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Graded [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

Nigel Belmont

Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

Moonberry Moonberry Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Kikimura Kikimura

Cocking the bolt-action of his Lee-Enfield, the last spent case was sent flying a few ways of Nigel. With white smoke, slowly leaving the barrel of it, he surveyed the fallen prey with a smirk on his lips, his few golden teeth reflecting some of the sunlight that bathed the scrapyard. And, as his eyes wandered through the area, they ended up falling upon Pyotr, seeing that he also had been successful dealing with the big rats. "Well, well, chap, nicely done. Talking the talk is easy, walking is something differently all together." While his tone might have sounded slightly patronizing, he had caught the butler's actions from the corner of his eye. Being prepared never hurt, right?

However, before resuming his search around the place for the pieces that the group had to acquire, he had to do something else. Approaching the biggest of the fallen rats, which he had taken care off, he kneeled down next to its corpse. While the creature was not all that impressive, he had to start his collection of trophies in this new world with something. Strapping his rifle on his shoulder and taking out his carving knife from his backpack, the hunter thrust it into the creature's body, with care. Using his acquired skills [Survival F], he began to carefully cut into the rat's flesh to remove its skin.

The process was slow and methodical, as if everything else had disappeared from his mind while he was focused on it. The blade sliced along the creature's contours, the gloves and overalls he was wearing getting bloodied while doing so. Nigel didn't seem to mind it at all, as he was not one to shy away from having his hands dirty, metaphorically and literally. When he was done, he had the rat's pelt on his hand, holding it against the sun for a moment to admire his handiwork. There was room for improvement, for sure, but that would do it, for now. Getting up from his crouching position, his eyes were focused on the 'naked rat' for a moment, its visage so uncanny and bizarre without the veneer which previously covered it. There was, for a moment, a small sense of amusement of peering onto what was hidden under the surface.

Rolling the pelt, he stored it into his backpack, planning to tan it later on. Wiping the blood that was on the gloves on the working overall, not wanting to smear his hunting rifle with the crimson vitae, the gun found itself being held once more and prepared to be used. And, with that, he resumed the search for the mechanical parts.
Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Steam Propulsion Engine
NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six
Raia stood silently over the tattered corpse of her victim, much of its murine flesh serrated and completely severed from her feral outburst. For a moment, she only breathed, slowly finding herself again as familiar voices wafted over. A part of her still felt disconnected, as if she was still not truly herself, but she forced herself to toss such concerns aside for the moment.

"Mors, huh? Cute, I think I'll call you that too for fun. At least, if you'll let me." The human hummed back half-heartedly, wiping her bloody claws on some debris before flicking her tousled hair back. She hadn't missed the onslaught of men suddenly pouring out of some magical portal, but she didn't particularly care to acknowledge them. Seemed they were just the pirate's shadow guards or crew or whatever anyway.

"Yo Pam. Good to see you." She acknowledged the leporine beastkin's acrobatic entrance with a small smile, though it was clear her mind was still mildly distracted. "You were more productive than we were, that's for sure." She chuckled habitually, glancing over the new part and pictures without caring to question it.

Her latter words however piqued her attention, glancing between her and Zeke curiously before also getting back to salvaging. "Work? Hiring?" She probed without thinking before adding, "You hiring hands, Mors? If so, I might be down." Her tone was thoughtful, somewhat not too eager to jump right back into working after finally achieving freedom, yet knowing that employment opportunities were not always that easy to come by.

"Ah, if you were not too impressed by my earlier display I understand." She heightened her senses before continuing, increasing her search range as she idly waved her ear fins. "But I can assure you with this appearance I have many skills that can be shown." She smiled funnily, her tone somewhat amused as she banked on her very unnatural exterior to advertise herself.

"Oh. I found a part by the way. That steam engine thingy or whatever." She briefly held up the bulky heavy metal contraption covered in grime without much fanfare, keeping it beside her armoured toes before she continued salvaging.
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke continued rummaging, uncaring of the rat getting butchered by his men behind him as he eventually found a second part, the Wing Extender he had been told to look for, letting out a quick whistle to have his minions come carry it. They began to walk over, reaching down to pick up the wing extender and worked together to gather the parts that Zeke had collected. When Raia commented that Pamela had been doing more work than them, he let out a laugh before glancing back at her. "Speak for yourself lass, that be my second part." He said, a bit more of his pirate accent showing through.

