Cirque de Monstres (1941) second edition

no trailer assignments this time!

Character skeleton performer:


Show Name or nick-name:

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)

Country of Origin:

Years with circus:



Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed.)

Abilities:(don't go overboard.)

What do you do in the circus:(You can do multiple things but, try to use ones that someone else has not been taken. I do not want 7 people that only do fire stuff. Mix it up!)

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (optional)


Character skeleton human investigators:


nick name:

Age: (over 18.)


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

Rank:(officer, Sargent, private investigator etc.)


Members of the circus:

Paul Kruger-Owner/Master of the circus (Lady Luna Ravenswood)~

Nora Ravenswood- Snake charmer/belly dancer (Lady Luna Ravenswood)~

Sayuri Koharu- illusionist/ mirror maze management (Kiyoko Tomoe)~

Marius Drăguţ Poartă-dare devil (Axel1313)~

Aria Forrester- fire dancer/breather (Gilmoregirl12)

Zane and Nikita- free falling acrobats (Gilmoregirl12)

Kora Kitonobe- beast tamer mainly panthers (Icefox11)~

Dá fú nī Dú huā- contortionist (rosamortelle)~

Emmaline Swann- House of Torment (the Velveteen Rabbit)~

Lucullus Nuplemzediel the Exiled- sword dancer/juggler (Sungwonc01)~

Alex Cross- Aerialist- (Icefox11)~

Jorah Hazule the Fifty Seventh-strong man/ sword fighter (jole875)

Edith the Patchwork Demon- groundkeeper- (Sungwonc01)~

Viktor Petran - strongman- (SpectroVector)

Fiona Hillcrest- spider woman- (Yuuki Kuran)~

Kevin Solotov- magician- (Yonsisac)

Miia Hakari- staff/part of Nora's act- (CrimsonEclipse)

Tigerlily- dancer- (animegirl20)

Kaname Ushinawa-helper- (Kiyoko Tomoe)~

Ashley Laurel Cosmos Aravinda- Acrobat/Trapeze Artist- (PlaguedWithInsanity )

Valentine di Magia- illusionist- (PlaguedWithInasnity)

Rin Kagamine- Trapeze and Tightrope walking/singing- (Icefox11)~

Human investigators:

Samantha (Sammy) Jones- Lead Investigator (Lady Luna Ravenswood)~

Kiyoko Tomoe-Private investigator(Kiyoko Tomoe)~

William Clancy-Special Investigator- (theunderwolf)

Sisceal Alebaster- priest/privet investigator (Axel1313)~
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Sayuri Koharu

Show Name




Käse (Means cheese in German)


1027 (Appears 11)

Doll Appearance


Country of Origin


Years with circus

65 (Since the beginning)


Dream Feeder/Witch/Demon Doll



Sayuri, who loves to go by her nickname Käse, is a very quiet, and seemingly shy girl. She loves cake and cheese, never eating anything else except for lollipops and other sweets. In fact, she eats cake and cheese so much, most people would probably wonder if she's got any teeth left if they didn't see how sparkly white they actually were, and if they saw how clean her teeth were, would wonder how she manages to keep them so clean. Käse can be very childish, but almost never causes any problems with her childishness like most people do when they're as childish as she can be.


The only thing that's really there in Sayuri's past is wandering alone in the world for a thousand years. A short while after becoming about nine hundred years old, she was found by a man named Thomas, and brought in like the man's own daughter. The man then started up the circus, with Sayuri being allowed to start out helping with keeping everything in check. Later on, when Thomas died, Sayuri practically vanished from visible jobs in the circus, just taking care of her small parts of managing the mirror maze and a few other things, but recently decided to get out there and actually known as part of the circus, not just working in the background where not even the performers and staff knew about her. Today (the day in the RP that my first post will occur in) is the day she's going to try and make herself known.




Sayuri can create the impossible. Everywhere within five hundred feet of her is basically a separate realm at all times she's within five hundred feet of the area, where she can do just about anything. She can turn anything into anything else, make anything move, float, disappear, and can even change the way the sky looks for those within her special realm. The main way she uses her powers is to bring the dreams of herself and others out and make them a reality, with those dreams of sleeping kids being what she feeds off of.

Sayuri can also change forms to become a demon doll, which is what some could actually consider her real form. In this form, her little clownish snake-like creature from her part in the circus act is another form she can take, which she generally uses for swallowing humans whole, body, mind, dreams and soul.

What do you do in the circus

Sayuri plays just about every part that involves some kind of thing that makes absolutely no sense. When it comes to things like the impossible, she makes a joke out of it. Her main role is as a girl who changes their face, has a giant clownish snake-like creature pop out of a small stuffed doll, that looks just like her demon doll form, and makes it fly around the audience, making major jokes and other things. She also includes a few things like floating cake and dancing strawberries in her act, all by use of her powers.

Sayuri also manages the mirror maze, creating various little tricks that reflect through the mirrors at times to completely confuse the visitors. This is her favorite feeding ground, as she can drag out the dreams of those in the mirror maze to create illusions, making the people dream up more things for her to feed off of.

Doll and Clownish Snake

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Name: Marius Dr?gu? Poart?

Show Name or nick-name: Show Name: Salvador. Nickname- Marry.

Age: 228. Appears 26

Country of Origin: Romania

Years with circus: 6

Species: Vampire

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/black-white-handsome.jpg.38460065aad99796fac47249730cab9a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/black-white-handsome.jpg.38460065aad99796fac47249730cab9a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Height: 6' 4". Eye color: Goldenrod. Hair color: Jet black with white streaks in it. Tattoos: Bow and arrow tattoo over his heart, butterfly on his lower back.


He is a very sweet man with a heart of pure gold and capacity for love beyond any imaginable. Even with the chance for revenge right in front of him and absolutely deserving every right to it, he chose to not act on it. Even many many years later when he met his brother again he found it in his heart to forgive him for what he had done.


