City of the Wild (Bookworm0492 and Vitreous)


Junior Member
The full moon over the city line like a party part ornament, lighting up the hustle and bustle of the night-life of Dwntown Chicago. Ravers, drunks and peeople of questionable virtue alike were streaming through the streets, going to clubs, empty warehouses a back allies all to engage in the greatest and pleasureable of sins.

A figure in a dark hoody moved through the streets, ignoring the bright lights of the parties and sticking to the shadows, moving fast and tryingto keep hidden.

Terry looked behind himself quickly, his light blue eyes relfecting any lights they catch. 'Have I lost them..? The thugs that were after him were dumb, but they could track and Terry needed to split quick.

He paused for a few moments, only his fingers twitching as he stood stock, listening intently.

'Mustve lost their trail..' he turned to head back when he heard footsteps and knives clicking out, and a voice called out. "YOURE DEAD!!!!"

In a moment he was dartin down the alleys, up an over fences ad dumpster s andrunning like bat ot of hell. The guys were followng him still and he ahd to lose them somehow. He ran down a darker alley heding towards the park and the bridge, praying he didnt run into anything before he got to either one.
As the darkness hung heavily around him and the muted light of the streetlights guided him back to his home for the night, Izzy snacked on a burger that he had freshly picked from a restaurant garbage bin. Or rather, it would have gone into the bin had the guy throwing out trash not seen him and felt bad for the poor, skinny, blue-eyed boy.

He knew to lurk in shadows and, on most occasions, Izzy wasn't bothered by anyone other than the occasional homeless person or drug dealer. It helped that he almost blended into the darkness with his dark hair and black windbreaker. As Izzy neared the entrance to the park, he heard voices faintly, obviously yelling to someone from a distance. He took that as his hint to get out of there. Where there was yelling came trouble.

Isaac started at a slow walk, keeping out of streetlight beams and hiding under the cover of shade trees. Some part of him wished that he didn't have to live on the run or sleep in shady places, for very short durations on most occasions. However, Izzy didn't really see the point in moping over something that he couldn't help.

He crouched behind a rather large oak tree and listened for any more yelling or other noises.
Terry darted in and out of the alleys hoping to get the guys off his trail and he was relived to hear their voices get farther and farther away.

Normally at this point he'd make for the bridge but it was too bright right now, what with various bonfires and torches for the illegal parties filled with drugs, alcohol and other such sins. He'd rather not get caught up in all of that at the moment.

So he veered right and darted across a road into the woods of the city park, going through underbrush and over fallen logs.

Th smell of nature filled his nose and all at nice he felt at home. The scent of the park always attracted his more instinctive side and he could feel like he was in his element. Like at any moment he could run down a deer and have a feast. he was about to slow down when he heard voices at the very edge of the park. He had maybe five minutes to find a decent hiding spot.

He did a quick turn around an oak tree, intending on finding some footholds to climb on up when he ran smack into a dark figure and onto his backside.

"Ow!! What the hell??!!" he looked over at who (or what) he'd run into.
Izzy blinked a few times, surprised by the sudden impact of being knocked off of his feet and onto the hard ground. Once he got his bearings, he picked himself up from the ground, dusted his hands off on his jeans, and extended his left hand to the guy on the ground in front of him. Idly he wondered what had made the guy so startled as to run into him, but then discarded that train of thought; he himself had been hiding behind a tree after all.

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking down at the guy and pulling down his hood with his free hand. It was only polite after all. He liked to look people in the eye anyway and his hood made that sort of difficult.

Usually he wouldn't just reveal himself or assist strangers, but this guy didn't seem to be much of a threat as far as Izzy was concerned. Actually, it appeared as if he was in much the same boat as himself. Deep down, Izzy really couldn't bear to not help someone who looked so confused and disoriented.
Terry took the guys hand warily and pulled himself up. "Im fine, thanks...." He gave the guy a quick once-over, checking for possible weapons and other dangers, (altough from an outsiders glance it could look like ehs checking him out) but the guy came up clean. He looekd around real quick to see if the guys were coming. It seemed quiet.

"Ah...sorry about that, I was in a bit of a jam....I didnt hurt you did I?"

Last thing he wanted to do was piss off someone else.
Izzy raised an eyebrow at the guy's heavy scrutiny of his person, then chuckled.

"Nah, I'm fine. It's all good. That's what I get for hiding behind a tree, I guess," he said softly and shrugged. Izzy wasn't concerned really, even less so now as he looked the guy over. Sure, the guy could probably take him in a fight, but nothing about his posture said that he was in the mood to or had a reason to attack him. Isaac glanced around, making sure that there was no one around.

"It must have been quite the jam though. You were going pretty fast. Anything I can help with?" He asked, smirking.
Terry took note of how chill the guy was. Like he dealt with people running into him all the time. "Ah well.....I dunno if I wanna get you involved. These guy sare kinda....well lets just say you might be considered guilty by association." Terry perred around the tree but then cursed seeing flashlights shining in the trees. "Dammit!! These guys wont give up!!" The blonde pulled his hood over his head to try and keep his light colored hair from reflecting and backed up, trying to get away from the guy to make sure he doesnt get involved. "Unless you've got a place we can hide, Im gonna split."

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