Cirque de Monstres (1941) second edition

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]



Kaname Ushinawa


"Seeing Angels."


"Everybody likes to call me things like Angel and blind girl... Probably mocking me because I'm only half angel, and because I'm blind..."


"I'm a little over a hundred and sixty years old... People tell me I look like I'm between eleven and fourteen though..."

Country of Origin

"I'm half Japanese, half American... At least, that's what I've been told..."

Years with circus

"I've just arrived, so this is my first day..."


"I just said so, but I'm an angel... At least, half angel... The other half is human..."


"My voice seems to hold no emotion, according to a small few... I've also been told I'm somewhat shy and have a little difficulty trusting others; I won't deny any of it... I do feel a little sad whenever people say I'm emotionless, though..."


"There isn't much to my life... I've been blind since birth, and nothing exciting's ever happened..."


Kaname has two main powers that really matter. The first one, is the ability to summon and control two angels. These two angels are named Chinami and Akira. These two angels are non-physical, but are capable of touching physical existences by becoming physical beings themselves, as well as can heal and provide energy to Kaname. These angels are always following her, even when nobody can see, touch, or sense them. They basically help her out by using their virtually limitless ability to sense solid objects around them, directing that sensory power to Kaname to allow her to sense things around her instead of run into everything because of her blindness.

Kaname's second ability involves teleportation. She's able to shift her location anywhere within a radius of a thousand meters, which is 3280.84 feet, making up approximately 0.621371 miles. It's a wide range, but it tends to be a little straining on her body. This is something else the angles can help with by providing her the energy needed to teleport if she's used all hers up, though she still suffers the strain it provides. The angels can heal her though, so she doesn't have to worry much other than the pain itself.

Kaname also has to wait a good few seconds between teleportations, and the limit to what she can teleport with her is 158.757 kg, or 350 pounds, which includes people. Teleportation of these objects doesn't require physical contact, though they have to be within a hundred feet, and be in her line of sight. Teleporting anything more would cause severe damage to her, and teleporting objects with her increases the time between her next teleport, and energy used.

What do you do in the circus

"I actually don't have an act... I'm simply being assigned to background jobs... Apparently, they're important things that just seem unimportant, but I'm pretty sure they're unimportant... I do get to keep track and participate in the small acts over in the small tent though... At least they told me it was small, and that I would be part of it... I'm not sure at this point..."

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

"I don't know what where I live looks like... You're mean to be asking me this kind of question question..."


Kaname's Angels





(Still a WIP)

Character Skeleton Performer:

Name: ♪Ashley Laurel Cosmos Aravinda♪

Alias: "Ash"

Show Name: "La Petite Papillon"(The Little Butterfly)

Real Age: 87 (in fae years)

Appearance Age: New adult (human years)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Country of Origin: Isle of Man (British/European)

Years with Circus: This will be his first year performing.

Type of Performance: Acrobat/Trapeze Artist; some sort of modeling.


Species: 'Adhene' — a species of fairy similar to fallen angels in manner of folklore. They, meaning the ancestral bit of their species, were exiled from Heaven along with Satan as well as angels who had fatally sinned, that being because of their species being full of tremendous pride and optional. They may manifest small illusions and tend to come in very beautiful forms, adorned with dancer figures and alluring yet delicate butterfly-like wings.


· Expert dancer

· Can fabricate blinding golden pollen-like glitter (it is also very beautiful and can be used for show)

· Decent singing talent

· Flying (obviously)

· Art of captivating others


Appearance: With bright butterfly wings splashed of all colors and dark blue horns protruding from his forehead, Ashley would definitely be known as a gorgeous sight to behold if he were female, like most Adhene tend be. He has long red hair seemingly dipped-dyed in rainbow that often tends to be seen in a loose silky braid that ends right above his knees. With well-toned muscles dispersed in all the right places for a slim male, he maintains a lithe and strong body, despite being his figure being somewhat feminine.

