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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits


Florian Society Member
In a world of knights, castles, dragons, demons, and much more, the normal humans attempt to expel all extraordinary factors from the world. Wizards are hunted for sport and bounty, warriors ride into battle to slay mythic beasts. Anything and everything magical can happen here, and not all of it good. To the east, there are those who favor and use magic, to the west, there are those opposing. To the south are the beasts of legends, and to the north is the untamed wilderness. No alliances exist between any of the cardinal directions, however much is to be considered. Our story takes place at the patch of land where the borders meet, and the surrounding areas. War has not broken out just yet, but the black clouds of malice are looming.

Please do not post yet, I'd like to have at least four charecters before we begin.
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(Please don't be afraid of my freakishly long starter; I just like to add detail.)


Waiting. After adventuring and alongside killing and thieving, it was perhaps the most common thing she did nowadays. And it didn't matter where she was: waiting in the shadows, waiting in broad daylight, waiting in a crowd, waiting in the forest, sitting in the town's inn and waiting, lying in bed and waiting. Waiting. Just waiting.

This time, Roxii was crouched atop the inn's roof, scanning the area below. It was barely the beginnings of dawn, tendrils on sunlight clawing their way up over the horizon and into the sky, pushing nighttime back to the opposite horizon. Her all black armor would be more beneficial in hiding her during the nighttime, but she didn't care that the growing light was exposing her. No one ever bothered to look up anyways, since dragons and other flying creatures hardly dared to travel outside of their district.

It was a fairly beautiful day A soft breeze fluttered her cloak gently. The rising sun behind her offered heat, warming up her back slowly. The trees around the small town were bright greens with the occasional orange or pink tree for originality. Buck, foxes, squirrels, and other prey scampered around in the wilderness. Vibrant flowers sprung up around the area. It was all quite storybook-like.

Too bad Roxii had to ruin the day first thing in the morning.

It wasn't long before she spotted her target exiting the tavern across the way: a merchant from a nearby town. She had been following him since she received her contract. According to the contact, this merchant, Lyron Meylar, was his brother and had been sleeping with the contact's wife. The contact wanted his wife and his brother taken out by any means possible. She let out a short breath of laughter at the memory of the contact's red face full of anger. Just like always, emotions have driven an innocent man to killing two other people killed.

Lyron had left his house yesterday morning and traveled here to pick up some supplies. Roxii had already taken care of the wife, taking advantage of Lyron's departure. She had been easy; a quick slice to the throat ended her life quickly, and she hardly put up a struggle. Lyron shouldn't be much more difficult; he was small and slim, hardly packing any visible muscle. But she knew better than to underestimate her targets; after all, that's how a majority of her provokers end up wounded or dead.

Roxii retrieved her bow, grabbing an arrow from her quiver and notching it. Quickly taking aim for the poor man's head, she let go of the arrow. It whizzed through the air silently until it made contact. The arrow pierced the merchant's skull, killing him instantly. He slumped to the ground, his soul leaving his body. The few people on the street began panicking as the guards attempted to calm them down and find the murderer. Unfortunately for them, the assassin had already scaled down the back of the inn and disappeared into the shadows of the wilderness, headed back to her hideout.
Nasanru Slammed his staff into the ground and unleashed a nova of fire around him incinerating the plants and the 4 adventures that had decided to pick a fight with the 10 foot tall skeleton with and huge hat that made him around 3 feet tall. Nasanru had left his dungeon to get away from these kinds of things but these kinds of people were more common than roaches it seemed. Still at least they were a good break between the normally dull wandering he did.

There were times that Nasanru wished he went back to his dungeon, but apparently the infection of adventures had hit an all time high after he put that demon lord in charge. Still that might explain it as demon lords weren't exactly the most ignored kind of creature as most seemed to think they all wanted this world to burn, and some did but most just did as their nature dictated. So that really meant that going back was not an option, well for long as the demon lord was around Nasanru would wander around he had gained a few stories in the 30 or so years he had spent as a wander.

