• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Cities Never Sleep


joshua jones

  • .

No matter how long he spent in the port-a-loos, there was one thing that was going to happen; he was going to have to go back out there, stand by his family, hand out pamphlets, and forever endeavour in being that weird kid from school handing out cult stuff. I mean, he didn’t believe it was cult stuff – that’s just what he heard other people say about it. To Joshua, this was all he had ever known. From the moment he entered this Earth, he was taught to praise Jehovah through every action, thought and breath. His weeks and weekends were filled with 2-hour mid-week meetings, Sunday services, family worship every Wednesday night at home, door-to-door ministry and bible studies. There was no time for anything else, really. It was the life he lived and the only life that he knew. No amount of time spent hiding in a public restroom was ever going to hide away the truth.

Once finishing washing his hands, Joshua took hold of the handful of pamphlets he had placed aside and exited. It all seemed to happen so quickly; the sight of the fireworks sparkling and illuminating the darkening sky was before him, the warm summer breeze tickling the back of his neck. Within a second, it was gone. Instead, replaced with a sudden coldness and dampness and someone apologising tangled up with a curse. What in the world had just happened? Whiplashed by the experience, Joshua gazed down at his now drenched shirt, feeling it stick against his skin. The orange substance began to darken the blue and white subtly striped button-up shirt his brother had passed down to him only a few weeks ago. But the thing that was highly noticeable was… the smell.

What was that smell?

It reminded him of the unmarked bottle he had once found in his father’s study whilst vacuuming the house. The whiff of the substance was enough to make his eyes water. Dear Lord, it was strong. There were just so many things to take in at this current moment of time that he was left with a dumbfound stupid, mouth agape complex. His eyes gazed from his shirt, up towards the girl, back to his shirt, and up once more. How was he meant to react to this situation? Was he meant to go home and get changed? Or was he meant to go back to handing our pamphlets smelling like this? A million thoughts ran through his mind before he noticed the girl take a step backwards.

Well, a stumble back.

Without a second of hesitation, giving zero time for his brain to process anything, Joshua’s arms flew, and his hands placed themselves steadily upon the girl’s bare shoulders. His pamphlets which had been tucked under his arms were now raining onto the floor, shattered. “Woah, woah, woah!” his voice full of concern as he attempted to bring some stability to her balance “Are you okay? Do you… do you need to sit down for a bit? Or some water?

Suddenly, he could feel his ears burn. A hue of strawberry formed from the tips of his ears and threatened to welcome his cheeks. He had all a sudden become very aware that his hands were placed upon her bare shoulders. Clearing his throat, he quickly brought his hands by his sides and then it happened; a form of word vomit. Things were just flowing from his mouth and he had zero control over it. However, his volume could only be recognised as tiny italics, not wanting to raise it to bring any attention to those where were around them. After all – it was better to be invisible, wasn’t it?

I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your permission to touch your shoulders. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t fall over. I think… I think maybe you should sit down. Are you able to sit down? Do you need help? Is it- is it ok if I help you? Like, guide you?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Drew Vodianov

♫ roll bounce - drakeo the ruler ♫
mood: eager, trying to get fucked up ASAP
outfit: click
location: the secret beach spot
interactions: kenzie neverbackdown neverbackdown
mentions: jimmy sunnieside sunnieside teo weldherwings weldherwings raven Nightmarish Nightmarish
his car of the day: click

there she was. a dissolvant to his problems, but quite evenly still a source–all in all his ultimate distraction. mckenzie gallagher looking fit as ever, strolling down the concrete pathway with coquettish greeting right on cue before hopping into the passenger side. brazen and nonchalant as always too–not even noting the difference in vehicles as this was definitely not either of their first times utilizing his practice. “happy fourth of fuckery.” drew replied, already placing the box of cigarettes by his teeth to grab another for the drive over. promptly changing the music to something less depressing while putting the truck in gear, drew pulled out of the driveway and back onto the street. the drive from industrial district to that certain spot wasn’t too far, but he’d take the freeway. no need to get there in a timely manner really, but it was definitely easier than taking the streets if he wanted to speed.

“jimmy’s beach spot, uh–think we’ve been there before–can’t really remember when, but,” he’d reply, then hand her the cigarette box labeled american spirit, “lighter’s in the cup holder.”

they’d sit in a verbal silence on the freeway, letting the combination of blasting music and wind rushing in through the open windows take over. he could feel his sobriety gnawing at him now. maybe tonight he’d take a percocet. it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for his older friend teo to approach him for one anyway. and if they were together, opiates were surely being consumed. but did he really want to do that tonight?

yeah, he kind of did.

guess he’d get to that bridge when he crossed it. even after selling a good amount of them earlier in the day, he’d still have enough for the two to overdose. haha.

drew looked over at kenzie a few times that ride–the girl half on her phone and half with a gaze out the window, letting the air copiously expend through her tawny locks. aside from being hot, she was quite pretty. and her choice of eyeliner brought out the blue in her eyes, something drew’d notice from the first time he saw her at chalamet park that day in seventh grade. something he’d find himself heeding every day after too. he pondered on that often. but in contrast to every other girl he’d shag or at least attempt to, it was harder to tell her how he felt. his own girlfriend. it was easier to tell her fucked up, but inhebriation in the way drew’d get always ended in some sort of downfall.

he’d tell his good friend raven about it sometimes–whenever he felt like making an effort to articulate his feelings. she’d always say something like: ‘drew, you’re being such a pussy right now.’ or ‘what do you have to lose anyway?’

and she’d be right, probably. still a brick wall inbetween him and his emotions. annoying as this all was, like every other hard-to-explain phenomenon in his life, he’d stuff that thought in the back pockets of his brain.

–right in time, as the two would be nearing the rocky area above the secret beach. after parking the truck on the side of the little bluff, he’d grab his backpack from the backseat. kenzie followed out of the truck to start the walk down the short bluff and into the clearing down below.

“so what’s new? your brother back home from college yet?” he inquired, making a bit of small talk as they moved forward down to the clearing. suddenly, he was sure he’d heard a familiar voice. jimmy? teo maybe?


Jane Anaise Müller

♫ yam yam - no vacation ♫
mood: happy, eager
outfit: click
location: the waterfront boardwalk
interactions: stella ( dear.szmm dear.szmm )
mentions: n/a
her sculpture:
her heart-shaped box: click

as stella quickly snatched the twin houses from her grasp, jane scanned around for a spot. certainly not where they were. between the grimy kids and manchildren at the skatepark and the walkway that would be soon filled with people, nothing here was fit for her children….

“eh, they’re not that pretty. i mean they’re lovely…” she started, the end of those last words in a softer coo as if she didn’t really mean to insult her art, “anywho…you’re helping me find a spot.”

“You got a bag? A morsel of green? Tell me you’ve got something. Dear Christ, I’ve been dyin’ these last couple’a days…” followed quickly by a–“C’mon, Janey. Let ol’ Stell see the goods.”

jane would pull away from her fingers in light-hearted protest, trying to keep the smile forming on her face to appear more stern, “aht, aht, aht!” jane pronounced, the amusement growing, youuu’re helping me find a spot.” she repeated, more adamantly this time. it was half a joke, half dead serious. but to be real, what else would her curly-headed friend rather be doing if not tagging along in her venture.

she’d turn around, backpack facing stella and motioned for her friend to check the bag for the aforementioned goods. stella would know where to look. the heart-shaped tin can with the gold clasp, something they’d picked up together at the thrift store by jane’s house. inside the ceramic would be two rolled joints. the rest of her weed wasn’t so perfectly placed, instead in a crusty old plastic bag down farther in the messy sack.

“i say, we smoke one on the boardwalk–before the pigs get here..find a perfect place to put les maisons jumelles and then.. god knows what!” she rasped, "the possibilities are endless.." i mean, there had to be something worth while on this boardwalk. maybe even people to run into. they were bound to see some familiar faces what with jane around.

