• When Ciri addressed Kassandra's concerns about getting lost, she pointed a finger upwards at Ikaros, who had returned from his round-trip of New Donk City to circle above the group.

    "Well, as long as none of you go inside, I shouldn't have too many issues regrouping with wherever you go. That is, if we get split up in the first place." Which, considering how they were, wouldn't happen unless something forced them apart. Either way, she shrugged at Leo's remark that Sage wouldn't hurt anyone before nodding when the latter said there wasn't much else to say.

    "Good." She replied, though her tone was a little softer and seemed to be a bit devoid of her common 'done with your shit' manner to things. For once, someone actually seemed intimidated by her. She wasn't surprised; his fear was justified, even if he- alongside the whole rest of the MPF save a few individuals- didn't know just what she could do. Everyone else didn't seem to really care; then again, she wasn't the only one with special powers. If anything, Ciri seemed to hold even more potential than the Greek, since the Witcheress actually could mess with time and space itself.

    Regardless, Kass' attention was drawn away from the scared fire-boy when Price suggested she visited London sometime, which was probably something like New Donk- before half-agreeing to her idea of running errands.

    "Back in my world, people asked me to run supplies from point A to point B all the time, just because the roads were sometimes that dangerous. Messengers can't possibly be phased out... right?" Her question was thrown out the window when she spotted Megumin chasing down a bright bird that had stolen her hat. At this, the Eagle Bearer rolled her eyes before flicking her head upwards at the escaping parakeet. At first, it would look like she'd done it for no reason; however, within seconds a brown blur would zip over the party's heads before flying up to meet the parakeet.

    Being a bird of prey, it wouldn't take too long for Ikaros to catch up to the hatted parakeet, letting off a warning caw at the thief as he got closer and closer. The message was simple: Drop the hat or you're my next meal. The bird would only have a few seconds to drop Megumin's hat, and if it was stupid enough to ignore the cry then Ikaros would have no qualms with snatching the winged pest with his talons and assaulting his victim.

    Meanwhile, back on the ground, Kassandra would also join Ciri's side, instinctively pushing Megumin back behind the two warriors as though the latter were Phoibe or another child. Her brown eyes sized up the man, the relatively tall brunette unfazed by the stranger's height. No, she was just looking at him for any weapons. Either way, she herself kept her hand close to her Spear of Leonidas, just in case things went ugly.

    "This 'little one' is with us. And if you don't need a mercenary for hire, I don't see why you would have any business with us." She cautiously remarked, glancing backwards once at Megumin to make sure she was okay before her eyes flicked back to the man in front of her. Aggressive? Perhaps. But she had a bad gut feeling, and she felt it was much better to be safe rather than sorry especially considering they were in foreign territory at this point.
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Orbeck of Vinheim
status: asked about a certain cleric, and the...what is a witch doctor?
Condition: normal​

With sages warning to his circumstances, Orbeck was going to see what this city had to offer for him. Maybe there might be a shop of some sort? Or something of note that could help them with the true threat of this town.
"So uhhh, Orbeck?", he had glanced over at the sorcerer, unsure of how to go about things. Awkward as always, "Back at the, plane-thing, a-airship? You mentioned a powerful cleric and I've been wondering... That person wouldn't happen to be called Hershel now, would they?"

Then came Sage and his somewhat unexpected question about...Hershel of all people. He should have known something was familiar with him when, Ike of all people talked to him back at the start...hard to say what occurred that caused him to vanish, but who knows where that demon is at right now. Standing by the sidelines perhaps. But back to Sages question.
"Yes, in fact, you...know him?" as for how Orbeck himself knows this Cleric, let's just say that he had a few random displacements since the EoF incident. He has happened to run across Hershel a few times during those cases of temporal displacement. Hard for him to say if he even met sage at all during those times, but here they are now...dare he says, an encounter for the ages.

regardless of the response given, he will accompany Sage in following behind the Archwizard, following that somewhat odd-looking bird. Until...

Megumin was coming dangerously close to catching that pesky bird in her hands. Really, it was right within her grasp! But as the young archwizard was about to clench her fist around the bird's wing, it suddenly flew straight up into the air like a rocketship, and seconds later, Megumin found herself crashing into the chest of a man who quite literally appeared out of nowhere.


"You lost, little one?" The tall, slender man asked as he leaned down on his cane.
The small group meets this TALL and SLENDER man. Seems as if this stranger with the top hat might be the so called man of the hour that they are looking for, but confrontations like this...presents a bit of a risk. Orbeck just can't get this feeling, with the staff and odd little details here and there, that he could be some sort of magic user...admitly that last part is a bit of a stretch.

