• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Cities Never Sleep


teo choi

  • .

Don’t get high on the supply. Don’t get high on the supply. Don’t get high on the supply

Most people would feel incredibly anxious walking around with a bag full of various party drugs. They would have an uncontrollable uneasiness in the pits of their stomach that somehow the police would find out, and that they would be thrown behind bars for the rest of your life. Not Teo. No, Teo was more freaked out over the thought of taking the drugs for himself. Not that he’ll get caught. Not that he’d lose them or that someone might steal them from him. But that he would eventually be driven mad into temptation and the drugs would find some way to pursue him into using them.

Ever since the roof caved in at his house, he had been trying to pick up some additional work to cover the costs of his new place that his father refused to give him. Well, that wasn’t completely true. You see, Teo had a hobby. A very expensive hobby. His father paid him enough hush money to get a fairly large and decent place to himself. But because of Teo’s hobby, he would rather spend more money on the supplies for the hobby than where he was living. Now that his cost of living expenses for his living arrangements had been raised, it left his hobby funds to dwindle. And somehow, that’s how he ended up with the mafia.

Okay, so they never said that they were the mafia. But they didn’t need to say it; Teo knew. He could sense it in his waters. Those dudes were straight up mafia criminals, working around the town with a god father at the head. Teo wasn’t one to judge. After all, they paid him good money to do some deliveries here and there for them. But this was the real challenge of it all; they had entrusted him to go to this rave and try to sell their supply. They had caught a wiff that someone had ratted them out to the police and were expecting a raid at any moment in one of their warehouses. Therefore, Teo had been entrusted to be the one to go out and sell whatever stock they had left.

Quite literally one of the most stupidest decisions someone could have ever made, if we were being completely honest.

His hands were dug deep into his jacket pocket, balled up into his fists. Right… he just… needed to get rid of a couple more things. Funnily enough, he had barely stepped into the rave before he approached by multiple people. Did he have some sort of drug dealer look about him, or were people just able to see straight through him? Well, it probably didn’t help that he was wearing a jacket in this heat, and carried around a large black back pack. He was just screaming come to me if you want to buy drugs. At least it made his life a hell of a lot easier; people coming to him instead of having to go around asking people hey, you wanna buy a little something?

Teo had just finished up with a transaction, slipping the boy some ecstasy pills in a little bag while taking the wad of cash in his other hand. A nod between the two said pleasure doing business with you before the other turned and was on his way. Ah, how lucky that boy was going to be tonight. To fly high in a euphoric bliss all thanks to some happy little pills. Oh, how Teo envied him. But no, not tonight. Out of all nights, tonight was the night he wasn’t allowed to climb to cloud nine with the little help of a tablet. The waving hand before him, flagging him down, was just another reminder and strayed him away from the thought of even going down that road.

He raised his brows towards the girl as he stood with his hands in his pockets, as if to motion to her that he had seen her trying to grab his attention. You holding? she asked; and Teo had tried so desperately to hold in a chuckle. Slipping past his lips in a form of a raspberry, he took a full look at the girl before him. Calling it molly and adding that they wanted to cop. Oh, that was a bit adorable, wasn’t it. “Your first time?” he chuckled, his velvet voice only loud enough for himself and the girls before him. After all, he didn’t want to go on full display that he was selling illegal items. “Normally it’s twenty bucks for a joint but… I’m feeling generous tonight. I’ll give it to you at half price - so… ten bucks? After all, this is a large milestone. It’s like taking the training wheels off your bike for the first time.” He paused for a moment. Hold on. What if it really was her first time? “Do you… do you know how to smoke a joint?” Teo asked cautiously “Cause… I… I could show you? Or teach you?

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© weldherwings.
MOOD: Hyper, pumped, nervous

OUTFIT: Missing the mark but still ready to party



Leah @tamarapasek
Teo weldherwings weldherwings

TL;DR: Cave rave!!
Jenelle Kennedy
Let us be young, let us be wild
until the summer's over
His offer made Jenelle blush, struck silent for a moment. Technically, she'd approached Teo in hopes of getting her hands on some of those pills you're supposed to take at a rave. The ones that make you dance and wanna suck on a pacifier. She knew enough about drugs to know that a joint meant weed, yet was too polite to correct him. Plus this handsome older fellow was willing to take time out of his busy drug-dealing schedule to hang out with them? There was no way Jenny would turn that down.

"Oh...okay, sure!" She responded cheerfully. "My name's Jenny. This is Leah," The red-haired girl added shyly, motioning to the blonde at her side. She threw a quick glance at her best friend, pulling a sad puppy dog face in an effort to silently beg her to agree to deviate from the original plan and hang with Teo for a bit, even though Leah certainly didn't need a lesson on how to get stoned.

Not that Leah ever needed much convincing for any kind of spontaneous adventure. Leah was the bold friend who freely spoke her mind, snuck out on school nights, hooked up with boys. Jenny was the goody two-shoes stick in the mud who was usually the one being dragged into things.

Not tonight though! Jenny had already resolved to take a page from her bestie's book. So she linked her arm in Leah's, flashing a playful smirk as if to say, "Caught you! You're going whether you like it or not."

code by valen t.
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Auguste Cortes

  • .

A drink easily found its way into Auguste’s hand. Whiskeys and rums and fun fruity pink drinks tickled his fancy far more than whatever strange swill he’d manage to snatch from the angry claws of underage drinkers.

A long sip of the alcohol as it burned its way down his throat. He never made a habit of drinking, both in the present and in the past. In the past, he needed to be the one on guard constantly. He needed to be the one that was constantly on edge and ready to fight at any moment.

So you’d be surprised to learn that he had a decent tolerance due to size and all that, but he’d never call himself an avid drinker with a high tolerance.

He was feeling a bit on the lighter side now, feeling the alcohol warm his body and loosen his joints when the creature started talking to him.

First, he was called a brooding loner, then he was called the village crackhead… and then a serial killer cannibal.

At least he wasn’t called a cop!

These insults went far better for Ren than Auguste immediately giving up and deciding to go home.

You don’t eat people, right?” Auguste looked down for a second, his eyebrows knitting as he tried to formulate the response he wanted. The correct answer was probably to become aghast and gasp loudly, clutch his chest, stumble back a bit dramatically and proclaim a very loud no.