Nasanru moved towards the charred forms of the adventures, and looked over their remains their flesh had been charred and their organs boiled in an instant, no one had survived. It really was times like this that Nasanru wished that one of them survived, well if they were young so he could nurse them back to health find out their story and they could bond. Well that was how it went in stories if anything he should look for survivors in a destroyed town. Well that was an idea for another day for now he looked over the bodies going from body to body looking for trinkets, coins, anything that might have survived, but nothing did , or anything worth taking. Well he couldn't let such good bodies go to waste they had after all managed to dispatch of his guard so they would be the replacements.

Nasanru once again slammed his staff on the ground this time a wave of green energy washed over the bodies. at first nothing happened them the air was filled with a sickening sound as flesh cracked and popped as the bodies rose. Each one got up moaning as they inhaled air they didn't need the bodies acting as if they were alive but their minds the memories that made the bodies the people had been erased and only the skills remained, skills that would serve him.

" It is a sorry start but it will due" he said as he started walking the ghouls following after their master without a word.
Halk was working.

His skinny, yet powerful and defined arms were not visible under his jacket. It shimmered with each strike of his hammer on the hot piece of iron in front of him. He was given the opportunity to have an apprentice, but he had declined. He believed that knowledge was not gained by teaching, but from experience, something his father had taught him. He missed his father. He loved the old man, all the wise, subtle little things he did to support Halk were the way his father showed he cared. But his father also gave Halk a very wide range of space. When Halk said he wanted to craft for the military, his father agreed. Subtley, of course, but Halk knew his father beamed with pride. He did too, he was doing what he loved, and getting paid handsomely for it.

His superior (those were growing fewer by the day at the pace Halk was advancing) knocked on the bare frame of Halk' workshop. Halk slept in a tent by himself at the edge of the field. "What you want?" Halk said gruffly, placing his hands into the now-cool metal. Spiraling designs swam across the chestplate, glowed once, then settled. Halk hated being interrupted while he was working. The officer nodded. "Sorry, I've come to inform you of your new promotion... Sir." The officer snapped a salute. Halk smiled. "Yea, just tell them to keep them rolling, I'll be here awhile," Halk chuckled, a smirk crossing his lips.

"There's also something else." "Oh?" Halk turned his attention away from his work long enough to raise an eyebrow. "There seems to be... a problem with... how shall I put this..." Halk rolled his hand. "Spit it out, come now." This attitude was not because of his newly aquired promotion, he treated everyone equally. Including himself. The officer shook his head. "It appears that war with the east is inevitable, the last few casualties we've had involved them using a type of animal, we assume it's a type of dog with anikna plating." Anikna was a type of material made out of ground bone, petrified wood residue, and salt, one of the most magic resistant materials in the world, in fact, the most resistant that was not magical itself. "This is going to sound stupid, but do you have a counterspell for it? If anyone does, it's you." Halk laughed goodnaturedly and shook his head. "Sorry my friend, i do not. However, I do have a counterspell for the dogs." Halk took out a bottle of quicksilver, uncorked it and and poured it over his hand. The quicksilver vibrated and hung in globules in the air. Halk snatched one out of the air, breathed on it, and placed it squarely in the center of the brestplate he made, it formed one last jagged spiral in the metal.

"You take this," Halk said, tossing it bodily to the officer, "A dog bites into you, its teeth will pop out and re-enforce your own bone structure." Halk waved his hand, and the rest of the globules of quicksilver that still hung in the air sucked back in. "You tell everyone that'll be another one of the standard enchantments in my armor. And make sure you tally that on my quota for next year." Halk had worked so much he'd produced more than the army needed him to, he did barely leave the forge. Whatever standard the high council set for him, he shattered it, one after the other. He did, afterall, hardly leave his forge, and the council was more than happy to provide him with the rescources to continue working. The officer beamed. "It was an honor being your superior, it'll be an honor taking orders from you." Halk waved dismissively. "Stop, you're making me blush. Now off with you, give your old armor to the quartermaster."

