As it turned out, the can that Lealan had picked up was not filled with rotten meat! Or rather, no meat at all. For whatever reason, when she bit into what was supposedly your average can of Bush's Baked Beans, she would find that the beans themselves were oddly... crunchy? And why did they hurt so much to chew? Well, if she were to take a look at what she was eating, she would find that the contents of the can were in fact not Bush's Baked Beans, but rather, shards of broken glass. Meanwhile, as Hiryu approached the wooden door, it looked... pretty average. Of course, the group had been tricked many-a-time thus far, so this could very well be another one of those tricks. But for now, the wooden door seemed perfectly kickable.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Okay, if the exits are sealed, how do we find our way out?" Megumin pondered, looking for more wires. "I wouldn't be surprised if we had to look for keys, or fight someone for them. Most importantly, we should try to figure out who sealed up this cabin, and why." With guidance from a small hunch, she dialed the number she'd found on the phone.

"Jesus Christ, Lassie." Lucky padded into the kitchen, watching Lealan eat shattered glass with both intense pain and admiration. "I know you're always hungry, but glass? Either someone just pranked you, or they really had to change up their secret recipe to keep that dog of theirs quiet." In the meantime, he'd go looking for one of those big, spiked hammers you'd use to tenderize meat.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
A Cabin That Really Loves Its Inhabitants, Camp Crystal Lake
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Needs better Wifi) (Delay Netcode at it again)

"Hey, me too." Yang responded as the group continued to try to find their way out. As she watched, Tanya then suggested something like shooting explosive rounds together. Actually? She had explosive flare rounds so she could probably fulfill that request on the spot. "Yeah, you and I can go shooting explosives."

Yang closed her eyes, pausing for a bit.

"For her."

— — — — —​

Weiss was pleasantly surprised when Megumin not only got the duck, but found something under it.

"Really?" Weiss said, with a slight smile. "Then let's see what's under it."

While Weiss watched Megumin unfold the paper and read its contents -- namely a code of some sorts -- she thought of where it could possibly go. Megumin had already made one of the guesses for her, so she was spared some thought time on that. On the other hand, there were one other possibility, namely a safe. However, when she looked over to the door, she noticed that the door wasn't one to easily open, like the one they had to solve a puzzle budge. However, this time the door was actually wooden, so...maybe a Supergirl-caliber punch would work?

In the meantime, there was still a discussion going on over whether to split up, just like they had back at Atlas. Although Hiryu agreed with the decision, Megumin and Lucky, on the other hand, disagreed and had the experience to back that up. Weiss could relate; their little operation that got her and the teams where they had to go almost went wrong when Blake had gone missing for a period of time, although in all fairness, none of them anticipated her to completely disappear into a brave new world for a few minutes.

Still, the risk with split groups to handle separate tasks was greater in exchange for more time to defeat the Great King of Evil.

"I, too, disagree on splitting, but there may come a time where we'll have to split up. In my experience, though, things went wrong when we lost contact with Blake back at Argus, so Benrey, I would be wary if we ever were to go with that route anyway."

Meanwhile, Yang had been going over the map for herself. There were several cabins, one of which was the one they were in, and a lake. There were also weapon caches that she hoped would at least give the others more of a fighting chance later down the line. There was a car and a sailboat that anyone could take as a means of escape.

The question was how long they could hold out until they make it to either.

"My one candidate would be a weapon stash," Yang assumed.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), P PopcornPie (Megumin, Lucky), 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Benrey), Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Hiryu)
Orbeck of Vinhime
Status: The mage, Consoling Ike, and a campsite map.
Condition: normal, If burnt out from the conflict...
Tanya gave Orbeck a vacant stare. Who was this guy again? He appeared to know her but she didn't recollect meeting someone of his nature. However Ruby's death did throw a wrench in her plans. After all she was the most capable fighter she had met in a long while and considering everyone else here was clearly sub par to her standards she would have to do the heavy lifting by herself. Being stressed out was a sign of a flawed business model but what was there to work with? No matter. The golden older blonde sister would have to suffice. Tanya smiled sweetly at Orbeck.