But see, Auguste wanted to poke the hornet’s nest, so instead, he looked at Ren with the grave seriousness only becoming of someone who was genuinely confused.

“You don’t?” Soft shock layering into the gentle tone. What do you mean you don’t eat people, Ren? What’s wrong with you? “Why did you come to the cannibal rave if not to eat people?”

Lying. But he just wanted to know what would happen.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.








  • home (filler tab)

Maximo Park

Apply Some Pressure

Houston, we have lift off.

Reuben let out a quick laugh, perhaps nervously, as Jodie reached across the table and squeezed his hand. She could plaster whatever emotion she wanted to on her face, but Reuben knew her well enough to tell when she was angling to push the night a step further.

“A welder’s face? Huh. That’s a first. I don’t know how to take that.”

She was right. Maybe he should’ve gone into something other than the fucking police. It was an easy answer, a quick escape from a road he did not want to go down. Was this road any better? He could’ve been designing the next Empire State Building or planning the expansion of Dubai. He would’ve had to put up with several years of college monotony and dickhead wannabes, but Christ. It wouldn’t have been any worse than this.

It wasn’t what other people thought that bothered him; the SJW tweenies could throw the word ‘pig’ at him as many times as they wanted. Who gave a shit about them? Their “opinions” were nothing more than oversaturated one-liners taken straight from Facebook and Instagram and used as unimpressive buzzwords. They spoke about police shootings as if it was a daily occurrence; Reuben had discharged his weapon a handful of times in five years on the force. It was a last resort, a rarity. JPD didn’t have the ammunition, and Reuben didn’t have time for the paperwork.

Here he was, thinking about guns, while Jodie gazed at him patiently from over the table.

“Listen,” he began, taking another sip of beer, “my cooking is absolutely-” he gestured his hand way above his head. “And it’s not the only thing that’ll blow your mind.”

He looked at her with a tilted head, silent as they both tried to suppress their laughter. Reuben gave in first.

“Yeah, that was… weird. Sorry. It’s the booze you’ve been plying me with. Happy now?”

Their laughing died down and Reuben bit his lip. He had fun with Jodie. Actual fun. He wasn’t biding his time or looking for an excuse to escape. He revelled in their time together.

Underneath the table, his hand found its way onto Jodie’s leg, slowly making its way up until it lightly caressed the inside of her thigh.

“Are you hungry? Do you want to get out of here?”

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)



“Sorry… I don’t… I don’t think we got your name?”

Joshua's stammer was giving her a tension headache. The boys that always seemed fearful and mousey would turn violent and erratic as soon as something didn't go their way. She didn't trust it.

This wasn't about them, though, it was about their church, and the community and shelter that it might offer. These teens were just messengers with a very tempting invitation.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm Eileen. It's truly a pleasure to meet you both." She introduced herself without her last name. The name Dreyfuss was an artifact of her previous husband, whom she now loathed thinking about, as well as something that could connect her to her children. These Jehovah's Witness kids looked about the right age to be Oliver's classmates if they were attending the same public high school.
Did Jehovah's Witnesses even go to school at all, though? Or maybe they all attended some religious private school in a nearby suburb.
Eileen honestly didn't know. She'd been raised Catholic herself and had come to view religion as a means to gain social capital rather than any sort of deep spiritual importance. She was Catholic when it was convenient to be, and availably agnostic when that suited her needs more, like today. Eileen couldn't imagine herself actually remaining with the Jehovah's Witnesses long enough to see what it was all about.

"Well, come on in. Make yourselves at home." She stepped into the apartment, holding the door open for the two teenagers to enter.

Despite the space being far too small for the family of four that lived within, the interior of the Dreyfuss apartment was clean and meticulously organized to the point of being almost unsettling. It looked more like a movie set, a museum, or a doll's house than a place where a family lived. The furniture was cheap, the walls were waterstained, and there was a slight smell of rust and cigarettes inside, but everything had been swept, dusted, and placed to perfection. It did give the impression that maybe Eileen and her children really were ghosts or vampires, just like the schoolchildren rumored.
The only evidence that anyone lived or moved or touched anything in this room at all was a large textbook lying open on the couch. As soon as Eileen noticed it, she hurried over to snatch it up.
"Oh. I apologize for the mess." She said in a half-whisper, shaking her head somberly as if it were some shame on the family to have books lying around instead of being carefully stacked on shelves.

With that out of the way, she went straight to work making hot drinks for the visitors, letting them make themselves comfortable in the living room. "So tell me a little bit more about you two." She said softly, stirring a spoonful of honey into a dark cup of tea. "You must be very passionate about witnessing to come all the way out here."

♡coded by uxie♡

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood ?

location Matt's place

outfit probably overheating

fun fact The most endangered sea turtle is the Kemp's Ridley. Only about 7,000 to 9,000 nesting females exist.

tag qunqun qunqun

Oliver Dreyfuss

/* ------ right side ------ */

The next few minutes went by in relative silence. Matt continued to labor through grading schoolwork while a very upset maladapted teenager huddled beside him on the opposite end of the couch. Though the boy calmed down relatively quickly, stopped hitting his head, and confined himself to the corner, he seemed terribly shaken by the things he had just learned. His own teacher had no compassion for turtles. What kind of empty, heartless person could see a turtle as nothing but an object for consumption? It seemed to be a harsh reminder of the cold, bleak world that humanity had built. You run away from danger, only to stumble into apathy and callousness.

'They make a good soup,' indeed.
That line of thinking was exactly why society had crumbled into ruthless exploitation of the planet.

Once the beleaguered English teacher got up to open the windows and the patio door, Oliver leaned over the back of the couch towards the now opened window, mostly to take a few deep breaths of smoke-free air. After spending the last several minutes sitting in an enclosed space with Matteo Wright and his chainsmoking habit, Oliver’s lungs felt a bit like wet cardboard: creaky, weak, and ineffective. He wondered if this was how Mr. Wright felt all of the time. He almost asked, but somehow even he was able to predict what kind of reaction that would get him.

The air in Matt’s neighborhood had a different smell than the side of the Industrial District that Oliver lived in. It was nicer, clean almost… still ashen and sour, but not as unpleasant. It made no sense to Oliver that anyone who lived in such a nontoxic atmosphere would choose to just volunteer for lung cancer anyway. Another barrage of questions drilled at his brain, and then more, and more…
But he stayed quiet.
Matt was doing Oliver a great favor just by not calling his mother on him, or the cops, and now he was well aware that he was treading on thin ice being a nuisance.