The oficer left, and once again, Halk turned to his workbench.
Aasul galloped through a large meadow. Just through the tree-line looming up ahead, she knew there was a village. She had been there once before with her father. She slowed to a trot and pressed her thumb to the gem on her bracelet. She felt herself get shorter and her legs collapsed, leaving her kneeling in the grass. Her father had said as she got older she would get used to changing, but she wasn't sure that would happen. She picked up the satchel that she had been carrying and got dressed in the simple peasant garb inside. She pulled the satchel strap over her head and put on her cloak, pulling up the hood to hide her hair.

She went through the tree-line and was startled to see a wall that hadn't been there before. She went to a tree that hung over the wall and climbed it, dropping safely to the other side. She wandered around until she found a crowded inn/tavern. She slipped inside, momentarily stunned by how crowded it was. She pushed her way through to the bar and ordered a drink. She heard small pieces of conversations, most of it being about an upcoming festival. She claimed an empty bar stool and listened quietly to the nearest conversation between two men.

"Attacks? Nonsense. We are the most peaceful village around, and everyone knows it." The older man said. "Yes, but my wife's sister's home was attacked. The barn and all the animals were burned to smithereens. Now you can't say that was just some troublesome youngster, can you?" The other man replied. The older fellow thought for a moment. "Well, I guess if you've heard it from your relations it can't be a trick. Have you talked to the authorities?" He asked.

Aasul zoned out of their conversation and into her own thoughts. Perhaps it was the same clan of Centaurs that took over her clan that was causing trouble. They had to have figured out that the rest of her clan had escaped by now. Maybe they thought that this town was sheltering them. Aasul finished her drink and made her way back outside.
Gregory's hands claw at the bark of a giant tree, searching for a place to grab hold and pull himself up. His fingers manage to successfully dig into an indentation on the tree. He doesn't hesitate to pull himself up and look for a different where he could sink in his free hand or even feet. Though the tree's a dryer place than the surrounding over growth, it's still relatively soaked making most grab-able places either too soft to successfully utilise or too wet to get a sturdy grip/footing.

He's almost thankful for this rain however. He'd just managed to slip away from a nearby nest of some sort of large bird with enough food to fill him for the morning. The rain would help him in hiding his tracks and give him either precious time or throw them off his trail all together. Assuming the large birds pursue him that is. He continues to pull his soggy-self up this tree before resting upon a thick branch for a well deserved rest.

The branch itself may have been thick, a total of four feet in width, but it wasn't going to be able to hold him safely if he were to sleep. Regardless of the situation he was exhausted and wet. He rests his head down on the main trunk of the tree and hangs his legs over each side of the branch the best he could. With small wriggles he wedges himself into what looks like an uncomfortable position but safe.

Gregory surveyed the ground beneath the tree before closing one eye. It was outstanding what a mixture of determination and sheer fear could help a man accomplish. he'd managed to climb up the trunk of a giant tree, about twelve feet, like it was a small task. The ground around the base of the tree is littered with mud and a light layer of watered on leaves. Most of the tree's leaf top remains intact and healthily over grown. Meaning that it's thick and near water proof due to all of the over lapping layers. Though the occasional water droplet would fall through and land on the trunk or base of the tree.

The tree itself is a strangely black wood, almost as if it were burned. This sort of tree was a rarity in the settlement he'd grown up in (in the western faction) but seemed to be all too common here in the south. He'd complain if he were logging it down but because of his circumstances, he was grateful to have such a mighty plant on his side.

Gregory closes his last eye, allowing exhaustion to take its toll on him. He begins to fall into a light sleep with great speed. This is one of the few was he can spend his days and guarantee that he won't have to butcher someone for trying to run him through. Be that with a horn on their head or an axe in the overly bulky hands.