Other Appearance Information: Standing at a decent 5'10, with eyes the color of glowing rose quartz as well as excellently holding perfectly symmetrical focal points, Ashley's facial features seem to be without flaw. It is expected of his species to be of utmost beauty, all that is seemingly natural. The only artificial piece of them is their clothing, that being that they only wear when meeting other cultures or leaving their homeland and being presentable to human societies. Otherwise, they live in the nude, their sculpted bodies being fashion.

Personality: Ashley is a rather mysterious individual, with plenty quiet and subtle quirks. He is very prideful and sometimes slightly benevolent. He is very graceful and amicable, but prefers to keep to himself a lot of the time and would rather be an observer. He favors creating mischief, but often makes it seem like somebody else's fault. Despite this mischievous and somewhat spiteful streak, Ash can be very respectful and kind when needed, and has plenty of positive pride. He favors making people feel better about themselves, because he loves that attention in return. He can be very passionate and likes to talk to those that will listen, despite being on the more shy side of the spectrum. Ashley can be quite humble and modest, despite being previously in a modeling and beauteous community.

Background: (does not need to be detailed.) Like any of the Adhene species, Ashley was born and raised in grassy rolling hills and rocky crag mountains. He was taught skills like any of this Fae species: self-defense, dance and singing, flying and beauty, mischief and seduction. But, he wasn't really like any of the others. Ash wasn't overbearing with his pride and ambition like the other women, the reason they were a damned species. In the Adhene, males were rare, and were often mutations in the genetic code of their species, which explains why Ashley appears so very feminine.

These Fae can reproduce without the assistance of insemination; that being said, like any strange and uncommon individual in society, Ash was ridiculed and pointed fun at for some good portion of his younger life. Later on, he became known for such beauty as he had, being quite the attractive male despite being a genetic mutation. So, like any individual with positive experience in modeling, Ashley pursued this certain career. He began to travel as well and begin in gymnastics and ease of flight. He because very lithe and flexible generally quickly and became a gorgeous sight to behold. But, Ash still retained his virtue of being humble to the point of shyness.

When traveling around other cultures, he found himself to favor normality and the human species. Ashley learned concealment of what he was and was able to blend in to mundane society. A group of circus performers who definitely weren't from human descent head located and found him, that being to offer Ash a career in now being an entertainment performer. And he felt accepted this way, every other being diverse and different.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?(optional)

Other: "The Elephant Man".

"This band saves lives." ~ Gerard Way

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Name: Sisceal Alebaster

nick name:

Age: 36

sexuality: Straight


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Personality:He can be sweet and caring or cold and heartless. It all depends on what he knows about you

Background: In his late teens/ early twenties he was a priest in a small Irish church. However....some scandals arose and he was forced to leave. After leaving the country to get away from that all he joined a private investigation team. Taking up any job that they through at him.

Rank:Private investigator.

other:He's quite the drinker at times. elephant man.



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(Also a WIP)

Character Skeleton Performer:

Name: ♠Valentine di Magia♠

Alias: "Val"

Show Name: "The Ace of Hearts"

Real Age: 839 (in demon years)

Appearance Age: Early human 20's

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Country of Origin: England, Italy

Years with Circus: 12

Type of Performance: Demon illusionist (shadow manipulation); high-class Magician; often does dangerous stunts on the 'Wheel of Death'


Harbinger — humanoid beasts that foreshadow events to come (mainly death). The being itself tends to be able to control dreams and manifest nightmares. Fabrication of terrifying illusions are also possible.

Abilities: (don't go overboard.)

· Manipulation of shadows

· Sudden fabrication and disappearances of objects with 'magic'

· Can float and levitate

· Manipulation of the minds of others

· Art of escaping

Appearance: Valentine is the kind of person to keep a neat, suave appearance; him being clad in an ebony suit, adorned with a blood red tie that contorts around the crisp fabric of his tuxedo. Underneath pokes out a black pinstriped collar, chocolate diamonds where buttons should be. He retains his polished appearance, because he knows well that outward image is key earning respect and appreciation of his audience.

Other Appearance Information: Valentine stands at a tall 6'1, with bright angular golden eyes and hair the color of ripe strawberries. Painted on his fingernails is expensive blue and pink polish, the identical hues tattooing his cheeks in a teardrop(blue) on one and a star(pink) on the other.

