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You are probably wondering why I called you here.

I will get straight to the point.

You. Me. Both play male characters. We roleplay. Point blank. No strings attached.

If you choose to accept this mission you must send me a pm or reply below so I know you are willing to take this on. Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
Okay but in all seriousness I am craving a really good male x male roleplay!! I am open to just about anything but I will go over the basics.

Modern (I guess I will call it a genre)
Fantasy (kinda picky with this)

I am not interested in sci-fi or medieval genres unless you can really manage to make a plot I can get into.

I do not really have any fandoms I am in unless you count like Creepypasta, Fairy Tail, Supernatural....I don't think I am that into anything else. I prefer to build our own world anyway with our own characters anyway. I also don't really have any strong ideas for plot but I have a few loose ones that I could share and perhaps you could build upon or you may have your own you like to share!

I do have a few requirements.

  • THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TO ME! Please be able to respond at least 3 or 4 times(preferably more) everyday! If you are unable to do that I just find it difficult to stay invested into the storyline. If you have too busy of a schedule then this may not be for you.
  • Decent grammar. You do not have to be perfect. I most certainly am not. But just be decent.
  • Please move the plot. Do not make me do all the work. Throw in your own ideas please or it kind of gets boring. I want to be left on the edge of my seat not knowing what is gonna happen! When it is just my ideas, I know what is gonna happen.

Okay I think that sums it up! Thanks for reading this far agent and hopefully I will hear from some of you soon!!
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Howdy! I’m down for a modern(kind of) roleplay with a supernatural twist. It’s odd, and if you don’t like the idea, id be happy to do something you had in mind!
Howdy! I’m down for a modern(kind of) roleplay with a supernatural twist. It’s odd, and if you don’t like the idea, id be happy to do something you had in mind!
Hey there! I am down for that for that and would love to hear if you had more details in mind!
So I am just craving a really good mxm roleplay! I already have a couple going on but I just love these type of roleplays. I am down for modern and realistic roleplays but I do like supernatural elements but that can be worked around! I just ask for decent grammar and replies at least once a day. Hope to hear from some of y'all! More details can be worked out for plot just send me a pm!

heya! i'd like to RP with you!
Hey are you still looking? I'm pretty flexable with plots and have some ideas ( mostly angst...) but I'm open to suggestions or lighter topics
So I am just craving a really good mxm roleplay! I already have a couple going on but I just love these type of roleplays. I am down for modern and realistic roleplays but I do like supernatural elements but that can be worked around! I just ask for decent grammar and replies at least once a day. Hope to hear from some of y'all! More details can be worked out for plot just send me a pm!
I'm intetested!
So I am just craving a really good mxm roleplay! I already have a couple going on but I just love these type of roleplays. I am down for modern and realistic roleplays but I do like supernatural elements but that can be worked around! I just ask for decent grammar and replies at least once a day. Hope to hear from some of y'all! More details can be worked out for plot just send me a pm!
Good evening. If you are still looking feel free to message me. I'd like to know what kind of rp partner you are looking for to see if I fit the requirements.

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