Then Pamela asked him what the work he might be hiring them for was, where he grinned a moment.
"Piracy, What else? I've got a mind to be robbing the skies above and the depths below. That's why I need these parts here." He said, holstering his pistol while his men packed up the parts that he had found, the portal that he had made with his cutlass sealing itself up finally. When Raia offered her own services to his crew, he chuckled a moment and turned to her. "Well, if you're intending to join the crew, that'll have to be "Captain Mors" to you." He said, resting a hand on his cutlass. Not in a threatening or intentful way, but rather because that was simply where his hand felt most comfortable.

"But unless the rest of you got anything else to look for, I figure we should meet up with the others and get everyone back to the Gearwright lad."


NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


"Fuck me..." She backed up slightly as she rummaged through the junk. Something was moving inside of where it looked, gradually tunneling its way out. There was a silence for a moment.

"SQUEEEEEE!!" The creature shrieked at her as it leaped out, attempting in vain to intimidate her.


The movement of Pam's leg sounded almost something akin to a whip -- swiftly lashing out and then smashing into the rat's face with a loud noise. The creature's neck broke, and it stopped as though it had run into the brick wall.

Balancing on one leg, she sent out two more strikes.


Wherever her foot struck, dents formed in the creature's pulverized flesh. Bone shattered from the points of impact -- splintering into it's organs like shrapnel. All of this happened before the creature had even had a chance to land. Instead it simply hovered in the air for a moment, then simply fell to the floor in a bloody heap.

"Tch." The giant rat laid on the ground, twitching as it choked on abundant blood.

With arms crossed, Pamela wound her leg back and punted the creature off as though it were a ball. Its body flew into a random pile of trash.

Her attention shifted to the others as though nothing had happened. Something seemed a little off about Raia. The way she was, Pam could have sworn she was high as a kite. The way she moved was that of a killer just as her. Zeke carried an air of almost casual confidence as he seamlessly dispensed of the creatures.

Her eyebrows raised, as she inspected thing Raia had found. "Huh. Another one of those steam thingies, eh? You know, I wonder if we couldn't keep a few and sell them for a quick buck, huh? They seem to be valuable." She asked almost innocently.

Ears twitched, however. It seemed Raia had caught wind of Zeke and her own conversation. And though she certainly didn't hesitate to kill, there wasn't really much to tell Pam that she was of the same world. While off, Raia almost seemed too innocent for the type of "work" she had in mind when talking to Zeke. The competence seemed hardly something to doubt. The stomach, however, remained in question.

Though it seems that it'd be a question that'd be answered soon enough. Zeke just up an answered her. Pam's eyes couldn't help but grow a little bit wide.

"Wow. You really just said it like that. You either got some really big balls or a big mouth. Either way, you got a big ship. So I want in." Pam's grin grew until it was ear to ear.

Yet despite her shit talk, her tone gave way to some respect. "Alright Captain Mors. Let's go see how the others are doing." She raised a hand and gave the man a salute, receiving her first order.

"Maybe everyone who joins can get together for a drink after." She listened out and would begin to walk to the direction some of the others with Zeke and his men -- using her senses to locate them. Still, she looked over at Raia, curious as to what her answer might be.

Actions: 3/3

1. Snap
- Fighting Style: Rabbit's Revenge E, Accurate F - A quick kick emphasizing speed, control and accuracy. This kick strikes much more akin to a whip...if a whip had claws at the end of it to boot. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

2. and 3. Attack - Pam sends out two bonebreaking kicks into the rats body.


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 1 Post Remains

  • Steam Propulsion Engine
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There was nothing more satisfying than a hard day's work, or that was what his father would often spout. It was the first time he ever agreed with the man. The sun was still far to bright for his liking as he stepped out of the warehouse. His clothes ruined by filth, viscera, and tears caused by his wire. Snare running his hands through his hair, drinking in the cold light of day. He lumbered back toward the entrance of the junkheap, two wing extender parts drug behind him by wire that vanished underneath his frayed coat.

It was to his surprise that he saw the other crew members, seemingly successful in their own pursuits as they made their way back. The glassy obstinance he came here with fizzled against the fresh ecstasy of satisfaction. His hollow eyes aflame like the full moon at it's terminus. His body jittery and creaking as he moved with craven delight.

