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Active Six Assassins: Part I [Clearwater Cove]

Maverick Six

This party stinks

Six Assassins: Part 1


Location: Somewhere in the ocean South of Widersia and the Fae See.

Time: Night in the Beginning. Morning by the end.

Takes place after the events of Heist at the Goldpot Casino

Starring (Goals)

Pamela (Maverick Six) - Deal with her Cashback AKA [Wanted] Tite
Zeke NeramoDJI NeramoDJI - Find a New Hideout
Raia SilverFeathers SilverFeathers - Bond and watch eachother's backs
Izzy Moonberry Moonberry - Bond and watch eachother's backs
Yabani Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne - Spread his name and the name of his god


Loot was plundered. Business was to be taken of as some of said loot was put to said ship. In the mean time however, the Crew which had come to be called the "Crooked Blades" needed to make their getaway. For today at least, it was going to be on a vessel that didn't belong to them.

As the boat sailed father and farther out, the Widersian Coastline would shrink.

It was a far cry from a pirate ship. That had yet to be built. But with the loot they plundered from the Jiangshi Treasure Box, the fledgling crew of the crook blades could quite easily afford to hitchhike aboard a dingy supply ship thanks to the charisma of their Captain -- they'd been able to find somewhere at least comfortable enough for them to make themselves a temporary home in the cargo bay for what was to be a short trip. Others were there as well, who'd interest in being smuggled to the island but had no vessel of their own to take.

Off the Coast of Widersia -- sat a place that may as well not have existed in the public eye despite the insidious denizens it held. A large cove which was filled to the brim of any number of folk -- but which was well known to being hospitable to cutthroats such as themselves. Pirates could be a thorn in the side of the Eastern Empire -- which had a wealthy abundance to plunder. However, rather than drawing the ire of the small nation-state, many agreed to make nice with Widersian vessels wherever possible so that their safe haven remained safe. Those who'd flee from the fearsome east often found themselves able to escape here.

Today -- Five robbers made their way over. It took little effort for the friendly vessel to simply carry a few well-paying individuals and then simply drop them off before it went off to conduct trade elsewhere.

Walking about the ship became possible once they were farther away from civilized society and out in the ocean open. And yet Pam knew the destination was just about one great big sleep away. She found herself taking to the rocking and swaying ship rather easily, only needing to maintain her balance as it moved back and forth. Used to spinning, flipping and taking the occasional hit -- she didn't get dizzy very easily as the ship made it's way through moderate waves. Indeed, she took to crafting a hammock for herself and simply sleeping the entire way.

During this uneventful transit, all could do as the wished, for the most part.

Clearwater Cove


The Hound Pits Pub

The water was much clearer and much cleaner than that which sat just off the coast of Widersia. A greenish blue reflection shined wherever the sun so struck it -- and one would be able to easily see fish that swam halfway to the bottom of the water. Within the rocks and trees, structures of wood and carved stone had been constructed for permanent living. Smaller boats sailed the shallower waters, some going deeper into the island and some sitting idly by. Many fished for new meals or new products.

The area bustled more than one might expect for such a remote place out in the middle of the ocean. Pirates were far from the only denizens. Where there was money, merchants were fairly easy to find. And given the hauls some people, made -- there were a fair bit of merchants ready to sell any number of wears. Things sold openly on the street ranged from clothes and groceries to weapons and preserved organs. Fish markets and fruit pickers wove in seamlessly with prostitutes and gambling dens. One just had to be careful while doing it.

The crew would arrive on the dock on a rowed boat carrying the crew and their things as though they were any other type of cargo. One one hand, they themselves didn't need to row. On the other, this was practically a one way trip. As they'd take the boat after ferrying them over.

"Finaaaaaaallly." Pam had said.

"Somewhere with some nice smelling air." She said, looking about the docks as people began to inspect crates carrying items mostly from the manufacturing behemoth that was Widersia. Guns, well made clothes, various sorts of alcohol and more.

From here, one could catch a glimpse of demographics. The area was decent mixture the lands nearby, being made up of most humans, some Fae and the occasional Beastman. Indeed, Pamela would be one of the only beastman who appeared to be "by herself". Indeed, as one looked, they might see that despite how many people seemed to co-exist, most saw fit to stick among themselves. Cliques of humans, Fae, and a lesser amount of beastman. It appeared that there weren't many constructs judging by the fact that one simply could not see any at all.

Most people who walked here, appeared to be armed and visibly so -- as if violence could break out at practically every moment. And yet most moved about with a casual air.

What structures they did see weren't quite the best looking, though surprisingly not the worse. Buildings were non-uniform, ranging from shanty structures of wood and whatever scrap metal could be found -- to clearly more well-made establishments not too distant from what one might expect to find in an an ordinary village on the mainland. Water seemed to be typically pretty near wherever one looked, with bridges typically linking portions of the island -- allowing people to walk over what amounted to salty rivers.

The island was large and many things were out of sight, the path to the town was clear. The merchant's crew and captain had been kind enough to inform their smuggled cargo that there were a few places to visit. There were a few taverns for drinking and living, a market a nice bar by the ocean, wilderness for the outdoorsy sort, untamed beaches, gambling dens and a brothel for people who were into that kind of thing. Though there nothing really stopping them from exploring or looking for other things on what was a fairly large island.

At the moment, there seemed to be little else in the realm of telling what they might find, or what might find them, if they stayed in one place.


