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Fandom Class 3-E: Assassination Classroom (Accepting)

ahh the complication of different waight systems...*sigh* shall i justput it in kelo's s it would be easyer
drummerboi said:

his screen


Name: the Multitasking Auto Gun shooting Neutralizing Ultra System or M.A.G.N.U.S

Gender: on the screen he's male

Age:looks 15

Sexual Orientation: no sexuality but if he did he would be heterosexual

Ethnicity: Created in Russia

Strengths :


Good with weaponry

Will do anything to finish the mission


Can't feel proper emotion

Can't understand human emotion

will do anything to get the mission done


Height: seven foot four

Weight: 109 kilo's

Other Distinguishing Features: his dead eyes can show he is processing the commands he dose also whenever a streak of blood fall's down his face he's atculy crying

General Appearance: MAGNUS is always covered by his hood the setting he is always in is in a rainy town and he's always just standing there giving command's to himself and executing them his hood is black mostly covering his face


Personality: He has no personality apart from finishing his objective


Finishing his mission

His master's approval


Not finishing his objective

people getting in the way

Quirks: no quirks

Fears: Failing, Being put offline

Relationships: he's not programmed to love

Availability: he is not programmed to love

history and other

Short Bio: Magnus was created in Germany for the sole purpose to be a killing machine. Nothing more nothing less he was constantly told that if he ever fail's his mission's he will be put offline not just for a while but permanently. Further more his newest target was suppose to be un-killable so not only he is trying to kill him to gain his master's approval but he's atculy scared for his life but of course being a ai no one would know that

Years at School: 1st year he's a trnsfer student

Items: 2x anti me Gatling's 2x ant me m16's and 1 anti me rocket launcher and 100 gas grenades if student's get in the way

Clothing Appearance: M.A.G.N.U.S only wears his school uniform nothing more nothing less


Theme Song: (optional)




Akito Fumihiko





Sexual Orientation:



Half-Japanese, Half-German









Humble and Shy

Take Things Too Personally

Too Altruistic


Speaks in Broken Combination of Japanese and English



5'2/157.5 cm


77 lb/35 kg

Other Distinguishing Features:

He is most of the time seen strangely wearing a brownish white scarf, even in summer.

General Appearance:

Standing at a short height for his age, Akito is a boy who's going through puberty at a slow pace, and hasn't gone through his growth spurt yet. He is almost always seen having a muffler wrapped around his neck, no matter the weather. Due to his German heritage, he has fiery blond hair and vividly green eyes. His general outfit consists of the Kunugigaoka Junior High School uniform and dark brown shoes.




Akito is a quiet person, silently observing things that are happening. He usually doesn't speak unless asked a question, and can be seen focusing on schoolwork, however only contributing when it involves assassinating. As a result, he might come off as a rude person, or hard to approach. He is usually clumsy, hitting his head against the door when entering the class, a trait he tries to keep hidden from everyone else. He has different sides to him, as when he gets frustrated, he bursts into a fit of childish rage, contrasting with his usual calm disposition. He usually opens up to people who try to get to know him, and people he is interested in.


Rich food

Ice cream


Nice people


Korosensei (as a teacher)



People who make fun of him or other people

The sun

Being cold

People who take drugs or smoke





Broken Japanese




Anything cold

His mother dying

Relationships: N/A

Availability: Available

history and other


Short Bio:

Akito was born in Germany, in a family as an only child. He had no one to talk to, as his father was often traveling outside and his mother was struck with an incurable sickness. As he was fairly young when his mother contracted the disease, he couldn't figure out the reason for his papa leaving his wife behind in her terrible state. He had spent years studying, working hard at school, and researching to be able to create a cure and help his mother's health. As a result, he had gotten some experience in medicine at a young age; however, the research was futile, as his brain wasn't developed enough to be able to understand the concept. Getting older, one thing he lacked was socialization. Because he was focused on helping his mother, he often stayed inside, and so, he became unsocial to anyone other than his family. Due to having to take care of duties inside his home, as his mother's health was getting worse and worse, he was forced to skip school often and ended up having very low grades owing to the fact that his attendance was low. On one of the days he felt like he could go to school, after coming back to his home, he saw a package wrapped up on the front door. Opening it, he found a message and a scarf. The message said, "Please try not to catch a cold, and wear this scarf just in case. I love you, son, and I will always be watching you from above. ~Dad" Not understanding, or perhaps not wanting to, he respected his father's wishes and decided from then on that he will always wear the scarf, keeping it as his treasure.

