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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits


Florian Society Member
@Alstromeria, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.


NAME: (name)

AGE: (anywhere from 18-40 please)

GENDER: (male or female)

SEXUALITY: (I don't plan for romance, but anything's possible)

RACE: (Pretty much anything, no hybrids please)

CARDINAL ALLIANCE: (north, south, east, or west)

WEAPONS/GEAR: (this takes place in medieval times, no guns please, magic weapons and items are allowed, if I don't like them, I'll ask you to change)

MAGIC: (if available, please choose between summoning, destruction, healing, or enchanting, if you aren't a magickin don't make it your primary weapon)

PERSONALITY: (personality)

BACKSTORY: (don't tell me there is none, every charecter has one, no steriotypical mysterious types please)


After we have about five charecters, we'll have to regulate the speed of which the others are introduced.
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"The Shadow"

  • Name: Roxii Sicarius

    Age: 19

    Genderfluid (For simplicity's sake, use "she/her" pronouns by default)

    Race: Wood elf

    Sexual Orientation: Demisexual, bi-romantic

    Cardinal Alliance: Predominantly East, but travels occasionally

    Occupation: Assassin

STATUS: Alive. Accompanying Halk as a business associate.
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NAME: Halk Liserite

AGE: 20



RACE: Magickin


OCCUPATION: Military Enchanter

WEAPONS/GEAR: Halk wears an enchanted jacket he made for himself when he was ten, and has added runes to it ever since. It's abilities include (but are not limited to) Magic redirecting, kinetic storage, energy draining, transmuting metals to water on physical contact, and much much more.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.050c5da2c844dd7b4b28eaa3d0dbc1fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.050c5da2c844dd7b4b28eaa3d0dbc1fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Being quite the bystander, the only thing that can be classified as a weopon Halk carries around with him is a pair of clawed gauntlets made of leather and enchanted steel, openhanded so he can use a bit of magic if needed. He uses them as tools for digging and cutting materials more than weapons.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.878f9e7e776a928883b14b15013f84b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.878f9e7e776a928883b14b15013f84b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Halk also has a ring given to him by his father. It's nothing special.

MAGIC: Halk began enchanting almost literally before he could walk. He grew up in a family that accepted all kinds of magic, but his family insisted that he do everything himself. This only added to Halk's knowledge of the trade, and although he doesn't like having his works recognized, and will never say so himself, Halk is one of the most skilled enchanters in the east.

PERSONALITY: Halk is a skittish individual, but nonviolent. This is shown by his coat, it doesn't really have any offensive capabilities, it just protects him. Humble, though devilishly clever, Halk preferes to be a spectator in most events, but if you strike up a conversation on his work, you'll need to stay awhile. Halk is very talkative, and can ramble on for hours. He can sometimes get too immersed in his work, and will sometimes forgo food, water, and sleep for long periods of time if he gets distracted. Halk is fascinated with all types of materials and magic, and loves to experiment with how they can be used. He is sometimes found just pouring over one particular rune or enchantment, lost in thought.

BACKSTORY: Growing up in the far east, Halk has always been tied to magic. His father was a court wizard, and his mother was a healer. He has no siblings. When tensions began to build, Halk was drafted to make weapons and armor for the east. His superiors noted the quality of materials he had produced, and was immediately promoted and moved towards where action was going to break out first. Although Halk did not like this descision very much, he was proud to be part of a bigger cause than just simply creating (that is his excuse for everything, "Because I have the ability"). He's a magician, born and bred, and although he doesn't like fighting, he will do everything in his power to protect his homeland.

STATUS: Alive. Fighting. Stationed at the east's gorge camp.



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NAME: Nasanru

AGE: 618

GENDER: male mostly

SEXUALITY: best to go with Asexual for now

RACE: Lich





Possessed sword: While magic is all good and fun sometimes people rush you and the study of magic leave little time to become a master swordsman so the solution is to give you weapon life so it can fight for you with skills far greater than your own. Though it doesn't help if you lose your grip.