The seconds turn into minutes and those minutes into hours before he wakes up with a start. Gregory has accidentally spent what felt like all day sleeping high in the branches of this overly healthy tree. He quickly surveys the ground beneath him to see if anyone had come by in search for shelter as he had. Thankfully, not a soul.

Gregory goes to close his eyes again to return to his slumber before realising that if he continues to sleep he's likely to be doomed. These branches were high enough to keep him safe from animals but they were also secluded enough for him to be forced into fighting if he were spotted. After a few moments of gathering himself together and fumbling around the trunk for footing sections, he makes his descent. It doesn't take long before he's down by the base of the tree. He pats himself down to make sure he's got all of his items on him before heading off in a random direction he hadn't just come from.
Drake walked along the worn path and past the trees, wearing ragged brown and green clothes, a worn looking bag tossed over his shoulders and a pair of metal gloves being dragged along the ground, he looks tired from dragging the huge metal gloves that look way to large to be for him, leaving deep marks in the ground.

He mutters to himself as he walks down the path,


He stops at the base of a big tree and left the gloves at the base and threw himself down to rest against the trunk.

He throws his bag against the tree, reaches in a takes out half a roll of bread and takes a bite out of it.

He starts talking to himself with his mouth half full

"not much left....".

he sighs and looks up through the branches, at the grey sky just as it started to rain.

(i may not have written enough, so tell me if it's not enough and i can write more.)
One hundred and seventy-two paces north and sixty-five paces northeast from town later, Roxii was faced with the sheer rock-face of a mountain. She strode up to a specific spot in the wall which was slightly discoloured from the rest, however, it was only noticeable if someone was actually looking for something here. "Mors expectet," she whispered to the wall. The discoloured section of the rock began to shimmer and then became translucent, revealing a hidden cavern and allowing Roxii to pass by easily. Once she was on the other side, the rock became opaque again, shrouding the cavern in darkness except for the torch near the entrance.

Having memorized the layout of the cavern, she grabbed the torch off its perch and walked around the hideout, lighting each extinguished torch as she went along. Soon, the entire hideout was illuminated by firelight as she returned the original torch to its place. She grabbed a fairly hefty pouch of gold out of her pocket—the pre-paid payments of her recent assassinations—and stashed it in her chest of valuables and gold, locking the chest when she was done. She was bringing in quite a bit of gold lately, and she didn't mind one bit. It allowed her to buy new weapons, armor, valuables, and many other necessities.

Roxii was about to take her leave again when she noticed a neatly folded note on the table. Not remembering leaving anything there, she became curious and went to look at it. Cautiously picking it up—just in case it had some kind of fatal magic or poison on it—she carefully opened it and scanned it. It was a bounty poster. The hunted was an enchanter named 'Halk Liserite'. She quickly skimmed through the information—they wanted him dead or alive and the body redeemed to some manor of some rich folk—and reached the bottom of the poster where the reward was located: 10,000 coins. Whoever wanted him wanted him badly.

Not wasting any time, Roxii geared herself up with a full quiver of poisoned arrows, freshly poisoned her daggers, and grabbed some extra gold, just in case she ran into a situation where she had to bribe someone for information and such. Once she was set, she exited her hideout and made her way to find this 'Halk Liserite' and claim the bountiful reward.
Halk had worked through the rain until the clouds no longer loomed overhead. He would have been completely dry even if his workshop didn't have a roof, but no matter. He worked past dinner (one of the soldiers by the name of Kelvin had brought him some food) and long into the night, banging away on select arm guards, swords, and staves, which were a common favorite amoung the battle mages at the time. One soldier stopped by and knocked on the door frame. "Sir? Aren't you going to sleep?" Halk chuckled and shook his head. "Tomorrow it'll be sunny, and i'll find a nice tree to take a nap under. Night is the perfect time for me to work, there's no distractions." The soldier shrugged, and went off to bed, but Halk's eyes had a certian spark of creativity, some might have called it madness, as he crafted, the air thick with the scent of magic.
Gregory had been walking for a total of two hours now, headed in the direction he believed was north. As he continues he starts to have doubts judging by the thicker overgrowth he's forced to tread through. His doubts begin to rise as the overgrowth seems unending until suddenly they die down to almost nothing. He's proved right when the thick grass patches and muddy soil underfoot are replaced with dirt tracks and the occasional house dotted in the far off distance. He'd forgotten how civilisation looked.