"This 'little one' is with us. And if you don't need a mercenary for hire, I don't see why you would have any business with us." She cautiously remarked, glancing backwards once at Megumin to make sure she was okay before her eyes flicked back to the man in front of her. Aggressive? Perhaps. But she had a bad gut feeling, and she felt it was much better to be safe rather than sorry especially considering they were in foreign territory at this point.

Orbeck steps over, putting a hand on her armored shoulder as a means to keep her from any needless aggravation. If this man is infact the one that sent Robbie, then it would be better to keep him from any suspicion.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Mood: Shocked, Chatty, Wary
Tags: (Facilier)
, ,

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The octopus, --maybe squid?-- person's metaphor for his Ability, the main Facet of it, had caught Sage a bit off-guard. He had raised a finger as if about to protest for a moment, before thinking about it for good and giving up entirely, putting it back down. If you threw aside all of the technicalities this... still weirdly worked??

"I uh-...", he had been notably confused, "I had never thought of it that way but, you know? You're not exactly wrong?? And I'm unsure of how that makes me feel... But yeah uhhh, emotion-tied fire manipulation Magic... You missed the part with the spontaneously combusting obje- Well actually, that's probably going to make a return sometime, so nevermind that.", despite the playful, casual tone in which it had ended, he still seemed somewhat uncomfortable with the idea altogether.

"I doubt that would change anything, to be honest - simple reason being, well... If you didn't do it at any other time 'before' now... why would you do it at the beginning?", ...good question, but also 'ouch' that one hit a bit too close, "It's not a problem mind you, just a curious 'why not' if you're just thinking about it now, and what you believe could have happened,
been different, so on and so forth."

"...You're right, the chances of actually doing so were very veeeery small. Because like I said, I was terrified. I, have a really long history with others being scared of me, putting me aside, treating me like a thing rather than a person and cutting ties after they're aware of things.", the pyromancer looked down rather dejectedly, his free hand had gripped to the corner of the lack t-shirt and was fidgetting with the fabric nervously, "And the whole time I was just, fearful that it was about to happen again... But then also, because as much as I wanted help with it from the get-go, there was this very loud thought in my mind saying that it would be 'extremely unfair to drop such a heavy load onto strangers I had barely met'. So I guess, maybe, I just wasn't desperate enough to disregard something that.", he had shrugged with his shoulders and let out a resigned sigh before his mood seemed to pick up a bit with surprise.

"Oh right! You're new here, aren't you?", his expression was a mix of child-like wonderment and sympathy, yet mild apprehension over what he was about to eventually say, "Well uhh... H-hiya, I'm Sage~! It's been shortened to 'Sey' before, if you'd prefer that one and oh man, ain't this the weirdest topic to be on when you're just meeting somebody... By the Gods...", the young man had laughed nervously, then bringing his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it with just as much anxiety, "Okay so uhhh, if the gaps in my memory are to be taken into account... It, might have already shown up twice or thrice in this adventure... and then a close final one after... very hurtful things happened. I just, really lost it there, but to be honest, I think... I think that everybody else did too...", there had been a glance towards whichever direction of the town the remaining parts of Team RWBY had set off to just moments ago.

And doing so had him remembering Yang's reply to him before leaving...

He had solely focused on the 'losing control' aspect of everything, but she had focused on 'anger' itself, which was interesting. Except, that had been the pyromancer's first run-in with the emotion, in a very long time, if not the initial one altogether. Maybe because of how his childhood had went, he had eventually learned to collapse irritation, annoyance and rage into numbness before he could even feel them properly, something that had become automatic as time went on...
So when it came to anger, the blonde undoubtedly had a lot more experience with it, and he, who had merely tipped the toes in the water, was already wanting out of that pool in alarm. As soon as it had passed, he had regretted literally every single second spent under its drive.

"As to what could have happened?", he had continued answering to the squid-person with almost no perceptible pause, "Well, people would be aware, for starters. They'd have known how to go about it, maybe stop it from happening at all... Then, apparently It got like, really in the way on one of the fights back in Remnant. So whatever It did, --because I don't yet know--, could have been avoided too. ... Though, that one is also, absolutely on me... That Toga Missy had me cornered and frightened for my life. Or at least that's what it felt like. I'd fill you in properly but I don't- I don't exactly like remembering it...", he had averted his gaze with some level of distress.

Then of course, at the aftermath of everything was the last person that already knew, Alexis, who had been just as supportive as Leo and was stating how proud she was of the initiative, --if doing it this late can be called that-- There was something about it, aided by the head pat, that just made him feel like straight melting over the displays of affection. Instead, Sage just blushed slightly, averted his gaze in embarrassment and tried to keep himself from tearing up again.