Formerly a Romanian prince he was abandoned on the streets at the age of 10 simply because he had gone blind and his parents could simply not have a child with a 'defect' as one of their heirs. He was able to survive by begging for several years, but after a while he turned to...other means of staying alive. Thinking that he had no other choice due to his disability. He hated it with a passion, but was able to survive for a long time by said means. Motivated by the thought of proving that he could make it without them. Unfortunately, due to the conditions he was living in, he ended up catching tuberculosis. Rumors spread and his ever worsening appearance frightened people into believe that he was a vampire. The poor man was almost let free, until his brother Samuel stepped in and declared that his brother was supposed to be dead. This sealed Marius' fate. The people panicked and strung him up on a cross, where his brother drove a stake through his heart.

In an ironic twist....his soul cried out for revenge and a demon lord took it upon themselves to turn him into the creature the villagers had accused him of being.

He never took the revenge, but instead, took to wandering around and searching for something new. It took many many years, but eventually he found that in the cirque.


Sensing auras(it's the only way he's able to 'see' things in his environment. Not in detail though.) and being able to use his own to increase his strength and agility. Using it like that comes at a cost though, heightened senses.

What do you do in the circus:

Dare devil feats, heavy lifting and other manual jobs around the cirque.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?: A mess, but you can't really blame him when he can't tell where things are to begin with.

other: He is blind. Terrified of bees and gets horribly seasick. He can go into sunlight, but it is terribly painful and weakens him a lot. (Elephant man)​



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Not the most detailed char I've ever made, so if you want more detail, feel free to ask.

Name: "Kiyoko Tomoe. That's all there really is to it; unless you want to add Lead Detective to the front."

Nickname: "Call me Rosy one more time, and I'll...!"

Age: "You never... You never ask a woman her age... It's nineteen though..."

Sexuality: "I'm straight..."



Appearance Extra: Her hair is a bright pink, and her eyes are a bloody red. (Ignore the horns.)

Personality: "I'm serious, intelligent, and undeniably your worst enemy when I'm angry."

Background: "My background? Well, I'm actually from Japan, if you weren't aware. That's about all there is to my background, as my life was pretty simple for an investigator. Of course, four years of it did occur here in Berlin."

Rank: Private Investigator

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Character skeleton performer:

Name: Aria Forrester

Show Name or nick-name: Fire Princess Azalia

Age: 23 real age 420 years

Country of Origin: Russia

Years with circus: since the beginning

Species: Shape shifter

Sexuality: Bisexual


Appearance other:

Aria stands at 5'8, eyes look like dragon eyes. Petite but strong, has long black hair. Pale as the moon skin and blood red lips. She likes to dress in belly dancer costumes and breathes actual fire. Has Tattoos all over her arms and back also has a chest piece. Sam is pierced on her belly button, nose,tongue, and both ears all the way up.



Aria could be a very Intense person. She also had a serious demeanor. She also could be sarcastic. Sam also almost never missed a thing observant (don't miss any details!). She also had excellent memory (don't forget any details!) Kinda like a Elephant. If she needed or wanted to do something. She was persistent. These were all her good traits.

Her darker traits were just as sharp. Aria could be suspicious and very unforgiving. If you did anything to piss her off it was hard to get her to forgive you. Aria was also very very unpredictable. Aria is stubborn kinda goes along with unforgiving part of her so does her being inflexible.


Aria was a small girl that grew up in a small poor village. She had grown up in a era where monsters and witches. Were to be burned or killed. She found out at six that she was a shape shifter that could turn into a dragon. So she had been running her whole life. Her parents hated her and when she found the circus. She found a family and one that loved her, how ever her dragon side was a hungry beast that definitely couldn't be controlled under a full moon.


Aria has a the power to control fire, she was a Fire dragon. She could shift into a dragon and blow fire. That's why she could handle fire and dance with it. She could also breathe fire into the air. Her abilities were basically fire and shifting. Her giant dragon form was red and very slender. She however was also very large. The tent always had to be big enough to space for her performance.

What do you do in the circus: Aria was the fire dancer slash fire breather. Aria was a very big act that was near the end of the show. She was one who delt with a lot of fire related things. She also ran the knife throwing booth threw fire rings.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?: Her trailer was big and fire proof. She had scarfs and incense. Her room basically looked like this.

looks like this, but with clothes strewn about.

other: Has a small pet dragon named Zafarina.


Character skeleton performer:

Name: Zane and Nikita

Show Name or nick-name: Gravity Defying Twins. Nikita likes Niki as a nickname off stage

Age: Both look 21 both are actually 213

Country of Origin: Ireland

Years with circus: Both been in the circus for 23 years

Species: Fallen Angels

Sexuality: Both Heterosexual


Appearance other:

Zane is at 6'2 and Niki stands at 5'9. They are both tones but not ripped. Zane has full black wings while his twin sister has Black feather wings with silver on the tips. They both have tattoos on there arms and back.

Her eyes were bright green his were bright blue. She also had a tattoo that went sown her full left side,from head to toe.

Niki's wings
Zanes wings
Personality: The twins were both very sarcastic and charismatic. They acted the same in every way. They were hot headed and fierce yet stunning and actually not that bad of creature.

Background: when the twins were younger, they got into a lot of trouble. With this trouble when they died they were kicked out of heaven and sent back to get another chance at heaven. They how ever found the circus and enjoyed it more then their task to get back to a divine world. They loved there job in the circus.

Abilities: can fly and can manipulate shadows.

What do you do in the circus: In the circus they are free falling acrobats. They don't have nets just there wings. They also say by at the end if the night and keep silent watch like gargoyles.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

clothes every where.

other: Zane has a Great Horned owled named Jasper and Niki has a Crow named Black Death.

Black Death
(Elephant Man)
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Name: Jorah Hazule the Fifty Seventh

Show Name or nick-name: The Beast Of Sands

Age: 502 His race doesn't age after their Prime.

Country of Origin: Egypt

Years with circus: Six

Species: Anubian, pure bred.