(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to include.)

Personality: The best adjectives to describe Valentine would be flirtatious, multifarious, and somewhat recalcitrant yet urbane. He can be incredibly cunning and wise, thinking up tricks and plans of sorts—that being which nobody would ever come up with—with incredible ease. He is manipulative and often gets what he wants. Val is the type of person who loves people, and favors talking. He has a voice of mystery, but it is one that is suave and pleasant to hear because one would never know what he is going to say next. Valentine often finds amusement in the disquietude and mortification of others, so he may often be seen as one of trickery. One could say he loves his people lively and owning bright senses of humor as he can be quite the show.

Background: Valentine had always had a fascination in magic and trickery, and had practiced vigorously in such since his childhood days. He had the abilities of a Harbinger, or a demon who announces and foretells death.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (optional)

Other: The Elephant Man.

"This band saves lives." ~ Gerard Way

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Rin Kagamine

~:Show Name or nick-name:~




~:Country of Origin:~


~:Years with circus:~

10 years


Robotic Mutation




~:Appearance other:~

She has a branded 02 on her arm, one that matches the one on her twin

She also has gears and motors inside her limbs

She is permanently living at the height of 5 feet.

She sleeps connected to tubing, for vital support and making sure she is fit to run


She also can get lazy and just put her hair in a small pony tail, making her look like a boy

White Atire


Black Afire


Mixed Atire


Practice Suits



Rin is a mostly silent girl, but a creepy one at that. She doesn't like using her voice because it was created for her to charm others

and to act as a sirens call. She doesn't open up unless you know her very well, but even them she is timid. She

holds back on a lot of things, though some
times she lets her creepy side come though.


Not much is known yet about Rin's background, as she keeps it locked inside her, but what we do know is that she is part of a pair,

the other half being lost somewhere out there. We al
so know that she was a government project that

was kept under lock and key.


She can change her voice, to be sweet, to aggressive, to creepy, to regular. She can send out pulses from any body part, though

it exposes who she really
is. She can also emit frequencies so high that they can shatter glass

and she can condense them so that
she can bust though asphalt and dry wall.

~:What do you do in the circus:~

Singing, charming, Trapeze and Tightrope walking.

~:What does the inside of their trailer look like?:~



Most people think she is mute, but she isn't. She is just a creepy little robot girl from your nightmares who converges with the elephant man.

"Elephant man." "What?" "Nothing."

Name: Isabelline and Mika Kitzen

Show Name or nick-name:

Isabelline: The Devine Devil. Izzy. Isabelle. Belle

Mika: The Storm Bringer. Micky.

Together: The Kitzenists

Age: Appears 21 & 23 (2345 (Mika) and 3965 (Isabelle) years old)

Country of Origin: Japan

Years with circus: 5

Species: Kitsune

Sexuality:(optional) Bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/1ca8fadfac512a2a0d14933aa6c7e0fd.jpg.b65122499cbff1fcc3972ede70bb4d5f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/1ca8fadfac512a2a0d14933aa6c7e0fd.jpg.b65122499cbff1fcc3972ede70bb4d5f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Appearance other: Isabelline has naturally silver eyes, but she can switch it on and off. Sh also has a Kitsune tattoo on the small of her back. Mika has golden eyes and can also switch it on and off, but he can also manipulate the appearance of his eyes. His Kitsune tattoo is on the nape of his neck. They can also revert to their original forms as foxes. In fox form Mika has 7 tails and Isabelle has 9.

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Personality: Mika and Isabelle are adopted siblings, by that it means that although Isabelline has been around quite a lot longer (1620 years to be exact) than Mika and is a lot wiser, so she's become like his guardian/sister. Isabelline is constantly keeping an eye on Mika and is very protective of him. Although she can be very strict Mika knows she's just a pushover and uses that to his advantage. Just because she was wiser didn't mean that wasn't still a sucker for the puppy dog eyes. Mika is the more relaxed and "zen" of the two. He a lot more trusting than Isabelle and chooses to look towards the good things in life over the bad.