A yawn -- as Pamela took a seat on a crate, looking among the crew. Having just woken up, she'd barely even thought of what it was she wanted to even do on the island. Though as a Mosquito floated just by her neck, she effortlessly snatched the insect out of the air with nothing but her bare hands, before lazily flicking it away.

"Where do you all wanna go?" She asked simply.
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Raia (#4064c3)

The water, it called to her. Often, Raia could be found trailing a hand through the seawater as their dingy ship trailed onward, both curious and mesmerized. She could feel her fins itch to jump in and feel the waves, though she resisted the temptation of abandoning everything in favour of the deep blue sea. She supposed it was just a natural, compelling instinct considering the monsters and beasts her body had been spliced from.

The sight of their destination was both beautiful and fascinating. It was strange to think that she had only really been in two places her entire life, Clockhaven and that damned research facility. This island, whatever it was called again, would be her third. How... surreal. She similarly felt both at ease and in awe at the same time, resting her head against the railing as she peered across the verdant scenery.

Upon disembarkment, Snare's lively response to Pam reminded her of a vision she would rather forget, her gaze softening before flickering towards their flamboyant monster briefly. By now, she had grown used to his creepy presence. Even if he was still as dangerous and uninspiring as ever, she no longer cared. His words, though eccentric, hit some key points, leaving her to also await the answers.

Still, watching him adorn a mask was somewhat humorous. In her humble opinion, he looked rather human even without, at least compared to herself. Unless that mask had some fancy magic shticks cast on it, she didn't really see the point, but held her tongue as to not poke the bear.

Musing to herself, she had the fleeting idea to purchase something more comfortable to wear than a suit, but she did rather enjoy being bare rather than clothed. Glancing back at the sea one last time, she simply smiled at her companions lazily. "Wherever and whatever is fine."
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke walked off the deck of the ship, a bit of a sneer on his lips as he looked around. He'd had preferred to wait for their real ship to be ready, but at request of his resident rabbit, he had come here to lay low. They needed his silver tongue to get the ship to take them here in the first place, as he extended his arm out for Stella to land on, giving the dragon a small scratch under the chin. "I got no intention of going out to the wilderness fer starters. Goin' out where no one can see in a land of cutthroats is about the most foolish thing we could do." He said, starting off by vetoing one of the options, seeing as it was simply a stupidly unsafe option at that.

"I ain't got much opinion on what we're doin' here, but maybe some drink oughta raise yer spirits." He said, rubbing his chin in thought, feeling Stella move to his shoulder and standing atop it, before turning to his more generic crew. "Bladesmen! We got 3 days of shore leave, you make the most of it." He shouted to his crew, before turning to those before him who had a more unique set of appearances. "Seein' as no one here's got much interest in brothels, I suppose a tavern's our best bet. Just be sure you keep your skirt down this time, we don't want folks to see you and think it's a brothel now." He teased towards Pam, adjusting his hat as he walked towards the rest.

"And Snare! Keep any killing or such to a minimum. If someone fucks around with the crew, you've got permission to make them find out, but only if they're acting up first." He said, giving his attack dog a bit of slack on the leash, but keeping it tight enough to keep the crew out of trouble in that regard.

Isabella Sangrea

Izzy was one of the last to climb off the ship. She stretched her arms above her, squinting her golden eyes into the sunlight. Her tan skin glowing in the warmth. She'd spent the majority of the travel time pestering her new pal about what kinds of foods he would be making. Whether or not he might be able to recreate some things she'd remembered from a few islands in her past. He was likely tired of her yapping at this point. She'd made a point to give him a little break when she'd gone around the ship to warn the crew that they were due for a physical. Such was her responsibility as the crews doctor. The last fight had brought that much to her attention. After Snares transformation, and Raias form itself. She understood she wouldn't have the first clue where to put things back or sew up.

As they were walking down the gangway, Izzy listened to Zeke tease Pam. She smirked, stalking up behind him, and leaned in, speaking quietly. "Ah'r Capt'n es' sa' shy. Me thinks 'e liked what 'e saw jes' ah bit." She chuckled, dancing around him playfully so that she was standing infront of him and walking backwards. Her hand came up towards Stella, as if to scratch gently at the baby dragons chin. Her grin persisted, as she sent a wink towards her captain. "Dunnae ferget aboot yer physical. Yew' an ah'l th' rest'v yeh." She spun around at that, raising her voice. and glancing towards Raiia, Snare, and Pam. "Et's overdue. We'll be needin' some place quiet an' reserved t' do some proper inspectin'." Upon finishing her doctor's declaration, she turned back towards the ship, grinning and waving towards the new pal that she and Snare had managed to drag onto the ship with them. "But first ah' think et'd be good te' get some decent' food. Maybeh we cahn grahb some ingredients fer ahr' new friend tae cook ahs' ah meal. Aye?" She stalked up towards Pam, waggling her eyebrows playfully towards Pam as she stepped up towards her.

"Aye, Snare's got eh' good idea. Ah drink er two wouldnae hurt aswell." She laughed aloud, tossing her long dark hair over her shoulders. Her golden eyes flickering over towards the sullen blue fem fatale. Taking a step or two in her direction from behind, she bent over to blow gently at the gills adorning her head. Smirking she took another step closer to reach up and tuck a strand of the woman's blue hair away from her face. "What's got ye' down sis? Ye'arn' mad at me fer bringin' this new fellla' are'ye?" She jerked a thumb over her shoulder towards the new dark skin white haired man that had joined them. "'E's gon'tae make ahs' some good eats aye? Good food always refreshes tha' soul." She smiled again, tapping the side of the womans face gently in an affectionate manner. "An' don' think all th' mopin is goin' tae get ye' out of yet physical." She barked a laugh at that, straightening up and looking around at the others.