After that inhumane comment about turtles that Mr. Wright had dared to utter, the disturbed 15-year-old in his apartment was left conveniently quiet and sullen. He stayed by the window, picking and scratching at his already torn-up face, somehow both deep in thought and having an absolutely brainless moment. Instead of proper, linear thoughts, his brain buzzed and swirled with sentence fragments and bursts of color and snapshots of the room around him.

He started talking again before it had a chance to clear up, though he seemed to be talking to the empty space outside the window rather than to his teacher. He no longer seemed to be acknowledging the fact that he wasn’t alone in the room.

“Do you still think Pink Floyd would exist if it weren’t for LSD and cocaine? I-I don’t think most of the people I know… most of the people I know who do drugs aren’t in bands. Wh-what if the methheads from the laundromat made music? I don’t think it would be good. There’s this one lady in the apartment across from mine who doesn’t have any teeth. I don’t know if it’s meth or just because she’s really old.” It was odd how his speech was much more cohesive and understandable when he was just rambling to himself on the windowsill. All the stuttering and disfluency of his attempts to communicate with his teacher were numbed down to being barely noticeable. He paused, pulling his fingers away from his face only to look down at red streaks painting over his ghostly white flesh. “Or maybe bad genetics.”

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© weldherwings.
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abigail hargreaves

  • .

Graham had announced to Abby that his favorite constellation was Leo minor, she questioned to herself why he would have chosen the smaller of the two, but didn't want to bother him with her confusion. The man informed her that they wouldn't be able to see it as it wasn't out currently, which was a bit of a downer, but there were plenty of other star options.

Turning the telescope towards another cluster of stars, the giant spoke up once more, "That's Sagittarius." Abigail leans in to look through the lens, slowly focusing in on the area that was being shown to her, she smiles. "That's amazing! I usually only ever just look at the moon if I ever use a telescope."

She takes a step back to allow Graham to adjust the telescope again to whatever constellation he wanted to show next, Abby's head tilted up to look at the night sky. It was amazing to see so many stars, her head flooded with questions, how far away are these stars? Would it take a long time to get to them? Are they even still alive?

Her attention moves back to her friend who was finishing up with adjusting the telescope once more, peering through once more, her eyes began to fill with light from the sky. "That's Draco. It was named after Ladon, the hundred-headed dragon that guards the garden of Hesperides." Graham informed her once more.

"You would never realize how many stars are in the sky until you get out into a place like this." Abigail states as she takes a step back from the telescope once more. Tonight would be one of the most memorable nights that she would have, bonding time with friends could never be beat, and it was almost like all the bad things in life just disappeared.

Her eyes turn to Graham, doing a quick mood check, once again, she could tell there was something on his mind, but it wasn't easy to read what it was. She smiles at him and speaks up again, "I really appreciate you coming out here with me, this will be one of the best nights of my life." Her head leans back onto the blanket they had spread out, continuing to gaze at the sky.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

joshua jones

  • .

As she introduced her name, Joshua gave her a brief nod of acknowledgement. “I’m-” he began before holding his tongue. Was he just about to re-introduce himself like some absolute idiot? It had been some sort of involuntary reflex, especially as he didn’t want to come off as rude. But, even if he did come off as rude, what would come of it? Worst case scenario, his parents would find out. And he was highly doubtful that such a nice woman like Eileen would make her way down to the Kingdom Hall to discuss with the elders how Joshua Jones was being rude for not introducing himself properly.

The Jones children entered the apartment (Joshua with more caution than his sister), following Eileen through. Joshua almost paused to ask if she’d like them to take their shoes off. After all, in their household, they were a shoes-off family. The Jones’ kept their shoes in a row in a shoe shelf, covered by doors so the world would never know their secret of how they wore shoes. However, noting that she was walking through her own house without shoes, Joshua assumed that they were good to go. What was Eileen going to do? Walk down to the Kingdom Hall and tell the elders that the Jones children didn’t take their shoes off when they entered her house?

As they made their way through the apartment, he almost unintentionally began to compare his own house to Eileen's. Their house had come along with the Kingdom Hall in one big package with a nice bow on top. A white two-story house with a picket fence surrounding it; the classic, typical American dream type of place. The rooms were large and open, with enough space for young children to run free if they so desire to. But this apartment… It was small. She had mentioned that she had children, which brought a prang of guilt into Joshua’s heart. Their house was paid for by the Kingdom Hall and the congregation, and yet people like Eileen were forced into buildings like these with their many children. It just didn’t seem right at all.

Mary and Joshua entered the living room where Eileen had told them to make themselves at home. Joshua automatically obeyed her instructions, sitting down on the couch in a polite manner; sitting up straight, feet on the floor and hands upon his knees. Mary, on the other hand, began to float around the room, looking at the different items that brought different sparks of interest to her. “Don’t touch anything” Joshua hissed in an undertone to his sister, which she turned around and poked her tongue at him. As she did so, Eileen spoke out to them, asking them to tell her more about themselves.

Oh!” Mary began, her eyes bright and full of energy “So… We’re brother and sister, and our Dad is an elder at our Kingdom Hall. We are actually only two of seven Jones children. There’s Simon, Matthew, Aaron, Martha and Alexandra too.” Well, Mary was info dumping again. Her favourite pass time. “And we both attend Marsha J. Clark High School in Waterfront and…” She paused. And paused. And paused for even longer. Anxiety smacked Joshua right in the face as he turned his attention from the woman making the teas to his sister to see just what the heck she was up to. Mary seemed transfixed on a family portrait that stood on the shelf before her. “This might sound crazy, but does your son go to Marsha J. Clark High School?” She questioned, turning towards Eileen with a finger pointed to the family portrait. “I think I know him. Oliver, right?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

  • Cave-Rave


    Dead Man's Bones

    These days, knowing more makes you more miserable.


9 minutes ago

nine lives


  • Cave-Rave



    These days, knowing more makes you more miserable.


9 minutes ago

nine lives


mateo milyukov

  • .

Yu-min was definitely not her self and her giggling kind of gave it away. Mateo shrugged, wondering if he would do good giving her his molly though he was leaving anyway, did it really matter?
‘Molly is like, vitamins. I guess. Vitamin M?’ Mateo laughed at his own joke and grabbed his backpack, zipping it open in front of her and reaching in to take out the little, plastic bag that was filled with different kind of colored pills.