Background: Mike and Izzy are both originally from Japan, but have been travelling for many centuries for unknown reasons. Because of their constant travelling they decided to to join the cirque, and have not left sense. The cirque is like the family they never got to have, and they would stick with them to the end.

Abilities: Isabelline: Strength. Can clone the appearance of people and shapeshift into things. Manifest self in dreams. Invisibility. Fire manipulation and producing.

Mika: Strength. Realistic Illusions. Elemental powers *involving storms*. Levitation

What do you do in the circus: Mika and Isabelline work best together so the two do rolla bolla, devil sticks, and teeterboard (Korean plank) acts together. Their performances are all about balance, control, and focus.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

*typically cleaner*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/16.jpg.e18c76b9dad08aa5f5941788cedbde7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42810" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/16.jpg.e18c76b9dad08aa5f5941788cedbde7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/43afc2c905bdfa6e3d19cad9569f2e5c.jpg.983b450112ccab8588f0a2f75f83e5a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/43afc2c905bdfa6e3d19cad9569f2e5c.jpg.983b450112ccab8588f0a2f75f83e5a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character skeleton human investigators:

Name: Jules Mason

nick name: Jules.

Age: 24

sexuality: Heterosexual



Personality: Jules loves the circus deeply, but there's something about the Cirque that has always rubbed her the wrong way, so when she heard about a investigation on the freak show circus, she was one of the first to sign up. She has a fascination with science and is quite intelligent for her age. She graduated early from high school and has been working with the government to find new ways to develop the studies of science.

Background: Jules has never liked the Cirque which confused her friends and family seeing as she LOVED going to all kinds of circuses. But this circus just felt wrong somehow, Jules couldn't explain it, but no matter how hard her loved ones tried to convince her to go she refused. One late day in April her friend went to the Cirque and never returned home. They tried to search for him, but he was never found. The last person to see him happened to be Jules, and the day he left their apartment he had gone to the see the Cirque in town. Ever since that day Jules has been out to uncover what secrets the freak show circus is hiding, and find out what they did to her friend.

Rank: Scientists for Special branch in the government


"The Elephant Man? Who the hell is that?"\

@Lady Luna Ravenswood )



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[QUOTE="The Velveteen Rabbit]Wrong password :3

Thanks! Haha
Name:Delano Kuran

Show Name or nick-name: Deadly Aim

Age:Around 200, ((lost track at 180))

Country of Origin:Australia

Years with circus: On and Off for about 25 years

Species:Pureblood Vampire



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c19988128_Delano2.jpg.3b66f4eda02edde149a4f40d2b2fef90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c19988128_Delano2.jpg.3b66f4eda02edde149a4f40d2b2fef90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:He has red and black hair, with Silver eyes.The coat and shirt he is wearing is his satire with is a shirt shirt with couplings, Black over coat with a tissue in the top left pocket, white gloves and long black pants.

Personality:He is a very warm and loving person to be around but also keeps his cards close to his chest and reveals nothing that he doesn't want to.

Background: His parents where murdered, by a rouge hunter, when he was 10 years of age and was sent to live with his uncle Drake Kuran where he grew up, went to school, learn't blood magic, and basically where he called home. His time there wasn't peaceful as the town was home to all creatures of myth, the seven deadly sins, Edward Richtofen and Rumpelstiltskin just to name a few, who were always at odds with each other. Often his uncle had to step in and deal with it often leaving Delano alone to wonder the streets and pick up a few tricks here and there. After about 75 years Delano got bored of the constant arguing and told his uncle that he wanted to go travel and his uncle just shrugged his shoulders. Not long after he found the cirque du monstres and spent a few years there before moving on, then coming back, and moving in. As far as Delano is concerned cique du monstres is his home.

Abilities:Blood magic, the usually vampire stuff, he can turn almost and small object into a ranged weapon that could kill, favors cards and darts.

What do you do in the circus:He is a magician, a escape artist, and a thrower of cards and daggers

What does the inside of their trailer look like? His trailer is bland, containing only ahis coffin, dozens and dozens of playing card decks, and some darts boards.

other:Elephant man? @Lady Luna Ravenswood



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alright so sorry you two I was rather busy this week. I finally have a true day off! sooo lets see......