MOOD: Chill

OUTFIT: Yes and the socks

LOCATION: Chalamet building

Ashley tamarapasek tamarapasek

Oliver Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

Charlie doedeer doedeer

Dustin Thackery
All the best people have gone mad
"Jeeesus fuck. Chill out, Ash," Dustin burst through the door to silence Ashley's screeching, clutching his board by the trucks. "What, wittle baby Ashwey wants attention?" Reaching his free hand out to pat her head, his go-to move to tease the feisty little beauty about her diminutive height, Dustin snickered as a ready hand shot up to quickly smack his own away. Anyone could see by the playful glint in his dark eyes that he loved annoying her in such a way; this was an obvious flirtation between the two, so commonplace that the slap didn't even startle the baby sitting contentedly in his Bjorn just below.

"Oh cool, Tony's hanging out? Sure, why not one more baby? Hiii, Tony," Dustin grinned, reaching out to take the infant's hand in his. He chuckled as the tiny fist curled around his finger, gently disentangling himself from Tony's grasp to affectionately boop the little baby's nose.

"What's up Oli? Charlie?" Giving them a friendly wave instead of the chaff he threw at Ash straight away. Dustin tried to keep the teasing to a minimum with Oliver, as the other boy took basically every statement at face value and wasn't great at picking up on jokes. Still, Oli was an odd little creature, just the kind of weirdo Dustin enjoyed and gravitated towards, so their friendship was no less treasured even if he couldn't joke around with him as much as he normally would.

He knew Charlie vaguely through Ashley, though the mousy blonde seemed kind of like her opposite, rather quiet and reserved. But Dustin was the first to admit he wasn't exactly Mr. Popularity at school, so of course any new friends were welcome. Especially if they happened to be cute girls.

"Ashley Park, what is all the yelling about? Hi, guys," Deirdre appeared in the doorway not long after, but her chiding was quickly distracted by the small group of neighborhood kids. Her warm smile brightening at the sight of little Tony. "Well hello, little man! You've come to spend time with me?" She exclaimed in a lilting baby talk voice, immediately relieving Ashley of both Baby and Bjorn without the girl even having to ask.

Dustin's mother didn't think much of John Park to begin with, and she certainly didn't appreciate how much he relied on his young teen daughter to care for his own baby. So she often offered to help the poor girl out as much as she could swing it. Plus she absolutely adored the wee angel, relishing any opportunity to have a little one to snuggle as her own kids were getting older. "Let's let sissy go have some fun," Deirdre cooed, happily cuddling the infant in her arms.

"Dusty, don't forget your sister, remember? You need to walk Chrissy over to her friend's place, okay--Dustin, don't you DARE--" The sandy haired boy was making a big show of playfully rolling his eyes at his mother's request, bobbing his head in a lazy nod as he dropped his skateboard to gain speed and roll away. Then suddenly launched himself up onto the battered old railing to grind down it and land his board effortlessly on the asphalt below, skating around as he waited for the group to follow. His mother absolutely hated when he did that, privy to all the scrapes and wounds her son incurred shredding himself up on the pavement trying to learn that trick, and was convinced that worse injuries were inevitable for anyone who practiced such death-defying stunts. But there were girls around to impress, so a cracked skull was the furthest thing from Dustin's mind at the moment, and clearly something he was willing to risk.

"Keep him alive for me, will you?" Deirdre asked the group with a weary shake of her head before shooing her youngest out the door. The little blonde scampered up to Ashley to merrily fire off the 15-part secret handshake the two girls had made up together one bored afternoon.

Chrissy glanced over the other two teens curiously as they all began their descent to the street, her brother's pale, twitchy friend capturing her attention for the moment. And unlike her slightly more mature brother, she clearly had no qualms with fucking with him. "Are you...dead? Ohmigoddddd are you a ghost??" She sarcastically asked while trying her best to sound sincerely afraid, though she was clearly making a crack about the boy's deathly pallor.

code by valen t.








  • home (filler tab)

Todrick Hall

Painting in the Rain

While Ashley and the others exchanged greetings and passed baby Tony off to the nearest adult, Oliver lingered by the door, silent as the grave and already looking a bit out of place. He knew the Thackeries quite well at this point, and they knew him, but the events of the day had already left him a little overwhelmed and not fit for small talk. And as luck would have it, less than a few minutes after arriving at Dustin’s place, Dustin’s mother Dierdre Thackery was already sending them on a quest to deliver Dustin’s little sister to a friend’s house.

Oliver made a quiet groaning noise, raking his hands back through his hair. He hadn’t expected to suddenly be traveling outside, especially on such a suffocatingly hot day. He hadn’t prepared for this at all, but he wasn’t going to say no. What else was he supposed to do, go back home to his apartment and get hit again?

"Keep him alive for me, will you?" Asked Dustin’s mother to the small group of teens. Oliver didn’t really think Dustin was in much danger of dying on this journey, but he never talked back to parents (knowing what always happened to him if he dared to contradict his own mother) so he simply replied
in his usual quiet, shaky tone. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep that promise if for whatever reason Dustin actually did fall into mortal danger. For both their sakes, Oliver hoped it didn’t come to that.

He followed the troupe out the door and down the dark, mildewy steps of the Chalamet Building, through the dingy lobby and back out onto the streets of Joplin’s infamous Industrial District. It was good that they were traveling in a group, he thought– especially on a holiday like today, people could get pretty rowdy and intoxicated in this neighborhood, and you never knew who was going to be in the mood to mug a kid for their wallet…
This is why Oliver always carried a knife.

The knife, however, would not protect him from Dustin’s sister immediately taking notice of him and starting to crow at him incessantly, demanding to know if he was dead.

Oliver was taken aback– he couldn’t even bring himself to shake his head. He just stared blankly.

Little Chrissy Thackery was far from the first person to make a crack like this about Oliver’s appearance, though. Almost everyone in school had at some point made fun of him for looking like the ghost of a drowned Victorian child or something… he didn’t understand it. He didn’t think he looked like a ghost at all. He was clearly breathing and conscious… well, conscious most of the time. Oliver occasionally had a bit of a problem with fainting.
But either way, the constant ghost and corpse jokes went right over his head. He just didn’t get what was so funny.

But wait... maybe she would be mad at him for not responding. That worried him.
“I-I'm sorry--”
he blurted out, his voice cracking a bit. His right hand was now frantically tapping against his collarbone as if that would help him think.
“I'm... I'm not dead. Not dead.”
he was digging himself a deeper hole so to speak, and he knew it, but suddenly the interrogation felt very much out of his hands. Chrissy was going to think he was dead and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

♡coded by uxie♡

Charlie Vodianova

mood: eager, a bit anxious, happy
outfit: click
location: the c
halamet building
interactions: ash ( tamarapasek tamarapasek )
oli ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift )
dustin Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
mentions: n/a

He's home,” oli replied back to her inquisition, “H-he's just... he's just not, I... well, he'll b-be here.”

–and not long after the words were stammered out, the door before them swung open and a taller blonde boy holding a skateboard appeared to mediate ash’s clamor. charlie, slightly unnerved by the sudden movements, had to keep her footing right to not supress the mental jolt almost unfolding over her expression. she had to keep it cool. although her eyes did shift to observe her friends'reaction to dustin's teasing. ash wouldn't say anything about her crush on the sophomore, but charlie wasn't stupid. it was clear as day. well, maybe to everyone but oli.