He wasn’t a dealer or anything but he sure bought in bulk. ‘It makes you happy, like you are now, but. . Happier? I guess.’
He took one out and broke it in half, ‘just take a little bit. I promise you it’s going to be fun, you’re going to be here all night anyway.’
Mateo had a confident smile on his face as he took the other half without thinking.

He took it a lot more now than he used too but not on school days, at least that’s what Kaz had told him to do and if he was sleeping at his place, Kaz always knew if he was lying. That guy had like a sixth sense for it.
‘Come on, don’t be scared. I’ll be here.’ Mateo was lying through his teeth but she wasn’t even going to notice him leaving after that shit kicks in.
'How did you get that alcohol anyway?' Mateo pointed to the bottle in her hand and reached out to it, 'may I?'

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Let's Fall in Love


Graham Byrne

  • .

Graham liked space.

He did. He really liked space.

It was nice.

It was vast.

It made all of his tiny little human issues seem insignificant in the massive scale of the tipping universe, perhaps not even an ant, but a microbe in the constantly turning rock of planet Earth throughout billions of years of cosmos.

And he was glad that someone else was enjoying space with him. Especially someone that he did in fact want to befriend no matter how much it hurt in the process or how much it would hurt when they left.

This will be one of the best nights of my life” That produced a sharp bark of laughter as he laid back.

“I’ll be sure to ask you to leave a review of your time with me.” He joked. “Knew a lot about space, strangely talked around his dead sister. Drove me out to an abandoned field a ways away from any kind of civilization in the dark by myself. 5 out of 5 stars.”

He settled down and stared at the sky. “... those stars look like a dick.”

A secretive whisper as he stared at the sky, like he was revealing some kind of great secret to Abi about the universe. A turn to Abi, green eyes lit up in some kind of terrifying mania. Or, perhaps desperation. Perhaps they were the same thing.

“I wonder how many dicks the Greeks tried to find in their constellations.” Because, y’know, that was the most important part of any type of conversation. Eventually, it all came back to dick jokes and flirting.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

teagan xavier

  • .

Their nose scrunches up like a bunny. "Sunny, don't give me that face..." Teagan signs. While they don't speak, the whine is evident. They look as if they swallowed a sour lemon. "You know I can't say no when you..." Before Teagan could finish their sentence, Summer skips away. "Sunny..." Once they spot a group of high schoolers near the cave, Teagan suppresses a groan.

Awkward ice breakers. Awesome.

They make a mental note to spam Rei's phone. If their best friend abandons them to a pack of wolves, they won't take it lying down. As Summer skips across the beach and approaches the group, Teagan reluctantly follows.

Loyalty is a blessing and a curse.

Once they arrive, Teagan recognizes one of the kids in the group. Max Berkowitz, a fellow junior. He's one of Summer's many — unlike them, she's a social butterfly — friends. They never interacted with him outside the classroom.

Since Teagan moved to Joplin a year ago, their friend group is limited to Summer and Rei. Despite their reluctance, Teagan isn't opposed to making new friends. However, since they're not completely fluent in English — and nonverbal to boot — it's hard.

No one wants to be friends with the awkward foreigner. Instead of reaching out, Teagan keeps to themself.

Once they met Summer, everything changed.

Suddenly, Max directs his attention to them. They raise their hand and pause. Without warning, a strong stench invades their nostrils. They suppress the immediate urge to cover their nose and gag. The amiable brunette reeks of alcohol.

Or maybe that's their sensitivity talking. While their sense of smell is strong, it's extremely responsive to alcohol and cigarettes.

Sometimes, recreational drugs like marijuana triggers the same response. They avoid it all.

They force a smile on their face. "Teagan ... my name is Teagan..." Teagan signs. This is the first time they met someone from their school — outside their friend group — who communicates with (and understands) ASL. In hindsight, they aren't the only one who uses sign language. However, to be fair, they can't go around and sign to complete strangers and expect them to understand ASL.

Fortunately, Teagan doesn't have to rely on text-to-speech for now. They doubt their phone can be heard over the loud music and dirty dancing. While Teagan can rely on Summer to translate, she gets distracted very easily.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.



Auguste Cortes

  • .

Auguste never laughed. There was a way that he moved, both light on his feet, with grace and with speed, but also with a sense of heaviness to his expressions and to his emotions.

The effect lightened a bit when he smiled, rare as that came and went. But he did, in fact smile or laugh in small doses of joy at whatever joke a friend might say. But for the most art, dour seriousness dominated his facial patterns no matter how particularly joyous the occasion might be.

It was this dourness that allowed him credibility, because such a serious fellow would never stoop so low as to lie for his own entertainment, right?


Ren was an idiot. And Auguste knew that Ren was an idiot - though he didn’t know particularly how deep that ran. He didn’t buy the gum, but he did in fact buy the cannibal rave and the idea that he might be a cannibal.

Was he still that scary? Should that be taken as a compliment? As an insult? He wasn’t quite sure. He was probably going to choose to take it as a compliment though. That sounded like less effort.

At the very least, Auguste still knew how to lie… even if he was going to try to not make a habit of lying for his own pleasure.

But first, diffusing the tension that had managed to ensnare Ren.

In a fantastic attempt at genuine human emotions, Auguste’s lips pulled back into a terrifying fake smile of too many teeth and far too sharp around the corners. Predatory. And from that gaping maw came a loud bark of laughter, booming. And also very faked. Horribly faked. The type of faked where instead of diffusing tension, it became more as if he was trying to cover up the cannibalism.

“I jest. There is no cannibalism. But yes, you do look very strong. Could fight the cannibals.” This was accompanied by a sturdy pat on the back which probably was something more akin to burping a baby, in some facsimile to a frat boy pounding each other’s chests or something.

He was doing such a good job at portraying human emotions!

“But you seem to be… good… to eat…. If that is what you wanted to do…?” Perhaps he was just digging himself a bigger hole. But he wasn’t really sure where they were going with this. “Any cannibal would be lucky to have you.” A decisive nod accompanied this.

Honeyed words were never Auguste’s strong suit. Especially when falsified. But for some reason, they ran off the tongue here. Perhaps it was found in the absurdity of exactly what he was stating.