  • The months since Yabani had left his village had been borderline enlightening. Not that he'd even know to use that terminology. He wasn't bright enough to know he was isekai'd and that this world wasn't his own, but he had confidence enough to mask any amount of uncertainty. Yabani had spent his time since his 'vision' hopping from one guard jig to another, since it got him food and travel.

    Most of that could've easily been found out by speaking to the flaming dumbass with any amount of chit-chat as he was an open book if you talked to him and got passed his over inflated confidence and ego. He's quick to fight mainly because fighting is simple to understand, which led to Yabani throwing hands(and feet) to 'protect' Isabella before he could even understand everything that was going on. That being said, Yabani was excited to visit yet another new place after being cooped up on a ship.

    "I guess Imma need to grab up all the spices an' grub I'll need to make ever'one a real meal after eating only the scraps that glorified boat served!" Yabani belted out his words with a volume that might make you think he equated loudness with importance and not even a lick of shame. Though, upon processing Zeke's words, Yabani looked to Snare. "I dunno 'bout killin anyone, but if sum'one gives ya a hard time I'll knock their lights out wit ya!" With that proclamation, Yabani slammed a fist into his palm producing some sparkes while walking a bit away from the group, wearing a smile like he wanted trouble

    "If it's the all the same with y'all, I'll go grab the good grubs, then find whateva watering hole you Bozo's pick, unless one'o'ya feel like taggin along to carry extra weight." Looking back, Yabani waited for a moment before his impatience got to him and he offered a wave.


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Starring (Goals)

Pamela (Maverick Six) -
  • Deal with her Cashback AKA [Wanted] Title
Zeke NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
  • Find a New Hideout
Raia SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
  • Bond and watch eachother's backs
Izzy Moonberry Moonberry
  • Bond and watch eachother's backs
  • Give the crew a physical
Yabani Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne -
  • Spread his name and the name of his god
  • Obtain groceries for a good meal

Clearwater Cove

Portside Promenade


The Hound Pits Pub

Captain Mors had once described his newest members of the Crooked Blades crew as Motley. Some here might be inclined to agree.

They wouldn't feel the scrutinizing eyes of the appraisal on them. But inherently they, were apt to notice the gaze of others upon them. They were a somewhat mixed group compared to the others. There were what looked physically two humans, one beastman, one strange looknig fish-woman, one fiery man and a patchwork looking guy. Most people were used to folk simply sticking among their own but it appeared this tiny group.

Such a thing was but a quaint observation though. Just as quickly as eyes appeared to fall on them, eyes would leave them. Nobody would inquire about their past. Nobody would ask questions. There was no orb with which to screen people for who they were or what they'd done. At least so far. The colorful crew would be naught but new faces in what they knew was a fairly small town. Word traveled quickly here but nothing of them had happened for it to spread. Perhaps that was something which might change. Perhaps not.

One thing was certain though, Pam's sleepy expression began to light up. Between the baking sun and the pleased look on her face, she felt her mind begin to sharpen as the crew made suggestions.

As Snare spoke, Pam found herself leaning forward -- her chin landing in the palm of her hand. She raised a brow as he reply. "Jeez. You been down in the dumps all night, just to perk up. Guess I must be somethin' special to pull you out of your rut, huh?" She said with a small smirk. Despite the onslaught of verbal abuse she's lobbed at the shady fucker, it seemed as though he kept showering her with praise -- like some type of affectionate porcupine. "Fine But on one condition." Pamela said, as if to relent.

But she got up and started walking over to someone.

"Gotta have at least one person with me." Pamela would curl her arm around Raia's shoulder -- and then pull her in for a great big hug. The combination of light armor around her arms and the durable hide that had developed around her limbs, enabled her arms to rest quite comfortalby on the prickle spines which had developed on Raia's form. "And I think someone needs cheering up." She said, looking up a bit at the taller Raia.

As Izzy invaded her from the front, Pam would pull Raia close from the side as she spoke to her, voice quiet.

"Listen, I know that Jade Dragon showed you some shit. I saw some shit too. Some stuff I might've been able to do better. But what's done is done. Can't change the past, can we?" She said, sounding sincere for a moment.

Just as the Captain chimed in -- Pamela both laughed and turned slightly red. Though this time, she didn't seem as caught off guard by his comment. And her retaliation to Captain Mors would come with a bit more sass.

"Man, I can't help but feel called out a little bit." She said, before motioning to Raia's chest area." After all, Raia still got her ta-tas out for everyone to see but I don't see you calling her out. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're having some trouble keepin' your eyes off me, boss." She smirked in that moment.

"Oh and feel free to give me a checkup later, doc. I ain't so arrogant to think I ain't gonna get roughed up, at some point."

As Zeke called -- a small creature perched on the on of the pier's support beams flew over.


"PAPA!!" A shrill yet joyful cry could be heard above Zeke's head. Wings flapped as Stella flew circles over Zeke's head for a moment, before she flew straight into him to give a great big hug. After this was done, she scampered onto the Captain Perch. "I got lost.....But now I found you!" As Zeke gave the crew and their guest their orders -- Stella seemed to rub her face against Zeke's cheek, pushing against him a bit needily, while he gave the rest of his speech.