Oh hey, look! These didn't cause him to flinch anymore, progress has been made~!!

"Self-confidence and emotional maturity sound like the key to gaining more control over your powers.", yep! He had definitely heard that bit before and honestly, fully-hearted agreed, "However, if you ever get to that point, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure Toayî doesn’t hurt anyone...", It, used that?! It introduced Itself in Bh̀-liwê??! Wait, of course It did an introduction, that egotistical show-off bastard... It was really weird to call a Concept names, but this felt, quite justified right now, "...you included. I don’t want to hear you say that everyone is better off hurting you before they get hurt.", ...he- He had been doing that?? That's what he sounded like?

"I've been doing that??", the pyromancer had been legitimately shocked, eyes wide with hints of disbelief. While it was true that there was some awareness of the matter, neither the frequency nor intensity of it had registered. It was almost instinctual at this point, "I mean, I honestly was just sharing the most effective solution and, it doesn't feel like such a huge deal when I can just heal la...ter-? Oh.", hearing himself saying it out loud and using it as justification had truly helped the issue to sink in, a shocked blink marking the moment of realization, "S-shoot, that does sound bad... I honestly had no idea that's what it sounded like! It's just, so second-nature to me...", he seemed to have a bit of a crisis over the matter, lowering an erratic widened-gaze in a mix of shock, disbelief and even mild shame, "Oh man, I- was right! There IS something wrong with me...", Sage had then raised a very conflicted glance at the Kitsune, half-scared of the implications of everything, half- ...Half-searching for reassurance, "T-this is not normal, is it?"

Luckily, Orbeck's answer to his question would come at an opportune time, not cutting the exchange completely, but at least dragging his focus back, not giving it enough time to spawn into a full-on existential crisis of the kind to put the Descendant to reconsider way more than he should be doing right now. Annnnd he was right! It was Hershel! Though now he was being asked if he knew him in return.

"You could say that? We have a weird arrangement going on...", he had glanced away for a moment trying to find how to word things, "I guess it's like having a second home and a roommate on it? He lent me a room and I go over to his place at times when I'm bored in the temple, which is somewhat often ever since I abandoned college... It's nice in there, different, but not bad.", there was a thoughtful pause, "It's odd that you hadn't run at me yet... But then again, I'm either flying or meditating most of the time? So It's not that surprising.", the pyromancer had chuckled to himself, "Hershel is... well, a bit pushy at times, but he was one of the first people to like, actually hear me out and lend me a space to open-up sooo, can't say I mind it that much."

"Oh, in fact! Alexis keeps repeating a lot of what he says!!", the young man had looked back up at the woman, a child-like wonder and excitement in his gaze, "Maybe you two should meet some time, I get the feeling that you'd get along nicely... He likes to set up tea and sugar cookies and we just talk, it's fun! I met Ike on one of those, remember that we were talking about it? ...I wonder where he went after that, oh well, maybe he changed ideas."

It didn't take much for the others to realize he had kinda entered ramble-mode somewhere along the way, but at least the pyromancer was in high-spirits again and that was a good thing. Probably! Definitely better than an existential crisis.


The Magical Missy's shout had echoed in the background and suddenly he had recalled that's what he had been about to do! It would be easier to catch that runaway bird if he just flew there, right? ...This was totally not just an excuse to fly without being slapped by extreme wind currents this time. Nope!

"Meet you guys at Megumin's?", he had declared to Alexis and Leo while pulling out the armet, unknowing that Orbeck's destination was apparently the same, "I have a hat to help retrieve first!"

Then he had taken off just as soon as he had said it, a fierce flap of his recently summoned wings sending him up high. Maaan did it feel good! And it wasn't just the power surge talking, though that also felt amazing. Since he had been facing the opposite way, Sage had executed a half-loop in the air, bending his body back into a horizontal position, before a single-wing flap would help him flip around the proper way, now belly-down as it should be. With a new flap, he had dived down, using the gravity to pick up speed and aim to catch up with both Megumin and the odd parakeet.
However, the bird thief had then made an abrupt turn upwards going higher and higher out of the Missy's reach! Sage would take it as a bit of a challenge and flap again for even more speed, passing by the entire group at surface level with a sudden loud 'fooosh!!' of both wind and flames. He made sure to not be too close that he might have crashed, but that could have startled somebody that was distracted.