He spies a caravan riding by along one of the dirt tracks. This caravan was extremely close to him to the point he could make out the face of the man who was in control of the reigns of the horses. He was an old man and seemed to be focused on his travel rather than what was around him. Gregory uses this to his advantage and makes his way over to the caravan, attempting to engage the man in conversation.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you have a moment to talk about our holy mistress Heid'Zuu?" he asks as he makes his way towards the caravan. His face held a polite smile though his eyes seemed to hold very little interest in the old man's response. "Huh? Ohh no, no.. I don't have time for such folly things" replies the old man, bringing his horses to a halt as if to pay respect to Gregory. "What a pity. Well can you at least spare a moment to save the sanity of a lost wanderer?" asks Gregory. He seemed a little saddened by the old man's lack of interest. The Old man pauses a moment, looking behind him into the caravan at something or someone before agreeing to spare Gregory's sanity. "Very well then, boy. What do you wish to speak of?"

Gregory smiles, walking around to the side of the caravan and investigating the wheels. "Well, let's speak of mechanics for now. Your cart's wheels are flawed in design. You're not going to get anywhere with these squared off wheels"

"Uh, ohh?" replies the old man, disembarking from his seat and walking around to where Gregory was. He narrows his eyes on the wheels and asks "Where is it squared off, boy?"

Gregory takes a step back, standing behind the old man before he points to the wheels. "If you look closely you can see those square cuts", his hand slides down his side to his blade. His hand locks onto the hilt of his sword with a firm grip before he quietly draws the blade. He tries to make as little sound as possible and succeeds due to the old man's lack of response to the sound. "I don't see it, boy. You'll have to point it out closer", commands the old man as if he were the one making the shots.

Gregory smiles before rearing his blade back and thrusting it towards the old man. The old man freezes on the spot as Gregory's blade rams through the back of his head and out through his mouth. The old man begins to spasm on the spot for a few seconds before going limp on the blade. Gregory slowly pulls the blade out from the back of his skull and wipes it off on the now deceased man's clothing. He makes his way around to the driving seat and climbs up into it. He sits there for a few seconds getting ready to leave before he hears a quiet whimper. He lifts his head and turns around to face the noise.

He spots a young girl and an even younger boy huddled together in the back of the caravan. They start crying when he locks his gaze on them. The poor things are absolutely terrified of this sword wielding maniac. Gregory continues to sit there in the driver's seat for a handful of moments as he decides their fate. He slowly stands from the seat and makes his way into the back of the caravan. The girl begins screaming loudly and holding the young boy close to her. The girl was no older than twelve but she seemed to protect this child like he was her own.

Gregory slowly draws his blade and speaks in a quiet voice "Shut your mouth if you want to live", to which she does just that. He stands there thinking before gesturing for her to part away from the boy. Shaking, she lets go of the young boy and crawls away from him in a silent scream. Gregory begins to feel bad as tears flood her eyes and fall down her young and soft cheeks. He doesn't feel bad enough however to spare the boy. Gregory grabs the boy by his hair and pulls him up on his feet. The small boy looks him dead in the eye before crying and begging in a mixture of panicked sounds and mumbled words. "P-please! I don't waghna die! P-please no!"