"What's up Oli? Charlie?" –to which she’d again try to mentally supress annoyance over her timidity before further transitioning to routine awkwardness. she wouldn’t have even been able to comfortably respond besides a small wave back to the boy since an even newer face popped in through the open doorway. his mom, she presumed–putting two and two together from all the times ash had mentioned the woman helping her out with baby tony all this time. her pretty smile would put her at a bit more ease and charlie returned a smile back, hoping that was polite enough of an introduction for deirdre.

charlie’s face stayed in delicate beam watching dustin and his mom interact. she’d try not to ponder on it now, but it reminded her of her own mom in a way who she still missed dearly.

it’s a good thing dustin and his sister have their mom.

even if charlie didn’t. being negative or envious about it didn’t help anyway. growing older after her own’s disappearance had forced her to either be angry and bitter in the presence of other families or just plainly happy for them. at her young age, she’d still find herself switching between both from time to time. but at the moment-- it was the latter.

in their walk down the hallway, charlie’s thoughts would be interrupted by the cutest little blonde girl, scampering beside them and instantly into some sort of handshake with ash. the first remarks out of her mouth would push a small laugh out of charlie. not so much to make fun of oli’s complexion, but more so at the tiny girl’s boldness which had been completely foreign to charlie when she was her age.

she continued walking closely by ashley and the little girl. maybe if introducing herself to deirdre would be too hard in that moment, little chrissy would be much easier. “hi! im charlie, nice to meet you chrissy.” she’d say sweetly before her inquiry, “what are you and your friend gonna do for the fourth?”

conversing with children surprisingly came easy to charlie. but perhaps that was attributed to charlie still feeling sort of like a child at heart herself. the girl barely looked her age in the face and..well, body–at least compared to the majority of kids in their grade, but her height would sort of make up for it. either way, she was fifteen in the winter time. it was about time she better accustomed herself to things like introductions and small talk with her peers.


trigger warning - drug use

"Silʹvana, prosnisʹ!"
A voice spews out from the phone laying on the bedside table, the sleeping girl tapped around on the phone screen, looking for the off button, after finding it, a sigh escapes from under the duvet. Even though they didn't have a great relationship, or rather not one at all, Silvana still used her mother's voice as an alarm because nothing sounds scarier than a Russian woman yelling at you in her native tongue. After a few minutes of gathering herself, the girl tossed the blankets covering her off to the side and laid there for a second, trying to wake up just a little bit more. Long, thin legs were tossed over the edge of the bed, and a stretch ensued right behind it, small feet planted themselves on the ground and Silvana was out of bed.

She made her way to the bathroom where she would start getting ready for the day, water begins falling from the shower head as the blonde twists the handle in the shower. Soon the bathroom began to fill with steam as she slipped out of her pajamas and stepped in, while in there, she began planning her makeup and outfit for that nights festivities, it was the Fourth of July, and although the girl wasn't a native of America, she did love partying. The water shuts off and shower curtain is pulled away, Silvana steps out of the shower, revealing a mirror that was covered in steam, she wipes part of it away and takes a look at herself, she looked absolutely exhausted, but it wasn't anything a little makeup could fix. Partying and drugs have taken a toll on the girl, but that didn't mean she was stopping anytime soon, this was how all the rich people lived, right?

Making her way back into the bedroom, it was time to pull out the outfit that the girl had decided to wear, a white camisole with a white tennis skirt, simple and pure, this would be paired with white stilettos, because who doesn't love a good monochrome outfit. With a quick change, Silvana was ready to do her hair and makeup. Applying a full face of foundation and concealer, especially to her under eyes, a little bit of brown eye shadow was applied to her outer lid and smoked underneath her bottom lash line. Glitter was applied to her cheekbones, and it would also be used in her hair, which to other people would be an absolute pain to get out, but since she was a dancer, she knew exactly how to remove it. Silvana put her hair into half up space buns and began applying the glitter, it was a super simple look, but she knew it would make heads turn. After a few errands, the sun started setting, it took her all day to get things done, but it was worthwhile. She collected some cocaine from her dealer, and a few items she had left at Peaches from the night before. With a quick glance at the time, the clock read 7:02pm, the fireworks would begin at 9pm, so there was still about two hours for her to find someone to hang out with during and maybe even after the show.

She drives towards the pier, and begins looking for a parking spot, they were very far and few between because of the amount of attendees, but she was determined to find a place. An open parking spot appeared and she turned into it, placing her car in park and sitting for a second, checking her surroundings, once she knew that it was clear, a small baggy containing a white substance was pulled out from her purse. Silvana poured out a little pile onto the back of her hand and snorted, the powder filling up her nose and slowly dripping down the back of her throat. This should get her through the night, but just in case she needed a pick-me-up, she placed it back into her purse and then stepped out of her vehicle, making her way to the pier. She found an open spot where nobody was standing and placed her back on the railing, if nobody approached her, then she would go out and start approaching other people, no matter how intimidating they may look. Sometimes the scarier the person, the more fun they were to be around, that was how Silvana lived her life and put herself into some very dangerous situations, but it was fun, so there was no way she was stopping any time soon.

National Anthem

♡coded by uxie♡

MOOD: Slightly Annoyed?

OUTFIT: It's party time, baby

LOCATION: Ceremony



TL;DR River is being helpful.

The blazing glory of a rockstar’s life, waking up at 6AM, having a nice and luxurious shower, and going to work painting a side of a barn for a lovely family of five and going home to water some plants and make a nice omelet . All about that alcohol, drugs, and rock and roll party lifestyle, baby.


Anyways this fascinating look into River’s hardcore lifestyle nonwithstanding, River was ready to go down to the pier and party. After all, some small part of their little brain wanted to watch the flowers of sulfur bloom in what can only be assumed as blatant lying on the part of the town promising wildlife conservationists that these fireworks would DEFINITELY be used for scaring off birds and not recreational purposes.

And besides, who doesn’t want to get looked at strangely by Sharon and her small gaggle of spawn for being a very stick out figure. So when they got ready to leave, River put on an extra heavy coating of eyeliner and eyeshadow, creating the vague impression of something akin to a glittery raccoon mask.

They were ready to cause a little mayhem.

So anyways long story short they found a dog running away from some fucker that had apparently freed the poor bugger and then abandoned it and was now having a very enlightening conversation with it.

The dog would bark.

River would bark back.

The dog would bark again and wag its tail and run away.

River would chase the dog after realizing that in this small interaction that they failed to once again check the dog’s collar for a tag or a phone number.

It was all very good fun, and yes they did notice the people around them staring and shielding their children’s eyes from the crazy man barking at a dog. But whatever, this was content.

Anyways so they were chasing the dog around the pier with the hope that maybe they’d eventually find someone that would go “what the fuck are you doing with my dog” when the dog barreled its way through a bunch of people trying to get off a bus in a loud frenzy of barking. So, River followed suit with a couple of apologies thrown here and there to the people that really got bowled over by the pomeranian.

Eventually there was a full stop. Running smack into a woman and losing the dog they’d been following.

There was a stare. Like a deer caught in headlights. Brain whirling for some kind of coherent thought that didn't involve a long winded speech about poor sinners or whatever nonsense like it usually did when startled.

“Sorry, my bad.”
code by valen t.
excited for fireworks!
“Woah, woah, woah!” the boy she had just bumped into spoke up, “Are you okay? Do you… do you need to sit down for a bit? Or some water?” Just as she was about to speak up, she started to stumble backwards, causing the stranger to reach forward and grab her shoulders, she was quite thankful for this though because there would've been no way that she wouldn't have fallen flat on the ground. Not soon after, the boy removed his hands as quickly as he put them there, and started spewing out words, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your permission to touch your shoulders. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t fall over. I think… I think maybe you should sit down. Are you able to sit down? Do you need help? Is it- is it ok if I help you? Like, guide you?” Abigail nods her head and looks up at the stranger who was assisting her, she was very thankful that it was someone that was extremely kind and not some asshole that would've just let her fall.

She begins to walk, more rather stumble, towards a bench, hoping the boy was trailing behind her. It was only a few steps away, but it felt like miles away since she was so intoxicated. Abigail finally made it to the seat and plopped down on it, looking at the boy who was only a few feet away, she speaks up, "Thank you for catching me, I would've busted my ass if you hadn't. I do need some water, and maybe something to eat, here's some money to buy it, and you can get something yourself, if you'd like." She reaches into her purse and grabs her wallet, opens it up, and pulls out a few bills. Her hand sticks out to the boy, holding the money for him to grab. There was no preference as to what she wanted, just as long as it was food, so she would leave that choice up to him. Abigail leans back on the bench and looks out into the distance, gazing at the sunset that was beginning to end. "My name is Abigail, by the way." She spoke up once more, turning her head to look at the man, hoping that he would be a bit more comfortable with what he did if he at least knew her name.

coded by reveriee.


Shaken, not stirred.

The blonde thought he could feel bones and blood being spun into foam when rattled by their frustrated undoing. Once settled in calculation of their next move, the bitter salt of a martini had its reveal of sweetness.

Sweet enough not to punch him, that is. Rolled eyes the early confirmation he’d won, lucky in swindling her to the boardwalk just to hang out with him. He clapped his hands, shrill
—a fleeting celebration that cut to dead silence at the threat.

Shave his head.

