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Active [Clockhaven] Investigate Around And Find Out

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's open to join for anyone interested, though let me know beforehand so I can see how to best work the character into the story. It probably also won't be much fun for those with other investigator-type characters due to my own high-grade one already being there (unless you wouldn't mind that).

What to expect out of character:
Other than this starting posts, narration posts are planned every Sunday and Wednesday, likely in the late morning or early afternoon (UTC+1/CET). The RP is intended to last between 1 and 2 months, though it might be split up in a 2-part RP depending on what happens in character and on if there is enough willingness/demand to extend it.

The focus will be mostly on combat (with the halfling doing investigation stuff) and some exploration bits. For the combat, I'll use a very loose interpretation of the effectiveness system. Three actions per round, ability cooldowns apply during combat, the result of an action is roughly tied to its effectiveness and add-ons (techniques, affinities) combined with the narrative flavour/impact (to allow for better results for well-described scenes, clever plotting).

What to expect in character:
The halfling investigator, Victorique Sopheana, has been hired to investigate the mansion of a certain 'mister Klyios'. The man was relatively unheard of, yet suddenly stormed the scene. Within a few years time, he gained an extraordinarily large amount of wealth and popularity and he's now planning to run for an important position in Parliament.

Klyios' sudden rise to fame has not gone without its rumours and gossip. Some of which led to credible reports of him dealing with state enemies, dodging taxes, smuggling weapons and even possible involvement with a [monster]-worshipping cult. The accumulation of evidence eventually had the current Parliament order one of his most suspicious estates to be investigated. After all, they'd rather be sure about whom they were dealing with, before they'd consider whether or not he'd be legible to join them.

As if to confirm their suspicions, the original investigator was never heard from or seen again. Yet their vanishing couldn't be convincingly tied to Klyios' actions. As such, the parliament sent in a second investigator, this time with a force of elite clockwork guards. Except that one, like the one before, along with all his Clockwork guards, has gone missing. Seeing no better option, they hired an investigator through the Adventurer's Guild, along with seeing to it that she had the resources needed to hire some guards.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Victorique Sopheana – Gather as much evidence as she can to prove Klyios' is involved in some shady dealings.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Dayle Keller – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Silent Angel Silent Angel Rachael Meredith – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Kane Blackburne – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose - (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.

I might have taken on an investigation that's likely to get me killed. If you want to help prevent that from happing, I'd appreciate it. Meet me at the Central Police Station in Clockhaven as soon as possible, as I'm not allowed to leave here until I've gotten security arranged.


Victorique Sopheana

Widersia. Capital City: Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

The halfling was annoyed and excited in equal measure. She'd gotten an invitation to go on a really exciting mission in her home nation, seeing the more advanced steampunk parts of it. A mission that'd surely earn her lots of credits with the Adventurer's Guild here, or perhaps globally so. Yet, well, it also came with a lot of risks. Enough so that she was told she shouldn't even leave the immediate vicinity of the police station after her briefing. Not until her guards had shown up.

As a result, she'd reached out to whomever she could think off. Rachael, Orchid, Dayle, Arthur, Kane... Even the cat, Calliope and pink-haired mage she'd met in that fish once upon a time. Those had been surprisingly nice to interact with back then. Her 'letter' was simple.


I might have taken on an investigation that's likely to get me killed. If you want to help prevent that from happing, I'd appreciate it. Meet me at the Central Police Station in Clockhaven as soon as possible, as I'm not allowed to leave here until I've gotten security arranged.


Victorique Sopheana

She lit up her pipe, excited to start the investigation, nervous that nobody would show up to come protect her. What then? She'd just be let out of the station to risk her life? They seemed convinced she'd not last long on her own. Now that she'd been involved, they even feared that Klyios' men had already started plotting her death, as they feared he'd had some moles in the station as well. How fun. This meant that even at the station itself, she had to ensure she was always in a crowd, as otherwise she could be assassinated right then and there.

Privacy wasn't going to be much of a thing for a while, was it? She sighed, then breathed in a lot of smoke. Looking out across the streets, hoping to see some familiar faces show up. Or perhaps some unfamiliar ones, as the Guild did sent out a public notice as well. Then again, she'd need to vet anyone that she didn't know prior well, or she'd just be accepting potential enemies and assassins into their ranks.

On the topic of potential assassins in their ranks...


“Huh, it looks so weird to see you smoking, with how much you resemble a kid.” It was one of the 'guards' they'd assigned her from the police station, although she looked far more like a would-be assassin than a bodyguard.

“I'll refrain from joking about how you can't even try it with that mask stuck on your face. Any way, you'll have to get used to it, or drop out of this mission.” She'd sneer back, not yet getting along with this new guard. The woman had somehow gotten on her nerves and her vertically challenged nature could be a tad of a sensitive issue.

“No can do, shorty, baron Fromm says he wants me to help resolve this.” She'd state back, looking at the shorty with slightly blank eyes. Probably due to whatever she was inhaling through that mask of hers. That was probably even worse than tobacco, for all Victorique could figure out.

“How nice of him.” She'd clicked her tongue, then smoked some more to try keep her patience. This was going to last a while, wasn't it? She really hoped some more trustworthy friends and allies would show up soon.

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