Staff of magic: What is a mage without a staff they are so very useful to help you empower your spells or just to walk with who can go without them

The black armor: A lich maybe powerful but they are still mostly a corpse and they break as easy and any other the solution enchanted armor, now if only the middle part wasn't missing.

MAGIC: Summoning is the primary with destruction being secondary he has multiple life times to learn more than one school

PERSONALITY: Nasanru can best be called a cool old guy he always has a story to tell and some wisdom to impart. this however does get annoying without doubt after the 32nd story of how adventures interrupted his work or the time he laid siege to a castle in the wilds with an army of undead. He is a rather approachable person and fairly friendly having learned being an anti social jerk really gets old fast. He is willing to try anything once for long as it is made to sound interesting that is more important to him than any other payment he wants to be entertained.

BACKSTORY: Born Nakazo Hai Nasanru grew up in the east in a distinguished family of mages. Nasanru knew no want anything he desired could be supplied and nothing was to expensive. In his family Nasanru the third child with two older sisters, both excellent mages. So as one could guess Nasanru was on the fast track for success and Nasanru did well as was expected of him.

Things however changed when his mother died of illness, for one so sheltered and distant form suffering death was a strange curiosity. This happened when Nasanru was 18 and sparked in him an interest in death and the manipulation of life and death. An despite being far from his home at the ancient scolastico quâdam mystica the premiere mystic college of the day he started to conduct dark experiments. He learned how to summon forth spirits and animate the dead.

Years after he had started Nasanru was discovered as he raised what was to be his master piece his mother. Well it was less he was discovered so much that he was proud of seemingly conquering death by bringing his mother back body and soul and keeping her fully sentient. Others didn't see it that way and he was expelled becoming something of a disgrace to his family. Still the family was to proud to let any member of it be cast to the streets so they instead just shut him away until people seemed to forget he existed.

This worked out better than Nasanru had thought it would as he could still use his families resources and because the whole incent had been covered up no one knew what he had started and with no one paying attention to him he was allowed to do as he pleased. So with the help of a few people he had allowed to learn of his work and had decided to follow him he dived deeper and deeper into the dark necromantic arts.

This culminated one dark night during a new moon when after years Nasanru was ready to truly defeat death and become something more. The ritual tainted the land around the manor and plants withered and died. It took years but eventually people discovered what had happened, though by this time the entire family was nothing more than Nasanru's undead servants. When the truth was learned Nasanru was run out of his home and the manor was burned down and the family was forgotten.

Nasaru wandered into the southern lands and from there formed his own academy, with black jack and hookers… but he forgot the black jack and hookers and settled for a secret coven in a deep cave. inside he gathered a small following and continued his research into dark magic. Though as with any dungeon it soon attracted those pests called adventurers. It was during one of the many raids by these annoying beings that Nasanru found out he really sucked and melee combat and was slain and the adventures destroyed his Phylactery sending his soul to the afterlife.

Nasanru however didn't stay dead it took 80 years for his few followers to gather everything needed for the ritual to resurrect their master, many of them had managed to gain lichdom. His first act after regaining his power was to make his possessed sword so he would have some defense against melee combat .

Soon after that Nasanru started to make a real dungeon with all the works this time so he could work in peace. This plan backfired as a few years latter adventures started breaking in and making a mess of the place though most were dealt with before they got to Nasanru though each time he had something new to try out. in time however he got tired of the dungeon running life and said screw it summoned a demon lord and put him in charge and left. Now Nasanru mostly just wanders about looking for something new to do where he won't be constantly bugged by people trying to put an end to his "evil" works.


Every lich has a Phylactery this is a container that stores their soul it is up to the lich what object it is and said object becomes harder to destroy than normal, but if you destroy it the lich is dead, however if you just kill the body a lich can reform in a few days though they will be very weak. A lich can actually be brought back though a complex ritual though they only have one life until they remake their Phylactery.

Also holy/ healing magic is potent against him, though to a slightly lesser degree than lesser undead, still a good group of clerics could in theory heal a lich's body to death.