"Alright. Bar it is. Man, it's been a long time since I've so much as a had a cup of alcohol." She laughed. It'd been a long time since she felt safe enough to drink at all with people around her, to say nothing of when she was alone.

As Izzy gave her the eyes, Pam seemed to avert her gaze a moment. But she seemed to be speaking more calmly. "Oh don't worry boss. After I have some food and drink., you can look me over much as you like." Speaking of food.

Pam's gaze finally fell on Yabani.

"You, Mr. Knight in shining armor" She pointed at Yabani accusingly. "I don't trust you." She said flatly. "But one way to start being trusted a bit is to make us some grub like you say."


A test of reflexes to begin. Pam threw a small bag of money at him. If he was quick enough and paying attention, he could catch it. If not -- he'd just have to pick it up off the floor.

"Rent a grill or whatever you need. Make sure to buy us good stuff. Meet us outside the Tavern. From what I hear -- the place is called the "Savory Spatoon. Make sure to give me the rest of that back."

A brief walk alongside a few bridges next to the river and the group would soon find themselves going through jungle, to somewhere away from one end of water and closer to another coastline.

Silverdale, Savory Spittoon

Characters: Zeke and Stella, Pamela, Snare, Izzy, Raia


For a brief walk -- the crew would trek through unpaved roads and get a glimpse of the town. A fairly colorful array of disheveled buildings were often accompanied by palm trees. Seedy alleyways lead to shadowy, urban mazes. Cheaper houses struggled to pass more than a story in height -- made to the desires of whatever each resident wanted and could afford. Some people had a porch. Some people had a fence. Some had holes brazenly in their walls. It didn't seem uncommon for many to simply sell things out of their own homes to their neighbors, with many entering different residential houses with nothing and coming in with various bobs and bits of paraphernalia

A few kids ran around past them with reckless abandon, bare feet leaving tiny footprint in the sand -- laughter disappearing into said shanty town alleyways. At the same beat, a man could be seen urinating on one of the palm trees, with one hand aiming and the other hand holding a bottle of whiskey. He shot them a mean glare as if to say "What're you looking at?"

It became more and more clear that more than just pirates inhabited here. And given the casual wear, one could see what could be others. There were shopkeepers, blacksmiths, craftsman, barbers, doctors and whatever else one could imagine might be the support network for said pirates. All of whom walked around the cove freely. There didn't seem to be police or anything which resembled that.

Soon however, in this town, they'd reach their destination. A building some degree nicer than those residential areas. Patched with some holes but standing sturdy. A sign at the top read "The Savoury Spittoon" . From within, they could hear music projecting out loudly. The place had a decent amount of space all to itself. The building looked large enough to have rooms for some to stay in -- to say nothing of food, drink and entertainment. There was something behind it, but the crew was entering from the front. Music from within grew louder and louder with approach. And as the entered the tavern, they would see more.

Barrels of Whiskey (Cover)

The group would be greeted with a lively sight as rather excitable music played before them in contrast to the mellowness one might expect of some places. People laughed, gambled and spoke loudly. The smell of cigarettes was pretty thick in the air -- as man people played. More modern lights of Widersian kept the place well lit. The groups they saw around outside were more. But some might notice a few people who might seem to be staff.

One was a man who stood with his arms crossed quietly. Scarred, bald and mean looking, he didn't speak to anyone at all. One might be mistaken in thinking him to brooding however -- as his eyes seemed to be constantly scanning the area. Those who entered seemed to be no exception to his gaze.

The second was an elf who sat quietly to herself, strumming away on a lute as many walked about her without a care. She looked at the group who entered, gave a smile and began to sing a song named "Barrel of Whiskey." Where this song came from? Nobody particularly seemed to knew. But it seemed to be a favorite, judging by the reception in the bar. One man could be heard slapping down a set of cards.

The third was the bartender -- who stood casually at the counter. His expression appeared to be the most coolwithout mean mugging a single soul. " Ain't seen you all around these parts." He began. "Welcome to the Savoury Spittoon: Toughest Tavern in alla Clearwater Cove. Since ya seem knew, lemme give ya the low down." He says, pointing to a sign with rules. "No fightin' in the bar. If ya wanna scrap? Best do it out back where folk can watch. Rule two, no grabbin' the bard. Rule three, you break shit you buy. Rule four, bars for good times." He clears a space at the bar enough for just about all of them to sit if they liked.

"Now with all that outta the way, what're ya havin'? Food, drink, rooms?" He said, mentioning the price for a few days stay. A rough equal to about 50 Rykes.

Pam gives an example.

"Just drink for me. A rum and coke to start. No food. One bedroom with one bed." With her words came gold.

"You got it." Replied the Bartender, handing her a key.

Silverdale, Bozo Market

Characters: Yabani

With Yabani having been sent off to fetch food, he would be greeted with surprisingly bustling marketplace on the island. The place wasn't very large, with the whole town only occupying a small part of the whole island.

The market was deliberately easy to find. Held up by nothing more than decent variety of weatherproofed tents, they choose to use bright colors to highlight the tropical theme of the place. The area sold things ranging from everyday things like fruits and fish, to things like organs and Widersian cybernetic limbs. It'd also be noted that one could find wealthier individuals here who weren't in the walk of town. In this area -- a few constructs could be seen, though most of them appeared to be standing guard at the wealthier stands. Most did not have this luxury, having only a sword at their side or a gun within arm's reach with which to defend their property.