"Don't worry, Mr Sorcerer, I'll refrain from speaking the truth. People don't normally like that anyways. I respect the chain of authority. Good soldiers follow orders. Especially mages like us, no?"

The mannerisms of this one girl...the tension between Orbeck and the Archwizard were only on the subject of one's magic preference, nothing major came of it. But here, it seemed apparent that the two of them will crash heads with each other, lacking interest with what he had said. She could have at least pretended to pay attention. A mage who seemed fixated on some...militarised philosophy. And the phrase of hers...Could have easily fit the nature of his former occupation. But as long as she doesn't incite tensions...than his current issues may as well be mute. He gave a simple nod, just as a simple show of good will.

Now back to the tiny demon...

"... wait.. what-???"

Ike continued to seem incredibly confused, incredibly.. frightened!!

"H-How long has this been going on!? I-I've only been in this attic for a few hours!!"
"... people DIED w-while I was gone!? W-What about you how long have you been.. OUT of this.. THING THAT'S BEEN HAPPENING!?"

Ike looked at Tanya, who he didn't recognize at all. He wondered... had there been some weird... TIME glitch??
And...he should have seen this coming. So as they made their way down the steps, going through the few notes and images scattered about. Orbeck would approach Ike once more.

"to answer your earlier concerns...It's been closer to a day and a half at the very least. And the only casualty was the one that I mentioned formerly." he said
"I'm aware that you may not be the sort of person that is willing to deal with such things...for now we need to keep our selfs going. for whatever this place may have in store for us."

Then, when Yang managed to fish what looked like a note out of the fireplace, she would soon be able to hold it up. It was heavily folded, and somehow, it didn't even seem to be affected by the fire at all. Not even the hint of a single scorch was present anywhere on its surface-- front or back. It took her a moment due to how many times it had been folded over, but once she finally did managed to unfold it, she found that it was...


A map! A map which had several significant locations marked on it, such as the location of a car, a sailboat, a restroom, and what could only be assumed were weapons staches. There were also several icons that looked like houses marked throughout, which could be assumed were other cabins. In the corner, it appeared to be branded with the name "Camp Crystal Lake."

he took a glance over the map that yang was holding, so this is what they have as a guide
"I would agree with Weiss on such an option if the...people are anything close to resembling something like Freddy Krueger, then it would be best to say together. We don't even know for certain what our true objective is. Our best course of action would be to investigate the second cabin across from this place."

"My one candidate would be a weapon stash," Yang assumed.

hard to say what they might find in those stashes, maybe something that could help with those...things outside, and the figure who was under the attic. And for those without a means to fight back, the stash may as well make the difference.
"...It may give us the means to deal with...whatever creatures may be lurking outside."

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Birb Birb thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122
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After Aloy’s head hurts for the time being, after making it through said frustrations. The group ended up in an attic after using the watch. Not only that, but the said attic was quiet and all there was up here was a creepy sentient doll with wounds to match the creepiness as the doll woke up and started to talk.

Aloy raised an eyebrow and stopped herself from flinching as she avoided aiming an arrow at Chucky.

Turns out the doll was their way out of this place.

Aloy frowned. This was going to be a long world trip.

Aloy wasn’t from a world with threats of serial killers so the name was enough to confuse her. “I don’t know that name but I don’t doubt you now.”

It’s when the door nearby had an on and off switch and a fusebox on it and everyone was searching a way to decide which wire to pull.

The room was dark until Ben lit up the room with his transformation as Aloy would try her Focus looking for any way specific that could help the group out.

But just then, Megumin hit the right combo and the door unlocked to stairs to a nice looking area.

She followed the group downstairs to a nice looking living room.

Aloy crossed her arms looking over at the small paper Yang seemed to fetch out of the fireplace. “Camp Crystal Peak?”

Aloy was quiet for a second.

“Alright, I’ll go with any group that needs me.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @others



Jak followed the group in question as he flipped his watch to the next place as he appeared in a attic that seemed empty but heard noises coming from the basement as he went down the stairs cautiously to meet up with the groups below.