Sexuality: DemiSexual



Appearance other: Jorah is a solid 7'4, his eyes are of a bright green with a light tint. He rarely ever reveals this much of himself but under his normal apparel he is very muscular and he contains a huge amount of scars, which he can detail their creation. He has a large six foot tail which does not have hair on it like the rest of his body.

Personality: He is rough and tough, he is a very loud and violent person. He sees people as disgusting and undeserving of life, though he knows there are things he can't do. Jorah has a moral code in his mind after he did some horrific things, no children, no women. Though he hides it as best possible he hides much of his drifted and sorrowful past, always able to be seen by the way he acts when he thinks he is alone. He has a handful of soft spots. (Revealed in RP)

Background: Jorah was born to an ancient race of warriors. Almost all his life he other fought or learned how to fight, killing many through his lifetime. Every so often his clan would be hired to kill people. Sometimes he was forced to kill innocents, toward the end of his time in the clan he was hired to kill many people, failing he was caught and experimented on by British scientists who wished to create a super soldier from his genes. After escaping he was a violent beast until the circus found him.

Abilities: Other than his Superb strength, speed, and reflexes, he is very very VERY tough. As a pure bred he has many talents rare to his race, from a few grains of sand he can raise specters of himself who are connected to his mind. Birds, Felines, and Reptiles all have an instinct in their body that makes them admire him to the core. Bullets are paper craft to him, being shot in the chest pointblank by an m14 will do little to no damage, rarely penetrating his skin. He can command certain animals to commit to actions.

What do you do in the circus: He will do things like lift and throw very large objects then challenge other to do so. Raise his specters then he will spar with them. On certain occasions he will surround himself in many random animals then disperse them. Other than his act he is the muscle of the circus, if anyone messes with them he's the one you run for.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Other: HE DOES NOT EAT MEAT FOR A REASON. (Just a solid and teasing hint) Ever seen that documentary elephant man?
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Character skeleton performer:

Name: Dá fú nī Dú huā (nickname is just Fú or Daphne)

Show Name or nick-name: Twisted Flower

Age: She appears to be 24 but is actually 3456 years old (don't judge my number thinking)

Country of Origin: China

Years with circus: (Preferably the beginning but if not thats cool)

Species: Nymph (of a Daphne odora plant)/ Demon (Succubus)

Sexuality: Asexual





Appearance other: Fú is 5 feet 8 inches. Lots of daphne flowers can be seen as braided into her hair but actually grew into her hair. Flower nymphs have roots that grow inside instead of veins and muscles and can be seen from a certain spot under the skin. Because her mother was a flower nymph, Fú has roots that grow here:


Personality: Dá Fú nī is a very open person who likes to have conversations with anyone and anything. She is kind to all and strives to have peace with everyone and everything. She is also very wise from all her years of experience. Another thing is people call Dá Fú nī 'mother' because of her strong maternal instinct and how she treats the other people in the circus. Fú also spends a lot of time outside and seems to be constantly 'in the sun'.


Daphne is the child of a Flower Nymph and an Incubus. when she was what nymphs called a little sproutling her parents stayed together and were a happy couple who were trying to raise their daughter. However when Daphne turned 2 (which for a nymph that is like 18) her mother died for the life span of a flower nymph is quite short. Daphne and her father were in distraught after her mother died.

That is when Daphne's father decided he was not going to lose the only other women in his life. After they had buried Daphne's mother, Daphne's father unlocked Daphne's demon half that he had once promised to keep away with a seal. Daphne was granted with all the power's of her father, which included long lasting life. At first Daphne was unable to control both of her halves, but then over time daphne finally mastered them. When she turned 60, Daphne's father was killed leaving her all by herself. She thought she couldn't do anything anymore so she morphed into her plant form and stayed that way until someone uprooted her. That person was the original circus master. he had thought Daphne was a plant and kept her in his office. Daphne revealed her real self a year after when she became comfortable around the circus master. She has since then been performing for the circus and acting as the mother of all the circus people, treating each of them like her child.

Abilities: like said before muscles and veins are roots and she can morph into a plant. Plus she can manipulate vines and roots of plants in a nearby area, but refrains from doing so because she doesn't want to hurt her brethren. Also has demonic powers of that like a succubus.

What do you do in the circus: She is a contortionist, as well as performs on the cyr wheel and aerial silks/ropes. (Its sometimes a combined act or separate one.)

What does the inside of their trailer look like? Her trailer is very neat and has cabinets filled with probably everything needed for survival, comfort, and medical needs. She also has a green forest like theme to make herself feel at home. Plus on the far end of her trailer is a giant window.


other: (Elephant man)
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Kaname Ushinawa


"Everybody likes to call me things like Angel and blind girl... Probably mocking me because I'm only half angel, and because I'm blind..."


"I'm a little over a hundred and sixty years old... People tell me I look like I'm between eleven and fourteen though..."

Country of Origin

"I'm half Japanese, half American... At least, that's what I've been told..."

Years with circus

"I've just arrived, so this is my first day..."


"I just said so, but I'm an angel... At least, half angel... The other half is human..."


"My voice seems to hold no emotion, according to a small few... I've also been told I'm somewhat shy and have a little difficulty trusting others; I won't deny any of it... I do feel a little sad whenever people say I'm emotionless, though..."


"There isn't much to my life... I've been blind since birth, and nothing exciting's ever happened..."


Kaname has two main powers that really matter. The first one, is the ability to summon and control two angels. These two angels are named Chinami and Akira. These two angels are non-physical, but are capable of touching physical existences by becoming physical beings themselves, as well as can heal and provide energy to Kaname. These angels are always following her, even when nobody can see, touch, or sense them. They basically help her out by using their virtually limitless ability to sense solid objects around them, directing that sensory power to Kaname to allow her to sense things around her instead of run into everything because of her blindness.

