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Realistic or Modern Clearwater High

red dragon

Rosa loves you ^_^
welcome to clearwater high a school thats on a cliff near the ocean its a school for well educated clearwater has alot of romance we are looking forword to seeing new student at clearwater highschool

Light Field took a deep breath as he stepped off of the tarmac walkway and onto the red brick courtyard of the school. Briefcase in hand, he proceeded to approach his new workplace. He looked forward to this job, teaching History and Drama, and occasionally Music and Maths too. There was no doubt in his mind that this was his dream job. After entering his classroom, where he would take his form for homeroom and where he would teach History, he set down his briefcase, taking any necessary files and setting them on his desk. With a piece of chalk, he wrote 'Mr. Light' on the blackboard. That done, he sat down at his desk and read a bit about some of his pupils as he waited for them to arrive.
Synthia walked through the doors of Clearwater High. She sighed thinking of how amazing the year could turn out, or how horrible it could turn out. As she walked inside she heard the chatting, laughter, and drama coming from every inch of the school. She walked to the office to get her class schedule for the year.
yuki walked in the classroom and said "morning sir" but didn't look at the the board and sait down at her desk
"Ah, good morning!" Light smiled at the girl who walked in the classroom, past him and to her desk. He raised an eyebrow and then looked down at his files. "Sorry, ahem, and you would be?"
"A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Rei. I am a new teacher here, Light Field. As you can see, you may address me as Mr. Light. Might I ask what subjects you're taking?"
Synthia walked into the office and walked to the lady at the desk. "Uhm, hello... I'm Synthia, do you have my class schedule." The lady opened a desk and went through some files then took out a sheet with times and classes written on it. She handed Synthia the sheet then waved her off. As Synthia walked off to homeroom she scanned over her classes. She entered the class and made her way to a desk and sat down.
"How splendid! I, myself, do love History! Hence why I teach it!" He chuckled as though he found his own comment funny. This shocked him into feeling like an old man, although his hair was already grey... At that moment, a second young lady entered. "And who might you be, dearest?"
"Synthia Jord..." She mumbled quietly, continuously going over her class sheet so she could have it memorized by the end of homeroom.
She looked over her paper then began speaking. "I guess I'm taking, language, art, choir, drama, biology, history, chemistry, tech, and track." She said, proud of herself that she had so many classes for being a first year student.
"Quite an impress array! I do, in fact, teach History and Drama, so I'm sure we'll get on greatly." Light looked over to where Ms. Rei was sat, staring out of the window. "Say," he began. "Since the two of you are my first two History students, then I'll ask if you have any preferences in terms of what topics we should cover first."
Synthia pondered on it for a moment and shrugged. "I don't know, what do you enjoy teaching in history?" She asked curiously.
Light stopped everything at that last remark, almost frowning. "What do I enjoy?" He smiled a little, almost smirking, chuckling even. "To be honest, History doesn't interest me anymore than it does the next guy. What I love is teaching, and History is a subject that allows me and my students the chance to talk and discuss and debate."
Aspen took her time walking to school. She enjoy the nice breeze and watching the trees blow in the wind. Not realizing what time it was she looked at her phone, if she didn't hurry up she would be late to first period. Starting to run she ran to the school and through the front doors. Continuing to run through the halls until she got yelled at, she slowed down to a fast walk pace. Once she got to the office and got her schedule, she headed to her first period class. Walking through the door she saw that already two people were sitting down. Aspen walked over and sat by the window, so she could look outside when she got bored.
Aspen looked over from the window and at her teacher. "The names Aspen James," She said before turning her head back over to the window. She put her right hand on her chin. "Today is going to be a long day," she mumbled to herself.
Kazue walked to school with a sloth's pace, not really wanting to go. He never had any interest in school. That did not mean, however, that he was an imbecile. He was a pretty smart kid. He made straight A's and was in some of the honor classes. He just didn't find a reason to go to school Sure, it was challenging back when he knew absolutely nothing but his name. But that was kindergarten. He was a 3rd year in highschool and there just wasn't anything fun for him at school any more. Except for baseball.

Baseball was his life plus he was actually pretty good at it.

He sighed when he walked into the building.

"Where am I even supposed to go?" he asked aloud, not really expecting an answer. He then remembered that he had his schedule. He reached into his pocket for a crumpled up piece of paper and got it out. He looked at it. History was his first class. He walked around trying to find the room and when he did, was surprised that there were already some girls in there. He looked at the teacher and nodded, walking to the back of the room and sitting by the door so when he got bored, he could ask to go to the bathroom.

Emiko found herself wandering the halls of school with her hand behind her back and a smile on her face. She was always happy and bubbly, often getting in trouble for humming or singing in class. She was almost like a toddler in a 15 year old's body.

"School's gonna be fun~ I'm gonna make some friends today~" she sing songed and looked into every room she passed. Emiko happened to like school. She found it to be a lot more fun than being at home. At home she was often by herself since her father worked all the time. It was nice to be around other people. She popped her head into a few rooms, remembering that she had to get to her history class. She would ask people where the class was and when she finally found people who knew where it was, she made her way to the room. When she got to the room, she saw a few people already there. Three girls and a guy. She smiled at them before turning to the teacher and doing the same. She decided to take a seat on the last row, middle desk.
Synthia took notice of the 2 students who had wander into the classroom. She waved at them with a slight smile curving at her lips. She probably looked like a huge dork by then, but she didn't really care.
She nodded seeing that it was an accident. "Oh... Uhm it's okay." She smiled meekly. Going back to her drawing.
maria picks herself up and saw synthia was drawing something "what are you drawing synthia" maria asked

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