The group below seemed to be looking at a piece of paper from the fireplace, and Megumin held another note with some code on it.

Jak frowned "Camp Crystal Lake?"

He turned over to the others.

"It's better none of us split up, but I can stick with the group via Light Jak if I need to by air."

"That way we'll have a quicker way of knowing danger before it hits us."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @others

Lilith was a little freaked out by the video that played but when she overheard the person on the phone she was REALLY freaked out. "Okay I already know where this is going." She said sounding paranoid before floating towards Yang who was holding the map. "Where do you think is our safest bet?" Lilith asks as she skims through the map. "More preferably somewhere that doesn't have any tvs."


marc122 marc122 (Yang)
*Crunch Crunch* "This food tastes terrible, like glass and blood." Lealan looks into the can and sees the remnants of glass shards and then huffs. "That would explain it. WHAT KIND OF IDIOT LIVES HERE!" She shouts angrily, slamming the can onto the counter and jabbing a Red Stim Pack into her leg. She walks over to the kitchen sink and spits up blood and glass. She glances over at Lucky, and grins. "You know I've eaten worse, but I won't eat any more of this crap than I have too." She spits up more glass and blood, and injects another Stim Pack.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

Soma Cruz & Shanoa

Some agreed, but some disagreed. All is up to the higher ups. "Say, Jason, Blake, what do you think?" He asked. Meanwhile, as soon as Shanoa noticed the moving figure, she squinted. She turns to the group and say "Everyone, make your decisions right now. I believe we do not have much time staying here."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Others​
"Between the glass beans, the broken TV signal, every exit bein' sealed, and the unnecessary electronic attic door? Probably some senile, paranoid moron." Lucky answered callously. "I hear we might be splittin' up, hopefully we'll get to go together. I know you probably wanna get caught up, anyway. And maybe you can help me brainstorm a way to get back into Megumin's good graces. God, I can't believe she's makin' me square off with some serial killer or something while lookin' like this."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Tied up & Struggling to get out
Interactions: N/A

The white haired female was struggling to get out from the ropes in which she was tied from a chair, she then said to her ally Thorne"Thorne, we need to get out of here fast. I can't just call my knives to cut the ropes, they're not here." She was so struggling to shake the chair in order to fall down & find a sharp object to cut the ropes, but she tried many times & failed. She then realized that if there is other people too, she will try to say something while in a screaming voice "Help?!!!! Help us?!!!!!!!" Jett was screaming so loud if there is other people that is inside of the house, she was trying to be calm & patient in order to wait for someone will save the two of them. They were so curious & alerted when the Tesseract Incident & The Cape happened & they are so worried of the other members of their group were missing, Jett was trying to scream again & again all over.

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Worried & Patient
Interaction: N/A

Sage was looking at Jett when she said about her knives were missing since they were tied up earlier than expected, she frowned right before saying to the white haired female "You're right, Jett. I hope your knives were here & you'll calling them to cut these ropes in which we are tied now from some mystery person, this so called "Camp Crystal Lake" is when we are have some coordinates on where the rest are now..... But, this is all my fau-" She then heard when Jett is trying to scream for help if there is someone there to help the two, Sage then decided to join the screaming in order to have some cooperation between the two.
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Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

A "Two Girls, One Cabin" Location Shoot Gone Horribly Wrong, Camp Crystal Lake
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Needs better Wifi) (Delay Netcode at it again)

Yang looked towards Lilith, who had asked where their safest bet was. Without a marker saying where they exactly where, the best she could do was to guess. She looked back at the map to re-read it.

"No indicator saying where we are..." Yang muttered to herself as she figured out where they were, standing up to look out the window for some clues. Apparently, there were quite a few cabins out there, which could indicate that they were somewhere in the lower-left quadrant of the map. She then looked back at Lilith.

"I believe we're in the middle of the map," Yang said, "Which means that our safest bet is either another cabin nearby, or a restroom."

Before either Weiss or Yang could do anything, however, both of them had been alerted by what appeared to be two women screaming for their lives. Despite where they were, those two screams were enough to attract the attention of the two members of RWBY, who got out their weapons on hand.