Kaname's second ability involves teleportation. She's able to shift her location anywhere within a radius of a thousand meters, which is 3280.84 feet, making up approximately 0.621371 miles. It's a wide range, but it tends to be a little straining on her body. This is something else the angels can help with by providing her the energy needed to teleport if she's used all hers up, though she still suffers the strain it provides. The angels can heal her though, so she doesn't have to worry much other than the pain itself.

Kaname also has to wait a good few seconds between teleportations, and the limit to what she can teleport with her is 158.757 kg, or 350 pounds, which includes people. Teleportation of these objects doesn't require physical contact, though they have to be within a hundred feet, and be in her line of sight. Teleporting anything more would cause severe damage to her, and teleporting objects with her increases the time between her next teleport, and energy used.

What do you do in the circus

"I actually don't have an act... I'm simply being assigned to background jobs... Apparently, they're important things that just seem unimportant, but I'm pretty sure they're unimportant... I do get to keep track and participate in the small acts over in the small tent though... At least they told me it was small, and that I would be part of it... I'm not sure at this point..."

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

"I don't know what where I live looks like... You're mean to be asking me this kind of question question..."


Kaname's Angels




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Name: Paul Kruger

Show Name or nick-name: Mr. Kruger

Age: appears 27 (actually 245)

Country of Origin: Germany

Years with circus: 5

Species: demon

Sexuality: Straight.




Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: Paul puts on a very good Mr. Nice guy act but in reality, he is very twisted but, under that is something else. The mastermind behind the disappearances he uses the hall of mirrors to lure humans to his trap.

Background: Some say he is the devil, others that he is the devil's son. In reality neither of those is true, he was born in Germany to demon parents. His parents didn't really care for him so, when he was 7 he summoned Nora. He was raised by her and travled the world with her, she is the only one who knows what he is really like.

Abilities: can cause things to spontaneously combust.

What do you do in the circus: Owner/ Circus master

What does the inside of their trailer look like:

Office side:

Has a desk and filling cabinet with two chairs in front of the desk. Their is a brown leather couch along the back wall as well as 2 additional filling cabinets.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-27_18-35-45.jpeg.0d391010cb65fdc8b6b5e0fa976850b2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-27_18-35-45.jpeg.0d391010cb65fdc8b6b5e0fa976850b2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

add clothes strewn all over place.


wrote the plot and Paul's cs based off this music video by Oomph!



Name: Nora Ravenswood (real actual name that no one but, Paul knows is Meradiana)

Show Name or nick-name: Lady Snake

Age: 238(human realm years) (actually thousands of years old.) (looks 25)

Country of Origin: Germany (where she was summoned 238 years ago by Paul)

Years with circus: 5

Species: Succubus

Sexuality: pan



Demon form

Appearance other:


Personality: in front of the audience and investigators Nora is more reserved and alluring, not acting up or acting weird. When with the cirque peeps she is outgoing, slightly bitchy and a flirt. She tends to act motherly when with Paul to annoy him. She also a major flirt and no one is safe.

Background: summoned by Paul 238 years ago. She considers herself his mother much to his dislike. Her mother is one of the demon queens and she does not know her father. She is a very old demon but, it never shows. She hates her mother and prefers to live in the human realm vs. the inferno.

Abilities: Can seduce any person she wants and is also very accurate when reading tarot cards. She also has an array of demon ablates from self healing to possession.

What do you do in the circus: snake charmer and belly dancer

What does the inside of their trailer look like:


she has 3 snakes: a 5 ft yellow python named Banana, a 4 ft king cobra named Anubis, and a 5 ft ball python named Danu. For kicks she is known to hypnotize Anubis, drape him around her neck, and walk around like that.


Name: Samantha Jones

nick name: Sammy

Age: 30

sexuality: straight



Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality: Samantha is very kind and usually does not think the worst of people when she first meets them. When she is investigating she tends to go a little overboard on the questioning.

Background: Born in Munich. She is not new to investigating but, is new to the police agency in Berlin. She heads up the investigation of the cirque.

Rank: Lead Investigator



Name: Mr. Bones

nick name: Bones, bone jangles, ol' rattle bones

age: ?

country of origin: ?

years with cirque: 5

species: magical skeleton

sexuality: ?

Appearance: a skeleton, stands 6'2 smokes a pipe, the tobacco emits a green smoke.

Personality: Mr. Bones is eccentric, he seems to speaks in riddles and is so off his rocker that it is in the other room. You can never get a straight answer out of him.

Background: No one knows where he came from. Except Paul and Nora, who swear they found him in a closet of a bar. He lives in the closet of Paul's office.

What do you do in the cirque: H is not helpful, he just wanders around and makes bad situations worse.



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Name: Kora Kitonobe

Show Name or nick-name: Pantheris,

Age: 23

Country of Origin: England

Species: Shape shifter: Panther.

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance other: Has a half form where she has ears and a tail, and in her human and half human forms, she has a large winding tattoo along her back and tribal ear rings, and a stripe down her bottom lip. She also has a belly button piercing, with a small owl charm



Kora is fierce, angry, and just a little bit savage. She eats raw meat a lot, and enjoys live animals, but will also eat "Human food". She likes naps, hunting, and rolling in the mud. There are also some other things that she does not wish to tell others of because she is to ashamed of them.


She has had a few run ins with others in her past, some of which where not so pleasant. She almost never speaks about it and it is a sore subject with her.





Beast Tamer

What do you do in the circus: Panther Beast Tamer

What does my trailer look like:


other: She hates the elephant man.


Komar (Male)





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@Gilmoregirl12 all three accepted! since you have your characters listed as being in the cirque before Paul took over you would also know the old master of the cirque Thomas. Pm me if you have any questions about the history of the cirque or Thomas! (note that Paul and Nora visited the cirque a lot and Nora was like Thomas's sister.) also I feel like Aria and Nora will get along with each other very well.

@Icefox11 accepted (you get a pass on forgetting the password but, you are a member of the first edition!)