It was later that he found out that the government had found a cure to the illness his mother had, and wanting to get enough money to buy it, he searched for a part-time job. However, he couldn't find any that accepted him, because of his low grades, and to make things worse, he ended up in class 3-E, the one which people spread rumors about. He was filled with hope once again when it was revealed that their class was entrusted with the job of assassinating Korosensei, and the one who did so would acquire 10 billion Yen.

Years at School:

2nd Year


Anti-Korosensei Bullets x10,000

Anti-Korosensei Knife x1

Anti-Korosensei Pistols x2

Pencil x3

Pen x2

Clothing Appearance:

Other than the natural school uniform, he likes wearing a combination of red and black clothing, and tries to never take off his special scarf.

Theme Song: (optional)


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Yato said:



Akito Fumihiko





Sexual Orientation:



Half-Japanese, Half-German









Humble and Shy

Take Things Too Personally

Too Altruistic


Speaks in Broken Combination of Japanese and English



5'2/157.5 cm


77 lb/35 kg

Other Distinguishing Features:

He is most of the time seen strangely wearing a brownish white scarf, even in summer.

General Appearance:

Standing at a short height for his age, Akito is a boy who's going through puberty at a slow pace, and hasn't gone through his growth spurt yet. He is almost always seen having a muffler wrapped around his neck, no matter the weather. Due to his German heritage, he has fiery blond hair and vividly green eyes. His general outfit consists of the Kunugigaoka Junior High School uniform and dark brown shoes.




Akito is a quiet person, silently observing things that are happening. He usually doesn't speak unless asked a question, and can be seen focusing on schoolwork, however only contributing when it involves assassinating. As a result, he might come off as a rude person, or hard to approach. He is usually clumsy, hitting his head against the door when entering the class, a trait he tries to keep hidden from everyone else. He has different sides to him, as when he gets frustrated, he bursts into a fit of childish rage, contrasting with his usual calm disposition. He usually opens up to people who try to get to know him, and people he is interested in.


Rich food

Ice cream


Nice people


Korosensei (as a teacher)



People who make fun of him or other people

The sun

Being cold

People who take drugs or smoke





Broken Japanese




Anything cold

His mother dying

Relationships: N/A

Availability: Available

history and other


Short Bio:

Akito was born in Germany, in a family as an only child. He had no one to talk to, as his father was often traveling outside and his mother was struck with an incurable sickness. As he was fairly young when his mother contracted the disease, he couldn't figure out the reason for his papa leaving his wife behind in her terrible state. He had spent years studying, working hard at school, and researching to be able to create a cure and help his mother's health. As a result, he had gotten some experience in medicine at a young age; however, the research was futile, as his brain wasn't developed enough to be able to understand the concept. Getting older, one thing he lacked was socialization. Because he was focused on helping his mother, he often stayed inside, and so, he became unsocial to anyone other than his family. Due to having to take care of duties inside his home, as his mother's health was getting worse and worse, he was forced to skip school often and ended up having very low grades owing to the fact that his attendance was low. On one of the days he felt like he could go to school, after coming back to his home, he saw a package wrapped up on the front door. Opening it, he found a message and a scarf. The message said, "Please try not to catch a cold, and wear this scarf just in case. I love you, son, and I will always be watching you from above. ~Dad" Not understanding, or perhaps not wanting to, he respected his father's wishes and decided from then on that he will always wear the scarf, keeping it as his treasure.