Silverdale was a small town. Thus a few eyes recognized a foreigner when they see one. People seemed to look at and speak of Yabani in particular, but making out what they were saying was likely to be hard without some form of advanced senses to pick up on whispers amid a crowded place.

But Yabani was here to pick up ingredients. It was just a matter of finding them. Food was fairly abundant -- but finding exactly what he wanted might prove to be bit of hassle. What was more was that someone approached him. Yabani would feel a pungent odor begin to take him -- as an older and unkempt gentleman approached him. He'd been sitting on the side of the weaving paths of the marketplace.

"Ya look" He burps. "New. Need some help, friend?" The man asked, scratching his behind for a moment.

Yabani had a few options. He could strike out on his own and find his ingredients by way of chance (Roll 1D6. 1-3 failure. 4-6 success) He could try his luck with the old man. Or a creative and rational use of a skill might make this place more easily navigable. (Example: Streetwise F, Navigation F, Persuasion F on random NPC who knows the area)

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╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ Izzy ✧.·:·.*═╗

Izzy's grin widened as Pam averted her gaze, the mischievous smirk tugging at the corners of her lips like a cat who’d caught the mouse but chose to play a little longer. Teasing was always a delight, though this time, she restrained herself. The exams were no jest, but even the weight of responsibility couldn’t quench her thirst for food and drink, both sorely needed.

Her gaze drifted as Stella fluttered down to Zeke’s shoulder, the baby dragon settling like a delicate shadow against the man's sturdy frame. Izzy moved in closer, her fingers deftly brushing against the creature’s chin in a quick, affectionate scratch. With a smooth sleight of hand, she snatched a treat from the Captain's well-used stash, one she’d seen him dip into more times than she could count. A playful flick of her wrist sent the treat spinning in the air for the dragon to catch.

"Stella's such ah good girl," Izzy mused, her voice a rich hum that carried a hint of fondness. "Ah'm goin' ter' have t' do some gods damned readin' t' learn abou' treatin' yew." She chuckled, falling in step behind the group.

While Stella was an easy read, Snare weighed more heavily on her mind, a puzzle she wasn't quite ready to solve. How would she even begin researching such a creature? Raia, at least, seemed a distant cousin of the Fishmen she'd encountered before—familiar, if not fully understood. Pam? Some kind of Mink, perhaps. There were questions swirling like storm-tossed waves in her mind, but those would wait. The exams would bring clarity in time. For now, the promise of warming her belly with drinks and Yabani’s promised feast danced at the forefront of her thoughts. A pirate party with decent folk sounded like a rare treasure—a proper revel, without the risk of being tossed overboard by drunken rogues.

As they entered the tavern, the rhythmic hum of music met her ears, and Izzy caught the eye of the elven staff member, flashing a grin as she swayed her hips and tapped her boots to the beat. She clapped along, her voice rising in a carefree tune, though it was anyone’s guess if she actually knew the words.

She danced along, following Pam to the bar. Listening quietly to his spheal, all the while quietly dancing to the elf's song. Once he was ready to take orders, she immediately spoke up with a grin. "Aye, Ah'll have ah draft've ale, mate. Thank'ye."
She clambered onto a nearby stool with a grin, casting a look over her companions as they gathered around.

"Alrigh' then..." She drawled, her eyes gleaming with challenge as she sized them up. "Which'onev ye' es goin' first?" Her lips curled into a smirk, but before anyone could respond, she added with a wink, "After we eat, o'course."

╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ Mentions ✧.·:·.*═╝​

Raia (#4064c3)
Whilst a little distracted, and used to the boisterous chatter of her crewmates by now, Raia was caught off-guard when her sensitive gills were suddenly tickled by a faint breeze. Whirling her head round, she could only smile at the sight of their friendly doctor's little antics, leaning down slightly to allow the daintier woman to tuck her hair. "I'm fine, sorry for worrying ya sis." She appeased languidly without much thought, answering each of her little queries in turn.

"About the new guy, don't worry. The more the merrier I say. I don't mind a crowd at all, just need to get used to them again." She chuckled lightly, rubbing her ear fins and wondering if she could ever get a volume dial installed there one day. "But food huh... I'm sure it'll be great." Looking down at Izzy's smiling face, Raia found it hard to admit that right now, everything just tasted like paper, and she wasn't sure if that would ever change.

At her mention of trying to wheedle out of the physical, Raia merely rolled her eyes and laughed. "Don't worry sis, I would never. I just hope this mess of a body of mine doesn't cause you too much headache." Or heartache. She added silently in her head, though she saved that concern for when the time came.

With Pamela riding on in out of the blue, and both women coming straight on over to comfort her like nobody's business, Raia couldn't help but laugh out loud, a resonant sound with vague hints of low-pitched echoing notes akin to her echolocative abilities.

Hearing a second reminder of the past was unpleasant, but still, the leporine woman's good intentions were clear as day. "I know. And I don't need you to remind me, 'buns'." She chuckled teasingly. "But thanks. I'm fine, really. You both are being so dramatic." She smiled with lighthearted amusement, booping Izzy on the nose and patting back Pam's shoulder. "You're both good women, I don't know if this crew deserves you." She whispered with plenty mirth, letting any irrelevant thoughts disappear in favour of her clearly too-kind-and-perceptive crewmates.