About ten minutes after the caravan take over, Gregory begins to drag the corpse of the boy across the grass to the overgrowth barrier. The old man lays beside the caravan, waiting to be carried and the girl sits by the caravan bound and gagged. Gregory tries his best to pay the boy respect but he needs to make this quick if he doesn't want to be spotted. Gregory tosses the boy into the over growth and begins to pull large leaves and weeds over the corpse to conceal it. He then makes his way over to the old man and proceeds to do that same thing.

Before leaving the area in the stolen caravan, Gregory makes sure to hoist the girl up into the back of said caravan. She tries to kick but the bindings she's kept in render her struggles almost useless. Gregory sets her down in the back gingerly before following the path the old man had taken. Gregory is headed towards a small settlement that was home to a few military officials and it will take him a total of two days ride to get there. There is no time to waste.
It didn't take long for Roxii to arrive at the location Halk had last been seen: a small tent and a workshop separated from the rest of the military he's been working for. The rain had finally stopped, so the air was fresh and clean. However, she wished it were still raining so that it could cover her tracks. Now the wet ground would retain her footprints.

She took a look at her target. Isolated. Secluded. Preoccupied. It was perfect. She could snipe him from afar and retrieve the body silently, all within a few moments, and then be on her way to receive the bounty. Whoever the male was, he was surely wanted pretty badly, and Roxii wanted to deliver.

Making sure she was concealed by shadows, she grabbed an arrow and notched it, taking aim carefully. She hardly ever missed a shot, but with as far as she had to put herself, anything was possible. Aiming slightly higher than his head was since the arrow would make an arch-like motion, she let go. The arrow whizzed through the air and, to her displeasure, aimed for his back instead of his head like she desired. What caught her off-guard, though, was how the arrow froze in mid-air behind him, right before it made contact with his back. She cursed to herself silently; she should've known he'd have enchantments on him. He was a wanted man, and he was an enchanter. Of course he'd protect himself.
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Halk stopped working.

He had felt one of his wards activate, he turned around. He almost missed the black arrow at chest height. "Hmm." He mused, plucking it out of the air and holding it straight out in front of him, looking with one eye down the shaft. Just as he suspected, it was poisoned, not enchanted. Even if it was both, he doubted it would pierce his coat. It wasn't a particularly fine arrow, but it had it's own style. Probably the work of a single craftsman, custom made for a night-time assassin. "Nice piece you have here, but you could do better." He called softly into the night, "I'd like to talk to you if you could spare the time." He took the arrow and twisted the tip off, closing it in a shimmering metal grate and putting it into the forge, setting down the shaft and fletchings of the arrow gently on his workbench.
Silver sat on the edge of a sharp rock, high in the mountains. Her eyes narrow as she sees something in the distance. Dinner. A small rabbit hopped across the ground below her. She spread her wings, letting the wind have her levitate in the air. She quickly jumped off the rock, with her talons aimed towards the rabbit. (She has talon instead of feet. c:) She missed. Her eyes darted at the rabbit who jumped into it's lair. She groaned and spit on the ground, then she heard commotion. She hunched over, and pulled out her staff from the rope tied around her waist. As she got closer she could tell it was a human. She quickly hid behind a tree and peered out from behind it at the man talking. He seemed to be talking to himself... Or someone unseen.

Roxii sat in the shadows silently, angry with herself for not being more careful. Now he knew she was there, and he even spoke to her! He definitely knew she was there. But perhaps she could make him think she left...

Being as silent as a shadow—which is actually where her alias was derived—, she made her way closer to his workspace.There was no protection at his neck; definitely a weak point. If she could be quick and quiet enough, a swift slice to the throat would end him. Or maybe she could at least choke him out and take him in alive. Sneaking up to a dark area around his workshop, she waited for an opportunity to strike.
Nasanru had wandered and worked on his small amount of ghouls and now they looked like armored burn victims more of their flesh had been revealed and bright orbs of green fire burned in their eye sockets instead of eyes. No longer did the shuffle but they walked with purpose they were now greater than the zombies Nasanru had resurrected. Still there had been little action today the adventures were a fun distraction but on days when nothing happened anything was nice.