"I'VE GOT IT!!!!!", he had announced as he flew by able to reach half of the building's height, until a sharp bird cry cut through the air overhead... Oh, uhhh there was an eagle with the same bird as target here, oops! ...He definitely didn't want to see what it did to that poor parakeet, "N-Nevermind!"

Forced to head back, the pyromancer had took a new flap to get a bit more height, then bent himself back for another loop, wings extended back and close to his body to allow his descent to be as quick as possible. Then about two person's height, they had re-opened and flapped, Sage flying over the group to take a safe landing distance from them. He allowed it to ease on a half-closed wing glide before pulling back into a vertical position, at which point the wings acted akin to parachutes to soften the landing. As usual, the constructs were gone as soon as he had landed, mere embers scattering in the air. Oh well, that had been fun! Short, definitely, but still tons of fun!

A moment later he would be catching up with the others, about to give Megumin the news about the parakeet and consequently her hat untiiiil, his gaze had caught the strange man they were apparently talking to. Firstly, he got a magician feel off of him... Secondly, The Moon Clan vibes were off the charts. Sage took a cautious step back almost immediately.

"Uhhh, hi?", he had raised an arm in a tentative greeting, but his hesitancy showed.

Nope! The young man didn't trust this dapper clad stranger one bit already.
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Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
New Donk City
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Talking to Soma and Shanoa) (Moping around)

After Weiss explained things to Blake, Shanoa tried to speak for herself. While, yes, she had a reason, Soma thankfully shut it before she could start any drama. That alone had gained him a bit of respect from the ex-heiress and Yang, who continued to avoid confrontation at this point. As for the apology, Weiss thought about it for a moment.

'The first time we saw Shanoa, she was quite respectable, if a little...quiet. Just like Blake was the first time we met back at Beacon. When we were trying, that's when I thought that maybe she is a little...brash for a usually silent woman. I still believe she can be her best, but for now, she's not going to like it whenever she sees Yang.'

"We forgive you, Shanoa," Weiss spoke up, "Just, please, I specifically request that the next time you deal with someone who's upset, think of something else than whatever escalates the situation."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), Zamasu Zamasu (Soma, Shanoa)

  • Megumin gritted her teeth. This damn bird, could it not listen to reason?! "If you continue to withhold my hat from me, I shall blow you up!" When the parakeet moved downwards, she leaped high into the air, gripping at his tail feathers. The maneuvers failed miserably, and the bird shot back up into the air. Now she was angry. "I WON'T TELL YOU AGAIN! GIVE ME BACK MY-" Whoops. She had slammed into somebody's torso with, from her perspective, all the force of a rhinoceros.

    While she sat there at the man's feet, seeing stars and little Chomusuke I's, she got a decent look at her new acquaintance-getting a chilling realization as she did so.

    This man wore black.

    He was tall.

    He had a shiny cane decorated with a large purple orb.

    And if that wasn't copious amounts of eyeliner, then Megumin was the princess of the Demon King.

    The archmage's lip wiggled as she got her bearings. What would she do? Maybe this man had decent intentions, or...no, nobody working for Ganondorf had decent intentions. What if his remaining minions were told exactly who to look out for? Gulp. Without her staff, Explosion wouldn't be as effective on this creep. And it wouldn't be at all wise to whip out the Toolgun on this person, what if he just sloshed Twilight on it? All she could really do was grow indignant at his referring to her as "little one". "I am not little!" She hissed, beginning to scoot away. "I am simply pursuing my lost hat. Please, get out of my way."

    Fortunately, Ciri, Kassandra, Orbeck, and Sage all came to her rescue. Sage even had a neat pair of fiery wings. "Thanks, everybody. And Sage, I had no idea you could do that!" Megumin smiled, now feeling confident. "Just as I told you, I'm not lost. I am traveling with this very powerful party! You should be hobbling along. I know that Greek, and you don't want her to get angry with you!'
Agent 3

