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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot) - Additional IC

Soleil ducked under a wide swing from Karl

"Hey I know we're in the heat of battle but please watch where your swinging that!"
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Lordvader59 said:
The throat shot enraged him. He closed his eyes, his eyelids deflecting the point. He swiped at Gaster, stepping on another building.
Gaster teleported again.then lifted two buildings with thier telkenitics and threw them at godzillas head.
MTchaos1134 said:
Gaster teleported again.then lifted two buildings with thier telkenitics and threw them at godzillas head.
The first building slammed into Godzilla's head, but the second one he grabbed with his mouth and threw at Gaster.
Lordvader59 said:
The first building slammed into Godzilla's head, but the second one he grabbed with his mouth and threw at Gaster.
Instead of teleporting gaster dodges it,almost getting hit by the buliding.a rare fish appears in gaster and he waves it."how about we stop fighting and I give you this fish.you will get 30 more if you leave this town alone."he didn't know if Godzilla understood him or not,but probably knew that he was offering a deal.
MTchaos1134 said:
Instead of teleporting gaster dodges it,almost getting hit by the buliding.a rare fish appears in gaster and he waves it."how about we stop fighting and I give you this fish.you will get 30 more if you leave this town alone."he didn't know if Godzilla understood him or not,but probably knew that he was offering a deal.
Godzilla knew he could get a whole bunch more fish by opening his mouth and taking a half-submerged step, so he just left without the fish.
Lordvader59 said:
Godzilla knew he could get a whole bunch more fish by opening his mouth and taking a half-submerged step, so he just left without the fish.
Gaster appeared next to Godzilla with a large shark that was extinct,at least in this universe.a megaladon."here at least have this,your a good fighter,if you can understand me I respect you as a warrior."the large shark moved in front of Godzilla.
MTchaos1134 said:
Gaster appeared next to Godzilla with a large shark that was extinct,at least in this universe.a megaladon."here at least have this,your a good fighter,if you can understand me I respect you as a warrior."the large shark moved in front of Godzilla.
Godzilla took the shark and walked out to sea. He dropped the shark, he'd know it by it's scent later and he'd take it back to Monster Island. That is, when he FOUND monster island, he didn't know where he was on the planet at the moment. Slowly, Godzilla began to settle into the water.
Lordvader59 said:
Godzilla took the shark and walked out to sea. He dropped the shark, he'd know it by it's scent later and he'd take it back to Monster Island. That is, when he FOUND monster island, he didn't know where he was on the planet at the moment. Slowly, Godzilla began to settle into the water.
Gaster waved goodbye before dissapearing from the universe.thier services were no longer needed here.and he had nothing to do here.
Unfortunately, Godzilla had stayed too long. He was about half under water when he heard a multitude of whistling sounds and then explosions and a feeling as if someone had thrown pebbles at the back of his neck. Slowly, the great monster turned towards the city, and was met with a battalion of tanks. The tanks continued to fire, doing no damage. Godzilla let out a roar. He was pissed. He climbed back out of the water.


Karl smiled before pushing her head down and swinging at one of the troops hitting his head. He looked at her "No, problem, but you have to admit this is so much fun." He said as Arma sliced down more, while this was happening he turned the hammer into a sword, penetrating another troop.

"What in the name of Gywn is happening!" Artorias shouted as he watched what had unfolded in a matter of minutes but he was to distracted about the remaining warriors that Faevix hadn't barred through already, Artorias had to admit he knew he was an able knight but he could only take on at least ten at a time and from what is looked like there were more than ten here.