Sobered of joy and searching syllables for fiction or authenticity, delight had been scraped and scoured from his entire being. Eyes narrowed, teeth set the side of his mouth, catching flesh while an apprehensive hand fluffed at the platinum feathers. Surely, she wouldn’t dare touch the mullet.

“Would bring harm to Ratunzel's pretty mane?”
Worded in regular whimsy, there was a touch of sincerity in the question as he followed Ren's warpath on quick, tenterhook steps.
“Woe is me!”
He’d lament in a heartbroken cry.
“Cruel witch, I reckons.”

Scorched by flame, a bystander fell victim to Ren’s orbit of lunged teeth. The blonde, passionate in hatred of old people, could only float past with snickers and an annoying tug at the stranger’s flowery scarf.
“Means she likes ya, ol’ stupid prune.”
Somewhere during the commotion, two sharks splitting sea shoals, Rat had procured both ugly floral accessory— now draped around his shoulders like a maiden sheltered from wind, and a cloud of stolen cotton candy.

The Fourth of July was so fun.

Pulling at the pink web texture while they gazed at the wall of colourful prizes, Rat knew better than to expect his companion to play fair. Catch!

“For wee moi?
Cawed a happy blonde,
“Renaldo shouldn’t hav-”

A dog landed in his hand.

Rat’s delight died, unrest in his smile and a telltale twitch of discomfort. No, no no. Dropping the Doberman like a wet rag and dragging fingers clean against his shirt, the sour scowl conveyed everything without speaking.

“Har har!”
He mocked her laugh.
“Not funny!”
Sulking after her to their next location of ruin, he’d stood idle— other than wriggling his way through line-waiters with mutters of,
“ay ay, move blubby,”
—and remained quiet. Too quiet for a lover of slushies. Eyes slashed with a glimmer of intent, waiting for the soft ice to be served towards Ren; flintlock ignition he’d been waiting for.

Rat jutted forward to spit directly onto it.

His mouth slid a grin.
“Still want this one, ya? Has special sauce.”

Weight of the world

♡coded by uxie♡





the fair



interactions: rat Gao Gao


”run me my money.”

For her it had happened in slow motion, her large slushy was handed to her and she was about to ask the blonde fucker which flavor he wanted. Something came flying into her frozen treat and she realized then and there that it was a wad of spit. Ren said nothing for a moment but only side stepped to get out of the line. A sense of calm washed over her, but she didn’t feel serene in any sort of way. No, this calm was like that of a tsunami’s warning sign, the recession of water.

There was a single twitch of her left eye before her lips parted and she spoke. “Huh. I was gonna ask you what flavor you wanted but…I guess this’ll do.” Rat was far too relaxed considering what he’d just done and that would be his downfall. Clawed hands shot out once again. For a moment the way she’d caressed his hair seemed loving, but then the grip transformed into unforgiving iron. Her calm look melted into a smile that was all teeth and hot, white anger.

People looked as Ren jerked his head down while he was still lax. The large slushy met his face half way and she held it there. His head was brought up for a split second and then held longer. It happened in quick succession, her giving him air and then holding him in there longer. The final time she simply shoved the drink towards him with a smile. “It’s all yours now.” She stepped back, eyes narrowed and waiting for his next move. Ren was glad that she’d went with the stiletto nails this time, she always sharpened them to a fine point.

nine lives









  • home (filler tab)


Clint Eastwood

“I’m sorry ma’am, but the price of concessions really isn’t a police matter. You should take it up with the vendor themselves. There’s nothing I can do here.”

Unfortunately for Reuben, the fourth of July meant an evening patrolling the bustling boardwalk, as opposed to enjoying his own personal endeavours elsewhere. He could be downtown in a bar, sipping on a cold German beer, making eyes at some blonde further down the bar. He’d flash a smile, invite her over to the seat next to him, buy her a drink. He could learn what she was into. Pills? Powder? Just the booze? It didn’t matter. If he could have himself a good time, and shift some gear to make a profit, it was a win-win.

Alas, he was not in a downtown bar perusing the celebratory broads. He was on the pier, in the midst of wailing children and staggering parents, intoxicated by one substance or another. The air was stagnant; there was an occasional and brief breeze that did nothing but stir up pungent algae and trash from beneath the fairground. The smell of churros and the sizzle of hamburgers came and went. It was a cheap smell, one that repulsed Reuben. He had always imagined more for himself; more than a dilapidated and crumbling town full of has-beens and won’t-bes.

He sighed, rolling his eyes as the short, round woman, complaining about the price of candyfloss, turned on her heels and marched away. Just one more happy citizen.

Reuben checked his watch. 8pm. He leaned against a wooden post; arms folded against his chest. He popped a piece of spearmint gum out of his pocket into his palm, taking it between his fingers and pushing it into his mouth. He had been trying to decrease his nicotine intake, but nothing kept him as busy as a cigarette.

He looked out across the pier, eyes glancing from person to person. There was very little going on.


♡coded by uxie♡

joshua jones

  • .

Ok, so… She nodded. Which was… permission, was it not?

For some odd reason, Joshua returned the nod before slowly, albeit awkwardly, going to place his hand upon her back to give some sort of support. Alas, his hand did not land solidly upon her back but rather stayed in a hovering state of manner, wanting to provide both the comfort to the girl in case she was to lose her balancing once more, but also the modesty that they both deserved. Once she was safely sitting down, he gazed down at her. Oh, wait – maybe he should sit down because it might’ve seen rude to just be hovering above her.

Just as he went to take a seat next to her, in hopes of destroying this imaginary hierarchy before them, the girl began to spread once more. Okay, she needed… water and some food. Her hand dove into her purse to pull out a wad of cash, before sticking it out towards him. Joshua paused for a moment. What would Jehovah do at this moment? he thought to himself. Well, it would be obvious, wouldn’t it? Use his own money. Show generosity, compassion and love. Maybe this girl needed that money for something else, like a ride back home? She looked like she was in no shape to find her way back to her house by herself.

Slowly, he took hold of the money, gazing down at it as the girl leant back onto the bench. My name is Abigail, by the way. Nonchalantly, Joshua’s eyes travelled from the money in his hands and up towards the face of the blonde girl before him. It was almost like he had entered a dream-like trance. The warm orange glow shone upon her skin, radiating her natural beauty. The world around them was slowing down and he was devouring every second of it to take in the image of the girl before him. His ears burned and felt a lump in his throat.

And then everything sped up again. And he was just standing there like some complete idiot. “Oh.. uh… Joshua.” he responded, putting his hand up to give a small wave. Why the heck did he do that? He had absolutely no clue. Tearing his eyes away from Abigail, he looked back at the money in his hands. What would Jehovah do echoed in his brain once more. “It’s okay, by the way” he assured her, handing the money back into her hand. “Let me buy the water and food for you. I’ll be back in a moment

It was like running a dagger through his heart. You see, Joshua wasn’t allowed to have a part-time job like most people his age. Any money he received was from his parents for pocket money. That’s right; he was still getting pocket money. It was often used for food at school, getting public transport, and getting the odd supplies he needed like pens or books and such. So, he was often prompted to keep his money safe, hidden, and unused in case of a rainy day. It seemed as if today was that rainy day.

Before Abigail could protest or say another word, Joshua turned at the heel and made his way to the closest vendor with a spark in his step. It thankfully didn’t take too long to be served, but the main issue was trying to find some food that wasn’t going to make Abigail even sicker. Well, he assumed she was sick. Because she looked like she was. In the end, he prompted for a bottle of water and a big bag of popcorn. Popcorn was always the safest option, right? And it wasn’t like anyone at this fair was just out there selling plain toast. Once he paid the vendor, he hastily made his way back over to the bench.

I hope popcorn is ok?” he mentioned, sitting next to Abigail (not without leaving a little distance between the two so the girl didn’t think he was some weirdo). “Last time I felt sick at a fair, my mum gave me popcorn and it made me feel a lot better” Joshua explained as he unscrewed the bottle of water and handed it over to Abigail. Once she had the water, he then turned his attention to opening up the popcorn bag before also offering the girl some to eat. “Are you okay, though?” he asked with sincerity “Do you need me to help you find a taxi, or do you have friends here that could maybe bring you home? It’s not ideal to be at such a big event like this while you’re unwell

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© weldherwings.
MOOD: Pleased with himself

OUTFIT: He’s a whore.



