the ground up, starting as the owner of a small watch makers shop, and once his father took over, a company grew and began to monopolize the industry of gears. The tower itself is little known to the populace, as most of the entirety of it stretches to the sea floor. A miracle of science, one would call it, since within it runs an entire city dedicated entirely to the Caseopia family. Or rather, all of their servants and the like, for one sole purpose: to bring up the next heir of the family. Thus the tower was nicknamed, "Head Start," and that is where Armin grew up. He was forced into everyday training and research, never being left unattended to. However he was never really shown affection since the servants there hated being isolated from the rest of the world for some kid. He continued this pattern until his fifteenth birthday, where he finally met his parents and was issued to begin associating with the outside world so that he can develop other skills to finish his training. The tower itself runs by itself now because of created automatons, and only three people have the combinations to enter from the opening that breaches the surface by several inches: His father, his aging grandfather, and Armin himself.

Other: Armin has a strong like towards windmills, as their simple design and purpose ease his over thinking mind. He also has a strong dislike towards insects, since nothing like those existed in the tower.

Schedule: Monday-Weaponry, lunch, free

Tuesday-Hydraulics, lunch, free

Wednesday-Shipwright&Aerotech, lunch, free

Thursday-Engineering, lunch, free

Friday-Alchemy, lunch, Engineering

His specialty is automaton design and maintenance.

Steam and cogs

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