It was as Nasanru was thinking back to more interesting days that he heard growling and his ghouls shambling into a defensive formation. The dog was obviously no simple stray but a war dog, as evidenced by its armor and that it was now cowed by the presence of one so unnatural as Nasanru that sent most animals scurrying away their tails between their legs.

" Anikna how cute " Nasanru said the glow that was inside his eye sockets dimming slightly as if squinting in amusement.

The ghouls without a word from their master backed off as his mental power over them moved them out of the way. There were ways around armor it protected from direct magical attacks but after so many had thought that magic resistant items would help them Nasanru knew ways to sneak between the cracks.

" I wonder what I shall do with you pup it would be cruel to waste such armor " He said as he drew forth his sword which seemed to scream as he drew it out, its surface flowed like quicksliver and faces moved just below the surface. " Quiet you I do not need to scare an animal" he said and she sword surprisingly shut up.

The sword was no mere weapon it was actually a powerful demon that had been a great fighter in the abyss, Nasanru while having become a competent swordsman in his long life had not always been so. That was why the blade was in a way alive so that the skill of the creature bound within was used to supplement Nasanru's own. The hound once again did not whimper and instead charged Nasanru. Who deftly met it's charge with his blade tossing the hound away with the thrust. Nasanru moved slowly towards the hound which quickly started to get up, but by the time it was up the sword had been plunged though its head.

" Ah yes I came up with an idea for you " He said as he drew the blade back which had no blood on it. Nasanru grabbed the dead dog's head and in seconds brought the beast back to live, well unlife, the armor protected from magic but it didn't dispel it. The dog growled at nothing and shambled around and Nasanru conjured a green burning sphere and shoved it into the undead dog's throat.

" There now off you go back to your masters" he said sending the dog which would now explode when it got back to home base assuming they didn't destroy it before it returned, well they wouldn't lose the armor at least.
Halk removed the arrowhead from the fire. "Assuming you're still here, I'll explain what I'm doing. Always nice to have an audience. Although, if you've up and left..." Halk picked up a pair of pliers and firmly grasped the arrowhead, taking his finger and brushing it against the side, the poision should have been boiled off by now. "...It's always good to have a conversation with yourself. It seems to be the only witty banter I get nowadays!" He chuckled. Some runes wrapped their way around the arrowhead, he levitated it with his mind so he could inspect every angle. He made small noises while he worked. "Hmm, yes... Steel piercing, iron piercing, mmm... Oh, incendiary shock, that's a nice one I cooked up myself... Good show, good show." Halk placed the arrowhead into a small box and tossed it outside. "You'll need to poision it again, although if you manage to hit someone with it the poision's not what's going to kill them, heh heh." Halk sat down in his chair in a corner. "Now I don't expect you to show yourself, again, assuming you're still here, but I'd like to know who wants me dead. And you need to tell whoever makes your arrows to step up their game, you'll never kill anyone if the rest of your equiptment is like that. Anyways, it's been a pleasure, nice chat."
Silver cocked her head and used her claws and talons to climb a tree. Once she was up she blended in with the leaves and watched the boy. From what he was saying, she could tell he was talking to someone else. She looked around in the trees hoping to find someone, which she did. Someone dressed in black and armed with weapons. She narrowed her eyes and glanced between the two.
Roxii narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brow at his words. He was very knowledgeable in weaponry and enchantments. If she didn't have to kill him, she'd probably keep him alive and use him; he could have proved to be useful. Unfortunately, she needed to collect the bounty; her survival depended on it. Somewhat.