Silvana floralmoon floralmoon

TL;DR Partying woooo

Did you know that star systems, more often than not, have two stars instead of one? They’re called binary star systems. They’re beautiful. The stars orbit around each other in perfect sync.

Graham, at least, enjoyed little images of them that he could find on Google. He was a man of many pleasures, some small, some large. Some coming in the form of a warm body of someone new.

Anyways, how was Graham’s day going? Well. He woke up and drove to a lovely woman’s house in the suburbs where he pruned some hedges and planted some flowers. Also laid some mulch down. While he worked, she had brought him out some lemonade and they got to talking.

Apparently, Sharon was having a couple of custody problems with her kids - the dad wanted more time, but she was worried about them being taken care of - and just really needed someone to talk to… By the way, those kids were at school right now, if he wanted to stay for lunch.

And so lemonade turned into free lunch. Winks and flirts were met with sultry gazes and patting his thigh as the light touches went further up and up.

And then free lunch turned into being manhandled onto the nearest horizontal surface.

Yeah. It was a good day, thank you very much. But Sharon’s kids were about to come home, and he had to make himself scarce as quickly as their little rendezvous began. He even got paid for his work outside of the meal and the lemonade and the extracurriculars. Tipped! Can you believe it?

Life was good.

Now, he was going to get drunk until he couldn’t remember his name. Inevitably have a one night stand with someone new, and go home in the morning with a wicked hangover but a night of memories. At least, that’s how partying usually went with him. If it didn’t end with him getting a black eye from whatever insane stunt he tried next.

It kept him, at the very least, from getting bored.

So after shotgunning two beers and getting dressed in something nice, Graham was walking down the pier feeling slightly buzzed and fairly good about himself.

A couple of teases here and there on Twitter, a little bit of playful sparring. He got some cotton candy, people-watched as he looked for something entertaining to busy himself with.

His eyes zeroed in on a person - a woman by herself on the docks. Fantastic. He finished up the rest of his third beer, throwing it haphazardly into the nearest recycling bin with a clunk.

“Hey there, love. You look lonely, want some company?” He said, with as warm of a smile as he could muster, leaning on the railing next to her. A bit of a wink as he did so. Laying it on as thick as he could so that she knew what to expect. A small bit of politeness, after all.

code by valen t.

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood having a good time

location pier

outfit a fit

fun fact forgot to pack a pair of beach clothes

tag matt erzulie erzulie

evelyn tran

/* ------ right side ------ */

With a swipe of her card, Evelyn was finally clocked out for the day. Luckily, it was Independence Day, the holiday where you can light shit up on fire and drink to your heart’s content. Evelyn liked to call today “Kaboom Day” or “The Reckoning” or any other name that is related to things exploding and/or destruction. Evelyn has been looking forward to the holiday for the past week because it was the day when the whole town was loud.

She loved listening to the fireworks block the unnecessary noise out while bright colors sparkle and combust in the night sky. Usually, she’d listen to her neighbors’ conversations at the Chalamet Building since the walls were paper thin. Many times, she’ll hear parents screech at their loved ones for no reason and the kids laughing or making up silly plans for the day. Her neighbors’ conversations helped her to block out the noise… the noise in her head.

It is probably the thing she heard from passing called unprocessed trauma. According to the internet, she supposedly does have trauma. However, another thing that she read on the internet was that some symptoms of managing trauma is feeling “fear, anxiety and panic, shock – difficulty believing in what has happened, feeling detached and confused, feeling numb, detached, and not wanting to connect with others or becoming withdrawn from those around you” (Better Health Channel, 2012).

She had to quote her sources, somehow. Evelyn didn’t want to be called a plagiarizer. However, it wasn’t like anyone cared where she got her sources. The customers at the bakery she worked would always gossip about conspiracy theories on Facebook.

Evelyn didn’t think she had a trauma because she didn’t want to get close to people because of her kinda fucked past. It’s just.. getting close to people is a lot of work. Yeah, that’s it. It’s a lot of work. But then she remembered that the internet also said that people with trauma liked to avoid reminders of the event and turn to substance abuse (Better Health, 2012).

Well, psychology isn’t real, and I’m doing just fine. Evelyn thought to herself as she pushed through hordes of sweaty families chomping on their corn dogs and waving their light-up toys as they headed towards the pier. She didn’t mind other people’s bodily fluids being smeared on her with every shove. The fact that it was noisy helped her feel better.

There was laughter and screaming that filled the small town of Joplin. Patriotic music blared from the town’s rickety speakers downtown, and scents of hotdogs, cotton candy, funnel cake, alcohol, and hints of weed wafted through the air.

The noise was comforting.

The smells, the view of the sun setting, and the upcoming fireworks show were… distracting.

With the crowd’s chatter dying down as Evelyn took a right to a less crowded area of the pier, she decided to stand near the sea. Evelyn wanted to listen to the ocean’s waves crashing into the rocks below. Leaning against the guardrail, Evelyn flicked a lighter. lit a cigarette and closed her eyes.

As soon as she blew out a cloud of smoke, she heard someone call out, “You want a drink?”

Ah, it’s Matt.
Evelyn blinked in surprise and took another smoke. She wasn’t sure how she and this man became friends… or maybe more like acquaintances? Evelyn could explain their strange relationship as two complete strangers who noticed they seemed to be at the same place at the same time way too many times.

She gave a soft smile. Serious and to the point. Maybe Evelyn didn’t mind hanging around with this gloomy man because he never bothered to try creating a genuine friendship with her. He never pushed her or clamored for her history. He just would stop at small-talk instead and nothing more. Evelyn wasn’t sure if Matt even knew her name.

Evelyn gave a slight nod before she started coughing from breathing in her cigarette a little too much.

“You’re right,” The baker said as she covered her mouth to keep coughing, “I do need a drink, thanks.”

It was a nice gesture, which was probably his first time doing something nice for her, now that she thought about it. However, Evelyn didn’t think too much about it. He was probably doing something nice for her for once, something he does for an acquaintance he keeps accidentally bumping into. Evelyn put a strand of her hair behind her ear and took a drink, “You call this brooding? I call this relaxing.” She chuckled and continued, “What brings you to a place like this? You don’t seem like the extroverted type.”

Evelyn stood up straight and took her phone out, “Since you gave me your drink, how about I bake some pastries sometime? It’s the least I can do since this beer was probably six dollars.”

The woman took another hit from her cigarette, “What’s a good spot to watch the fireworks show?” she breathed out, “Honestly, I don’t really care about the meaning of this holiday. I just like having a good excuse to get drunk. How about you? What are your thoughts?”