It was later that he found out that the government had found a cure to the illness his mother had, and wanting to get enough money to buy it, he searched for a part-time job. However, he couldn't find any that accepted him, because of his low grades, and to make things worse, he ended up in class 3-E, the one which people spread rumors about. He was filled with hope once again when it was revealed that their class was entrusted with the job of assassinating Korosensei, and the one who did so would acquire 10 billion Yen.

Years at School:

2nd Year


Anti-Korosensei Bullets x10,000

Anti-Korosensei Knife x1

Anti-Korosensei Pistols x2

Pencil x3

Pen x2

Clothing Appearance:

Other than the natural school uniform, he likes wearing a combination of red and black clothing, and tries to never take off his special scarf.

Theme Song: (optional)


Alright! We can start soon!



Antonio "Tony or Anthony" Diaz





Sexual Orientation:




Strengths :














-Wary of his personal items

-Does not want to show himself under his clothing




5'7 ft


75 Kgs.

Other Distinguishing Features:

Tony is usually seen wearing a Mexican sarape. He is also commonly seen hiding his face with a sombrero, scarf and jet goggles. He wear long black boots, with a knee plate saying "Bones" and long black with red pipe-like gloves, with knuckle plates that have "Bones" written on them. He wears black clothing decorated with bones and a skull on his scarf, and when not used he constantly wears his guitar on his back in a strap.

General Appearance:

Tony is an average male with a bulky body. He's got muscles that show that he's strong. He sports long green hair on half of his head while the other half is bald and a somewhat of a visible beard. His eyes seem somewhat lost and he's always wearing a cheerful smile.


Personality: (list or full)





-Mexican Food




-Techno, Electro and Dubstep


-Non-meixcan attempts on mexican food

-People who make fun of Mariachis


-Strums his guitar while nervous

-Plays with the skull keychains

-Jokes about anything while stressed




-Gun Fights

-Bar Brawls

-Losing his guitar

-Losing his keychains





no slide
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Oaxaca, Mexico[/URL] and was born on September 11, 1970, to parents that were a Spanish exorcist and an Aztec priest. He was once part of a Mariachi band considered the best in the whole country and famous for the brawls they started. Apparently two of them were owners of a saloon. They were best friends and all of them acted like true men, however all the members except him were killed in stupid brawls or gunned down because of an unhappy saloon client.

At the age of 20, he decided to take revenge on the people that separated him from his band, thus not only being a shaman, but an assassin.

Years at School:

Graduated 3 years ago from college


Clothing Appearance:


-7 Skull Keychains


-Guitar Chords

-Spanish Guitar

-Poison bottle

Theme Song: [media]



Again I'm guessing other is supposed to be items and one more thing the knives are Anti- Korosensei right?

Yeah they are anti koro sensei knives, but he also has real knives. Editted. Btw would it be too much, that he was a real shaman/spiritualist person? Just to add some more drama to the character? Since the 7 key chains are reminders of his seven deceased mariachi band friends
It's fine. Hell mine had his brothers mind splattered on a wall and is half-way insane.


Oaxaca, Mexico[/URL] and was born on September 11, 1970, to parents that were a Spanish exorcist and an Aztec priest. He was once part of a Mariachi band considered the best in the whole country and famous for the brawls they started. Apparently two of them were owners of a saloon. They were best friends and all of them acted like true men, however all the members except him were killed in stupid brawls or gunned down because of an unhappy saloon client.

At the age of 20, he decided to take revenge on the people that separated him from his band, thus not only being a shaman, but an assassin.