Note for everyone:

I hope everyone remembers that they are trying to hide the fact that they are non-human and try to get the audience to believe that it is all parlor tricks or illusions (more specifically the investigators because if they find out you are not human, be prepared for horrific scientific studies and death) so think that over and add changes if you want to I am not making you! You may stay the same, just have some really good excuses for why they appear the way they do or hide when the investigators come! Just remember while this is fantasy this is not a world where non-humans and humans co-exist. This is a very realistic rp with non-humans added to the mix. Some humans even think non-humans are fake, not real, much like today's world. So take that into consideration. excuses for example are: its makeup, its a costume piece, all smokes and mirrors and so on. Pease also remember that it is 1941 but without Hitler and WW2 stuff but, the technology and such is the same as the actual 1940's. also make sure to go over the cirque map located in the locations/settings tab. Oh and, if your character has been in the cirque for longer then 5 years that means your character was around when Thomas was in charge. If you have any questions about Thomas or cirque history/lore pm me!

not trying to be bitchy just want everything to flow well. If you need ideas as to how the world works in this rp visit the first edition at this link- skip around the pages (there are a lot) some parts include Nora's exchange with the investigators starting on page 33 the plan to fool the investigators starting on page 69 how the investigators treated the illusions created by a non-human performer (Ignis) starting on page 73 Nora and Paul's exchange with John (the paranormal investigator who knows that they are not human) starting on page 96 How the investigators reacted to hearing John and Nora's conversation and the fact that there are non-humans starting on page 110 feel free to jump around the many pages that exist!

Emmaline Swann

xD )]


Show Name or nick-name

Mainly called "Babydoll", but others call her "Dollface" or "Dolly" as well


Her appearance looks around 19, but no one knows her real age

Country of Origin


Years with circus

4 years


Human doll



Appearance (other)

Emmaline is very small in height, only around 5'5. Her skin is porcelain white with no blemishes. Her eyes are glassy rather than lively like a real person's eyes. She has no tattoos or anything of that sort.


Very lifeless-like and fragile, Emmaline has absolutely no skills in expressing emotions. Though she can smile and laugh, she is never actually feeling happiness in that moment. She tries to be optimistic about most things, even if those things are extremely negative. Emmaline is mostly a shy, reserved girl who seems to be in deep thought most of the time. She is often seen alone, or not at all. The only time she is visible for all to see is when she is performing an act. But nevertheless, Emmaline only speaks to others unless she is approached or someone asks something of her.


Emmaline's background is a strange one. She was not birthed by a human, but made in a workshop by a woman named Eloise. She was brought to life by this woman, who was both a necromancer and a witch. She had brought to life two skeletal beings already, named Palomar and Cenzio. The two had the heads of deer skulls, and bony bodies to match. Eloise was unable to have children, and was an elderly recluse living in the woods. She came up with the wondrous idea to make the 'perfect' daughter she could never have.

When Emmaline was alive and well, it took the doll awhile to adapt to human life. Her thought process was jumbled and her glass lips were unable to speak. Eloise spent years and years teaching Emmaline how to act like a normal person. By the time Emmaline was fully functional, with a voice she could use and a mind to think with, Eloise had began to age terribly. She was around 83 years old now. Emmaline was sent off into the world when Eloise was breathing her last breaths. The doll never understood the meaning of death, and simply thought Eloise had fallen into a deep sleep. After leaving the old house with both Palomar and Cenzio, she stumbled upon a strange circus in the middle of the night, where they were taken in as one of the main attractions.



Emmaline does not have many abilities like the others. She is incapable of aging, or dying. But she can break, and easily be put back together. Her limbs are very flexible, and can bend in abnormal ways. Palomar and Cenzio's abilities are the same as hers.

What do you do in the circus?

Emmaline, Palomar, and Cenzio all perform together in an act known as 'The White Rabbit'. Basically, the three give the crowd an illusion that their limbs are being yanked on by strings. Like puppets. But in reality, there are no strings. Palomar and Cenzio simply enchant the area around them to the point that when they leap, they soar through the air. Their dance is known to put the crowd in a trance, mostly because of its elegance. Their act is short, but very impressive and beautiful.

Palomar and Cenzio must devour human souls to live. During the dance, the undead beings pick two unlucky volunteers from the audience to dance with them. While they are twirling and spinning around the area, Palomar and Cenzio suck out their souls unknowingly. The humans become zombified, and fall dead at the end of the show. But to the crowd watching, they are simply unconscious.The lights immediately flick off after the show is done, and Emmaline, Palomar, Cenzio, and the two humans are gone.

Did I mention there are also little tiny bunnies in top hats dancing with them as well?

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

(It's supposed to represent a dollhouse sort of room)


(Elephant man)

I changed the act. Let me know if it won't work out or not @Lady Luna Ravenswood

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Is there still room for one more circus member :D


Lucullus Nuplemzediel the Exiled

Show Name or nick-name:

Lucas/The Black Blade

Real Age:

666 years old (relatively young)

Appears like:


Country of Origin:

The People's Republic of Hell

Years with circus:







(Relatively) Normal form:


Usually wears sunglasses to hide his noticeable red eyes.

Decidedly abnormal form:



Even exiled demonic royalty is still royalty. Lucas still retains some of his composure from his ruling days, but the bitter years have added a sardonic twist to his personality. But compared to the rest of his older (and younger) brothers, he's not all that ill mannered. At least he's using his talents in a display of art instead of becoming a warlord that terrorizes the Tri-state area (*cough cough* Ignacio). He still has yet to learn the ins and outs of "human culture" and may do things that seem odd. (not observing proper table manners, going on the wrong side of the road, threatening to rip out someone's soul and infuse it into his blade to suffer for all millenium etc.) Lucas has an innate nature that is prevalent among his species to conquer and to dominate, which he tries to hold back with great difficulty. Lucas sees his Patchwork demoness Edith as more of a mother than a servant.