@White Shamrock @Baku @Donder172 @Archdemon
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Knight Artorias] [COLOR=#ff0000]"What in the name of Gywn is happening!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Artorias shouted as he watched what had unfolded in a matter of minutes but he was to distracted about the remaining warriors that Faevix hadn't battled through already Artorias had to admit he knew he was an able knight but he could only take on at least ten at a time and from what is looked like there were more than ten here.[/COLOR] @White Shamrock [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32234-baku/ said:
Rhedod Wroll

Rhedod Wroll flies towards the knights, opening fire with the Basilisk's laser cannons, killing and injuring a few.
Thel Vadam unloaded his carbine into the darkspawn mages each one falling down like dominoes. 'These things felt unnatural like the floods or the undead from before' Thel quickly switched from his carbine to his Prophet Bane and swung it to his side decapitating a shriek "Artorias how are you handling?" Thel shouted as he switched back to his carbine continued sniping

@White Shamrock @Baku @Donder172 @Archdemon @Knight Artorias
The Darkspawn having suffered damage by the group, were quick to engage the opposing group. The mages finished their spell and imbued the Darkspawn party with much needed magical protection, strength, speed, and other valuable traits. The Warriors much dangerous than before actually engaged the group, two of the three warrior alphas lead a smaller amount of Darkspawn Warriors to lead the charge against the group while the actual leader took the rest of the mages, some rouges and archers as well as 4 Warriors with him as they quickly grabbed the various dead bodies of the Uruks and their company, the dead aliens, and anything else they could get their hands on and retreated. The Darkspawn mages summoned giant walls of fire to block any opposing forces to tail them, sentencing the group of Darkspawn that stayed to cover their retreat to possible death. Normally Darkspawn would fight to the last thing but they have special orders from the Archdemon to establish an outpost in this strange land.

The remaining Darkspawn with such a great ferocity that they never showed before, the rouges and archers focused on the Queen Xenomorph with great accuracy and deadly strikes. The rouges decided to attack her bodyguards which consisted of three. They went into stealth and using their abilities they quickly slashed the things from behind and continued their assault.

The archers while mainly focused on Thel Vadam also focused their strikes on the flying metal thing, hitting and maybe actually stuck some arrows into it. They would move and dodge from the various ranged attacks that would try to kill them.

The Warriors had fully engaged opposing Warriors from the group. An alpha and 2 Warriors faced Soleil and her companions near her while the rest of the Warriors and the last alpha focused on Artorias.

The retreating group of Darkspawn made sure to grab a suitable candidate for being Broodmother, they grabbed some strange woman by a bonfire, she fought but the Darkspawn easily overcame her with their magic and superior numbers. They dragged her and the bodies into a cave, some ways away from the initial fight, and made sure the exterminate any creature that made the place a home.

@White Shamrock @Baku @Donder172 @billthesomething @Knight Artorias
Archdemon said:
The Darkspawn having suffered damage by the group, were quick to engage the opposing group. The mages finished their spell and imbued the Darkspawn party with much needed magical protection, strength, speed, and other valuable traits. The Warriors much dangerous than before actually engaged the group, two of the three warrior alphas lead a smaller amount of Darkspawn Warriors to lead the charge against the group while the actual leader took the rest of the mages, some rouges and archers as well as 4 Warriors with him as they quickly grabbed the various dead bodies of the Uruks and their company, the dead aliens, and anything else they could get their hands on and retreated. The Darkspawn mages summoned giant walls of fire to block any opposing forces to tail them, sentencing the group of Darkspawn that stayed to cover their retreat to possible death. Normally Darkspawn would fight to the last thing but they have special orders from the Archdemon to establish an outpost in this strange land.
The remaining Darkspawn with such a great ferocity that they never showed before, the rouges and archers focused on the Queen Xenomorph with great accuracy and deadly strikes. The rouges decided to attack her bodyguards which consisted of three. They went into stealth and using their abilities they quickly slashed the things from behind and continued their assault.

The archers while mainly focused on Thel Vadam also focused their strikes on the flying metal thing, hitting and maybe actually stuck some arrows into it. They would move and dodge from the various ranged attacks that would try to kill them.

The Warriors had fully engaged opposing Warriors from the group. An alpha and 2 Warriors faced Soleil and her companions near her while the rest of the Warriors and the last alpha focused on Artorias.