"What a joyous occasion...we have all reunited. I acquired two parts, and learned that art is...truly subjective"

Snare found himself drawn to the term 'pirate' as he heard it spoken by their benefactor. The lanky monster sidling next to 'Mors' without much care for personal space; his face directly adjacent in both proximity and direction. His pace unfaltering as he inquired to Zeke with a previously unforeseen fervor.

Piracy you say? It is an archaic term watered down to it's core where I come from, but if what you say is true. Piracy is where all my dreams will manifest themselves: Razing, suffrage, Murder...I would be able to grind my talents against endless meat if true piracy was on the table." A not insignificant amount of foam started to form around the corners of his mouth; their edges started to also extend, passed the jawline.

Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maxxob Maxxob Maverick Six Maverick Six SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Kikimura Kikimura Lunar Lunar
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

Moonberry Moonberry Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Kikimura Kikimura

With the prize in his backpack, Nigel went back to his search for any of equipment, the designs in the papers which the rabbit-humanoid had given him still fresh on his mind. However, as soon as he began to look through the scrap and metal, once again was his search interrupted by those little, dastardly creatures. "Bloody hell..." His tone was more of an annoyance, rather than surprise, as it was quite impossible to catch the hunter with his 'pants down' [Resilient: Surprise], unlike the soldier which he had gotten the gorget in his pocket from.

The chunky, furred ball had already become an uninteresting prey. And that would often be the 'problem' with Nigel and his hobby: once you have taken out a certain animal, what joy there is to hunt the same thing again? Nothing new to be learned, nothing new to be overcome, nothing new to be thought about. "Maybe this one will fly..." The rifle was brought out of his shoulder. "... maybe this one can teleport..." The stock was firmly placed against the hunter's shoulder. "... maybe this one can spew fire from its mouth..." The trained eye looked through the telescopic reticle. "... maybe this one actually survive a single shot..." Aiming had been done, an index finger gently moved to the contours of the trigger. "... maybe this one will bring up something new." And, with a squeeze of a finger, another shot rang through the scrapyard.

With the white-smoke dissipating from the tip of the barrel, the cruel truth was that: wishing doesn't make for reality. The overgrown critter laid against the ground, its life having been spent in a blink of an away. The crimson, viscous liquid which surrounded its body confirmed that, where was there was life, now there was none. Nigel's face was neutral, betraying none of his inner disappointment. These won't do for long, oh no, they won't. A hunter of his caliber needs for much better prey.

Grabbing onto the Lee-Enfield's bolt, the mechanical lever was brought up and then back, ejecting the still fuming and spent case from it. Pushing the bolt back forward, and then down, the all familiar metallic sound rang in the human's ears. Still, he remembered what they said: one day is the prey's, and the next, the hunter's. Whose day this one had been was as good as anyone's guesses. Maybe the others had better luck finding the parts, and he could actually begin preparing for a nice scotch? Maybe this 'Widersia' would be better than the other accursed places he had been.

With the rifle on his back, he would walk for a while, until he met up with part of the group: the rabbit, the fish, the pirate and his contender, the group carrying all the parts that were necessary. His gaze fixed on Snare specifically, for a few moments longer, noticing the state of his attire. He appeared to have found worthy, interesting prey, bringing a glint of envy in the hunter's eyes. Nigel's eyes then darted towards the parts themselves, removing his bloody glove and searching for something inside the also bloody working overalls, around his chest area. Soon enough, the hunter produced the papers which Pamela had given him earlier.

Opening them up, he scanned its contents, looking back at the pieces which had been found. "Mmmm, two Wing Expanders, two Steam Propulsion Engines and two Floatation Stabilizers. Three of the fours parts with a spare each. We are still missing an Atmospheric Pressure Regulator." He stated, seeing that he would have to postpone the needed drinking for now. "Well, time to go search for it." He said, with a smirk, ready to resume the scavenging.
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Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Steam Propulsion Engine
NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. Maxxob Maxxob
"Ah, my bad. Apologies for the disrespect, Mors. You gotta announce things with more fanfare for me to notice." Raia chuckled back, initially somewhat surprised he managed to locate a part amidst the chaos, but recalling all his celestial and portal shenanigans and the people he suddenly summoned forth... she just shrugged her shoulders without further comment.

It was difficult not to notice Pam's encounter, what with the bone crushing and whip-like impacts shattering the peaceful silence. Raia's gaze followed the giant rat as it was sent flying back to where it came, somewhat comparing the natural beastkin's strength to the artificialness of her own, before smiling in a friendly manner. "Could do. Always good to have some savings." She responded just as harmlessly, before Zeke supposedly made his grand reveal.