"Megumin, come with me," Weiss promptly said, as she set off to look for them somewhere in the cabin. Yang, who was passing on the map to Lilith in the meantime, went after Weiss, shouting, "Weiss, lemme come!"

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The archmage anxiously waited for the plan. Personally, no, she did not want to be out in the dark alone. Any adventurer worth their salt knew that most monsters just adored prowling around in the dark, ready to snap up the unsuspecting in powerful jaws. Plus, they didn't know if someone was watching them plan, ready to turn their plan on them. On the cue of that rthought, voices came out of the walls, screaming for help. "Huh?!" Megumin jumped, looking frantically at each of the most powerful people in the room. "Is it a trick?! Or are we hearing the cries of victims?! Well..." She gulped, shuddering. "...Samus and Mao Mao would go running to find the source!"

She followed Weiss with the Spartan Laser tightly gripped in her hands. It was unlikely that she'd use it, of course, but intimidation was always a good idea. "It better not be another trick, I'm through with being tricked..."

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc marc122 marc122
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It seemed that others didn’t like his plan, to which he sorta agreed with, especially when he remembered about last time they split up, which didn’t end greatly with the upstairs group. “Ok.... maybe we need to stay together I guess. Don’t want the same thing happening all over again.” as he began to say another thing, until they heard a shout, which was a scream for help, but he wasn’t taking any chances, as the others slowly made their way towards the sound, which prompted him to take out his Passport, aiming the Pulse rifle, as he followed the rest to the cause of the noise.

He said no other word, as he prepared himself for what might happen ahead.
P PopcornPie marc122 marc122 AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
Chronology (1).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Worried
Interaction: N/A

Jett will frown a bit if there is someone will try to save them thinking they were a trick but she will try to believe them that she & Sage were kidnapped, she then looked at Sage saying again but this time in a sad yet depressed voice "Look's like we're stuck here now if there is people, they're gonna ignore us & I'm so sad now...." She is almost now in tears if there is people that are ignoring the two if they are in grave danger, she then looked around the room if there is something useful to cut the ropes that are tightly tied from the mysterious person that he or she grabbed the two right after they are entered in the camp. But, she then decided to say something "Hey, if you're trying to think that we're tricking you. We are not enemies?!!!! We're friendly?!!!!!!!!!!"

Chronology (2).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Calm

Thorne looked at Jett worried yet tried to support her if there is people that are saving themselves not the two that are tied saying in a supportive yet kind voice "We need to get out if there is a person that are saving themselves not us, Jett. I hope we could get along but we should continue to scream for help." She then decided to shout very loud too since Jett said that the two of them are friendly if there is strangers saying if there is people around "Yeah, if you're thinking that we are gonna kill all of you???!!! We're friendly?!!!!!!"
Agent 3

"Yeah, well..." Jason inhaled through his nose as he began to look around the cabin. "That's one of the golden rules about Multiversal travel: expect the unexpected."
"I... I see... I'll try and keep that in mind..." Agent 3 laughed nervously and shuddered as she would remain where she was for now - not doing anything and instead just watching over the room itself - and anything in it!
As the phone was picked up, what sounded like a little girl's whisper could be heard on the other end of the line. It simply uttered the phrase, "Seven Days..." Before hanging up entirely. The familiar beeping sound that played whenever someone on the other line was busy rang out through the phone's speaker, even as CN-Tan tried to call her friend.

Megumin, however, did manage to fish the rubber duckie out of the water with enough trial and error. Once she'd done so, she was able to hold the duck up by the hook, which is when she would find a piece of paper attached to the bottom. Lealan, on the other hand, did in fact successfully find a fridge! However, once she pulled it open...


Well, let's just say that everything in there, including the fridge itself most likely, was far past its expiration date.

Then, when Yang managed to fish what looked like a note out of the fireplace, she would soon be able to hold it up. It was heavily folded, and somehow, it didn't even seem to be affected by the fire at all. Not even the hint of a single scorch was present anywhere on its surface-- front or back. It took her a moment due to how many times it had been folded over, but once she finally did managed to unfold it, she found that it was...