The retreating group of Darkspawn made sure to grab a suitable candidate for being Broodmother, they grabbed some strange woman by a bonfire, she fought but the Darkspawn easily overcame her with their magic and superior numbers. They dragged her and the bodies into a cave, some ways away from the initial fight, and made sure the exterminate any creature that made the place a home.

@White Shamrock @Baku @Donder172 @billthesomething @Knight Artorias
Rhedod Wroll's Basilisk seems unharmed by the arrows of the archers, bouncing off harmlessly on impact on the armor. Being surprised behind his mask as his enemies are using arrows. He keeps on opening fire with the Basilisk's blaster cannons at the remaining enemy
billthesomething said:
Thel Vadam unloaded his carbine into the darkspawn mages each one falling down like dominoes. 'These things felt unnatural like the floods or the undead from before' Thel quickly switched from his carbine to his Prophet Bane and swung it to his side decapitating a shriek "Artorias how are you handling?" Thel shouted as he switched back to his carbine continued sniping
@White Shamrock @Baku @Donder172 @Archdemon @Knight Artorias
Archdemon said:
The Darkspawn having suffered damage by the group, were quick to engage the opposing group. The mages finished their spell and imbued the Darkspawn party with much needed magical protection, strength, speed, and other valuable traits. The Warriors much dangerous than before actually engaged the group, two of the three warrior alphas lead a smaller amount of Darkspawn Warriors to lead the charge against the group while the actual leader took the rest of the mages, some rouges and archers as well as 4 Warriors with him as they quickly grabbed the various dead bodies of the Uruks and their company, the dead aliens, and anything else they could get their hands on and retreated. The Darkspawn mages summoned giant walls of fire to block any opposing forces to tail them, sentencing the group of Darkspawn that stayed to cover their retreat to possible death. Normally Darkspawn would fight to the last thing but they have special orders from the Archdemon to establish an outpost in this strange land.
The remaining Darkspawn with such a great ferocity that they never showed before, the rouges and archers focused on the Queen Xenomorph with great accuracy and deadly strikes. The rouges decided to attack her bodyguards which consisted of three. They went into stealth and using their abilities they quickly slashed the things from behind and continued their assault.

The archers while mainly focused on Thel Vadam also focused their strikes on the flying metal thing, hitting and maybe actually stuck some arrows into it. They would move and dodge from the various ranged attacks that would try to kill them.

The Warriors had fully engaged opposing Warriors from the group. An alpha and 2 Warriors faced Soleil and her companions near her while the rest of the Warriors and the last alpha focused on Artorias.

The retreating group of Darkspawn made sure to grab a suitable candidate for being Broodmother, they grabbed some strange woman by a bonfire, she fought but the Darkspawn easily overcame her with their magic and superior numbers. They dragged her and the bodies into a cave, some ways away from the initial fight, and made sure the exterminate any creature that made the place a home.

@White Shamrock
@Baku @Donder172 @billthesomething @Knight Artorias

"Oh don't worry Thel I am just peachy." Artorias said sarcastically as at least five of the opposing creatures surrounded him one of them looked alot more strong than the four grunts that were clearly weaker "Take the first swing I dare you." As soon as he said that one of the grunts attacked him Artorias easily parried the grunts attack and kicked it to the floor proceding to crush its head under his boot "Hmph I was hoping for more of a challenge."



Faevix slapped darkspawn away from the bodies of her fallen brood, she dragged the bodies away from the battle. She didn't dare go near the fire, her drones too were none to happy about the flame and retreated with their queen as a defensive line out of range from the annoying arrows which could not pierce her armor nor hide. She let out a squeal of victory and a crooning sound of loss.


Alduin was at another part of the city not yet attacked, he flew over several building while shouting "YOL TOOR SHUL!", setting several building on fire. He then grabbed a car from the street and dropped it on a building. "Nust wo ni qiilaan fen kos duaan."

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