Rather than Zeke, Raia's puzzled gaze remained trained on Pamela due to her reaction. "Well, he looks like a pirate doesn't he? What's so surprising? Can't say anyone in our little group really gave off 'good' vibes, apart from maybe you, Pam." She tilted her head to the side with a funny smile, before turning back to Zeke. "But yes, Captain Mors. I'll probably need to hear a little more detail on what your plans are and what your current crew's like, but it does sound like a fun time." She commented idly, nodding at his latter words as she pulled herself back up, cradling the one part she had salvaged as she moved with the trio.

It was funny to think that just six years ago, she once stubbornly never strayed from her path and her ideals. Salvaging and bargaining, but never stealing. Helping others. Giving and sharing what she could. But now, she could no longer imagine herself living such a life. Perhaps she put herself through more suffering than she should have, back then. Apart from self-satisfaction... how did being good ever help her?

Suddenly, the approach of a relatively familiar figure, Snare, broke her thoughts. Even despite the recent violence she had experienced with the other two, Raia couldn't help but remain wary of this stranger in particular, her gaze roaming the flesh, blood and thin tears littering his form. Though the specifics were up in the air, there was no question that he was also subject to an encounter... or art, as he called it?

"Congrats." Raia replied thinly, her usual smile somewhat more stiff and subdued than usual. Afraid of him? Perhaps a little. But more than that, was the fact that he seemed to be everything she was afraid of becoming.

Turning away as he expressed more of his madness without restraint, she welcomed Nigel's incoming approach with open arms. "Huh. Damn. Nice work guys." She commented without much thought at his conclusion, rather surprised by how fruitful they all had been in such a short amount of time. Guess technology had advanced so much that this once rare stuff was thrown away more often nowadays?

"Well, alright." She scratched her head for a moment before getting back to it without a second thought, hoping to close out the day with that sweet double pay after getting her hopes up for it.
Ⓕⓘⓝⓘⓢⓗⓘⓝⓖ ⓣⓗⓔ Ⓙⓞⓑ

In the chaotic heart of the scrapyard, the group managed to poke around and find the elusive Atmospheric Pressure Regulator. It had taken a bit of dismantling and all in all breaking of old machinery to get it out. But the group was succesful. Shortly after their success, there was a bit of commotion, towards the front of the salvage yard. Moving towards the entrance, the group walked into a developing scene.

A disheveled man swung wildly at a woman who danced around him with drunken elegance. Her dark tanned skin glistened in the sunlight, and her golden eyes sparkled with mischief. Her long, wavy hair cascaded down her back, a stark contrast to her white blouse and tan pants. Despite her unsteady steps, she dodged his blows effortlessly, laughter bubbling from her lips.

With a swift, fluid motion, she hooked her leg around his, causing him to stumble forward. And in a strangely fluid motion, she brought her fist up with a quickness. It connected with the mans face with a sickening crunch. He crumpled to the ground, as she side stepped him, as if he were a spilled drink. It was then that she saw the piece of machinery tied to his back. "Oi es this what' ye' fochn' fought me o'er? Well ef ye' wanted et' so bad, ah think ah'll be takin it' now. Seems onleh fair since ye' tried t' hit ah lady." She declared, yanking an object from his back. "Steh down, an maybeh Ah'll let ye' keep yer front teeth."

