Circus Freaks ~RP~


Queen of Eternal Snow

~Accepted Characters~

Aveline Kimberly Angelo~ Acrobat~ Me

Malic ~ Ring Master ~ Me

Shawn Reed ~ Sword Swallower ~ @DemonicAngel

Darian H. Crawford ~ Tamed Animal ~ @Cross_Rhodes

~Sign Up~

We're still accepting!!



Aveline tilted her head slightly, trying to listen to what was going on around her. She was still adjusting to not being able to see. Absently, she wondered when the next show was. She was dreading it. Flying through flaming hoops became much more difficult without her sight. A soft sigh passed her lips. "Hello?" She called out softly. After the little discussion about escape, things had gotten rather quiet. She knew there were still people in the cell... She just didn't know where.


Malic made his way through the maze of tents and cages. Oh yes, his new pets were going to bring in so much money. Now he just had to get the word out. That wouldn't be a problem for long though. He wandering into his quarters and sat down at the desk. A new flyer. That's what he needed.
Darian dragged out as far as his chains allowed. He tracked the signs of body heat through the darkness. A girl, another prisoner in a similar state as him. He picked up her scent but couldn't place it--race wise. Darian hung forward on his manacles. The ringmaster had vanished. He regretted not tearing into that freak. Darian's fingers curled with pinpricks. He had claws, but hadn't had the chance to use them. "How long have you been here?" Darian asked.

His wrists, trapped behind iron chains, rubbed raw. Darian grit his teeth. His pseudo-transformed fangs bit into his lip. Darian made a conscious effort not to accidentally cut off his tongue. "What does that guy want from us?" Darian shifted underneath his manacles. He kicked off the wall, anything to loosen himself and snap the chains.

The iron didn't sever.
Aveline's head turned to the sound of the voice. "I have been here...." She paused as if thinking. "For a long time..." She said softly, tilting her head downwards and heaving a sigh. "He wants us to perform.. in his horrible circus." She told him quietly. "...and if you don't comply.. well.." She motioned at her bandaged eyes. "Bad things happen..." She whispered. Her head perked up again as she heard the clanking of chains. "It's useless, you know... They're specially made.." She tilted her head in his direction again. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"
Shawn hung his head to the right it felt strange having one side of his head heavier than the other. His horn thumped against his shoulder. As he heard voices Shawn raised his head to look around. He spotted the two people talking a girl with wings and bandaged eyes, and a boy straining against his restraints. "A circus, he did all this for some kind of twisted circus?" Shawn asked swallowing hard.
Darian registered that there was something wrong with his girl. His skin tightened seeing the places where her eyes should have been. The other voice adding to their conversation didn't surprise him either. Darian glanced that way--a boy this time on the other end. "My name's Darian. What about you guys?" He asked.
"I'm Aveline..." She chimed softly, unfurling her wings slightly. "Fitting right? It means 'bird' " She chuckled softly. It took a lot for her to find humor anymore, but she tried none the less. "Yes... he did it for a circus. Don't ask me why.. I am not aware of the master's motives. I just know that it's perform or...." She trailed off again. It was still kind of hard to speak of.
"My name is Shawn." Shawn looked from Darian to Aveline. "Who does he think he is messing with people like this, makes me sick." Shawn said the words with a confidence he did not feel. Something told him this was going to be by far the least pleasurable thing he had ever experienced. Of course there were the things he'd already seen such as the girl's bloody bandages, but something else deep inside him that started up every time he was in danger only this time it was worst.
"Like I said... I do not know the inner workings of the master.. Just that he is very cruel..." She whispered, another soft sigh passing her lips. She tried to rise to her feet, but ended up tripping over the chains, not seeing their location. A few mumbled words escaped her along with a soft whimper. She hated this so much! She couldn't be sure of anything anymore. She was sure that she'd be crying right now if she could.
Shawn winced as Aveline hit the ground. He felt bad but there wasn't anything he could do. So he simply sat. He thought about escaping it seemed impossible for so one like him. But it was nice to imagine that it was all just a bad dream.
With another small whimper, Aveline righted herself on the floor and gingerly touched the bandages covering her eyes. "We have to get out of here..." She whispered, tucking her knees into her chest and curling her arms around them. She was more talking to herself then the others, but she knew they could probably hear her.
Shawn looked up again. 'Escape.' Shawn wondered. 'If we tried could we do it? I'm sure at least one of us could. But what about the ones left behind? What would happen to us?' Shawn lumped himself in with the ones who wouldn't make it out without even thinking about it. "Has an escape ever been tried?" He asked.
"I'm not sure...." Aveline said, head lifting slightly off her knees. "If there has been an attempted escape, all I know is that they were either successful or killed by the master..." She chimed quietly, clinging to the tiniest bit of hope she could find. If there was just the slightest chance of them getting out of there, she would take it.
Shawn shook his head to clear the horrid images of his gory demise after a failed escape attempt. It was possible he could help save one of the others if they attempted it, but he wasn't even sure about that. Though from the sound of the Aveline's voice even death was better than working in this psycho's circus. That thought dark as it might be made Shawn certain that Aveline was right. Escape was the only option.
Another soft sigh passed her lips as she leaned her head back on her knees. She was curious, but she didn't want to say anything strange. Finally, she figured she might as well say something. This situation was already strange. "W-what do you two look like?" She asked softly. She wanted to know, but it's not like she could just look at them. Look all she wanted, she'd still see black.
(Do we have some way of really looking at ourselves? Water or something? Because other wise Shawn at least couldn't see that his eye color had changed.)
(Okay, after this post I have to head to bed. I'll check back tomorrow.)