Years at School:

Graduated 3 years ago from college


Clothing Appearance:


-7 Skull Keychains

-Anti Koro-sensei Knives

-Obsidian Black Combat Knives

-Guitar Chords

-Spanish Guitar

-Poison bottle

Theme Song: [media]




Ken Tanaka

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Psyche_full_505333.jpg.5cba63da368851d189ee7258a240070c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Psyche_full_505333.jpg.5cba63da368851d189ee7258a240070c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Izaya-Orihara-1izaya-orihara-16048592-1023-723.jpg.3e6081edf4c8e575b9f76591332d6fdd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Izaya-Orihara-1izaya-orihara-16048592-1023-723.jpg.3e6081edf4c8e575b9f76591332d6fdd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




    16 (got held back)

    Sexual Orientation:




    Strengths :

    His drawing and designing skills are far above average.




    knows how to wield a knife

    Knows kickboxing

    Is really amazing with animals

    Great at parkor


    Hides actual emotions

    Is very cocky

    Pushes people away

    Thinks he can solo anything

    Foreign Languages



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Peaceswore said:
Ken Tanaka

View attachment 149153

  • View attachment 149156


    Ken Tanaka




    : 16 (got held back)

    Sexual Orientation:




    Strengths :

    His drawing and designing skills are far above average.




    knows how to wield a knife

    Knows kickboxing

    Is really amazing with animals

    Great at parkor


    Hides actual emotions

    Is very cocky

    Pushes people away

    Thinks he can solo anything

    Foreign Languages

@Tricky Emotions
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b62be66_Chelsea-AkameGaKILL!2.jpg.36846f36d84cab135597ea0c2d990d8d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b62be66_Chelsea-AkameGaKILL!2.jpg.36846f36d84cab135597ea0c2d990d8d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Akame Elizabeth Justice

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Half Japanese, half British


  • Gets the job done
  • Lightning fast
  • Very flexible, with perfect balance
  • Silent killer
  • Heals fast
  • Is fluent in both English and Japanese


  • Sometimes goes a bit overboard
  • Not very strong
  • Stamina is a bit lower than average


Height: 62.5 inches

Weight: 105 pounds

Other Distinguishing Features: Has unusual ginger/orange eyes, hair and lashes

General Appearance: She has ginger/orange hair and eyes, with perfect porcelain skin. It's impossible for her to get a tan, no matter for how long she stays out in the sun

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b62f215_Chelsea-AkameGaKILL!3.gif.1e36cf5481d6c60a8a1ed41819b11b25.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b62f215_Chelsea-AkameGaKILL!3.gif.1e36cf5481d6c60a8a1ed41819b11b25.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: (list or full) Akame has bit of a two-sided personality. On side, she is rather sassy and sarcastic, though she can be a bit mean unintentionally sometimes. She likes to joke around, but knows when something is serious. On the other side, when she's on a mission, she turns into a cold, merciless and rather sadistic killer with no regrets. Sometimes she goes overboard with her killing, and when that happens... well, give her another lollipop. But you DO NOT want to be at the wrong end of her katana. She is also a very loyal friend.


  • Candy (and other food)
  • Music
  • Anime and manga
  • Reading and writing
  • Her weapons
  • Cute things


  • Whiny, annoying, and arrogant people
  • Bullies
  • Fake friends
  • Failing on a mission
  • Her enemies


  • She always has a lollipop in her mouth
  • Likes to say the word "Kawaii"
  • A bit tsundere, and a bit himedere too


  • Losing the people she loves
  • Big bugs that can fly (that's a secret, ok? ;)
  • Being alone forever o_o

Relationships: none

Availability: Single and ready to mingle!

history and other

Short Bio: Her mother was Japanese, and her father was British. They both worked for the government, so they met on a mission and fell in love. Akame was their first and only child, and so they trained her. But one day, when Akame was 12, a gang of enemies attacked their home. They hid Akame, in a small closet, but she saw everything.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b64193c_Peekingthrudoors.png.7f1729bc6134bec6ab68b6f70daa5e59.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b64193c_Peekingthrudoors.png.7f1729bc6134bec6ab68b6f70daa5e59.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her parents were slaughtered right in front of her eyes. Thankfully, the enemies didn't know that she existed, so she was saved. Once the government found out, she was taken into her custody, and given some more training. Then she was sent on a mission to kill the alien.