@TheWeirdPhilosopher so, we already have twins, and they are mischievous as well. My problem is, that yours are a little too much like the other persons. Also, we already have an illusionist (I want variety in acts and we have two of those and a magician and we already have a fire act. there can only be so many illusionist acts.) So if you tweak them a bit they will be fine (PM if you have questions.)

As for your investigator, it's 1941 dear, science and genetics was not as advanced as it was today. At least as to what the berlin police would have accesses to. If you want to make her part of some advanced government research thing then maybe more advanced stuff(since some charecters were advanced military experiments) . other than that she looks like a good character!

@Iak Destler okay first off wrong password, second we have plenty of illusionists/magicians. also it has not been 100 years since the cirque was founded its been more like 65 years.
Lady Luna Ravenswood]alright so sorry you two I was rather busy this week. I finally have a true day off! sooo lets see...... [URL=" said:
@TheWeirdPhilosopher[/URL] so, we already have twins, and they are mischievous as well. My problem is, that yours are a little too much like the other persons. Also, we already have an illusionist (I want variety in acts and we have two of those and a magician and we already have a fire act. there can only be so many illusionist acts.) So if you tweak them a bit they will be fine (PM if you have questions.)

As for your investigator, it's 1941 dear, science and genetics was not as advanced as it was today. At least as to what the berlin police would have accesses to. If you want to make her part of some advanced government research thing then maybe more advanced stuff(since some charecters were advanced military experiments) . other than that she looks like a good character!

@Iak Destler okay first off wrong password, second we have plenty of illusionists/magicians. also it has not been 100 years since the cirque was founded its been more like 65 years.
edited it a bit.
I do a trick that I learned from a fellow rper. I put the actual password at the end of a rule I find important then, I put a false one at the bottom. that way people actually read the rules (especially the one I find important which happens to be what I call the drama Llama rule) and those that did not read the rules put what is it the bottom. also your character's talent will be listed at throwing darts, cards since, we already have a magician and illusionist.

@Iak Destler
((i just read the rules a second time the password is still in red and it wasn't part of the rule so my mind rolled over it, sometimes before a great reader is just *dies*))


Abigor Eligos


thousands of years old, but looks only in his mid-late twenties.


Demon, Grand Duke of Hell to be exact.


Pic below. He is a whopping 6' 8"


This mountain of a man is very well built. With broad shoulders and toned muscles. Silvery blonde hair frames a darkly tanned face with high and well defined cheekbones. Dark, glossy horns sprout from his head just behind the temples. Large black wings adorn the middle of his back and a long tail with a hooked end snakes out from the end of his tailbone.


A suave demeanor and silver tongue make him a very irresistible man to all. He can charm anyone to their graves if he wishes. He is often seen as a very vain and arrogant man who cares little for anyone else. He loves to cause suffering, particularly though more...passive-aggressive manor.

There is a kinder side there somewhere....down deep....hopefully.


He has a long recorded history as a Grand Duke of Hell. Often summoned by humans to help them win battles or just appearing to cause misery as usual. In the human realm he fancies himself a successful business mogul.


Can see the future(mainly outcomes of battles), ancient magics.


He is the old romantic interest of a certain cirque member named Daphne. He is also the one who Marius sold his soul to. He's an excellent cook, particularly when it comes to desserts. //he sounds like Frank Sinatra//​

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Takumi Elliot

Mister Bonbon

Age 19 - He ages like any other mortal, until he decides to body jump into another person of his liking.

He joined the circus recently, a day ago to be exact.

He is the only one of his kind.

He likes to express his freedom and one of his many ways of doing so is to be open about his sexuality choices.

Standing at 1.8 metres, he has a rather lean muscular build with long slender fingers and a pair of well arched feet. Loosening his messy pony tail, his cherry pink hair falls to his waist. He ruffled his hair, staring into the mirror with his electrifying light blue eyes. He has been repeating this ritual even since he joined the circus, practicing his expressions in his trailer. Cheerful, sad, angry, scared- He carefully curled his tweezed eyebrows, contrasting with the widening of his almond shaped eyes. He was satisfied with the performance he put up today, but something that still annoys him was that his watercolour-like golden aura kept distracting him- and attracting unwanted attention from


earlier in the day.