"Well," Shawn realized he hadn't really looked at himself yet. He just knew about his horn. Spying a small puddle on the floor of his cell not to far off he shuffled over and gazed down into it. Trying not to sound to stunned he relayed his looks. "I have one horn on the right side of my head, my hair is now blue, and my eyes now purple. Besides that I'm still an average looking 18 year old boy, save that I'm a little short." Shawn hoped that was an okay description. It was bizarre looking at his reflection and not seeing the old him that he was used to. He returned to his former spot and sat leaning back against he wall. "If we do escape Aveline, where will we go?" He doubted they could return to whatever lives they'd had before now that they looked the way they did.
Darian bowed his head, ears pointed out towards their conversation. "We're the same age." He said suddenly as he heard Shawn. He checked himself over again after hearing Shawn's description of himself. Darian didn't want to think that he missed something else wrong with him. "I'm stronger than I was." Darian said. "If I could just break through these chains I could free you guys too." He tugged again. "I have fangs like an animal. I think I even smell like a dog."
Aveline smiled as she heard their descriptions. She wished she could see them.. She'd just have to imagine off of what they'd told her. "Thank you..." She mumbled softly, smiling in their general direction. "It's alright, Darian. The chains are specially tailored to each person. Like mine, their long to give me walking space, but they weigh a lot so I can't fly." She said with a sigh, fluttering her wings helplessly in an attempt to rise from the ground. "I don't know what we'd do if we ever got out...Where we'd go... but anywhere is better than here." She told them. That was her honest opinion. She would rather be anywhere then where they were currently at. She had the overwhelming desire to get her new friends out before something went wrong, like what happened to her. She didn't know what he'd do to punish anyone else though.. He was always coming up with new ideas.
The nerves on his shoulders tickled, hearing Aveline's voice. Blind. He shuttered thinking about it and knowing that she had it worse than he did. "So the only way free is if that circus freak lets us out." Darian said. The details after they escaped didn't matter to him as long as they did free themselves. "Could we overpower him?"
She shrugged. "I suppose we could try... We'd have to bide our time until the next show... and then try to get out of the tent." Her tone was thoughtful, she was weighing their chances. "I won't be much help.. since the first time I tried to escape, he constantly changes the layout of the main tent so I can't find my way out. Plus he has some helpers. Our best bet though is in the middle of the performance."
Darian nodded and then realized that Aveline couldn't see the gesture. "Whenever we get the chance." He agreed. Darian winced and wished he had enough slack from his binds to sit down. "How long have you been here Avaline?" He asked. Darian glanced in the other boy's direction. "Maybe he'll try to train us since we're new Shawn. We could overpower him then if we get the chance." A mouse sniffed past, pressing under Darian's feet. He tried to kick it away.

"This place is disgusting." His voice changed into a snarl that surprised him into a half-second of silence.
Aveline paused for a moment, thinking. She knew she'd been here for about two months before he blinded her, after that she lost track of time. "For a while." She said with a small shrug. "He'll either try to train you or tell you what he wants you to do. She heard the mouse pattering across the floor. "Tell me about it. At least there's not bats in here anymore..."

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