Years at School: Just transferred


  • Anti-me knives x2
  • Anti-me pistols x2
  • Anti-me katana x1 (Can I have that?)
  • Anti-me bullets x10,000 per gun
  • Pencils x2
  • Pens x3
  • Erasers x2
  • Pencil case x1

Clothing Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b6485a5_Chelsea-AkameGaKILL!1.jpg.82236102323676607833c5b286aa7908.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b6485a5_Chelsea-AkameGaKILL!1.jpg.82236102323676607833c5b286aa7908.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She always wears her headphones, which is wireless, connected to a MP3Player hidden somewhere in her clothes. The above outfit is her usual outfit. But you should definitely watch out, because there are weapons hidden around in there somewhere!

Other: Her favorite color is purple

Theme Song: (optional) Kusouu Mesorogiwi [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKC0VtlwBn4[/media]



  • Chelsea - Akame Ga KILL! #2.jpg
    Chelsea - Akame Ga KILL! #2.jpg
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    Chelsea - Akame Ga KILL! #3.gif
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  • Peeking thru doors.png
    Peeking thru doors.png
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  • Chelsea - Akame Ga KILL! #1.jpg
    Chelsea - Akame Ga KILL! #1.jpg
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Ashaficent said:
View attachment 150341
Name: Akame Elizabeth Justice

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Half Japanese, half British


  • Gets the job done
  • Lightning fast
  • Very flexible, with perfect balance
  • Silent killer
  • Heals fast
  • Is fluent in both English and Japanese


  • Sometimes goes a bit overboard
  • Not very strong
  • Stamina is a bit lower than average


Height: 62.5 inches

Weight: 105 pounds

Other Distinguishing Features: Has unusual ginger/orange eyes, hair and lashes

General Appearance: She has ginger/orange hair and eyes, with perfect porcelain skin. It's impossible for her to get a tan, no matter for how long she stays out in the sun

View attachment 150346


Personality: (list or full) Akame has bit of a two-sided personality. On side, she is rather sassy and sarcastic, though she can be a bit mean unintentionally sometimes. She likes to joke around, but knows when something is serious. On the other side, when she's on a mission, she turns into a cold, merciless and rather sadistic killer with no regrets. Sometimes she goes overboard with her killing, and when that happens... well, give her another lollipop. But you DO NOT want to be at the wrong end of her katana. She is also a very loyal friend.


  • Candy (and other food)
  • Music
  • Anime and manga
  • Reading and writing
  • Her weapons
  • Cute things


  • Whiny, annoying, and arrogant people
  • Bullies
  • Fake friends
  • Failing on a mission
  • Her enemies


  • She always has a lollipop in her mouth
  • Likes to say the word "Kawaii"
  • A bit tsundere, and a bit himegere too


  • Losing the people she loves
  • Big bugs that can fly (that's a secret, ok? ;)
  • Being alone forever o_o

Relationships: none

Availability: Single and ready to mingle!

history and other

Short Bio: Her mother was Japanese, and her father was British. They both worked for the government, so they met on a mission and fell in love. Akame was their first and only child, and so they trained her. But one day, when Akame was 12, a gang of enemies attacked their home. They hid Akame, in a small closet, but she saw everything.

View attachment 150352

Her parents were slaughtered right in front of her eyes. Thankfully, the enemies didn't know that she existed, so she was saved. Once the government found out, she was taken into her custody, and given some more training. Then she was sent on a mission to kill the alien.

Years at School: Just transferred


  • Anti-me knives x2
  • Anti-me pistols x2
  • Anti-me katana x1 (Can I have that?)
  • Anti-me bullets x10,000 per gun
  • Pencils x2
  • Pens x3
  • Erasers x2
  • Pencil case x1

Clothing Appearance:

View attachment 150357

She always wears her headphones, which is wireless, connected to a MP3Player hidden somewhere in her clothes. The above outfit is her usual outfit. But you should definitely watch out, because there are weapons hidden around in there somewhere!

Other: Her favorite color is purple

Theme Song: (optional) Kusouu Mesorogiwi [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKC0VtlwBn4[/media]

Accepted. O.o
[QUOTE="Tricky Emotions]I just need to make sure that Korosensei has a supply of lollipops


K, then, I'm replying

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