He likes to call himself the rational idealist. He is one that has a good heart, constantly spreading his kindness and affection to people that may be more unfortunate than him. He also dreams of a world where people can understand and empathise with one another. Despite this, he is well aware that in this state of the world it can not be easily achieved.

You can call him a naïve soul that has been damaged by the outer world, after betrayals and disappointments, but he still believes strongly that this world can be salvaged. As pure as his wish remains, he gives people the impression that he is one that is sadistic and meticulous. In what way, you may ask?

How would I know?

He was born with in a family of typical humans- he never found it appealing at the idea of having a motherly, or fatherly figure. His parents was overjoyed when they found out they were having a boy, and constantly called over their cousins to boast about their "handsome" son. It was all too soon before the picture of a perfect family was shattered to pieces. Months after he was born , they noticed that there were irregularities about their child. His originally blond hair started to darken to a deep shade of red, before lightening to the colour it is now. The same thing respectively happened to his eye and skin, where a happy shade of olive turned to pale white.

It took him to the age of fifteen to finally understand what is happening to him. Having exposed to the weird looks from his relatives and his parents needing to accept the fact that they had a "freak child", he finally realised that he has the ability to body jump to other humans. One of the condition of body jumping was that if he died due to old age, his soul would unconsciously jump into one of the unborn. With the ample knowledge of the powers he had, he decided to live his life travelling around the world. His parents sent him off apologetically, but he knew that this will be one of his best decisions as he would not have to burden his parents anymore. It was four years after where he was found holding a pamphlet of the circus, waiting to be recruited.

In the four year span of self discovery, he has found out that not only is he able to body jump and control their bodies, he is able to manipulate time and distort blackholes. He has not found any offensive means of using these abilities, but he knows that they have the potential to be. Time manipulation- usually when he is late to see the sunrise, or maybe when a bunch of thugs are chasing him. Blackholes- a good way to vacuum without the having to put up with the noise. Body jump- usually to convince people to let him have their doughnut.

He operates a candy and chocolate stall at the circus. During the interview, he proudly presented his partnership certificate with Willy Wonka. Not only that, he also shows a deep interest into baking and has a natural flair in it.


Elephant Man

part of the attraction?"

P.s : I will be sourcing for photos later- and perhaps include a description of the trailer

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Character skeleton investigators:



Genevieve Hummel

nick name:

Gene / (code name) painted Lady/ (painting name) Tanz der Farben


appears 25 (real age unknown)


Fabricated Human (Living Painting)


straight (as a sphere)



Appearance other:

Genevieve is 5'10" inches tall and weighs about the same as a 4 year old child, despite her very 'matured' figure. Her skin is extremely pale and people constantly say that it looks the color of paper. Her hair is a chocolate brown that reaches past her waist with a small inwards curl at her perfectly trimmed ends. Her eyes are a blood red color that glisten in the sunlight, making them appear almost fake. For attire, Genevieve is normally seen wearing an ankle length dress that is red, green, blue, or yellow. Then depending on what dress she is in, Genevieve's necklace that allows her to enter and exit her painting will match the color of the dress. Yet underneath her maiden gown, Genevieve wears a pair of leather pants, black traveling boots, a waist belt with a small bag and ammo attached to it, two knife holsters attached to her thighs and a gun holster around her boot. On top of her dress she carries a small purse with a note book and old glass paintbrush inside. One more thing is Genevieve has a tattoo on her neck that says 'Guertena' in cursive.




Genevieve is an extroverted person, but when she is on cases she tries to keep to herself to keep her mind on her main focuses. Genevieve will most of the time give off a cold demeanor from the way she walks, to the blunt remarks and comments she makes about others or situations. Genevieve is also one to not lose her temper and faces most problems head on while refraining from losing her temper. Yet Genevieve also has another side to her. She has a soft spot for children and is not afraid to flaunt off her looks. This side is also cheerful and warm yet Genevieve rarely uses this side of her unless it calls for a mission need. Overall Genevieve is just a few steps away from being an enigma.