A map! A map which had several significant locations marked on it, such as the location of a car, a sailboat, a restroom, and what could only be assumed were weapons staches. There were also several icons that looked like houses marked throughout, which could be assumed were other cabins. In the corner, it appeared to be branded with the name "Camp Crystal Lake."​
OK, so they know... several new things now. One - where they are. Two - some kind of... timer on the other end of the phone? Oh, and as a bonus - three, that's not the food - that one isn't really important... The next thing is, though?
Much like the map that Yang had unfolded, there was nary an issue with the paper that had been taped to the bottom of the duck, despite the fact that it had just completely been submerged in boiling water mere moments ago. The paper read had a series of numbers printed on it:


There was nothing else printed on the paper.
Agent 3 simply remained standing, looking, and watching - as she took on a thinking pose of some kind, to process all of this... Though hesitant, the Inkling borrowed the map to glance at it, and then just gave it back after she did. "...OK, nice finds and all, but what do we do with it?"
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confused​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: What to do...?​
RP Information
Location: Camp Crystal Lake​
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Tandem Fullbody.PNG
I walked around the room mostly to stay away from the freaky doll. I've seen somethings as a criminal. Done somethings even! But evil living dolls are going way too far! Plus, never actually killed a man myself unlike most people here. I let Tayne do that for me! I just beat them til' they're comatose or permanently brain damaged! They'll never live normal lives again, or even "live" actually. Just barely survive! But they're alive because that's what heroes do! They spare people! Plus, I do give poor people money. . . Sometimes. . . Barely. . . Whatever! The people I steal from are man-slaughtering slumlords. They don't deserve the cash.

I do work with "Debatably" """worse""" people but it's for the greater good!

Anyway, freakin' character study over. Let's talk Point Zero demon guy. Why call it such a name instead of just Zant Incident? Sounds stupid if you ask me.

"Oh, man. Haven't seen you since the Zant incident or 'pownt zewo' as they call it." I put a hand on his shoulder while I was in his back. "How you doing, buddy?"

I wanted to make a snide remark about-- Screw it!

"I don't mean to come off as a jerk but. . . You still useless? You haven't really done much in the last I saw you. Just telling the truth here!"

Great reunion, Hazel-- I mean Tandem!

"That was a joke, by the way! You know, for team building."

Birb Birb
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...a voodoo spell. Yeah, because the last time they dealt with someone that has dabbled into voodoo, it worked out so well for them. “Right...” After they kept messing around with the wires, Megumin finally got somewhere and made a staircase go down into the rest of the place. “Good job, Megumin.” Having Gambol Shroud in her hands, she went down the staircase and they all ended up in a cabin which looked nice.

But she had a feeling that while it looked nice, something bad would happen. Whether it was a trick or something even worse, they’d have to wait and see. And eventually, they did see as while Blake had looked around the place, high pitched whines came from the TV, making her cat ears curl up and she dropped her weapon, covering her human ears. “
Turn it off!

When she looked at the TV, her eyes widened as the rest of whatever was on it finished playing and then jumped when the phone began to ring. Taking her hands off of her ears and her cat ears uncurling, picking up her weapon, she looked at the phone. “
I don’t think we should answer it.

Unfortunately, Lucky and Supergirl went over and the rabbit chose to answer it, followed by one more person. After they finished answering the phone, she looked at them. “
What did it say?” Lucky then said something about seven days and she had to wonder what exactly did it mean.

Seven days until what? That remained to be seen but they didn’t really have time to figure it out.

They had all found that the doors weren’t going to be opened anytime soon and some began to split off into teams, Blake hearing the topic of Ruby being brought up again somewhere in there. For the first time probably ever, someone asked the higher ups, her included, what they thought. Blake looked at Soma. “
While this isn’t a good place to split up, we can cover more ground this way.

