Clash of Kingdoms

I'm sorry, but from noon today, to either monday or sunday night, I shall be gone, camping, with no interwebz. D: I apologize for my absence.
So in the new HTTYD the father says it takes more than fire to kill such and such (his fancy name) but for some reason he dies by a fire blast. I think he is still alive, or I really just really really hope so and this is my mind;s way of coping with it
You like HTTYD? And I thought I was the only crazy one who still likes kid shows lol. But hopefully he is alive, I'd love another movie.
Well it is surprising a kids movie

there is so much death, my favorite line is in the first one when the lanky blonde guy sees the small dragon and says "Whoa, that's the size of my"- then gets cut of by a fire ball
Haha figures. The whole thing is usually quite entertaining. My favourite line was from the first movie when he says something like, "I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts, and glory on the side. This, this is a talking fishbone!" (Sorry if I totally butchered that line, it's been awhile since I've seen the first movie.)
Im not a nut about it - I get it. Another one of my favorites is

"Son it isnt you I dont like Its just.. this." *gestures*

"Dad you just gestured to all of me!"
Yeah that one's pretty good too. I also like the voice overs at the beginning and end.

"This is Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopeless and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery."

"This is Berk. It snows nine months of the year, and hails the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so."

But the first thing I thought of when I read that was the line, "We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard."

Changing the subject, why are we even discussing HTTYD quotes anyway lol?
went to sleep an now there are 10 pages. X( is the dance still going on? Could someone give me a recap? I really dont have time for 10 pages
Yeah so Kurt and Ema came in (Kurt disguised) they dnaced, kissed, then went to the gardens

Landon made up a bunch of fake stories to talk about, and talked with Erza about dancing with Ema but was too late. Landon just danced with Neva.
And Bolton is slightly intoxicated and he and Azura are walking randomly throughout the halls.

And that basically sums everything up.
There are twenty five pages between this morning and now. I don't quite feel like reading through everything. Could someone sum it all up for me?
Just so everyone knows, I may or may not be on tomorrow and the day after. I should have cell service, but finding time to post could be an issue. @whateverwater feel free to ditch Azura if you need to.
I might be afk for a while.My last thread of personal internet access is being cut. I will try my best to reply when I can find or get back my WiFi.

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