Not much is known about Genevieve's past except for the fact that her painting was discovered by the MOPA (Mythological Order and Protection Agency) and after that had done training with their task force and gained an average knowledge in her work area. (Until later on ohhoho)


- Genevieve is able to enter and exit her painting by using a special necklace that works like a portal opener.

- Genevieve has a glass paintbrush that what ever she paints with it will come to life or become real.

- because her heart is fabricated, Genevieve is immortal and instead of blood, paint runs through her system. If she were to get injured, her injuries could be re painted healed.


Field agent for mythological order and protection agency (agency connects to interpol)


- Genevieve once worked with an 'elephant man' on one of her missions.

- If Genevieve's painting is burned down then Genevieve will die.

rosamortelle said:
Character skeleton investigators:


Genevieve Hummel

nick name:

Gene / (code name) painted Lady/ (painting name) Tanz der Farben


appears 25 (real age unknown)


Fabricated Human (Living Painting)


straight (as a sphere)



Appearance other:

Genevieve is 5'10" inches tall and weighs about the same as a 4 year old child, despite her very 'matured' figure. Her skin is extremely pale and people constantly say that it looks the color of paper. Her hair is a chocolate brown that reaches past her waist with a small inwards curl at her perfectly trimmed ends. Her eyes are a blood red color that glisten in the sunlight, making them appear almost fake. For attire, Genevieve is normally seen wearing an ankle length dress that is red, green, blue, or yellow. Then depending on what dress she is in, Genevieve's necklace that allows her to enter and exit her painting will match the color of the dress. Yet underneath her maiden gown, Genevieve wears a pair of leather pants, black traveling boots, a waist belt with a small bag and ammo attached to it, two knife holsters attached to her thighs and a gun holster around her boot. On top of her dress she carries a small purse with a note book and old glass paintbrush inside. One more thing is Genevieve has a tattoo on her neck that says 'Guertena' in cursive.




Genevieve is an extroverted person, but when she is on cases she tries to keep to herself to keep her mind on her main focuses. Genevieve will most of the time give off a cold demeanor from the way she walks, to the blunt remarks and comments she makes about others or situations. Genevieve is also one to not lose her temper and faces most problems head on while refraining from losing her temper. Yet Genevieve also has another side to her. She has a soft spot for children and is not afraid to flaunt off her looks. This side is also cheerful and warm yet Genevieve rarely uses this side of her unless it calls for a mission need. Overall Genevieve is just a few steps away from being an enigma.


Not much is known about Genevieve's past except for the fact that her painting was discovered by the MOPA (Mythological Order and Protection Agency) and after that had done training with their task force and gained an average knowledge in her work area. (Until later on ohhoho)


- Genevieve is able to enter and exit her painting by using a special necklace that works like a portal opener.

- Genevieve has a glass paintbrush that what ever she paints with it will come to life or become real.

- because her heart is fabricated, Genevieve is immortal and instead of blood, paint runs through her system. If she were to get injured, her injuries could be re painted healed.


Field agent for mythological order and protection agency (agency connects to interpol)


- Genevieve once worked with an 'elephant man' on one of her missions.

- If Genevieve's painting is burned down then Genevieve will die.


Oh hey, I have a character by the name Genevieve! xD
rosamortelle said:
Character skeleton investigators:


Genevieve Hummel

nick name:

Gene / (code name) painted Lady/ (painting name) Tanz der Farben


appears 25 (real age unknown)


Fabricated Human (Living Painting)


straight (as a sphere)



Appearance other:

Genevieve is 5'10" inches tall and weighs about the same as a 4 year old child, despite her very 'matured' figure. Her skin is extremely pale and people constantly say that it looks the color of paper. Her hair is a chocolate brown that reaches past her waist with a small inwards curl at her perfectly trimmed ends. Her eyes are a blood red color that glisten in the sunlight, making them appear almost fake. For attire, Genevieve is normally seen wearing an ankle length dress that is red, green, blue, or yellow. Then depending on what dress she is in, Genevieve's necklace that allows her to enter and exit her painting will match the color of the dress. Yet underneath her maiden gown, Genevieve wears a pair of leather pants, black traveling boots, a waist belt with a small bag and ammo attached to it, two knife holsters attached to her thighs and a gun holster around her boot. On top of her dress she carries a small purse with a note book and old glass paintbrush inside. One more thing is Genevieve has a tattoo on her neck that says 'Guertena' in cursive.