With that, she followed after Weiss, Megumin, and Yang once she heard two people screaming for their lives.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , Chungchangching Chungchangching , Zamasu Zamasu , marc122 marc122

Unfortunately, she didn’t find anything but she did hear about how the doll came to be alive. So in a way, it was a curse. A curse that trapped him in the body of a doll, unable to move on from life. It was a sad existence, but there were worse things than being in a doll. Eventually, they found a way down in which for the first time since arriving there, Ciri finally spoke up if only to tell Megumin that she did a good job. Going down the stairs, holding onto her sword, they all ended up in a room.

It looked nice, but she knew that just because it looked nice didn’t mean that there wasn’t something there that would cause them harm.

Ciri proceeded to look around the place, eventually hearing a high pitched whine. Of course, she ignored it but after whatever the others saw was done, ringing was heard. Looking over, she had a feeling it was bad but she didn’t say anything as she would probably end up not being heard or no one would listen to her, which was fair. Apparently whoever was on the other end said something about seven days and part of her believed that it was a curse that would take effect in seven days. After all, they just seemed to be attracting curses to them that this was probably just another one.

Soon, they found out that the exits were shielded shut and people began to split into teams, followed by people screaming. While she would’ve gone off on her own, some of the others began to go investigate the screaming, she figured that those girls had it handled. Once the doors were opened or an exit was founded, she’d go off on her own to find any clues. Ciri was better on her own anyways and she could get it done fast, but that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t deny assistance from the competent ones, especially from the group that was formed with her and a few of the others.

P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lilith looks over to Yang who gave the map to her as she checks the cabin, so in the meantime she decides to scan through the map to see if there is anything notable she could find.
As she looks through the map she was able to point a few things out. "Those campfires seem to be a good place to relax for a bit, but considering horror movie standards their probably not the best bet for now, although that boat there should make for a good getaway from this dump."

marc122 marc122 (Yang)
Lealan finishes spewing chunks and healing damage, before she turns to look at Lucky. "What do you mean looking like-... Wut?" She gets a good look at the Rabbit for the first time since his transformation and is given pause. She stares for a few seconds, before turning away and hiding her face, trying to keep herself from laughing.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Hm..." Friendly? Friendly? The only other inhabitant they'd met was a serial killer reborn! Megumin got herself into a defensive stalking position, produced her dagger as backup, then slowly opened the door. "Let's see how friendly you are after I come at you like THIS!" The last word was timed perfectly to Megumin edging the door the rest of the way open with her foot, clenching the dagger in her teeth, and waving the laser at whoever was inside.

And that whoever turned out to be...Two women tied up, their eyes dripping fear and desperation.

The dagger dropped from Megumin's mouth, clattering to the floor. She'd gone from brave to foolish just like that, but her guard wasn't entirely down. "Do you live in this cabin? If so, then why would you seal every exit? What's out there that you don't want us to encounter?" She knelt by Jett, ready to cut their ropes away, but only when she was sure they weren't a couple of monsters in disguise.

Naturally, the Floran could only laugh hysterically at the girly-fied rabbit, and Lucky knew there was nothing he could do but retort. "Yeah, I fuckin' know." Lucky grumped, adjusting his collar. "This is me punishment for helpin' to provoke the fight with the Shareholders. Thanks to that stupid wizard, I'm 'Team Pet', and I can only stop being 'Team Pet' when I've done something selfless."

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
The digits on the paper Megumin found were, in fact, not a phone number, so when Megumin tried dialing, she just got this message...

However, Lucky did end up finding the spiked hammer he was looking for, hanging on the wall over the counter.


"I'd say we split up," Jason replied to Soma, shrugging slightly. "We have communicators to contact each other in case things go to absolute shit, plus we can cover more ground if we split off into groups." He explained. Then, the screams could be heard from the back of the cabin. Chucky smirked as he heard them, before turning to look up at all of you.


"Oh yeah. I might've forgotten to mention that there's potential victims tied up in this here house," He said, though the doll's clearly knowing grin made it clear that he didn't really forget at all. Showing some teeth as his green widened, he said, "Must've slipped my mind."