Lucas was born to the then-current ruler of Hell, Nuplemzediel of the Ninth Layer of Hell. Lucas' childhood was relatively peaceful and coexisted with his 12 brothers. However when Lucas was 345, civil war broke out in his Father's Capital City and threw them out of power. Many of Lucas' brothers were killed in the with with the exception of Lucas himself and his coward of a prince older brother, Ignacio. Lucas was stripped of his immortality, most of his powers and abilities. He barely escaped with the help of his patchwork demon, Edith. He wandered the earth for centuries, drifting from continent to continent. He found the circus after creating a large explosion near the grounds. Even now, after centuries of traveling abroad, Lucas still dreams of the day when he'll be able to go back to hell and take his rightful place on the throne.

Abilities: Although Lucas was stripped of most of his original powers and abilities, through centuries of training he has managed to retain some. He has a large resistance to heat and finds Earth almost unbearably cold. He is able to turn into his warlord form, where he conjures up armour and a weapon of his choosing. He also has increased strength during this transformation but his form reverts in only ten minutes. The transformation fatigues him greatly and can potentially kill him if he exerts himself too much.

What do you do in the circus:

Sword Dancer/ Juggler

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


Freaks are cool :D

(Oh and Elephant Man)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1207ee6862bb527d71043faead63680c.jpg.1e9cdf3d0679dd2c33f2c782456c0196.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1207ee6862bb527d71043faead63680c.jpg.1e9cdf3d0679dd2c33f2c782456c0196.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/daedric_armor__skyrim__by_blueraven90-d4sl96a.jpg.37b8038c90f7322c00e2ca1f6974e565.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/daedric_armor__skyrim__by_blueraven90-d4sl96a.jpg.37b8038c90f7322c00e2ca1f6974e565.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Has no real name, but she calls herself, as does everyone else, Alex Cross

Show Name or nick-name:

Free Wind, or Kaze


Looks 22, it's been 22 years since she left and joined the circus

Country of Origin:

Somewhere in the hillsides of Russia.

Years with circus:

22 years


Avian hybrid



Appearance other:

This is a beautiful illustration, but she only has two long wings on her back that fold against her back. She also has a tattoo on her back and she also has many scars and marks on her back, from her days in the lab.


Alex is a little bit eccentric, but mostly kind. She loves dealing with kids at the circus, and she tries to keep things bright, but she can sometimes get down herself. She feels bad about her past, and is a bit lonely since she has nothing to hold onto. She has never really had luck with men and she is a little bit hyper, and when you make her mad, she can snap, and when she snaps, run, and run fast.


Alex was a test tube baby, and never really had a child hood. She grew up in a large dog crate, being fed by a bowl, in a room of other experiments. There was always a smell of blood and vomit in the air. She hand mangled clothes, and hair, and it wasn't until she escaped that she had ever seen grass. She followed her instincts and flew until she literally fell out of the sky and into the forest near the Cirque.


Alex has always had developing abilities, but they only seem to come about when she is in danger. She primarily, can fly due to her wings, which often makes her confused with an angel, which she is not. She also has the ability to fly at inhuman speeds (Roughly 240-250 mph, 300 in a fast dive)for a period of time, and breathe underwater.

What do they do in the Circus?:

Aerialist, specializes in silks, and trapeze.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?



(But obviously a lot smaller)

Other: Since she is a genetic mutation, it is uncertain how long she is going to live, as well as how much she will adapt and develop to an environment. She was also taught human things by the elephant man.
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@Icefox11 accepted!

@jole875 all good! also curious to see what he says about Nora naming her king cobra Anubis!

I am working on a nice hefty yet brief history of the cirque. It will included noted former members, who Thomas was, Nora and Paul's history with the cirque, and more!
@Lady Luna Ravenswood

To be honest, I based Lucas roughly off of Zuko from TLA. I can see them having a Zuko/Azula kind of thing (with a lot less murder of course.)

Name: Edith the Patchwork Demon

Nickname: Zombie (not self-given)

Age: 2,347

Country of Origin: The People's Republic of Hell

Years with circus: 2

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Asexual




Edith is the very definition of monotonous. Almost everything she does is robotic and calculated, which clashes violently with her haphazard appearance. Her only goal in life is to serve the rightful heir of the Throne of Hell, in which she has considerable failure in. She is however, fiercely loyal and motherly toward Lucullus (she refuses to call him by his "Earthen" name) and would gladly lose an arm and a leg for him(it can be just sewn on later).


Legend has it that Edith was created when the infamous Mad King struck down his maid staff for laziness and used their body parts to make up Edith. Since then Edith has faithfully served all the Kings and Queens of the Throne quite contently. However when Lucullus' father was overthrown, Edith helped Lucullus escape to the surface world. She has since then served as a guide and mother figure to Lucullus throughout the centuries.


Edith has the ability to animate cleaning utilities such as mops and brooms to clean for her (Or potentially fight...) She also has the ability to change her appearance to that of a normal woman to avoid detection. She also can't feel physical pain (emotional however is a different story) and her limbs can be sewn back on if lopped off.

What do you do in the circus:


(Elephant man)
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Viktor Petran

Show Name:

Viktor the Blood Sucker.


Real age:

One Hundred and Forty Three

Appearance age:



Country of Origin:

Romania, Transylvania.

Years with circus:







Appearance other:

He is tall, very muscled with jet black hair. He has gorgeous, sky blue eyes, that are en-capturing to his victims; almost hypnotic.



Viktor is cruel and bitter. He is rude and arrogant as well as conceited. He knows that he's a pretty face, and he isn't afraid to show it around. He is flirtatious and cheeky, and can sometimes go a little far. He sort of hypnotises, both figuratively and literally, women. He is in essence a menace, and lives to flirt and cause havoc. When he isn't looking for a date/meal, he is mostly running around and trying to strike up conversation with the other monsters of the community. He is argumentative with many of them, and is imperious in conversation. He mostly talks about himself, or points of flaws in others. He is seductive. He strives to make his life interesting, even if some of his methods are a little unorthodox. The only other vampire he knows is Marius, and he despises him. He sees that Marius was gifted with eternal life, but he is wasting it with kindness and generosity.