Slowly fazing into whatever conversation had gone on between Pam and Mors, Raia slowly spoke up as she was dragged in to it. "Again with my tatas, huh Pam." She began playfully, before briefly glancing down at herself. "But now now, you make it sound like I don't have the appropriate bits covered, with all this bone stuff." She smiled amusedly, lazily half-peeling off one of the bone fragments coiled around her waist, and watching it flick back in place.

"And let's be real, I doubt any humans would be attracted to a fish, naked or clothed." She chuckled, before turning her attention to Yabani's booming presence, who seemed like an innocent if rambunctious sort. Although food was not that appealing to her, it was hard to strike down a smiling face, so she simply smiled back and waved at him before they all departed.

Leaving the water, albeit only briefly for the verdant jungle, left her feeling strangely forlorn, but such thoughts quickly dissipated throughout the journey. The sight of the ramshackle houses reminded her of her time as an orphan, when they even once held competitions for this kinda thing. Standing outside their destination for a moment, Raia felt that, with this group, it really seemed like the bar would be their favourite hangout spot, although she supposed that would be a given with their lovely yet constantly inebriated doctor.

Stepping inside, nothing particularly drew her attention apart from all the noise. "Just water for now, thanks." Raia nodded to the bartender after Pam and Izzy, silently wondering if sleeping in the ocean or a river was a bad idea on this criminal island, and how much she actually cared about said danger. "Going first at what sis?" She inquired casually as she also chose a stool, having already half-forgotten the matter of their physical check-ups in favour of the island's interesting sights.
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke laughed a bit at Pam's reply, before shrugging. "Mighty a coincidence you feel called out, almost like I'm callin' you out." He said with a chuckle, replying to her point about Raia shortly after. "Lass, if someone found that somethin' to go ooglin, I'd be worried about the person who thought it. Her bone's 're coverin' her fine enough." He added on at the end, resting a hand on the hilt of his cutlass. He adjusted his hat in response to her tease, scoffing a moment. "Tch... I'm ready for yer checkup when you are Ms. Izzy." He said with a hum, turning away from Pam.

When Stella landed, he chuckled and brought a hand up to rub her head.
"There ye are lass... don't be runnin' off now. Folk's around here can't be trusted with ya." He said, petting her head and keeping her close, leaning down for Izzy to do her treat trick with.

He idly acknowledged the statement of their +1, a little annoyed that yet another person not committed to the crew was brought along with them, knowing damn well this guy was probably going to get on his nerves somehow. But for the time being, he just nodded in acknowledgement, and turned to the crew again as they moved to walk to the bar.

When they arrived, he glanced over the people within the bar, tilting his hat back some to get a better view. When they arrived at the bar itself to hear the rules of the place, he raised his eyebrow at the rule of no grabbing the bard, glancing over to who he assumed was the bard, before realizing it was a perversion thing and rolling his eyes. Such was the nature of monkeys that couldn't control their own instincts. Though, he supposed the reason that he told Pam to put her ass away was because his own instincts were starting to eat at him, even though he didn't feel any attraction, this damn body was trying to change that, so he supposed he couldn't blame those born this way for that sort of thing.

He heard Snare comfort Raia, turning and removing his hat as he did so.
"Lad, could you run that by me again?" He asked incredulously, not entirely sure what Snare meant by him being a good impression of race not factoring into attraction, scooting himself and his chair a bit away from the monster just in case.

  • At Pam's gaze and accusations, Yabani had smirked and raised his hands just over his shoulders.

    "Hey, if someone needs socked, then I sock 'em. 'Sides, I ain't got no shinin' armor, that'd mean I was too busy-" Yabani was cut short by the bag of coins being thrown at him. At first, he went to snatch it was both hands but only managed to slap the bag down, to which he kicked it up into the air before trying and failing to grab the bag again, just for it to arc over Yabani and land on the ground behind him.

    "... Aight, I'll meet y'all there," Yabani mumbled as he turned around to pick up the bag and any coins that may have come loose. After doing so, he finally left for the market.

    Bozo Market piqued Yabani's curiosity, with all the different types of things readily available, though ultimately he was here for foodstuff. Nevertheless, any on-looker could tell the young Genasi was staring at a few of the shiner things on his way to wherever the food was centralized.

    Yabani's senses weren't anything special outside of his darkvision, so even if he noticed others looking at him, he paid it no mind as he just assumed it was something "surfacers" did. After all, he believed himself to be quite the specimen, so if anything, he was more than happy to have people gawk at and speak about him. Possession and clothing-wise, Yabani only had his pants, sandals, armored cloak, and religious symbol necklace. Those, and the bag of coins given to him by Pam. If anything, Yabani was once again curious why everyone had unnecessary clothing like shirts on, but he often kept that thought to himself.

    As Yabani was trying to figure out how to tackle finding the proper spices to pair with some meat and veggies, possibly even a fruit or two, he was approached by a man whose scent reminded Yabani of a wild animal. As he turned he saw an older man, who Yabani at first raised an eyebrow at, but the unkempt man wasn't showing any hostility so Yabani's expression turned into a confidant, yet uncrazy smile.