Who the fuck wants to be someone that would be a joy to eat anyways?

Blink. Blink. Foot shuffling.

“... I don’t want you to date me please.”

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood overexcited

location Matt's place

outfit probably overheating

fun fact Technically, it is not illegal to have up to 3 passports in the United States.

tag qunqun qunqun

Oliver Dreyfuss

/* ------ right side ------ */

Oliver stopped talking to himself eventually, noticing that his teacher was still intently focusing on work and avoiding acknowledging the rambling young kid that had crashed his home uninvited. Something seemed to click on in Oliver's brain-- he studied Matt's movements like he was stalking prey, watching and waiting to see if the tired young man would look up or become distracted from his task, but he didn't. He remained perfectly oblivious to Oliver, so the teen almost automatically slipped into stealth mode. It was more of a reflex than a conscious decision; he just instantly redirected his attention to where does Mr. Wright keep food he won't miss?
Without saying or indicating anything, Oliver slid off the side of the couch, stumbling a bit as he overbalanced the landing, and simply wandered off.

The trick to not getting caught sneaking around was not drawing attention to yourself. Oliver knew this, in theory, even though in practice he wasn't always particularly good at it. His attempts to act casual and nonchalant still came across as twitchy and unsettled. People who knew Oliver had come to expect jumpiness and neuroticisms from him, though, so oftentimes he managed to slip by unnoticed anyway.

It took him no time at all to find the small pantry attached to the kitchen, which looked to be partially repurposed into some sort of miscellaneous storage space. He didn't know what he was looking for at first, exactly. Something small that wouldn't be missed, something he could just grab and shove into his pockets without anyone ever being the wiser. A little loose cash, small amounts of food, pens and pencils... those were the kinds of things Oliver would filch when given the opportunity.

Petty crime was such an epidemic in the youth of Joplin that it was hard to come by any kid who didn't occasionally shoplift or burgle a few necessities. Especially if, like Oliver, their parents weren't particularly enthusiastic about providing such things. Today, since Oliver had already worn down his mother's last nerve, he knew the only way he was getting dinner tonight was if he either stole something from Matt or begged from one of his friends. Choosing the former was a no-brainer.

There was a cardboard box shoved into the corner of the room, halfway under the cupboard, like someone had thought about hiding it but then decided it wasn't worth the effort. Exactly the kind of place that a teacher living alone might hide a little money that they didn't count often. Would he even notice if a few bills went missing?

But there was no money in the box.
The box was full of passports.

The surge of curiosity was irresistible. Oliver didn't even have one passport; why would an English teacher need almost a dozen? Was having more than one even legal? Oliver grabbed a few small leather passports out of the box and started rifling through them, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

They all belonged to the same person, the same photograph, but they were all from different countries and regions, all different names, including some that Oliver couldn't even attempt to pronounce in his head.
Even the birthdates didn't add up.
May 1989, August 1991, January 1994...
But they all bore his teacher's face.

He was so excited that he felt sick.
He'd already entirely forgotten that he had come here to steal things, and was now transfixed on this cardboard Pandora's box of mystery. He started lining up the passports on the floor, first by country of origin, then by date, trying to make sense of them in his head. Surely there was a story to be pieced together from these. Were they even real, or did Mr. Wright forge passports for some reason? What kind of process went into forging a passport, anyway? There were simply too many unanswered questions that it no longer mattered to him that he was most likely about to get caught.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.








  • home (filler tab)



This might sound crazy, but does your son go to Marsha J. Clark High School?
I think I know him. Oliver, right?

Eileen nearly spat out her tea. She had forgotten about the faded family photograph, nailed to the wall above the kitchen sink in a dusty blue wooden frame. How had Mary spotted it so quickly? "Why... why yes, yes. Oliver is my middle child." She stated slowly, to stay composed. Out of all the people in that picture that Mary could've pointed out, it had to be him.

She hated looking at that thing. It was a terrible family photo; no one preserved in it was smiling or behaving properly. Six years ago she had insisted the family get together for a portrait, so that she could have something to show off to their neighbors. It had taken them nearly an hour to get the shot that was now tacked to the wall, and all that she had to show for it was her husband Jared's dead-eyed frown, her daughters' blank expressions, and little Oliver, only 9 years old at the time, not even looking at the photographer. Eileen herself in the middle, arms around her 7-year-old youngest daughter, with a perfect bright motherly smile. The only one even attempting to look like a family.

A year after that picture was taken, her husband disappeared and abandoned them all. It hurt to look at it, but even after they moved across the country to Joplin, Eileen insisted on hanging it up. It was a relic of the life she had tried to build, and a mark of shame on the ungrateful members of her family that had ruined it.

After Mary had noticed it, Eileen suddenly looked a bit green under the gills.

"I didn't realize you knew him-- I apologize; he's... not at home at the moment."

Eileen thought she was lying. She didn't realize that she was telling the truth.
While she had been at the door, greeting the two young Jehovah's Witnesses, her son had picked his way out of his closet and disappeared down the fire escape, boarded a bus, and was now on the other side of the Industrial District, bothering his English teacher with the same prattling questions taht had gotten him in trouble at home.
No wonder he'd been so quiet.

"I try to keep an eye on him, I do, with his special needs and all, but he's getting to that age where it seems like nothing I say has any effect." She sighed, pursing her lips together and leaning forward a bit. "I'm sure you'll understand one day. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world, but it's something you'll never regret."

♡coded by uxie♡





this shit is so dope wtf

pete's place

meteor fit ayyy

pete | Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy

Sydney Lovell

A crater.

The fact that a meteor had been visible in their sky alone was sick enough, but the fact that it had actually landed in their little corner of the world?

Space as a whole had never been Syd's thing. They never cared much to learn about the cosmos or the solar system or to entertain the idea of aliens. Well, aliens would be rad, but really, it was the destructive elements of space that fascinated them: blackholes, supernovas, solar flares. Asteroids and comets were sorta cool, just floating around doing their thing, like most things in space, Syd supposed.

The most interesting thing about asteroids and comets was their falling apart. Not the annual-at-most collisions that were happening now, but the ones that happened millions of years ago. The ones that produced the fragments that make their way to Earth and now, to Joplin's backyard.

This shit is what killed the dinosaurs.

Probably at least.