STATUS: Alive. Technically. Dissapeared into the south.
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(She has hands its just deeply buried under feathers!)

NAME: Silver

AGE: Unknown... Though has the appearance of 20.

GENDER: Female


RACE: Siren (The correct kind!)

CARDINAL ALLIANCE: North I guess. But she travels most of the time.

WEAPONS/GEAR: A staff with a golden bird perched upon the top. It has a flawless ruby in it's mouth.

MAGIC: Seductive Song, Flight, and a piercing scream.

PERSONALITY: Quiet, Serious, Wild.

BACKSTORY: Just like most sirens she is wild, reckless and seductive, though for the wrong reasons. Though sometimes she wonders about the outside world. As a child she was raised by birds instead of other sirens. Before she hatched the parents and folk thought the egg was rotten, which really she was just a runt.

STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES She has a strength to open and wide rooms that echos, also brightly colored placing that match her wings. Her weaknesses include fire, iron, and felines.

STATUS: Alive. Dissapeared into south.



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no slide no slide no slide no slide
Elise Xendra

AGE: Sixteen

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

RACE: Human pedigree


WEAPONS/GEAR: Having sold Gregory's old gear to upgrade her caravan and buy proper horses, she uses equipment supplied by her current guardian Sibel Renstad. These include a Silver buckler and a unique sword known as the Plagued bane of mortality.

The silver buckler seems to have a resistance against magic or at least all spells relating to direct harm. Non-aggressive magic can be cast against it however damaging spells have no effect.

The plagued bane of mortality is named as such because of the infection rate it causes on wounds. Once it pierces flesh of any kind, it seems to cause infection which results
fatally for the poor fool on the pointy end of it.

Elise also has a pair of gauntlets with sapphire knuckles, made for her as a parting gift by Halk. Elise doesn't know exactly what they do yet, but she's sure the enchanter did something to them.

MAGIC: Being from the West, all magic is shunned making it a worthless art.

My apologies for writing such a short application. I was in a hurry :P

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Name: Roxanna Rosalinna May Ann Salvatore Hawthorne Rameras Pierce

NickName: Call me Roxas or Pierce

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Nymph

Job: She doesn't really have a job, but she can make stuff for people, little things, like flower crowns and dresses, and dolls.

Appearance: She's five foot three and slender and curvy, which is weird for her. There are very few male nypmhs, but nymphs are notorious for seducing anything in their path, Roxas is no different. Her eyes are a deep forest green and her hair is dark black and ends just above her butt. Her hair is also curly and mostly a mess. She's very pale, from staying in the nature, but even going out in the sun doesn't help much, considering her parents are both naturally pale. Roxas wears more than the average Nymph, and tends to wear a linen dress, it ends at mid thigh, and doesn't have straps. (I can add pictures later)

CARDINAL ALLIANCE: She's of the south, but tends to wander around.

WEAPONS/GEAR: Typically her magic, which includes the nature around her, but if that fails she carried a slim golden dagger holstered on her right thigh.

MAGIC: She can create flowers out of nothing, heal plant and animal life, and teleport by moving through nature. She can also grow plants to her liking.

PERSONALITY: I typically like to develop throughout the roleplay, but Roxas is kind and happy. She's also incredibly feisty and very mischievous. She can be very pouty, but typically doesn't mind not getting her way.

BACKSTORY: Roxas's parents gave her a million different names when they fought over what exactly they would name her, so they named her everything. They stopped coming around her when she was twelve and so Roxas raised herself after that and has been somewhat alone for twelve years. So over the years, she's traveled throughout the south, and wandered towards the west boundary, learned from many different people all the things she should know about herself, and how to defend herself, and what to do as she grew up and lived. At fourteen she learned how to make clothing, yes she wore clothes before then, but only because she asked her parents. She wasn't as comfortable as the other Nymphs to be naked a lot. At fifteen she learned to draw a bow, and at sixteen she flirted and had a fling with a man who made knives. That's how she acquired her slim golden dagger. At seventeen, after the knife man had left her with his gift, she learned how to fish, although she was not a fan of hurting animals. For two years after that she lived with a small group of women, who taught her how to sow, make blankets and how to pick pock people. At nineteen she found out she had eight different sisters and another on the way, she tries to be there for her siblings, tries very hard, but she also likes to live her own life. Five years later, she's good at many different things, she checks in on all her siblings, she has more siblings as well. (I can go more in depth later)

STRENGHTS/WEAKNESSES: She can't fight well, she's good at running though.