Viktor was brought up as a working boy, peasant boy. He worked every day, cleaning out stables or scrubbing the cobbles. He was never given a second look by anyone, not even his Mother, who had eight other children to watch over. He was the youngest of the siblings, and was often bullied or looked down on and taken advantage of, because of his young, naive behaviour. One day, on his eighteenth birthday, he decided to run away. He went into the forest with a bag of bread and cheese, and ran for it. He sat by the water side, and was found by a sweet old man taking a stroll. The old man spoke to him, asked him why he had run away, and offered him a place in his castle. Viktor accepted; he had nowhere else to go. On arriving at the castle, Viktor was amazed. It was giant, and he knew that this man was wealthy. The man introduced himself as Count Dracula, and not moments later, Viktor had a searing pain in his throat.

After being a vampire for just fifty years, Viktor began to take life by the reigns; and do things his way. He went on rampages, and as soon as he became so illusive for being the Transylvanian killer, he left and took on a new place to destroy. He went to England, Germany, France. In each of the places, he would slaughter people. He became bored, eventually, and decided to let the world come to him. So, he joined the circus.



~Inhuman speed, strength, hearing and sight abilities.

~He can compel someone into doing things that he wishes.

What do you do in the circus:

He puts on a show of strength, and sometimes kills human beings. The audience thinks it's all a trick of the eye, but it's real and true murder.


Elephant man.
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Name: Fiona Hillcrest

Show Name or nick-name:Spiderwoman

Age: 23

Country of Origin: Transylvania

Species: Spider demon

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: (I'm gonna have to put that at the end)

Appearance other: When she uses her power, her eyes are red like blood, spider tattoo on her back

Personality: She's very quiet and will do anything she's asked. She's very smart and loves her new family.

Background: No, receiving spider abilities doesn't come from being bitten by a radioactive spider, it comes from being found, as a little girl, by strange Transylvanian spiders the size of house cats and observing them until she ends up receiving her powers from having slept in their webs since she was found.

Abilities: She uses her webs similar to how acrobats use their twine and such. She can walk on it and even sew with it, mending costumes that are torn from time to time. Sometimes, when there is an open wound, she uses her thread to stitch you up. :)

What do you do in the circus: (in the abilities, kinda) Also, if acrobats were to fall, her webs would catch them without fail. She's quick with her creations.

other: not much, other than the picture! (elephant man)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/th-4.jpeg.146e6548332c8f861374a242ce8422dc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/th-4.jpeg.146e6548332c8f861374a242ce8422dc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her tattoo

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/T1qYkhFA4aXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg.9d60041b84d97bf749b79396f9c148de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/T1qYkhFA4aXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg.9d60041b84d97bf749b79396f9c148de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her performance dress

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/th-2.jpeg.72fbc947df55e52b3afa95b798b570e3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/th-2.jpeg.72fbc947df55e52b3afa95b798b570e3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Isezar/Dresca (Dresca is smaller)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Spooky-Bedroom-Decor-With-Subtle-Halloween-Atmosphere_20.jpg.4268d3899712875950428872cc63a91a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Spooky-Bedroom-Decor-With-Subtle-Halloween-Atmosphere_20.jpg.4268d3899712875950428872cc63a91a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her trailer



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elephant man

-d4zptex.jpg' alt='laugh.png' alt='xD'>-d4zptex.jpg'>


Kevin Solotov

Show Name or nick-name




(He is like a Cartoon they never age)

Age Apperance


Country of Origin


Years with circus

First Time EVER!


Cartoon Jumpers


Hetero (But very Open)

Appearance other

He is only 5.4 FT tall and weights 103 Pounds,his eyes are Bright Blue and his skin is soft texture,he has normal Built and has the letter "C" On the palm o his left hand


He is a Very posetive guy and aswell very playfull and nice,he is gentle and ussualy has a smiel on his face most of the time and he is NEVER grumpy,with that smiel on his face all the time,he likes making people laugh and most of all impres them.


He has seen the circuse in the pass and he loves it! he hide his ability till he notice theas people...were not normal like him,so he desided to try to join!he is in but this is his first day and dosent know what to expect,he has seen then preform and he is exited to be with them.


One word can explaind what he can do...."Cartoon Phisics" all law in this world...all rules he can break,for him law is nothing,he is able to get anything out of his pockets like a void,survive any fall and other sort of cartoony short the world for him is like a cartoon with no limits and no restrains and Abble to do Unimaginable things!...Magical!...But he dose have limits of what he can do ofcourse.

What do you do in the circus

He dose...MAGICK!,or in short...a magicion!

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

The trailer looks normal but from the inside...its...MAGICAL!



Kevin is....sadly Mute and unable to speak as that the draw back of his power...and keep in minde...gravity dosent work for him till he looks down.​
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William Clancy

nick name:



He says hes 29.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime_male_redhead-2_zps804fef0f.jpg.1429d7ea8f6e08bfac7a748105a4b69e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime_male_redhead-2_zps804fef0f.jpg.1429d7ea8f6e08bfac7a748105a4b69e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:


Mr.Clancy is cool as a cucumber and always calm and collected, even under fire. He's a logical analyzer and is incredibly insightful. He uses both these to be a brilliant people reader and interrogator. He is flappable though and he has a temper. Also he tends to tease and snark. A lot.


He doesn't talk much about it. All he'll say is that he was in some deep crap about five years back.

Rank: Special Investigator on loan from the British crown.


Excellent fist fighter and marksman

Elephant man.

Has friends in low places.​



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Name: Miia Hakari

Show Name or nick-name: Serpent

Age: 81, upper body appears to be 25

Country of Origin: Greece

Years with circus: 21

Species: Lamia

Sexuality: Bisexual



Appearance other: Miia has long bright red hair and amber eyes, with slitted snake pupils. Her ears are large, pointy and red, and she has fangs and a long tongue. She also has small scales on her cheeks and wears a yellow 'D' clip on each side of her head (from the front the clips resemble a snake's eyes while her hair acts as the fangs).