Ignoring the doll, Jason would shake his head and take point in front of the group as people debated whether or not the two screaming were friendlies. "Well, only one way to find out.." He said as he made his way towards the room they'd been screaming in. And, with one mighty kick, the door had been kicked open damn near busting off of its hinges in the process. Inside the room were two girls, who were tied up to chairs, their backs facing each other. With a sigh, Jason made his way over to them and brandished his knife, before cutting the ropes and freeing them. "There."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B @quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @QizPizza marc122 marc122 Chungchangching Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven @Venom Snake @92MilesPrower @Crow AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
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Agent 3


"I'd say we split up," Jason replied to Soma, shrugging slightly. "We have communicators to contact each other in case things go to absolute shit, plus we can cover more ground if we split off into groups." He explained. Then, the screams could be heard from the back of the cabin. Chucky smirked as he heard them, before turning to look up at all of you.


"Oh yeah. I might've forgotten to mention that there's potential victims tied up in this here house," He said, though the doll's clearly knowing grin made it clear that he didn't really forget at all. Showing some teeth as his green widened, he said, "Must've slipped my mind."

Ignoring the doll, Jason would shake his head and take point in front of the group as people debated whether or not the two screaming were friendlies. "Well, only one way to find out.." He said as he made his way towards the room they'd been screaming in. And, with one mighty kick, the door had been kicked open damn near busting off of its hinges in the process. Inside the room were two girls, who were tied up to chairs, their backs facing each other. With a sigh, Jason made his way over to them and brandished his knife, before cutting the ropes and freeing them. "There."
Agent 3 shuddered at the mention of the 'potential victims' the doll hinted at. While she simply watched and thought on what he said, she would notice Red Hood kicked a door clean open and almost off its hinges - with two previously bound and now free victims... "...OK, that's not discomforting at all." She said under her breath and then continued to look around. If there was anywhere that isn't searched so far, she would hope to take a look there, but... In this environment, who knows what could happen and jump out at her? She's going to risk it anyways.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Exploring (anywhere not yet searched in the room?)​
RP Information
Location: Camp Crystal Lake​
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​

The room itself was a bedroom. There was, of course, the bed itself, as well as some drawers. A fancy chandelier hung down from the ceiling. The bed was king sized, so it would be easy to search under. There were too closets in the room, with one on either wall. One was clearly bigger than the other, however, with one being two doors and the other being one. The last thing of note was a laptop that appeared to be sitting on a small table next to the bed. It was open and already turned on, which would make access relatively easy.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B @quadraxis201 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @QizPizza marc122 marc122 Chungchangching Chungchangching @Kameron Esters- @Riven @Venom Snake @92MilesPrower @Crow AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred
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Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

"More Girls to the Gang" Cabin, Camp Crystal Lake
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Needs better Wifi) (Delay Netcode at it again)

Weiss and Yang barged into the room, preparing to fight for their lives if it turned out that there was someone holding the two girls captive. However, what they saw instead were nothing other than two girls faced away from the makeshift search team, bound and tied. As Jason freed the girls, they couldn't help but to wonder what happened before they got there. The only questions standing now were:

Who are they? What happened?

"How did you two get here?" Weiss inquired, as Yang looked around the bedroom, setting her sights on the closets in particular.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason), AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc (Jett, Thorne), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), P PopcornPie (Megumin)
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Agent 3


The room itself was a bedroom. There was, of course, the bed itself, as well as some drawers. A fancy chandelier hung down from the ceiling. The bed was king sized, so it would be easy to search under. There were too closets in the room, with one on either wall. One was clearly bigger than the other, however, with one being two doors and the other being one. The last thing of note was a laptop that appeared to be sitting on a small table next to the bed. It was open and already turned on, which would make access relatively easy.
The first thing that stuck out to Agent 3 was the laptop in question - fascinated by the technology. Stepping over to it calmly and like nothing happened, the Inkling glanced to the screen with interest. She was simply curious - what was on this thing's screen, what can she do...? These questions went through the Inkling's mind as she put herself at the laptop in question, intending to look through it.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Exploring the bedroom​
RP Information
Location: Camp Crystal Lake​
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​

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