STATUS: Alive. Disappeared into the south looking for aid.
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NAME: Ayda Alhoon

AGE: 40

GENDER: prefers female but has no ture gender

SEXUALITY: asexual

RACE: ulitharid








MAGIC: mainly her natural psionic abilities knows some destruction magic

PERSONALITY: Ayda is not that different from her people right now, she is vicious, she is cruel, and she believes herself above all others. Still this is not absolute as after learning that one of her core beliefs is a lie she has started to doubt other tenants of her mind set. /she has even taken the first name of the elf she took over instead of using a more Illithid suited name along with the name of an outcast of her species. Still she doesn’t exactly value the lives of others seeing them as either food or slaves at best as anyone smarter than her or more skilled than her she generally will attack and consume their brain and knowledge.

BACKSTORY: Ayda started out life like all Illithid do as a squirming larva in a massive pool with other squirming larva with a big brain. This larval phase accounts for the first decade of her life, though she wasn’t a she then not that she is now, but she was a worm then. She seemed like a normal larva until they brough forth a host for the larva to take over, when she took over the body and mind of an elf.

Ayda is what is known as an ulitharid which is a sub species of Illithid also known as mind flayers, this can be seen with her 2 extra long tentacles. Being an Ulitharid Ayda was treated as the nobility of her species, or as close as they get in their violent cut throat society she like all her kind where second only to the elder brain. She worked like most of her race to hone her psionic powers and as expect of an Ulitharid she was more powerful than the average mind flayer.

Now why would such a privileged member of society leave such a position, well it wasn’t like the story books she was no princess wanting more; namely because after what is known as Ceremorphosis, the point where she took over a host, no she discovered a dark secret. All Illithids believe that when they die and give their brains to the elder brain they will merge and join something of an afterlife, but she discovered that the personality of the dead are destroyed only the knowledge is kept. This revelation bugged her so much that she left, not that the elder brain would let her remain after discovering this. Now she wanders learning dark magic to find her own way to live eternally.

A 5'9 tanned man with a shaved head (color of hair is dark brown) and gold-brown eyes. Lean toned muscle which is balanced both upper and lower body. He's got a couple of nasty scars around his body.

Weapons/Gear: Wears stolen light armor and ankle-high boots. He has steel plated arm guards and leg guards, again, stolen.

Name: Majeed Shunnar

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Race: Magickin

Sexuality: Bisexual

Cardinal Alliance: East

Magic: Amateur fire magic. He uses it in combination with his fighting style. (Think of fire bending)

Strengths: Martial Arts, Fire magic, Striking pressure points

Weaknesses: Most are under the DISLIKES section.

Status: TBD

Similar to a dog, if he trust's them, he will protect them.

Alert to his surrounds most of the time.

Quiet and many of his responses seems to be grunts. He talks when he needs to.

Loyal to who he befriends

Likes: the sky, nature, honesty, food, peace

Dislikes: deep water, slavers, racism, tight spaces
Majeed was born a slave in the western region. With many other slaves, they were not made known to the public. For years he worked in the mines, as did others, at a young age. When they found out he could use fire magic, his owners shackled magic restraints to him so he could never refine his talent. Other slaves taught the young lad how to fight for himself; it is common for scuffles to form in the mines. He brawled others, mined metal, and mentally practiced his magic for years until, at age 20, the mines collapsed killing most of those inside. Majeed freed himself from his chains and escaped, using the confusion and panic to his advantage. He runs away from his owners, escaping to the Eastern Region. He survives by himself for a couple of years in the forest until a town takes him in as their own. The town, Moonbright, lets him stay as a resident in return for his services to fight off the small amount of monsters that come in from the North Border.