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© weldherwings.
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Take me to space~
Throat tight, heart pounding, breath escaping in hard gasps for air, that’s how Raevlyn started every morning. First, it was the scream that ripped her out of nightmare land into the real world, then the panic, while the nightmare felt all too real and her body had torpedoed into fight or flight. She needed music, she always needed music, and though she had to maneuver with trembling hands and blurry vision, the world spinning and mixing with fantasy around her, she managed to play the calming indie playlist, the one that slowed her heartbeat and her breaths, the one that, over some time, allowed her to calm herself down, along with the comforting nuzzling and licking of Saturn, her loyal service dog.
"Good girlll." She slipped the dog a treat from her bedside table, allowing, no forcing, her lips to upturn into a small smile.
"What are we gonna do today Saturn? Think it's gonna be a fun day?" The young pit bull mutt barked back at her, and she inferred it was an excited one, Saturn loved parties, but maybe she was just trying to distract from the arguing outside her door, the same not-so-hushed arguments her parents had every morning when they both worked early morning shifts after far too little sleep, and one or both of them was already dissatisfied with the day, though they knew better than to argue in front of the young girl herself, and they never went to bed angry, so Raven could bare it.
When she finally slipped from the bed, her legs felt wobbly and weak, her whole body tired, it was hard to rest up when you spent the night wrestling with imaginary demons, but Saturn was always right by her side to steady her. "Good morning Venus, Good morning Mercury." Raven opened the door of the cage, allowing the rats to crawl on her arms and explore her exposed skin before she opened the door to her room, the arguing instantly dying and the room turning to awkward silent as it squeaked, both heads in the room instantly turned to her.
"Oh! Good morning baby, how are you? Sleep okay?" Peggy knew Raven didn't sleep okay, but it was okay, Raven could pretend for her sake.
"Sure." She forced a knitted smile and moved towards the smell of coffee and breakfast, though neither could seem to excite her stubborn stomach, and she opted for a monster from the fridge instead.
"Well," Davie muttered awkwardly, "I'm off to work, I love you guys." He gave Peggy a kiss, and Raven a hug, though he had to crouch down to do it, before walking out the door, Peggy waving him goodbye.
"I have to get going too, but I might be able to get off early tonight if you want to do anything." She said with a soft smile, her voice sweet, like cherries and summer air, but it was only a wish, she wasn't going to be off early on the fourth of July, not with the hospitals stuffed to the brim with drunken and depressed young adults getting saddled with their own overworked psychiatric nurse.
"I'm going out," Raven said simply, enjoying the bright smile it brought to her mom's face.
"Oh! Good! Be safe, and remember to take your meds okay? Have a good night baby girl." She gave the young girl a swift kiss on the cheek and a tight hug before she was out the door, and Raven let out a soft sigh. She shuffled back into her room, letting the rats back into their cage, swiftly maneuvering to her closet to pick out an outfit for tonight. The green-haired girl was excited for tonight, she hadn't had the most luck making friends since she moved in with Peggy and Davie almost 2 years ago, unless you counted drug hookups as friends. Of course, though, she was terrified too, fireworks could be triggering, and so could crowds, and pretty much everything that involved going outside for Raven, but Saturn would be there, and so would her best friend Drew, and she was sure that as soon as she got some alcohol and drugs in her, everything would be a lot easier. Hopefully.
It only took the girl a third of an hour to get ready, and a glow in the dark green outfit, a white wig, and glimmering green makeup later, she felt glowing, her tall green boot stomping against the ground as she grabbed her board and flung herself out the door, already a little high on a mixture of prescription and not and rearing to go. The skate to the boardwalk from the Industrial District was easy, Saturn jogging by her side, and once she got to the place Drew had directed her to, punk rock music slamming in her ears, he was the first face she scanned for, anxiety building at the sight of less known bodies. Medicating was her second order of business, but she knew her party animal best friend would have a remedy for her.
coded by reveriee.


Under the dominion of eerie silence, a bladed pendulum suspended, Rat could feel it spin his skin cold and diluted.

Oh no.

Nervous steps, egg-shell and broken glass underfoot, reluctant to follow Ren’s malevolent aura. He may be a betting man, willing to lower down rungs into a ravine of risk. But once reached the bottom of the steep, shoes to Stygian water, perhaps it was ambitious to expect anything sweet and stirred with honey. Uncharacteristic for a woman of her fury, a touch to his hair could err on affection. He wouldn’t think it too bad, lover of attention and all, if not for the horrible, pressing fact this was to mean nothing good.

Rat swallowed the lump in his throat as touch became vice-like, taloned and confirming suspicion.

“Gropey Renaldo,”
he whispered, nervous smile.
To expect anything else was naive on his part. A roll of distant thunder, humid air and warmth stuck heavy to the back of one's neck. Red flag gums and heat-swarming blood, he started in trying to wiggle from consequence.
“Heyyy, Sere-“


Ice up his nose in a twisted waterboard torture, the stupid struggling and childish screaming did nothing to pacify her cruel revenge. A pig to slaughter, attacked in broad daylight, no less; muffled,
—did nothing in displacing titanium grip, nor did any saviour leap to his rescue.


Recoiling to a safer distance once freed, hacking and snorting out the sweetened drink, the stolen scarf had become practical in daintily dabbing away the spattered mess. Olive eyes narrowed over fabric in contemplation. Spit at her, spoke one side of his brain, just drink the fuckin’ slushy spoke the other.

Slowly, pale fingers found the straw to begin mashing up the ice.
“Can settles for Cola, ya.”

Behaving temporarily, it took only moments for him to scoop a helping of slush and flick it in her vague direction.

He screeched.
“Wee Ratthew ‘twas only sharing wit’ his favorite amigo, ya ya. Don’t be lookin' so glum.”

Weight of the world

♡coded by uxie♡


Drew Vodianov

♫ when i come around - green day ♫
mood: eager, trying to get fucked up ASAP
outfit: click
location: the secret beach spot
interactions: raven Nightmarish Nightmarish

mentions: jimmy sunnieside sunnieside
teo weldherwings weldherwings
alex Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
kenzie neverbackdown neverbackdown

his car of the day: click

as drew and kenzie approached the boys standing in the clearing, he’d notice a growing crowd of kids–high school and college age alike–all here for the party.

“sup guys.” the boy picked up his sagging jeans for a moment to rush over to them, grin plastered on his face, “so how we doin this–wait--hold that thought.” his eyes scanned the sandy floor making contact with a plastic cooler sitting by the portable speaker blasting green day. he opened his backpack up revealing a bottle of tito’s vodka, taking a large swig before nestling it in the ice and closing the cooler back up. taking a deep breath, he felt the alcohol in his stomach and head providing immediate relief.

he sat down on the cooler and pulled out a cigarette, smoking on it for a bit and watched as his friends set up for jimmy’s social media stunt while kenzie went to converse with a couple people she recognized at the affair. it wasn’t uncommon for the couple to show up to places together, split off into their own prospects and return to eachother throughout their night’s out. she’d probably be back for the vodka sitting below him any second now. drew was actually pleasantly surprised at the event’s good-sized turnout, but he should’ve figured. jimmy was quite the social media marketer online and promo for the word probably spread like wildfire on their side of twitter pretty easily. only the cool people got the address though, the rest of the fans of jimmy’s content were probably circling the entire waterfront for him. chuckling to himself with cigarette still between his lips, he couldn’t even remember what was prying at his brain just thirty minutes before.

friends, booze and smokes–quick remedies indeed.

although there was one person still on his mind. drew checked his phone, remembering he had texted his best friend the coordinates for the beach affair a couple hours prior.

initially, raven was just a new girl in his eighth grade class he’d hit on just to be shot down immediately. to be fair, she was gay. how was he supposed to tell? either way, it didn’t take long for the two to become fast friends. and to drew–someone he couldn’t really picture life without at this point.

before raven he couldn’t say he really had anyone who had his back before, not really anyone he could trust a hundred percent like her. for example, his boys were his boys–mostly boisterous party companions he could turn up with at any moment’s notice. people he could just be ridiculous around 24/7. but not so much of people he felt close enough to open up to. especially not about his emotions.

raven was probably the closest person he had in his life besides, of course, his girlfriend. but at least to drew, girlfriends and friends were completely different relationships. mckenzie and him were constantly on and off, always fucking eachother over into a dramatic break-up that always ended in reconciliation. it was hard to trust her, just like it was hard for kenzie to trust him–which deep down, drew knew he couldn’t blame her for.

however, raven had pretty much seen it all at this point. and she never judged him for his drug habits or the stuff drew felt made him a bad person. she was just..there. you know? he appreciated that a lot.

drew looked up at that moment, seeing a familiar dog and an even more familiar face coming his way. “yo! raven!!” he hollered, walking over to meet her half way. he’d immediately drop to one knee, showering saturn in scratches and pets, “hey, girl..”--his tone slightly softened as the pup nuzzled him back.

he looked up at raven with an eager smirk, “glad you came. want a drink?–honestly why’d i even ask, here–” drew was a bit surprised she ended up showing. raven and him had partied a good amount together, but drew knew it took a lot out of his friend. luckily there wasn’t a huge amount of people at the secret location jimmy had picked out, but being sober anywhere was no fun. he led the girl and her dog over to the cooler where the cans and bottles were. drew wasn't sure if alcohol was even what she would want for tonight, but if she needed anything at all? raven knew he'd have it on him.