Since the storm, Joplin had started to feel like a city that the magic had forgotten; a place that God and the powers that be decided to leave alone for a little. But this fucking space rock landed here, so maybe it was coming back.

Maybe they'd just gotten bored since leaving the tattoo parlor.

Regardless, Syd was determined to see the remnants of outer space, or at least the damage left behind, and who could possibly make better company for a space-related adventure than the man who was a walking vacuum of darkness?

They'd told Pete to take the night off but hadn't given him a reason. The walk from the Chalamet to Pete's had been dedicated to trying to figure out the best way to spin a trip to the beach into something that'd be appealing to the man without keeping him too in the dark:

The world's ending and we shouldn't be inside.

Nah, he definitely wouldn't wanna go to the fuckin' beach at time's end.

I wanna go for a night walk.

In the sand?

The sky's falling and we should check it out.

Good - and true - enough. Surely Pete had heard about the meteor landing, though Syd couldn't be sure he knew where exactly it'd been. They could picture his "oh hell no" expression at the proposition, but they were confident in their ability to convince him.

If all else failed, a promise of inebriation would definitely do the trick.

Knocking on his door, Syd felt their excitement bubbling, the grin on their face a manifestation of that.

"We need to check out the meteor." The words sped out of their mouth as soon as Pete opened the door, damn near bleeding into each other in the process. They felt like maybe they should backtrack, perhaps ask how his night had been going, but they seemed unable to contain themself.

"It's by the beach and I know you're, like, not super into that, but it'll be fun and we can take something or have a drink before we go if you want."
Jesus, they hadn't let him get a word in or even invite them in. So much for subtelty. "Also hi."

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.



father of all motherfuckers

Axel had to keep himself from having a little giggle when he realized he needed to bend down just to hear Rat properly. Surrounded by all these youngfolk, he looked like a golem of Hebrew myth, carved out of pale marble and black stone. Of course, this was only if golems ever came in the form of big clean-shaven men, and not just giant scary rock things. Whatever. Axel didn't know jack shit about golems. He just knew that they existed, and that Jews invented them, which makes all golems Jewish, and that means that in some theoretical universe there are giant clay monsters celebrating Hanukkah and eating latkes, which is even funnier than having to lean down just to speak to someone.

Though if you looked Axel in the eye, you'd probably assume he'd just walked out of a funeral, or a really somber conversation with his wife or something. Nobody would ever know he was secretly thinking about something really funny. Kind of incredible, isn't it?

Actually, no, not really.

Back to the task at hand. There was a small stage with a DJ on it, and some particularly garish lights. In all the parenting books he read, he never found one that'd tell him whether or not all teenagers go to obnoxious things like this. When he was younger, he preferred his parties small and usually in someone's apartment, and the music of choice was usually some old Metallica record back when listening to Metallica wasn't just something everybody did.

This, though, this was immense in comparison. Every inch of the place swarmed with tipsy teenagers packed so close together that they were combining into a whole new sentient being. A being only devoted to booze and dance. Who the hell is even paying for all of this?

Still, he took a step up onto the little stage, and the DJ side-eyed him a bit, but didn't say anything. Nobody else had any questions either, might've just thought he was drunk and about to do a stage dive. (Thankfully, he wasn't, because that'd probably result in some kids getting crushed to death.) "Uh, just a second." He briefly took a knee to reach out to Rat, which with the lights behind him, probably looked like a shot from a really good, really cool film. Like, something directed by Harmony Korine.

'Spring Breakers'. That's the movie you're thinking of.

Yeah, that Selena Gomez vehicle that came out last year, where her and a bunch of her friends go on spring break and do crimes, and then some guy named Alien teaches them how to do even MORE crimes. Good stuff.

This was actually probably a lot like that, only instead of Selena Gomez, it was a bunch of sweaty strangers, and they were all probably too young to be here. Not that Axel knew jack shit about Selena, but she was definitely at least old enough to be in a movie like that, right? Not these ones. Part of him feared that he might accidentally see someone take their top off, and then he'll get arrested, and who the fuck will raise his kid? Jesus Christ.

"Here, just, uh, grab on, I got you."

After this, he was gonna have a long talk with Ella about like, drug awareness.

♡coded by uxie♡
song yu-min
cave rave in the rave cave
purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Yumin was a little shocked when he described molly to her. It was just like a vitamin? She giggled at his joke, though that was mostly because probably because she was drunk. She'd never actually drunk this much before, and she'd definitely never been drunk before. The taste of her dad's whiskey always made her cringe, she could never drink enough to feel anything. She sipped her drink as he pulled out his backpack.

She peered into his bag curiously, amazed by the different colours of pills. Were they all different? Did he know which ones were which? She held her hand out to take the half pill, pushing it around with her thumb. Well, if it just made her happier... and she was already pretty happy, so it couldn't be that bad... and it was only half a pill. Mateo must have noticed her hesitation, reassuring her that he'd be there... Ok, if anything went wrong, Mateo would look after her! She took the pill with a mouthful of alcohol, smiling proudly with an awkward giggle. She'd done it! That made her cool or something, right?

"Oh, I asked someone to buy it for me, and they totally just did it!" She told Mateo, handing him the bottle for him to drink from. She didn't mind sharing, she was drunk already, she wasn't going to miss a sip. Plus, Mateo had shared his molly with her, now it was more of a trade!
code by @Nano

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood existential

location the crater

outfit low budget party fit

fun fact A crayon can burn like a candle for about to 30 minutes.

tag neverbackdown neverbackdown

Alex Cappelletti

/* ------ right side ------ */

Kenzie’s question caught Alex off guard. “The Sims??? No no no but wait, dude does that mean I’m gonna drown in a pool when god’s done with me?” Alex was somehow both laughing and genuinely worried, like he thought some eldritch being was going to one day reach down and snatch a pool ladder from him, damning him to a watery death. “But I mean like… time would still be real if this was The Sims, right? Because they still age and die and stuff. Or wait, maybe…” He twirled his hand and gestured meaninglessly, unable to come up with anything wiser to say on the matter. “Eh, what do I know? All I do in that game is make ugly houses and fill them with garden gnomes. When Sims 4 comes out next year, we should pirate it and play together at my place.”