Her most notable physical trait is her long, red snake tail. Her full length is said to be 8 meters (26 feet), suggesting her tail is approximately 7 meters (22 feet) long.

Personality: Miia is incredibly enthusiastic about the smallest of things, and has a very bubbly and slightly child-like nature. She is very possessive, not only with her things but also with the person she likes, becoming very irritated whenever someone makes a move on whoever she likes.

However, despite her naturally cheerful demeanor, Miia is not as emotionally mature as she would appear. She has, on a few rare occasions, become upset and angry at other people to the point of almost striking them with her tail. Although Miia can be flirtatious at times, she will get easily shy and embarrassed around the person she likes. Because of her nature as a snake, Miia loves eating eggs, although she won't say no to meat.

Background: Miia used to live in a village with her kind. Because of their nature, all Lamia are born female. In order to breed, they need to either abduct or seduce men into mating with them. These men will be the mate of all the Lamia in the village, treated as some sort of a communal husband.

Miia was against this, not wanting to share whomever it is she loves with anyone. After a heated argument with her mother, Miia ran away. She didn't know where to go, but she knew that she didn't want to stay. Everyone who saw her was afraid of her, nobody even wanted to get close. She kept running, or rather slithering, until she stumbled upon the Cirque. Since then, she decided to stay with the Cirque and she devoted her life to being there.

Abilities: Her most noticeable trait, her tail, is a very strong and dexterous part of her body. It is strong enough to crush metal pipes without her noticing. She can also coil up her tail and use it as a spring to launch herself great distances. Because of her tail, Miia is also skilled at climbing trees. Miia's also a good swimmer, and can even swim backwards. This, combined with her ability to use her tail as a spring, allows her to keep up with a mermaid. Asides from having an immense amount of strength, Miia is also extremely durable and can withstand a Centaur stampeding over her, only being stunned temporarily. Although she rarely shows it, Miia is actually a very skilled artists, and being ambidextrous and having a prehensile tail, she can actually paint different works at the same time. She can also hypnotize people by rhythmically moving her body and staring into a person's eyes (Kinda like Kaa from the Jungle Book), although it is only for a limited amount of time and only works for those interested in females.

What do you do in the circus: She mostly works behind the scenes, although she sometimes performs in front of the crowds by belly dancing, sometimes performing alongside Nora (I hope this is okay @Lady Luna Ravenswood).

What does the inside of their trailer look like:

Her room is filled with different works of art, most of it made by her. Cans of paint, both filled and empty, are found all over the room. There are a couple of canvas stands and some empty canvasses. She also has an assortment of brushes and even a couple of spray paint. Her bed is only a large mattress on the floor with plenty of pillows. She has a cabinet for her art supplies and other essentials. Due to her size, her trailer is a bit bigger than the others. She also has a heater in her room to keep it warm and comfy. Her clothes are usually just in a pile in the corner, although she keeps her costumes neatly folded. The walls of her room are very colorful, splashes of vibrant and bright colors mixing together.

Other: Miia is absolutely horrible at cooking, even if it looks nice. The colder the temperature gets, the lazier she is and the warmer it is, the more productive she is. If it gets too cold, she will enter hibernation. Her mating season starts on the first full moon of the month and will end once the full moon disappears. When she is in her mating season, her strength is tripled but her reasoning and self control almost disappears, which is why she is kept locked up in a meat locker, forcing her into hibernation. Of course, all this is done with her consent. Also, she once met an Elephant Man. They didn't get along.
Character skeleton performer:


Geminus, son of Callis

Show Name or nick-name:


Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)


Real Age:


Country of Origin:

Roman Empire

Years with circus:



Sea Devil



Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)


Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)


Personality:(don't give away everything)


Background: (does not need to be detailed.)


Abilities:(don't go overboard.)

Breathing underwater, control of the seas within a few square miles, increased strength, stamina, and swimming ability.

What do you do in the circus:(You can do multiple things but, try to use ones that someone else has not been taken. I do not want 7 people that only do fire stuff. Mix it up!)

Atlas holds his breath underwater for minutes at a time, and performs acrobatics.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (optional)


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Name: Tigerlily

Show Name or nick-name:

Age: 19

Country of Origin: America, Half American and half African American

Years with circus: 3

Species: half human and half fairy

Sexuality: Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/4aeb9057941bc85dce30c2a4ecc2e4f9.jpg.8a26f4a2a62e7c94e16bac687f8446a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/4aeb9057941bc85dce30c2a4ecc2e4f9.jpg.8a26f4a2a62e7c94e16bac687f8446a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Personality: Tigerlily is a bright, spirited girl who is also adventurous and stubborn. Tigerlily has a bad temper if ever she is provoked. Also, despite her usual naivety and impulsiveness, Tigerlily can be serious, careful, and very intelligent and intuitive.

Background: She's from Mississippi, she doesn't like to talk about her past.

Abilities: can control all elements and can make gold dust

What do you do in the circus: preforms tricks while she dances

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/ef8ad5949bc8f47c69e8e10aa09f64ff.jpg.246fc29831e315e16d90df6d46a33e92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/ef8ad5949bc8f47c69e8e10aa09f64ff.jpg.246fc29831e315e16d90df6d46a33e92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

other: elephant man



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@Sungwonc01 Edith the Patchwork Demon accepted!

@SpectroVector Viktor Petran accepted!

@Yuuki Kuran yay! Fiona! also accepted! (I fixed the link to the video BTW, it didn't go anywhere but, luckily I knew what vide it was!)

@Yonsisac Kevin Solotov accepted!

@theunderwolf William Clancy accepted!

@CrimsonEclipse Miia Hakari accepted! (also I am fine with having her be part of Nora's act!)

@animegirl20 Tigerlily accepted!


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