    "I'd have to say it is my first time here, Yabani's my name! Warrior of Atreia at your service!" Yabani thumbed a fist against his chest and some sparks flew for but a second. Then he let out a laugh "Though I guess you're the one offering help, huh? Truth be told I'm just looking for the best grub for ya coin and a grill. I got fire covered, so unless there's fuel that adds flavor, I don' need it."

    Being the dumbass Yabani was, he didn't really feel the need to overly suspect the smelly man, or call out that he was smelly. Everyone has points in which they forget to bathe, or can't, right?


Starring (Goals)

Pamela (Maverick Six) -
  • Deal with her Cashback AKA [Wanted] Title
Zeke NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
  • Find a New Hideout
Raia SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
  • Bond and watch eachother's backs
Izzy Moonberry Moonberry
  • Bond and watch eachother's backs
  • Give the crew a physical
Yabani Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne -
  • Spread his name and the name of his god
  • Obtain groceries for a good meal
  • Prepare a good meal for the crooked blades

Clearwater Cove

Silverdale, Savory Spittoon

Characters: Zeke and Stella, Pamela, Snare, Izzy, Raia


Barrels of Whiskey (Cover)

"Don't worry Papa! If some tries to grab me, I'll bite them like this!" Stella opened her jaws and quickly, in what was a non-threatening display. At the moment, Stella would be lucky to hurt a fly with fangs and claws so dull.

The Captain's reply to Pam's remarks left her momentarily quiet. Her mouth hung open a little bit, as she listened to his following statement. Admittedly, it's taken her slightly longer than usual to come up with a reply, but soon her dumbfounded expression was replaced with a wry smile as the idea spawned into her head.

"Ah. So I guess that means while I'm thinkin' about Raia's chest, that means you're thinking about my legs and ass huh?"

As the group entered, they might once again notice the gazes of those there. However, one who might notice others looking at him the most was Snare. He'd a disguise about him, but it seemed particularly patchwork in such a way that even the untrained eye noticed something off about it. Indeed, the attempted disguise seemed to draw a little bit of attention in that his disguise was shoddy. Even the bartender noticed Snare pulling a coin out of his "skin." He tentatively took it however, not asking any questions. (Snare does not have disguise F......) However, fortunately for him, he was in a place where nobody would really seem to care. This was a place where many sought to hide -- sitting off the coast of a country who'd decided to remain mostly armed and neutral. Sofar, Snare had yet to cause any trouble.

The small dragon's eyes wandered over to Izzy as she reached over. Her eyes became inquisitive upon the approaching fingers briefly before she realized Izzy's intent. The creature's tail swayed back and forth, and it raised its head as she gently scratched beneath the chin. Stella lets out a small purr, her tail swaying increasingly -- as Izzy gave tender tactile attention to an rarely touched area. It was a sensitive place that could often not be left exposed in the wild. Thus it felt good to have a pair of fingers reaching gently beneath.

"You're so nice, Izzy!" She said, greeting her old friend with an affectionate lick. Her head tilted curiously upon hearing about Izzy "treating" her. "Treat? Oh! Does Izzy have a treat for me??" Stella asked, mistaking her intentions and getting excited. The baby dragon's eyes seemed to almost grew innocently in size, due to her misreading Izzy's words.

"Never thought I'd be agreein' with Snare, but you'd be surprised what your fellow humans are into." Pam mused with a chuckle. "When I was running with another group in West Empire, there were a couple humans in my crew. And they'd stick their dicks in anything. Though maybe they were just weird. Still...."

Pam smiled at Raia warmly. "You sure nobody hit on you while you had on those nice clothes at a Casino? You know...distraction and all that." There was no way for Pam to know. Yet her instincts appeared to make her curious....

A drink had been slung her way, and she took it with a sip. The rum and coke were more stimulating than she'd thought it'd be. Her long, white fired ears seemed to perk up at the top of her head. She smelled the drink, but didn't detect anything poisonous. At least, not outside of the alcohol.

"Man the hell they put in this drink? I'll definitely get hungry soon if this shit wakes me up. Speaking of which, where's that loudmouth?" The bartender smiled warmly.

"Funny drink that's been floating around these days. "Coke." I hear the recipe comes from another world. Course, that's just a myth. No way to know for sure. Could be just hot air. Sure does sell though." With that, he set out the drinks for everyone. He placed them each before where all their patrons sat. Water for Raia, a draft of Ale for Izzy and a glass of scotch with a splash of sugar. Zeke appeared to be the only one who hadn't ordered anything.

"If you want somewhere private to do a physical, you can always use my room." Pam said, offering her key to Izzy once the drinks were doled out. While Pam wasn't keen on getting checked out yet, it seemed she had two willing volunteers, along with a curious crewmate.

Silverdale, Bozo Market

Characters: Yabani


Streets Exploration

"A warrior huh? I'll keep that in mind...if I ever need someone beat up, that is."

The scraggily-looking man's fairly neutral expression turned pleasant as he looked at the man. The grin grew wider as the loudmouth man declared himself pretty new around these parts. But the man would oblige.

"Sure! I know this place like the back of my hand. Just tell me watchur looking fur!" He said, pointing at himself with confidence in his tone to match.

With that, Yabani would be led around the market. The man appeared to know exactly where everything was. Whatever Yabani had wanted -- the old man simply guided him to the exact stall and to the exact merchant. A few looked at the old man with a raised brow, and some conducted business as usual. The merchants seemed to vary between looking like they were from here and those who'd appear to come from other places. Their wares were abundant -- featuring magical items, fruits, and vegetables. And he'd catch a glimpse of a black medical tent, filled with jars of preserved organs. But that wasn't what he was here for.