For a long time, they laid next to each other in the hole, laughing at nothing, texting back and forth and sending each other silly tweets and group chat messages.

we're lying in a hole kenz


we're closer to the core of the earth so maybe gravity is different or something
is time a gravity thing

idk i'm gonna fail physics for sure

Were closer to the core of the earth so I can't have sex tonight because I'm high?? I don't get it

nah nah nah, you don't wanna be caught with the 8th un-hottest guy in school like that 🤪

Alex didn’t even consider the possibility that Kenzie might be making an inebriated attempt to flirt. That thought didn’t cross his mind as they continued to babble about silly nonsense and complain about Mallory’s Hot Guy List. God, the entirety of Marsha J. Clark High was in a tizzy over that list. Regardless of whether or not someone believed Mallory’s ratings had any merit, one had to admit that the girl had reach. She got everyone talking, at least for a little while.

But in the state Alex and Kenzie were in, even that drama seemed to drift off like dust in the wind as soon as the next funny topic came up.
It was peaceful, being this detached from social norms and worry. For once there was nowhere they needed to be, no one they needed to impress, nothing they needed to prove to the world. Existing was enough.

Something in the salty oceanside air seemed to say that summer was ending. Regardless of Kenz and Alex’s pseudo-intellectual rambling, time did keep passing them by. It was odd to be so incredibly lost in this one moment, and yet at the same time so hyper aware of the fact that one day this would all just be some hazy shroom-fueled memory. Maybe they wouldn’t even remember what they had talked about tonight, but something in him was sure that the feelings would last in his memory until he was laid in his grave.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

joshua jones

  • .

Oh, you don’t need to apologise” Mary said with a hand wave, and a grin as Eileen apologised for her son being absent from the household. “It’s not like you can, you know, tie-down kids and make them stay in one spot just because you might get visitors who know them” She said, humouring herself with a chuckle as she envisioned it. “Teenagers just love to run wild, you know? As they’re trying to make sense in this crazy world. That’s why we love the Kingdom Hall, because it helps to bring some stability into the chaos of this world. It has everything we need so we don’t need to go venturing into the wild in search for something to fulfil our needs

At the mention of special needs, Mary flicked her gaze towards Joshua and gave him a look. To which Joshua returned with his own look that said what? Her brows raised, her eyes slightly widened, and the look got more intense. Joshua had no idea what his sister was on about and couldn’t help but return her expression with a look of confusion, brows furrowed and eyes shifting to see if there was anything around them that she may have been trying to point out to him. He could sense that she was on the verge of an actual breakdown.

You are truly doing an amazing job,” Mary finally said to Eileen, turning back towards the older woman. “I’ve met him a couple of times before at school and he is a gentleman.” Okay, but why did she give him the look before? “In fact, you know what? At the Kingdom Hall, we have youth volunteers who specialise in special needs-” Ohhh, that was what the look had been for. “- Isn’t that right, Joshua?

The spotlight was thrown on him.

Oh… ah… yeah.” He nodded in agreeance “We have some youth leaders who have uh…” He awkwardly cleared his throat, feeling the excess saliva building up in the back of his throat “They have studied or are studying to care in special needs. And yeah they uh…. They have youth group every Friday night

Mary turned from her brother back to Eileen once more, a bright sunshine complexion upon her face as she smiled widely (Woah, take it back a notch, Joshua thought to himself, seeing his sister’s all too happy face). “It would be lovely to have Oliver there with us! After all, Joshua and I attend the youth group, so he’ll have some familiar faces. You know what? I actually think Oliver is in the same year as our younger sister, Alexandria. I’ll have to ask her - but she’s fourteen. Oliver is around that age, isn’t he?” Mary continued to babble. Joshua was tempted to run over to his sister and wrap her mouth up with cling wrap to stop her harking. They were here to help guide people to Jehovah. How was one meant to do that when their sister acted like a deranged cultish follower?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


The Rebel



Everything is just wow


Hole in the ground/


With Alex


Kenzie smirked when he mentioned the pool ladder "like that is such a stupid way to die, just climb out, i never understood that" . A look of amusement was present on her face "I'd like to think you'd know to climb out if that did happen though Alex" she laughed.

Alex started to ramble and Kenzie allowed him to without interruption, she was enjoying looking up at the sky and listening to his voice. She picked up on the worry beneath his laugh and turned to look at him, she was going to try and calm his mind but he seemed to do that himself as they swiftly moved onto the next conversation.

The two lay together in silence for a while, both on their phones, texting each other the sound of laughter breaking the silence every so often at seemingly nothing. To someone walking past, they would look unsocial and weird but for them it seemed to make complete sense that they would text rather than speak.

Kenzie eventually put down her phone as she realised that she was unable to see the screen clearly anymore, she didn't know if it was the brightness of the fact that the words seemed to be taking a life of their own changing colours and positions but it was near impossible to read and her eyes were beginning to hurt from straining.

Placing her phone in her pocket, Kenzie turned and used her arm to prop herself up , the sound of the waves was beginning to call to her again and she wasnt sure if she could put it off any longer "So how do you feel about......" Kenzie turned to look at Alex and froze mid sentence as her eyes took in his face. She blinked rapidly a few times before tilting her head slightly to the side transfixed in her vision "Woah....." was all she was able to get out. His face was strange to look at and her mind was unable to figure it out, every crease, every line stood prominent on his skin, like someone had drawn them on with marker, the red and blue hues coming from his veins standing out against the normal colour of his skin and she could swear that they were pulsing. Kenzie finally broke her vision of his face with an apologetic smile before raising her arm and looking at her own hands. moving it slowly back and forth in a wave as the red and blue hue began to pulsate and change, it was almost like her veins were unable to keep up with the rest of her hand and moving behind it almost a second later.

Kenzie's eyes were wide and doe like, a very rare innocent look held on her features as she continued to stare at her hands. "We need to explore" she said suddenly, her voice almost a soft whisper, the amazement and wonder she was currently experiencing present in her tone. You would almost not recognize this version of Kenzie if you were to stumble across her now and she didn't care. Kenzie stood up and stepped out of the crater before turning back towards Alex "you coming..?" she asked a softness still present in her tone. As Kenzie waited for Alex to stand up, her eyes scanned the surrounding area, the colours blurring as she moved her eyes. There was just so much beautiful things to look at.