The man groaned, squirming beneath her. She silenced him with a swift kick to the head, muttering to herself, and yanking the object out of his pack. She stood up slowly to inspect her prize; when her golden eyes spotted the others. The frown that had marred her red lips disappeared as they spread in a grin. She lifted her arm and waved, calling out. Her grin broad and her foot work seemingly unsteady. "Et's good te' see that' ugleh mug o'yers again Capt'n. Ye' said ye'd be goin t' Widersia tae find ah shipwright. Lucky Gearwright was ah' first one ah found." Once she'd finally come within touching distance, she seemed to notice all the other parts. and glanced at the one she'd just robbed from her attacker. "Oh d'yeh need thes? 'Ere ye' can'ave et." She practically tossed the piece to whoever was nearest. Quickly grabbing her flask and taking long swig from it She took two gulps before gasping and laughing. Then she glanced again towards Zeke and the ones around him. The Bunny girl she could probably deal with regarding wounds. The womans golden eyes flickered to Raia then, and she frowned for a second. the frown only deepened as she took in Pyotr and Snare. After a moment of consideration, she spoke up, to Zeke. "Ye' do realize Ah dunnae know fish' er bunny anatomy....let ahlone what'ever th' foch those two are. Ah'll be 'avin' t' teach m'self all their anatomy. An' ah dunnae think they'll like et much." She chuckled, taking another swig. Then looked to the others and gave them something of a mix between a wave and a mock salute. Her cheeks were rosy and she had a crooked smirk splayed across her lips. "Th' names Isabella. Ah'll be ye're doctor when we're out t' sea. Ef yer' joinin' Capt'n 'ere. Ye'can call me Izzy though. Dun' call me Isabella..Ah might sew ye'r mouth shut while yer' sleepin." Her tone was fun and light, all up until the end. When it seemed to grow a bit more serious. For perhaps two seconds, before thw oman let out a uproarious laughter.

Once the group seemed to realize that they had acquired a complete set twice, they decided to head back. As they walked back toward the hangar, Izzy pulled out a crumpled newspaper, shoving it in Zeke's face. "Listen' tae this," she slurred, taking a swig from her flask. "Gamblers Row, there's a place called Goldpot Casino. They be doin' a special or some shat. But never mind all that. Look 'ere." She pointed to an article that read, "Fabled Jiangshi Treasure Box Up for grabs for any lucky gambler." Her eyes gleamed with excitement. "That's goin' tae be an easy mark. Ah'm tellin' yeh now."

As the group arrived at the Hangar, Elli and Stella were both busy in a corner. Sorting out pieces of machinery into barrels. When Stella noticed the return she quickly fluttered towards Zeke. As far as her wings would take her. Hopping back up into the air to flutter closer each time her feet would touch the ground. When she finally reached him she hugged his leg. izzy cooed at her, waving and trying to get her attention. But the baby dragon wanted none of it. Turning her head away and snorting puffs of smoke. Izzy pouted, going back to looking at her now empty flask. She grinned up at Nigel, giving his personnel a good once over, and seeming disappointed when she didn't immediately see a flask. Gearwright meticulously examined the parts that had been carefully placed on the table. Nodding with approval.

"There's enough parts here to do what you want. But there's still going to be a high cost. You'll need a fairly steep down payment. before I start work on it. But once you've got the down payment I'll take installments until it's finished. When it's finished I'll expect the total amount left. " He wiped his hand of the oil and grease that had acccumulated. Izzy was standing at the entrance of the Hangar, waiting impatiently.

"Ef we go t' tha casino t'night we'll be sure t' make ah pretty penny. One way or another." She Grinned waving up to Zeke nad Gearwright. The shipwright glanced down to her and back to Zeke, with a raised brow.

"That's the deal. Take et er Leave it."

Maverick Six Maverick Six Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Lunar Lunar Kikimura Kikimura

Okay guys make one more post to interact and wrap things up and then I'll end it when everyone has posted. You're free to move on to the heist once you've posted.
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Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

Moonberry Moonberry Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Kikimura Kikimura

Seeing the missing piece, Nigel put himself to work rather quickly, scavenging piles upon piles of metallic refuse for it. When it was finally found, a grin appeared on his lips, mustache curling up slightly. "Hah! Most excellent. Now, if we just get another one..." I shall have quite a bit of leisure before embarking in my next hunt. The hunter wasn't simply single-minded after his hobby. There were other... entertainment which he enjoyed partaking in. And, as much as he hated the idea, these native would have to do.

As the group got to the front of the scrapyard, the sight of the fight caught his interest. It was an opportunity to observe someone else in action, his mind always working with the intent of preparing him for any unexpected 'bout. The movements performed by the tanned-skin lass were curious, unsteady, and yet just right. He had heard of drunken chinamen who became even more proficient in their primitive hand-to-hand brawl the drunker they were. Thugs and hooligans, for sure.

And, despite his preconceptions about what the girl was doing, he couldn't deny that it was quite effective, when her fist connected to the man's face. "Hahaha! That was quite the show, lassie." Nigel said, accompanied by a slow clap, the sound muffled by the fabric of the working gloves. The hunter would watch the interaction between her and the pirate, getting that she must be some of his crew by what she said. "Nice to meet you, Isabella. I am Nigel Belmont. Tinkerer by trade, hunter by hobby." His introduction was accompanied by a wink, despite his smile didn't reach his eyes.