With each and every purchase, the old man appeared to be looking at the bag of gold he'd take out each and every time. Yabani had enough for food, various spices, utensils, cooking ware as small as a kettle or as large as a grill, and whatever else he might want. He could even buy drugs if he liked.

Once, it seemed like a warrior of "Atreia" had all that he wanted -- he'd be confronted with a question.

"Sure wish I could get some food." He said casually with a shrug of his shoulders. Both of them had been standing in plain view of the market. That man raised empty palms in the air, alluding to the fact that he'd nothing on him. Business in the market seemed to proceed as usual.

"I think about the rest of what you got might do for my services....don't you think?" The old man asked Yabani in a way that seemed far from shy. Indeed, he'd sad these words as though he'd said them many times before, with a particular emphasis on the way he said. Just like that, he seemed to be confronted with another choice from the old man.
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  • Yabani was more than happy to accept help, after all trying to do everything would prevent him from being the best at what he wanted to do. With each new stall came another greeting, introduction, and chance to spread his name and yap a little. Yabani gladly picked out each food-thing after asking a few questions about the flavor, and remarking that he's gonna be cooking for a hotty and her friends, making sure to pick out spices and spicy things as well. Indeed, no one in the market would have needed to eavesdrop on this dumbass of a man, as he made himself visible and heard for everyone and their cousins to witness.

    Yabani saw the less-than-savory items for sale as well, but they didn't relate to his tunnel vision of making a lip-smacking good meal, so he just pretended he didn't see any of it and would probably forget about it if no one asked him about it before the day was out.

    Counting out the money, Yabani was happy because he'd be able to get some of it back to Pam while also having what he needed to make a great meal. Though he bought food as if he was making a feast, so the only worry was if everything would be eaten. Though, upon hearing the old man's concerns, Yabani threw on another confidant, if not slightly crazy smile.

    "Listen here old timer! You helped Yabani, The Warrior of Atreia who's name will be known across the lands someday! As if I could let you go hungry! So you're comin' with me and you're gonna have a meal that'll blow your sock off!" With a free hand, Yabani would attempt to give the old man a hearty slap on the back. "So just follow me! I gotta go meet up with Izzy and Pam at that Spatoon of Savoriness or somethin'!"

    With that Yabani would start walking back the way he first came, probably counting on running into another helpful stranger to point him in the right direction.


╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ Izzy ✧.·:·.*═╗

Izzy's grin widened as the bartender slid the drinks across the counter. She was quick to snatch up the draft of ale, but when her gaze fell on the small shot glass, she hesitated. Squinting at it, she picked it up and gave it a cautious sniff. She blew out a rush of air with a loud "Phwoooo," scrunching up her nose. A quick glance around the room followed, uncertain if the little glass was meant for her. But curiosity won out, and she brought the glass to her lips, tossing it back in one go.

"Pwahh!!" She slammed the glass onto the bar, shaking her head with a grimace. "Damn, tha's got ah righ' kick to et', don'it?" She wiped her lips unceremoniously with her arm before grabbing the draft of ale. Taking a long gulp, she drained nearly half the mug before gasping for air. Barking a laugh, she eyed Pam's fizzy little drink with some curiosity, but resisted the urge to sneak a sip. Instead, she took the keys Pam had offered, a smirk playing across her lips. "Aye aye, tha's ah good idea. Might'as well get et over wit'. Might be ah bit a'fore Cook gets here." It seemed "Cook" was the name she'd decided to use for Yabani, at least for now.

She glanced at the others, humming as her finger danced in a circle between them before finally landing on Raia. "Right then, Sis. Yer ahp!" With that, she tossed back the rest of her ale, slammed the mug down, and started clapping her hands, swaying her hips to the bard's melody. She motioned for Raia to follow, half-dancing her way toward the rooms and glancing back occasionally to make sure Raia was keeping up.

After a bit of stumbling, they finally found the right room. Izzy stepped inside and set her hip bag on a nearby surface. Stretching her arms high above her head, she inhaled deeply, then turned to face Raia. Despite the large amount of liquor she'd just consumed, her usual carefree demeanor had faded into a more serious expression.

"Alrigh', Sis. Ah'm aboot tae get ah lil personal, alrigh'? Dunnae mind me sa' much; jes' dew yer best tae answer honestly. The more honest ye' are, the better ah'll be able tae help ye' when the time comes." She spoke quickly and matter-of-factly, turning back to her bag and pulling out a few items, one of which was a horn-like instrument. Turning to Raia, she gestured for her to sit down. "Alrigh', first, les' a've ye' sit down. Ah'll be listenin' tae yer breathin'."

Without hesitation, she moved toward Raia. As soon as the woman was seated, Izzy placed the horn against her back, pressing her ear against the smaller end. "Alrigh', give me ah deep breath in, an' one long one out," she instructed quietly, waiting for Raia to comply. After each breath, she moved the horn slightly, repeating the process two or three more times until she seemed satisfied.

Nodding, Izzy set the horn back in the bag. "Ah few questions for ye' tae answer afore we check yer range of motion. How often d'ye shed yer scales? An' how often d'yeh need tae immerse in water? We'll have tae check yer breathin' with yer gills when we get enough water."

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Maverick Six Maverick Six

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