♡coded by uxie♡

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood being confusing

location Bridgeport diner

outfit can't look like you're trying too hard

fun fact About 25% of high school freshmen fail to graduate from high school on time.

tag dear.szmm dear.szmm

Jodie LeBlanc

/* ------ right side ------ */

“Fuck yeah, let’s ditch this joint,” Jodie was already up out of her seat when Reuben suggested leaving. They’d both had more than enough to drink, the night was winding down, and the bar was getting boring. Enough with the socially-expected small talk about careers and their dull burnt-out young adult lives; it was time for real fun. “Better get out of here before one of your crazy jail buddies finds us, huh?”

Once they stepped out of the bar, back onto the grimy streets of downtown, Jodie wasted no time tearing off her oversized button-down to reveal the tight cropped black tank top underneath. A calculated move, of course. Men had attention spans like goldfish, so she figured Reuben would benefit from a reminder. “Fuck, it’s still hot as balls out here.” Was this slutty? She felt like she might have seemed a little bit reachy with that line, but she shrugged it off. “Global warming is a bitch.” It had been far too long since she’d done something like this and she was way out of practice. Jodie was old enough to realize that she could get away with being a little awkward as long as she didn’t get all nervous about it. Nothing was more of a turnoff than quibbling and blushing and apologizing. As long as she sounded calm and aloof, no one would be the wiser and she could still pass it off as attractive.

She didn’t try to hold Reuben’s hand as they walked, and if he had reached for hers, she would’ve only playfully swatted it away. Still, she kept glancing over at him, watching his expressions… Reuben wasn’t the kind of guy Jodie could ever see herself having a crush on, and she certainly didn’t admire him, but she did have to admit that he was pretty to look at. And if his Italian cuisine was as good as he was hyping it up to be, he’d have that going for him as well.

She almost hoped it wouldn’t be that good. She didn’t want to get all emotionally attached to someone over some spaghetti carbonara…

The two of them made their way back to Reuben’s place in no time at all, and without getting jumped by random criminals. How boring. Wouldn’t it have been more fun if Reuben had to pull out all his cop superpowers to save the day from some crazed looter? She reclined against the doorpost, waiting for her friend of the evening to find his keys and open the door.

“You gonna do the honors? Or am I gonna have to kick this thing open?”

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.








  • home (filler tab)



You are truly doing an amazing job,

Eileen glowed with pride as Mary spoke. It truly meant a lot to her when people congratulated her hard work as a mother. It wasn't easy, you know, slaving away for all those years raising those ungrateful children all by herself. It wasn't easy having to spend her mornings covering up the bruises her son gave her, just to go to work and labor for somebody else. She was tired... traumatized, really. She was the real victim here.
But through it all, people like young Mary here could see the good she was doing.
Because she was such a good mother, wasn't she? It takes a good mother to survive kids like hers.

I’ve met him a couple of times before at school and he is a gentleman. In fact, you know what? At the Kingdom Hall, we have youth volunteers who specialise in special needs-- Isn't that right, Joshua?

Over the rim of her teacup, Eileen's dark eyes flashed over to the teenage boy in front of her, seeming to scrutinize his appearance as he stammered trying to respond to his sister's remark.
If Mary's words just now were anything to go by, this Joshua boy was indeed more like her own son, just as she originally suspected. The same stutter, the same weak and timid demeanor... maybe even the same underlying disease. But perhaps, had these youth volunteers and Joshua's parents managed to train him out of the violent and revolting nature that Oliver had? Maybe this program, this church, whatever, would do her child some good. Maybe a little fear of God was just what he needed. If she couldn't slap any sense into that kid, perhaps the Jehovah's Witnesses could. Finally, she wouldn't be bearing that burden alone.
There was just one thing she couldn't get out of her mind, though...
John Park.

"So, Jehovah's Witnesses..." She breathed out, preparing herself for whatever the answer would be to the question she was about to ask. Knowing this would make or break her deal with this group. She simply couldn't go through with this if it was going to tear John from her grasp. She'd had her eyes on that man for far too long to give it all up just to sign her kids into some Bible Camp. "If one were to... convert, let's say, and join the church, what are the views about relations with people outside of the church? For example, if I were to get married, would that man need to become a Witness also, or would that simply not be allowed?"

♡coded by uxie♡

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood adventurous

location rave cave

outfit low budget party fit

fun fact Psilocin increases activity in the visual cortex, while decreasing the part of the brain responsible for your ego, or individual sense of self.

tag neverbackdown neverbackdown

Alex Cappelletti

/* ------ right side ------ */

Alex immediately noticed Kenzie staring at his face, bewildered, as if she no longer recognized who he was. He grinned awkwardly at her, waving ‘hello’ as if that would help somehow. “What’s wrong with my face?” The woefully disinhibited teen asked, chuckling, “Do I have mushrooms in my teeth or… whoa, where are my teeth, bro? Kenz, did you take my...” All of a sudden he looked horrified, placing three of his fingers in his mouth and feeling around as if he were afraid they’d fallen out sometime while they were texting and joking around in the hole. “Nope, found ‘em.” He nodded, satisfied, wiping his fingers off on his torn jeans. Somehow, the fabric didn’t quite feel the same anymore.

“Yeah, let’s go explori– wait, whoa, whoawhoawhoa…” As soon as Alex tried to stand up out of the crater, the whole earth seemed to tilt and slide out from under him, sending him slumping back down into the dirt with a startled gasp. The corners of his vision blurred and started turning shades of yellow and green, prompting him to clamp his hand over his mouth in case his stomach decided to give up on him. He was determined not to be the kid who puked the first time he tried drugs. That would be way more embarrassing than just being almost at the bottom of Mallory’s Boy List.

“I’m okay! Hang on, Kenz, one more try. One more.” As soon as he realized that he'd fallen, he already felt himself seeming to fuse into the earth, as if the dirt was crawling up around his legs and arms and trying to suck him under. He had to get up, now, before he got buried alive in the crater...
Using his hook hand as a brace against the rubble, he pulled back himself up to kneeling with his real hand, giving himself a minute to adjust to the dizziness before straightening his posture and standing up. His vision started to blur and change colors again, but the vertigo seemed to subside and didn’t knock him off his feet again. “Got it! Let’s go!” He took hold of her hand and the pair broke into a run, stumbling with every clumsy stride forward. “We’re gonna find the aliens!!”

Maybe someone sober should've elected to stay with the two young kids, because they were definitely about to find themselves some in some deep trouble.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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