As they walked back to the hangar, the hunter got a few snippets of the conversation. When a heist was mentioned, he didn't seem much interested in it. He had other plans, and being a common thief was not among them. There were lines he couldn't cross to keep his standard. With the job being done, he was quickly to remove the working overalls and gloves. While he was glad that the clothing kept him from getting his hunter garb bloodied and dirty, he was glad he wasn't wearing it anymore.

Now that he wasn't working, or practicing his hobby, the hunter would reach out into his inner pocket and produce a metallic flask from it. Taking a swig from it, the brandy he had managed to score tasted much better than it did, the burning sensation slowly going down his throat, adding that fire to his belly. Noticing the tanned-lassie gaze, seeing that she was holding an empty one, he offered it to her, the smirk on his lips shinning slightly golden because of his teeth.

Either she accepted or not, for now, the hunter waited for his pay, already thinking in finding the bar which was mentioned previously. Who knows what types of alcoholic beverages would he find it there?


NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Maxxob Maxxob Lunar Lunar Kikimura Kikimura
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


"What?? Me??" She exclaimed to Raia.

But surprise quickly turned to laughter. "You know you're the last person that should be sayin' that Raia. Captain here? I saw him looking over his shoulder like he's got someone chasing him. Snare is a major creep. And maybe that Nigel guy was giving me bit more suspicious kind of looks. But you? You seemed like a sweet n' innocent little salvager with a rough life to me." A chuckle here and there large grin as she strutted up close to Raia.

"I thought you'd have a giant stick up your ass." Raia would notice something slinking up behind her back. It was Pam's arm, reaching up towards her shoulder. As though they were long time friends. Her grip would be excitedly firm and she'd pull Raia into her almost recklessly.

"Not that I'm complaining one bit. Matter-a-fact, glad to have you around! Welcome aboard!" There was no attempt whatsoever from her to hide her excitement. A part of her was used to being more detached and having to end relationships with people quickly once they found out even a little bit who she really was. But this was not the case.

She'd let go after a few moments, walking over until she'd met with the others.

The party had all but assembled. It seemed like they had almost every single part they'd really needed and had been able to touch base. Once Nigel pulled out his set of plans, Pam pulled out a new one herself. She'd begin inspecting them and then smirked. "Alright. Almost done then. Sweet."

There was a pungent odor in the air. It was coming from Snare. Unlike Raia, it didn't seem as though Pam had really any intention of really hiding her expression as Snare went uncomfortably close to Zeke. The way he talked caused a building, visible disgust in even her.


She began, taking in a big whiff of air, just to confirm her suspicions.

"All I see is someone who covered in the blood of nobodies." She said. It almost seemed a strange thing to her, to brag about killing people who barely put up a fight. The Scavengers of the scrapyard might've had some technical knowhow but they were all weak and couldn't fight for shit. The attempt to boast about them about had all but gone over her head. Bragging about killing them may as well have been like bragging about swatting a fly. "I'd wash that stuff off. Dunno about you but it makes you smell weaker than you are."

What had he done? She could barely fathom. But it sounded and looked like he'd spent a whole lot of time fucking off. Oddly enough, there was never any question that he had the stomach to pull something like this off. But he seemed to be taking his sweet time with whatever it was he was doing. To one who prided themselves on brutal but quick deaths, it seemed almost strange to see someone who....almost got off on dragging things out. The foam from the mouth made it almost obvious he liked it a little too much, and didn't seem particularly fond of a challenge if here was an idea of a good time.

With that, she rubbed her nose, as if to clean the scent out.

"At least you found some parts. So I'll give you that. We got one last thing. Let's look around for it and bounce."


A leisurely walk later and Pam walked leisurely out of the scrapyard, taking a moment to stretch. She seemed far from tired, finding the work less difficult and more tedious than anything else. The occasional punching bag the yard provided at least spiced things up just a little bit. And she'd found herself something of a few kindred spirits.

Of in the distance, she spotted a waif fighting a man who looked like the kind they'd found before. She seemed to dance around the man well enough. But the thing was that she was drunk. It was enough to at least make her listen to the dialogue and watch her in passing. However, more attention had been grabbed when she found that after she'd clocked the man and nabbed his part -- she was waving at them.

