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Fantasy Classroom Magic [Closed]


Secret society of paranoid people
Sarah was sitting in class completely bored. She swore the teacher's monotone voice was going to be the end of her and was wondering how much it would take to get kicked out of class despite being one missed class away from a suspension, not that she minded. But through the mindless banter, she found a small enjoyment in floating her pencil on her desk, poking the student in front of her.
During this brief moment of respite there was an audible pop and a blinding light enveloped the room for a second. When the light was gone a strange woman stood in place of the old teacher. Her crimson red hair flowed down her back onto a silky black dress. The new teacher's back was turned, speaking in a rather upbeat tone about the importance of something.

If Sarah looked around her she would realize all to quickly that all of the students were now mannequins. "My, that is an awfully interesting talent you have there." The voice sounded like the teachers, but it didn't seem to have come from the teacher. There was something very odd going on.
Sarah looked around herself and smirked,
"New supply are you?" She kicked her feet on her desk and looked at the teacher, she was a formal looking woman that Sarah had little respect for already. She tucked a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear letting the other side fall down the side, "Look, lady, I don't have time for whatever threat of expulsion you're going to lecture me with," She continued to float her pencil around until it was directly behind the neck of the teacher, "It's a parlor trick, nothing more."
"Expulsion?" The supposed teacher mused fascinated, "do you mean like this?" Without warning one mannequin flung itself out of the open window. "Ah, that is much better. The air feels much cleaner already." Then the teacher was no longer at the chalkboard but instead at the back of the room cleaning a bit of dust from off of a book shelf.

"What see as parlor tricks could be so much more don't you think?" The amused 'teacher' walked by the girl, a series of floating book hovering behind her as she took notice of a bulletin board to her right. "I always hated these cluttered things." She remarked. "Expulsion." The word seemed to make her giggle a little. She hadn't had this much fun in a while. Not with other living people. She would have to savor this, perhaps even take a little souvenir.
Sarah got up and followed her around the classroom, she liked this so-called 'teacher' in the way she behaved. Clean, humorous, and a hint of what could be identified as psychosis with the whole spontaneous mannequin charade.
"Ugh, cut to the chase already! I'm dying to get out of here..." Sarah said in an exasperated voice, the pencil danced around her as she eventually settled on a desk to sit on top of after shoving the mannequin that was occupying it over,
"Hm? Oh you can leave whenever you want," she spoke taking a place on her desk facing her, the books flipping their pages quickly. "Do you need motivation? Ding ding ding." She clapped, "class dismissed." The mannequins began to rattle in response as if ready to leave. A small smile rose on the 'teachers' face.
Sarah just looked confused, usually, if she wanted to leave the teacher would make sure to keep her extra long...
"You're not a teacher, are you?" She said getting up just before she left the class, her bag slung over her shoulder and her pencil delicately behind her ear, she looked around at the teacher and the room filled with mannequins, how the teacher looked and acted and realized how every teacher could kill a student with their monotone voice but she didn't,
"Who are you?"
"Who? Me? Oh I am just Orona, Witch of the Void. Nothing special." She waved her hand as if pretending to be bashful. "Now run along, you look rather thirsty." A faint smile playing on Orona's face.

"Are you ok? You have been staring into that void for a while now. There isn't anything else out there. Why not sit down and drink a cup of tea." The voice of Orona would now be behind her, the classroom nothing but an inky blackness lacking any shape. In fact, the classroom and the rest of the school seemed to be 'missing' all around them.

Orona sat swirling her spoon around a rather hot cup of Lady Grey Tea. With two fingers she gingerly lifted it and took a sip. "Ah, delicious." She said, her red hair hair shifting to fall off her face as she sat up to watch the girl.
Sarah looked slightly confused and walked over to Orona again, sitting in a chair that had remained, she watched as the classroom around her disappear. Everything floating away, "I'm not a witch, you should probably know that in case you're confused..." She said holding her arm slightly, "I'm Sarah," She said holding her hand out in an open stance,
"It's you I don't want getting confused dear." She said plainly as the tea room filled with a light and elegant music. "I didn't bring you here thinking you were a witch. I brought you as a guest. I have had a number of guests." She motioned to the area around them which seemed larger despite the room only being a standard sized square. "I see a burning question in your eyes. Well go on," she waved. "But first what would you like to drink?"
"I'm good for now..." Sarah said looking around the tea room, it had been nicer than most things she ever had. "Why am I a 'visitor'?" She asked confused, she thought of all of the books she'd ever read about an interesting thing happening to someone and she definitely didn't fit the form. There was nothing really special about her, so why was Orona offering her tea in this weird room?
"It's rather simple. I choose people from different universes who I find fascinating. Naturally I bring them here and chat and give them a chance at something they don't have." She took another sip of her tea, "For example. A bit of adventure." She turned her head to the window, the endless void around them. She flicked her wrist lazily and the void was replaced by a blue sky and rolling hills of green grass. "Ah the air is quite nice here."
Sarah smiled slightly, she was sick of her normal life since nothing interesting ever happened. She looked around her at the nature that suddenly appeared.
"Whatever it is I'm in," Sarah said, trying to sound cool when she was filled with excitement like a child,
Orona's eyes widend with mock surprise, "you are definitely my favorite guest now. So how much excitement would you desire?" She asked, looking down at her freshly painted red nails. "An average non-life threatening adventure? Or... Perhaps you want to be dropped into another world with powers? Have a fantasy love story? Or fight off grotesque monsters? I have had a number of guests choose rather interesting ones." She smirked a bit. She could always do a personal favorite that no one ever chose. Though there was no guarantee the girl would ever choose something that extreme.
"I'd like to do a combo, like a meal of everything, or soup! Throw it all in a bowl and see how it tastes!" She said feeling excited, "Anything your wildest dreams could come up with, lay it on me..." She said with a smirk calming herself down,
"Oh? Then I have just the thing for you." She leaned forward to look at her guest. "Before I thrust you into your adventure. Any requests, questions or concerns?" This was the part all of her guests seemingly ignored. They wanted to go in blind and sometimes that meant meeting a grisly end as soon as they arrived.

Orona was rather fascinated by the prospect of seeing this girl having a fun time. Then again she also wanted her own entertainment. She was well aware that most adventures never ended.
"Well, will I still have my magic?" She asked, she wouldn't want to be thrown into a universe completely helpless, yet a small portion of her enjoyed the idea of the mundane.
"Depends on whether you choose to save or end the world dear. Which would you choose?" She pondered, then waved away the question. "I guessed it depends on whether you are innately good or evil." It was the one thing she couldn't tell about her guests.
"I'm easily persuaded, but I wanna have one of those I'm destroying the world and befriend the enemy... But I'm for ending it..." She smirked, "Wait, if I die there, do I actually die?" She said getting a little paranoid,
"Sweetie, death exists in every world. It takes a lot for a witch to die in that world. But... there are worst things then death." She tapped her tea cup in thought. "Would the thought of dying in any world bother you? It is all part of the adventure after all." She waved her hand producing a scroll from thin air. "If you are ready to start this interesting journey then open the scroll and touch the blue text." Extreme was always fun to Orona and this adventure was the true definition of Extreme. If she wasn't from her own extreme era, she would have wanted this adventure herself.

She watched the girl disappear as she touched the blue text. "Well this shall be interesting." She said sipping her tea with a small smile. Moving her hand up, a mirror floated to her. "So lets see what is happening currently."

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