She slid her daggers from their sheaths quietly, the leather sheaths masking the noise. She didn't like using steel sheaths because of the nuisance they created; they also gave away her position. Treading silently while her target was turned around, she got closer and closer until she was close enough to slit his throat or, if she wanted to take the non-lethal route, choke him out.
Silver clenched her feather covered fists. She bit her lip. Was that girl trying to kill this man? What should she do? At this point maybe if she helped, the man would help her find prey. She crouched then jumped to the floor with her staff. She jumped right in front of the man and swung the staff at the girl. She hissed and back away, knowing the girl would attack her.

@Javax @Alstromeria
Halk chuckled. Death was at his door and he wasn't fazed. Not even the least bit rattled. This was one of the first times there was another sentient being actively attempting to take his life. And he wasn't even the least bit concerned. Halk suprised himself, but what suprised him more was the feathered being that swung down from his roof and backed into his shop.

Halk tilted his head, one eyebrow raised in amusement or skepticism, nobody was abe to tell. "You don't have a bow..." A grin crossed Halks lips. "OH! A-HAH! I see what's going on here!" Halk took a pair of glasses off his wall and rubbed the lenses. The runes from the tips of the glass that wound down the sides shimmered. Halk could see heat through these. He took the siren by the shoulders and gently moved her to the left. Looking past her, he saw another crouched humanoid heat signiture. "Hello! Look at this, there's someone else. Lovely. I can't assume that both of you want my blood can I?" He chuckled softly, sitting down again. "I can see you now, don't know why I didn't use these before. All fuel for the plot I suppose." Halk waved a hand dismissively. "Come in, come in, warm yourself by the fire. Oh, pick up what I made for you first, It'd be a shame to waste such a gift."
Roxii, startled by the feathered being, jumped backwards and scrunched her face up in anger. How dare this creature interrupt her work. Not only did this being startle her, but her target's reaction also startled her. He wasn't the least bit fazed; even invited her inside as if she were an expected guest. Afraid that it would be a trap, she stayed outside the workshop, watching from where she was in silence. However, she did sheath her daggers and stand up since she was discovered anyway.
Silver cocked her head and looked at the assassin girl. She frowned at her and furrowed her feathery brows. Why would someone invite a killer into their house? She turned her head to the boy and scrunched up her face. "I... Was trying to... Help you?" She said not sure if she said it right. She only know some English. She was very blunt when speaking, and never used large words.

@Javax @Alstromeria
Halk nodded at the siren. "Yes yes, and you did. Perfect timing actually. That staff, it intrigues me. I'd like to take a look at it in the morning if you plan on sticking around until then." He hoped the siren would, he had never seen one before. Never heard one either. All sorts of magic interested Halk, wether it be spells, incantations, creatures, but enchantments most of all. He wondered if the siren knew any enchantments that he didn't.

Halk sighed. when he noticed the assassin had made no move for the arrowhead he had made. "People of this age don't know how to accept a gift graciously..." He levitated the box containing the enchanted arrowhead from where it sat in the grass over to the black clad assassin, pressing it to her chest. "You're going to need this as well." He did the same with the arrow's shaft, dropping them into her arms. He could tell the assassin was a female now. "So. Let's get introductions under our belts, I am Halk, as our black clad friend allready knows. If she doesn't she's a fool. I might appear a little off my rocker, but we all are nowadays with war impending, haha." Halk motioned to the siren. "What might your name be dearest?"

@Javax @Queen of Fantasy
Roxii let the items drop in her hands, glancing at them, up to Halk, and back at them again. This man was quite intelligent; perhaps too intelligent for his own good. That might be a reason behind why there's such a large bounty hanging over his head. Let's get introduction under out belts. Roxii hated introductions. She hated speaking in general. Other than the times when she needs to get inside her hideout or when she needs information, she never speaks to others. She believes that speaking is one way that people can figure others out: the way they talk, what words they use, how they say things, where they put the stress in each word and syllable, their accent. All of it can reveal a person's origins, personality, and much more. As the enchanter gestured to the siren and asked for their name, Roxii put the parts of the arrow away, waiting for the creature's response.

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