Given how drunk she was

"Uh Capm' Mors....you uh....you know this chick?" Pam pointed at Izzy off-handedly with her thumb, looking at Zeke curiously.

Despite her drunkardness, the woman seemed to make something of a coherent explanation as to who she was. The accent took some time to cut through and for the most part, she Bunnykin stood silently with her arms crossed. Important pull aways she gleaned.

One. The woman's name was Izzy. Two. She was a doctor. And three. There was a first job for all of them.

"I heard about something like that in the papers. Big event at Goldpot Casino. Real ramped up security and all that." She interlocked her fingers and pushed them out above her head. "Tonight is real short notice. But lucky for you, that junkyard barely was even a warmup. I'm in." Pam looked to the others, and it already seemed as though Nigel didn't seem too keen on it. The man seemed like a killer but a thief, he appeared to be above.

This was a good time to see who was made for this life and who wasn't. Either way, it seemed the Casino was going to be the next big spot.

This day just keeps better and better.
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke chuckled at Raia's reply, shaking his head. "Ain't no point in fanfare lass, it's just somethin' that slows ya down. Get the job done and get your pay." He said, giving his opinion on that sort of matter. He noted her messiness of her earlier kill, and he didn't particularly care about the brutality of it, but rather the sloppiness of it. So many wasted movements for nothing more than their own sake. He preferred to be a man who moved with purpose, everything having it's own reason. However, he couldn't fault her too much, he was a man with a flare for the dramatic.

Zeke listened to the words of those around him, raising his eyebrow particularly when Snare walked up to him and got a little bit too close for comfort. "Aye... lucky for you, it seems like you're looking at the only real pirate in this world. Most folks are soft." He said, stepping back a bit to get his space back. He glanced over at the monster, something that was incredibly apparent from just his appearance and his mannerisms. Not like Zeke cared, he'd had monsters on his crew before. Their lack of moral compasses helped well with keeping things simple when it came to messier work. and luckily, it seemed pam was the same way without the issue of being a monster he had to worry about. Although, the other issue was this new body of his was feigning some kind of attraction for her. Something purely instinctual he supposed, she wasn't something he'd ever dream of being attracted to in his last life.

When they ran into Izzy, he chuckled a bit at her current state, looking her over.
"Aye, yer still in one piece which is good enough fer me. And you got the last part we needed too, always reliable there Izzy." He said, giving a thumbs up in reply to Pam asking if Isabella was one of his. "Good on ya on finding us here, I'll listen to what you have for the job soon. Gotta get back to that shipwright."

When they came back to Mr. Gearwrights shop, he laughed at Stella's fluttering hops back to him, leaning down to pick up the little bundle of joy that he carried with him, before frowning at her ignoring Izzy. "Aww, c'mon now Stella, I raised you better 'n that. Say hello to yer auntie izzy." He said, lifting the dragon up and pointing her to Izzy so she could remedy her rudeness, turning to Gearwright as he listed the terms of their agreement.

"I'll accept those terms lad. I'll have your down payment by the morning." He said, keeping it short and sweet for the most part, figuring it was best to keep it that way for the time being, while he turned to his new crew with a smile crossing his face. "Well lads, hope you're all fans of games of chance." He said, chuckling as he placed Stella on his shoulder, rolling his shoulder with a few pops coming from it. "Cuz we're goin' to a casino."

Zeke's words were exactly what he wanted to hear; It seemed he had made a good choice in employment options; A true pirate? It wasn't something he felt he desired, but rather, he resonated with their ideology. True freedom, regardless of morality and perception. Snare watched him take a step back with bemusement; Much had changed since he awoke in this world, A monster by it's natural laws. It was such a small movement from zeke, yet it proved that mentality was the true monster. Pamela's curious and unexpected words only cementing that.
"Art is subjective, an easy blanket statement for those talentless hacks to use when their mediocre piece is ridiculed...but what I do truly is. Have you ever seen a statue? A bust? Depictions of flesh and man? What if they weren't merely depictions!"
Snare slowed his gait, getting the answer he wanted from zeke and matching Pamela's gait as they made their way back to the warehouse. His pupiless eyes reflecting the sun at her back. An unsettling fervor rattling his vocal chords.