Genevieve is an extroverted person, but when she is on cases she tries to keep to herself to keep her mind on her main focuses. Genevieve will most of the time give off a cold demeanor from the way she walks, to the blunt remarks and comments she makes about others or situations. Genevieve is also one to not lose her temper and faces most problems head on while refraining from losing her temper. Yet Genevieve also has another side to her. She has a soft spot for children and is not afraid to flaunt off her looks. This side is also cheerful and warm yet Genevieve rarely uses this side of her unless it calls for a mission need. Overall Genevieve is just a few steps away from being an enigma.


Not much is known about Genevieve's past except for the fact that her painting was discovered by the MOPA (Mythological Order and Protection Agency) and after that had done training with their task force and gained an average knowledge in her work area. (Until later on ohhoho)


- Genevieve is able to enter and exit her painting by using a special necklace that works like a portal opener.

- Genevieve has a glass paintbrush that what ever she paints with it will come to life or become real.

- because her heart is fabricated, Genevieve is immortal and instead of blood, paint runs through her system. If she were to get injured, her injuries could be re painted healed.


Field agent for mythological order and protection agency (agency connects to interpol)


- Genevieve once worked with an 'elephant man' on one of her missions.

- If Genevieve's painting is burned down then Genevieve will die.


accepted! good to have Interpol here!
Maxwelle said:

Name: Alouette


Show Name or nick-name : The Puppeteer

Show Age : 19 Real Age : 245

Country of Origin : France

Years with circus : Recent arrival

Species : Animated/Life given Puppet

Sexuality : Pansexual

Appearance other : Her motions are graceful. She hardly ever blinks. Her skin is cold to the touch and resembles porcelain. Her eyes are a powdery jade green and resemble the shine of a marble. She's very short and very light. Her joints have stitch marks and there is often string hanging from her.

Personality : Alouette is a quiet girl who hardly shows any emotion. Why it is possible for her to feel emotions they are locked inside, as lifeless as her heart. While the wish was a gift of life it was also a curse. She tends to have a logical and straightforward point of view making her seem naïve at times and even cruel.

Background : Alouette grew up in the time just before the French revolution. Her father was actually a Puppet maker. One day, while going out, she was killed in a riot. Her father replaced a large portion of her body with puppet pieces and made a wish. The next day, Alouette came back to life though lacking the life she once had. Her heart still remains intact inside though unbeating.

Abilities : She has a form of Telekinesis that involves strings. It can't be too far away and the strings can be cut (If you can find them, though very durable). The ability to replicate living creatures as puppets and bring them to life.

What do you do in the circus : Put on a Puppet show that can also be a form of hypnotism

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


Name: Waverly Davis


Nickname : Spooky

Age : 21

Sexuality : Bisexual

Personality : Waverly is a very enthusiastic person. She is easily excited and usually has a smile on her face. She can be very clumsy and ditzy too.

Background: Ever since she was young, Waverly has been the kind of girl to search for monsters under her bed rather than hide from them. She's been obsessed with supernatural and nonhuman creatures all her life. After hearing about the circus, she just had to come.

Rank : Private Investigator/Photographer

Other : Would rather befriend the performers than harm them.

I'm sorry, but due to several different reasons I cannot accept you into the cirque!

Reasons are:

You choose powers that are too similar to an existing member. I have stated that I do not want multiple characters with the same power.

We have wayyyyy to many females! With people that have dropped out of the cirque we have lost a lot of males. We need guys.

Lastly you forgot the password

So sorry, keep an eye out on the forums though, I may be making a modern cirque in the near future!

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