NAME: Experiment X or just X for short.

AGE: 2 years old, at the date of his construction, though his mind is 30 years old.

GENDER: Psychologically identifies as a male, but has no physical gender

SEXUALITY: Pretty useless at this point...

RACE: While once X was a human his body was almost entirely destroyed, so with scavenging what remaining pieces they could they rebuilt him into a sentient automation


WEAPONS/GEAR: Steam and magic powered guns, mostly bolt action. Chainsaw sword, flame thrower slingshot launching another from pebbles to home made bombs. Etc.

MAGIC: No actually magic abilities, but it able to use crystals and activate the magic within those as a pseudo form of magical attacks.

PERSONALITY: Greedy, intelligent and loyal only to himself.

BACKSTORY: X is a being that was once human. An adventurer on a legendary scale. The human that he once was had made many friends, and even more enemies to explain for his death, and his 'revival' He cannot remember anything relevant to his past, but all his skills are still there. He was killed in a trap, while receiving an anonymous letter from a courier it gave details of a clan of bandits that had captured a family of farmhands. He went to this farm house, but found nothing inside but locked doors and blood, that was when the sound of sparks could be heard. There was barrels of oil in the basement that had been lit, and with no time to escape they had blown up killing him, and destroying most of his body in the process. One friend that Morgrim had was a dwarf craftsman, and hermit. An old fellow that had studied both technology and magic hand in hand to create something that the world has never seen, except magic was never able to be used by his machines, even if they were only crystals. He surmised it took a living breathing element to handle magic in any form, so taking finding and taking what remained of the human who is now know as X he used what he could. Salvaging the heart and brain of his dead friend and sealing it in a chassis and state of the art armour and technology to create the first sentient machine. The machine had no memories and no inherent skill, only flashes of memory. After two years of information and training, and memories leaking back into its brain X remembered all the skills plus some that its former self had obtained after 30 years of living.

STRENGHTS/WEAKNESSES Impervious to poisons, fire, electricity and most weak attacks. Has many tools that can be used on almost any type of job. Weakness includes Frost and cold. It freezes up its bolts and gears and makes it almost impossible to move. Requires a fuel source, specifically crystals. Or high amounts of electricity, though crystals are much more effective.
NAME: (Ercon Cuinit)

AGE: (25)

GENDER: (male)

SEXUALITY: (Straight)

RACE: (Werewolf)


WEAPONS/GEAR: ( he weilds a simple iron sword that he got off a knight attempting to enter the forest. Some ripped and stretched leather armor. an enchanted ring that allows him to control his changes.)

MAGIC: (He can speak with animals and summon the pack apon howling. He can also enter a hunters instinct mode when human allowing increased speed and vision he also have some ability's granted from being a werewolf such as but not limited to...increased streangh, Night vision and enhanced hearing

PERSONALITY: (Very gentile for being the hunter of the pack he treasures all life an even though he is an amazing hunter only kills when he must. When he is not on the hunt he enjoys training with his sword.)

BACKSTORY: (he is the hunter for the duskwalker pack which is in hard times right now because they are feuding with a rival pack..(The Nighteyes )for territory. While he is usually on patrol guarding territory or hunting he wants to join the army on the west because he belives that they can protect the forest if they control the area. Which is all he wants. For his pack to be safe. Even though it was decided long ago amongst all the packs to never make contact with humans for the sake of the species as a whole the tension was rising and the deforestation for the east was worsening. He knew that he has to do something so head snuck away to a town in the center of the land to try and learn about the world...and save his pack.

STRENGHTS: fast, great smelling/hearing, kind, strong /WEAKNESSES Knows little about life outside the forest leading him to be sececeptable to trickery and overly curious about the world. )

Thanks for considering :)

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