Nobody is the word you use to choose for him, this scavenger. I have turned this...nobody, into something truly brilliant. Life makes nobodies of us all, what better way to defy that cycle of death and rebirth? Wire Sculptures. A chrysalis so transformative, and beautiful. I cannot wait to show you"

It was only two words and yet when he mentioned
wire sculptures, that same eerie streak of satisfaction shown against his blank irises festered like a passionate plague. Pamela likely never hearing a monster sound so human, as though he were mentioning a great love, a true masterpiece. Something a savant treasures the rest of their life. The pale moons nearly rolling into his skull as he experienced momentary revelry in the memory of this new art ideal.

Weakness is the reason why I do this, if we were all strong. I would have never been born this way. I wonder if mental illness carries over between lives..." Snare listing off as he cocked his head, mulling over what had gotten her so upset. If strength was the goal post for her then it wasn't about altruism at all, it was guilt. Something he would have to squirrel away for later, even if it was skewed information.

The scene that unfolded with this 'izzy' girl was for the most part, on the backburner of his thoughts, chewing on what Pam said with growing interest. Would he find better enjoyment in stronger kills? Would barons provide more satisfaction torturing? Kings? Perhaps Pamela herself, time would have to tell.

In the dimly lit hangar, the rhythmic clinking of metal parts and the soft hum of machinery filled the air. Mr. Gearwright stood with his arms crossed, considering Zeke. Though his eyes did occasionally flit to the bloody group that had gathered around him. After a moment he nodded, before grabbing a few sacks of gold. He handed them over to Everyone but Zeke and Izzy. Seeing that Zekes agreement was to use the parts found for his ship. After a moment Gear wright nodded to Zeke, his gaze steady. "I'll wait until morning then, for the down payment. If that's taken care of tomorrow, I'll start work on it immediately." He made his statement, and went back to his work. Not a word more given. What was said was enough.

When Zeke coaxed Stella into looking at Izzy, the little dragon blew a small puff of smoke from her nostrils. But Izzy grinned, seeming glad for the chance. She quickly pulled out a wrapped treat and waved a smoked fish in front of her snout. Her lips spread out in a triumphant grin as the little purple dragon eagerly swiped it and began to nibble on it. She wrapped the rest of the treats up, tucking them away for later. Elli waved from the corner, diligently finishing her work. Izzy pulled out a large sack, that jingled with a nice sound. "We'll be wantin' te' get arrselves...Some better ah...Attire. Ef ye' catch meh' drift." She spared a furtive flance for Snare and Raia, covered in bits of gore from the rats...and other things. "Lucky 'fer ahs' ah've got ah bit o' extra pay from th' last job. Sa' we can walk en' lookin' fancy. We'll make ah stop at ah tailors shop a'fore we 'ead in te' the casino. " Another grin crossed her lips as she started took a spot beside Zeke while everyone started to walk. She hooked her thumbs in her belt loops and started to hum to herself amiably, looking over all those gathered as they continued their trek away from the hangar. "Sa' this es yer new crew then?" She glanced sideways as they walked. "Ef' onev' em' throws me o'er board this time, ye'd better come help me er' ah'll haunt yer ship even at the depths of the sea. " She gave a hearty laugh, poking playfully at Stella, who was leaning in for another snack. "Ah' jes' hope tha' this job' goes be'er than' th' last."

The End​

Thank you all for joining this roleplay. The main goal of the roleplay being to gather a crew for Zeke, and begin negotiations on building the ship that will take them to the stars. I'm not good at titles so i'm sorry I won't be suggesting any.

Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Garbage. Garbage. Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

Side note for the grader. I know Izzy came in at the end, but I still consider it a roleplay with no character. She was only in two posts.
Isekai Hell Grade

Moonberry Moonberry Lunar Lunar NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. Maxxob Maxxob SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Kikimura Kikimura

Good to see some widersia variety. nice mixture of socials, exploration, and violence. will this ship ever be built? XD





Moonberry - 18pts (narrator)

Pyotr Vitaliy - 19pts
optional title acquired [Aimless Observer] - character doesn't have many goals but is presently aware

Zeke Valdain - 21pts
optional title acquired [Captain Quirk] - character is a captain in the loosest sense of the word and perhaps that's partially why he comes off as quirky

Pamela - 37pts

Snare - 29pts
optional title acquired [macabre sculptor] - character uses corpses to make art

Nigel Belmont - 74pts (narrative booster)
optional title acquired [trophy gunman] - character likes the sport of hunting

Raia - 32pts
optional title acquired [aquatic freak] - character may be human but no human looks and acts like that

Partial Participation

Karmilla - 3pts

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