The Rebel



Happy, Excited




Drew previously
Jimmy, Alex and Theo

Kenzie nodded as he mentioned where they were going and she bit her lip in thought trying to remember when she had been there. She couldn't remember a particular time but for Kenzie that didn't mean much, she did tend to blackout a good bit. She grinned as she took the box of smokes off him "Thanking you" she said with a wink before taking a smoke out of the box and placing it between her lips. She lit her cigarette and placed both the box and the lighter back into the cup holder, settling back into her seat as she exhaled. She spend the majority of the journey scrolling instagram but every so often her eyes would flicker towards the window watching as the smoke she exhaled billowed in swirls out of it before becoming lost in the green and blue blurs they passed outside. She liked how their relationship didn't need constant noise and rather they seemed content enough in each other's company to sit in complete and utter silence. Silence was sometimes a good thing, especially for them and if they only they could do this while inebriated maybe they wouldn't fight as much with each other.

As the car came to a halt, Kenzie looked up from her phone and realised that they had arrived at the destination. She watched as he got out and grabbed his bag before following his lead and getting out to walk beside him. She smiled breathing in the sea air as she made her way over to his side.

When he asked about her brother, Kenzie turned to look at him a genuinely happy look on her face as she nodded, it was a rare look on Kenzie to see genuine emotion pass her features, allowing the mask to slip for only a second. "Yeah he got home this morning and was there when i woke up, home for the rest of summer now" the happiness could be heard distinctly in her tone. Her siblings were the most important people in her life and Kenzie adored them, not having parents really cemented them and they barely ever bicker like normal siblings tend to do.

As they broke into the clearing, the cheeky smirk found it's way back onto her features as she looked around at the growing crowd already present. She knew the crowd would only grow bigger with the high school students wanting to get in on the secluded party here rather than joining the older people's festivities on the pier, at least on the beach they were hidden from prying eyes and could party in peace, unafraid of being caught.

Kenzie looked around and immediately spotted a few people she knew making her way over to say hello without a second look towards Drew. She guessed he would be going straight for the cooler and then the boys and knew she would probably meet him there sooner rather than later. It was actually pretty common for the two to go off on their own at the beginning of parties before finding each other for drunken adventures later on in the night which more than likely turned into a fight by the end. She couldn't actually remember the last time her and Drew didn't fight on a night out but they were both equally in the wrong and she wondered if their friends actually realised that, but they knew better than to comment on their relationship.

As she got bored of her current interaction Kenzie's eyes scanned the clearing before her eyes landed on what she was looking for "Jackpot" she mumbled to herself before making her way over to the cooler. She dug through the contents before her eyes fell on the vodka sitting proudly on top and smirked. She pulled out a cup from the bag placed beside the cooler and poured some vodka into it before closing the bottle and placing it back into the cooler. As she stood up, her eyes scanned the crowd to see who else was here. She noticed that Raven and Drew were talking and thought about approaching as she took a sip of the her drink.

As she stepped away her eyes landed on Alex with Jimmy and Teo and the smirk once again crossed her features as she made her way over them. Kenzie approached them quietly from behind before wrapping an arm around both Alex and Jimmy's shoulders who were standing with their backs to her "How are the boys, ready for some chaos" she asked with a slight laugh before letting go of both boys and taking another sip from her drink. "So have you's done this before?" she asked motioning towards the boys newest experiment laid out in front of them.

♡coded by uxie♡
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The Fighter



Happy, Excited




See's Graham/ Jodie and River

As Emily got closer to the pier, the sounds, smells and lights almost began to overload her senses but in a good way. The blinking lights of the rides and games caught her eyes as they twinkled off the water and reflective surfaces, the smells from the food vendors was delicious and melded together so well that it just tasted like one amazing meal waiting to be sampled. The noise was a bit more uncomfortable but she knew it would take a second for her brain to dissect the three different noise sources of music, excitement chatter between people and the rides before she relaxed into the excitement buzzing around her. A smile placed on her features, Emily scanned the crowd trying to find her friends, she knew that both Jodie and Graham would be present, neither ever missing the chance to let loose but was finding them pretty difficult to spot amongst the crowds of people present and she noted that people were continuously arriving behind her.

Moving to one of the stands Emily got a beer before making her way over to a corner to have her drink and hopefully get a better view, trying to choose on what she was going to do first and also see if she could spot her little sister running around. She knew that Kenzie had plans but Emily assumed that meant the pier. As her eyes flickered around the space they finally came to last on a familiar red head walking up the docks, she went to approach him but stopped when realising he had approached a girl on her own. Rolling her eyes in an amused way at how he seemed to make friends wherever he went, she stepped back deciding to catch up with Graham later on for the real drinking to begin.

Finishing her beer, Emmy threw the cup in a bin before strolling off into the crowd looking for something to entertain herself with when suddenly she spotted her Jodie standing ahead of her, a grin found it way onto her lips as she lifted her arms and waived them in the air "JODIE" she screamed out trying to catch the attention of her friend before she got lost in the crowd again.

Emily began walking a bit quicker, her eyes set on Jodie standing ahead of her that she didn't notice the barking person running around after the dog, nor did she realise that they was running towards her. Without warning the air was knocked out of her as she just caught herself from falling as a person slammed into her. "It's ok I wasn't paying attention either" she commented with an easy smile gracing her features before looking up at the person she had collided with. She took in their features, trying to see if she recognized them as she bit her lip in thought. "I love your coat, very cruella-isque i dig it" she commented with a grin.

♡coded by uxie♡
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trigger warning - drug use

"Derʹmovaya stranaʹ,"
The Russian whispered under her breath, she actually really missed her home country, but her mother just had to drag her here. At least the fireworks every year was something to look forward to, even though they were really a waste of time and money, Silvana really just loved the explosions. She looks down at her phone and spends a few minutes on Twitter and texting people, a smile spread across her face when lapochka said he would take her out on a date. He was someone that the girl looked up to, and the fact that he said the two could go out together on an actual date rather than for a heist or something else of the sort.

Tonight was the night that she planned to get extremely fucked up and find someone to take back to her hotel room that she called home. While there was nobody paying attention, the girl reached into her purse once more to grab another bump, things were getting boring and she was actually considering leaving because there was nobody that seemed worth while to interact with, everybody seemed to be paired up with a partner already, and she was all alone. Silvana leaned back onto the railing of the pier and took a deep breath through her nose to make sure she got every last particle she just snorted. That was when she noticed a man walking towards her, with a quick wipe of her nose and straightening of her appearance, she prepared for the man to speak up, if she was lucky.

“Hey there, love. You look lonely, want some company?” The ginger spoke up to the blonde, Silvana acted as if she didn't notice him walk over, so she innocently looked up at him as he gave her a smile and a wink. Silvana smiled back at him and spoke in a soft voice, "Some company would be lovely, you seem like you'd be fun to be around too." Her hopes began to raise as she spoke with the man, this would be the one who would be coming home with her, there was nobody else who had come up to the girl, so even though this was her only option, it would work. Her hand reached out to him, offering a handshake and once more the girl spoke up, "I'm Silvana, her accent thick and heavy as the words rolled off her tongue and lingered in the air, and who do I have the pleasure of spending this wonderful night with? A smile spread across her face once more, knowing good and well that she was going to have the time of her life.

National Anthem

♡coded by uxie♡


cooper attenborough

  • .

Silently he put the ice bag on his right eye, colored a dark blue teint. It wouldn't help with the swelling since it's been twenty-four hours but the cold ice made the pain a little less bad.
'Qué le pasó?' His sweet neighbor asked concerned as he walked past the old lady sitting on her balcony. Cooper shook his head politely, this lady was the only reason he understood the littlest Spanish. 'Nothing happened, someone happened,' he answered honestly as in response he got a worried look. 'De nada, trust me,' Cooper mouthed to her before continuing his walk. Today's mission was to watch the stupid fireworks and to find some competitors he would be able to make enough money off.

The pier was decorated and for a split second he had forgotten it was the fourth of July. He didn't feel the need to engage in it but it looked cozy. Cooper intended to walk towards the end of the pier but once he had smelled the deliciously fried hamburgers he had turned around and bought himself the biggest one. He fumbled in his pockets to give the lovely brunette some cash and a wink, he wasn't here for the girls, he was here for business.
Just as he was about to walk along, he shuffled down to an old familiar face. 'Reuben! I can't believe it,' Cooper threw his empty hands around his friend, if you could even call it that.
Cooper took a big bite of the burger after letting Reuben go, leaning a bit forward to avoid getting any juice on his clothing but not noticing it spilling all over this officer's shoes. 'My bad,' Cooper immediately apologized, his mouth full and even though he tried to hide the grin on his face, it was way too obvious.

'Listen,' Cooper broke the silence before suspiciously looking to the left and the right. 'I don't like to over take you like this but I think there's this thing where we could both profit off. It's actually great timing that I'm seeing you right now, you have no idea.' Cooper was really happy he had something to show for, the guys at the pit, which is what they called their fighting club were always looking for new people and a corrupt cop was like hitting the big lotto ball. It was perfect. Cooper had known Reuben for a while now and knew he could trust him, though a cop was a grey area. He didn't want to be naïve and end up in jail, like his dad. Cooper wiped away some of the leftover grease besides his mouth while he crumbled up the white plastic that was now decorated with fireworks and 4's. 'Catch?' He jokingly said and threw the paper towards the grumpy-looking man in front of him.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.
Take me to space~
Raevlyn was utterly lost, eyes glancing over the clearing, the faces with names lost in her memory, odd objects strewn about, but they finally came to rest on the one face she had been looking for, her best friend Drew, and her mouth upturned into a crooked toothed smile. "Heya bubba!" She watched Saturn nuzzle into the boy, she loved that her dog loved him so much, that’s how she knew she could trust him from the beginning, Saturn always knew best, and Raven had been so hesitant, nervous around new people and boys because of her past, but Saturn was right, her and Drew were quick friends, both in need of someone in their life they could trust wholly, someone they could openly be unapologetically themselves around, even her parents loved him.
"Of course, I want a drink," They laughed, following the dark-haired boy, Saturn sniffing curiously towards the people around them. Raven laid their green skateboard next to her and grabbed a bottle of some liquid they didn't really care for the name of and took a long, hard gulp of it, swallowing with a slight twist of their face at the bitter feeling and burn, their first drink of the night always did that to her.
"I can't believe I'm here, I barely even know anyone but you, but some extra stimulants and Saturn made it easier you know what I mean," She laughed, her brain buzzing happily as the alcohol mixed with the drugs. She was content as her anxiety dimmed in the presence of her best friend, she always felt less anxious around Drew. She didn't know what she'd do without the boy, he was honest and loyal to her, he brought her to parties and understood her feelings and her habits in a way no one else did, even just chilling and talking to the boy made her happier. "What if this all even about? I saw the texts in the group chat about some sort of vine thing or something? My followers would go crazy if they knew I was here."
Raven pulled a box of Newports out of her alien-shaped bag, pulling out a brown, hand-rolled joint and sticking it between their lips, taking out a silver zippo with Saturn's face painted on it, they'd made it themself, and lighting the end of the smoke, holding it there for a few seconds as the end went up in flames. They puffed out a cloud of strong-smelling smoke towards their best friend before grasping the end and passing the joint to him and taking another long gulp of theirdrink.
coded by reveriee.








  • home (filler tab)

the clash

rock the casbah

Stella reached into the backpack, taking the heart-shaped tin. It was very cute and organised, neither of which Stella considered herself. She was functional, with a grab-what-you-can kind of approach. She usually carried her weed in a piece of torn off plastic bag or aluminium foil or some other scrap. A tin was a good idea. Stella would look harder the next time they went thrifting.

Nice.” she complimented, undoing the golden clasp and nodding approvingly at the two neat joints placed lovingly within the ceramic.

“I say, we smoke one on the boardwalk – before the pigs get here… find a perfect place to put les maisons jumelles and then… god knows what! The possibilities are endless…”

Stella looked up to the boardwalk, squinting with a hint of dismay. It wasn’t the noise and the busy crowds she minded so much as the type of persons that were making the noise and the crowds. Loud, cackling families and brutish children raised with the promise of the world. Newsflash, kids, the world owes you jack shit. Enjoy the candy and the amusements while it lasted; once you succumb to the serpent-like grip of that oh so great American capitalism, it was game over. Welcome to the rat race.

She hesitated. “Alright.” She said, rising off the bench. “I could grab a bite. I know the tamale guy. He does this fucking awesome cucumber avocado salad shit – I dunno what it is, but it fucking slaps -”

She paused a moment, sighing exasperatedly, suddenly enlivened at the thought of a half decent meal.

“Let’s go. Before he runs out of guac.”


The two girls hovered lamely next to a carousel littered with small children – Jane, gripping les maisons jumelle, and Stella, a tamale in each hand. The ride behind them blasted a tinkley nursery rhyme that sounded nothing short of something straight out of an ominous horror film.

Stella took a ravenous bite of food. “Dude,” she began, muffled through a mouthful of tamale, “we need to find somewhere to put those things… we can’t stand here all night, looks fuckin’ weird.”

She looked about the place, trying to spot a nice little place for Jane’s beloved sculptures between the families and partygoers.

“There, look, what about that?” she suggested, motioning to a trash can across the pier.

“I mean, yeah, it’s a trash can, but isn’t that some sort of juxtaposition or something? Y’know, the trash can, then a glorious piece of beautiful art next to it. The beauty and the beast! Just, like, put it at the foot of it or something. It would be quaint, no?”

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Excited

OUTFIT: princess chic

LOCATION: Apartment>Fair


Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
TL;DR Sed fermentum tortor nulla, vel sodales nibh bibendum eu. Maecenas a lacus a libero blandit commodo. In lobortis aliquam urna, id tempor ex semper at
josephine kingston
The past is the past, today is today

"Huh. Too much?" Jo mumbbled with a frown, staring at herself in the mirror. The long white dress flared out, it's frills swaying with her. "He said he liked prissy.......it doesn't get prissier than this." She reasoned, though it was obvious to anybody with eyes that Jo was widly overdressed for a street fair.

Despite the fact that it'd likely be more practical to wear jeans or a shorter dress, Jo loved what she was wearing, and was further incentivized by the fact that her date seemed to enjoy when she was a little prissy too. She turned around, plopping onto the bed in her crummy apartment with a satisfied grin. The girl's head had been utterly consumed since Alexei had first asked her out, fretting and fussing over what to wear, what to say, whether he was a serial killer or not. She'd never been on a date before, and had no earthly clue what she should be thinking about or preparing. So naturally, the solution was to think and worry about everything.

Nerves aside, Jo could feel her heart racing when she thought of the date. The girl had spent her entire life lacking any real romantic attention from people. Apart from Julian's bedtime visits, nobody really considered Jo when looking for prospects, partially due to her shy demeanor and partially due to the typical gawkiness of youth. She'd expected more of the same in the big city, but she'd been majorly proven wrong. The very day she'd started her new job at Stardust Diner, a muscular older man had been seated in one of the booths, radiating charm and warmth. Thanfully Jo had been assigned to wait at his table, and got to reap his extremely generous tips. He would keep visiting, and Jo made sure she was always available to wait at his table, both for the generous tips and because she came to enjoy his company. One thing led to another, and he had asked her out, confessing to her delight he had been equally interested in her.

The sound of a knock alerted Jo, and she practically hopped, skipped, and dashed over to the door. She wouls never have admitted it, but in the excitement she'd nearly fallen flat on her butt. Not to be delayed however, she swung the door open, revealing her grinning date."Hey! Nice to see you." She smiled, though it quickly occured to her that talking to her date as if they'd just run into each other coincidentally may not have been the most appropriate. She bit her lip, attempting to speak again. "Sorry, what I meant was, thanks for picking me up and all." She chuckled awkwardly, exiting the apartment to join Alexei outside, fumbling with a handbag. "Oh by the way? Here you go." She pulled a wallet out of the bag, handing it to Alexei.

The couple shuffled down the stairs of her apartment building, Jo wrapping both her arms around one of Alexei's. Though it was slightly hard, she still enjoyed cuddling up to his arm, even feeling like a real girlfriend instead of a confused teen on her first date. She nodded and shook her head as Alexei made most of the conversation, only butting in to ask a question about a reference or social norm she'd missed out on. Before she knew it, they'd arrived at the pier and the fair was in full swing.

Releasing his arm, she looked up at her date. "So what do you normally like to do at these things?" She asked, excitedly. Truthfully she would be down for any fair activities tonight as long as she had a stuffed animal by the end.
code by valen t.

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