"I uh-...", he had been notably confused, "I had never thought of it that way but, you know? You're not exactly wrong?? And I'm unsure of how that makes me feel... But yeah uhhh, emotion-tied fire manipulation Magic... You missed the part with the spontaneously combusting obje- Well actually, that's probably going to make a return sometime, so nevermind that.", despite the playful, casual tone in which it had ended, he still seemed somewhat uncomfortable with the idea altogether.
Agent 3 listened and scoffed at his understanding and then just heard him down himself in tone and mood considerably - though she did not say or do anything in this time, the boy would find himself at the receiving end of her next question veeery shortly.
"...You're right, the chances of actually doing so were very veeeery small. Because like I said, I was terrified. I, have a really long history with others being scared of me, putting me aside, treating me like a thing rather than a person and cutting ties after they're aware of things.", the pyromancer looked down rather dejectedly, his free hand had gripped to the corner of the lack t-shirt and was fidgetting with the fabric nervously, "And the whole time I was just, fearful that it was about to happen again... But then also, because as much as I wanted help with it from the get-go, there was this very loud thought in my mind saying that it would be 'extremely unfair to drop such a heavy load onto strangers I had barely met'. So I guess, maybe, I just wasn't desperate enough to disregard something that.", he had shrugged with his shoulders and let out a resigned sigh before his mood seemed to pick up a bit with surprise.
"...Fear, huh..." She thought aloud to herself. "I see, so that's what it is... Fear of what people would do if you did certain things, just as you're doing now." Agent 3 managed something of a smile before continuing. "From what you speak of in regards to those supposed past activities of yours, and what you're saying beyond those... I think it sounds rational, but - listen, alright? I may not be able to relate to what you're putting down, but I do know one thing - being too scared or nervous to do one thing can very well break so much you've 'built' up to that point... I know telling you to work on it isn't going to help, but at the end of the day, well... Fear isn't stopping you, it's making 'you' stop yourself." She sighed after she spoke - and then suddenly, the boy's mood suddenly took a complete 180 and took the Inkling by surprise - complete with an Inklish yelp of 'what' as she briefly and literally jumped back. That conversation is over, time to move on, and as he went on with such energy, perhaps it's a great idea to just forget most of this, if not all of it, and actually understand and/or know who the heck they've been talking to the whole time!
"Oh right! You're new here, aren't you?", his expression was a mix of child-like wonderment and sympathy, yet mild apprehension over what he was about to eventually say, "Well uhh... H-hiya, I'm Sage~! It's been shortened to 'Sey' before, if you'd prefer that one and oh man, ain't this the weirdest topic to be on when you're just meeting somebody... By the Gods...", the young man had laughed nervously, then bringing his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it with just as much anxiety, "Okay so uhhh, if the gaps in my memory are to be taken into account... It, might have already shown up twice or thrice in this adventure... and then a close final one after... very hurtful things happened. I just, really lost it there, but to be honest, I think... I think that everybody else did too...", there had been a glance towards whichever direction of the town the remaining parts of Team RWBY had set off to just moments ago.
"Uh, yeah, sorry about that, I kinda just woke up and I had no idea where I was, and I seem to have arrived a bit late..." Agent 3 laughed nervously at the first question before continuing to listen to his words. 'Sage', was it? Or 'Sey' - one of the two, either way, a name is a name! Something she keeps hidden. "Yeah, this is a kind of wonky greeting, isn't it... And you're not the only one with missing memories, I kinda forgot everything as soon as I ended up on that train and woke up on it... Pretty much everything before that is just a black void..." The Inkling gripped one of her arms and growled to herself briefly to try and 'scare' the fear out of herself, and though it still remained, she reduced herself to a straight face. He speaks of his literal fire power, having come 'out to play' several times, either twice or thrice so far - but even still, that sounds dangerous. "...Oh, right, introductions..." The Inkling facepalmed and laughed as she remembered that in that moment. "Agent 3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, at your service." She said bluntly and modestly - no more needed to be said that wasn't already out there! Why she didn't go on is because of that.

Given time, her new 'friend' - or is it 'ally' for now - was busy with other people and matters, so with that in mind and this opportunity to explore, Agent 3 nodded to herself and within a moment's notice, she would be out of sight - swimming through a path of ink she had just fired, actually, to hide in plain sight 'and' get going faster! The problem is she's not sure where she's going, perhaps she could figure that out later?
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Time to roam around! But where am I going-​
RP Information
Location: New Donk City​
Interactions: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @NewDonkRoamers​

  • While the group continued discussing their plan for now, Corvo would stand idly by. Running errands was an obvious and a surely more legal way of obtaining currency; probably better than stealing. You've spent too much time out on the streets, old man. A small ruckus arose when Megumin departed to give chase to a hat-stealing bird. Wordlessly, Corvo aimed the crossbow, holding his breath as he tracked the bird... but held fire. Kassandra's eagle and Sage had already taken to capturing it—or at least trying to—and he figured it'd be better to save his bolts and not risk shooting either of them.

    "Right. As you were say—?" When he looked back, Kassandra, Ciri, and a few others already caught up with Megumin. "I see we're already getting roped into trouble," he said as the tall, strange man came into view. He noticed how his teammates seemed more than ready to defend themselves from the stranger and promptly grew wary. If the seasoned veterans were on alert, something had to be up. Corvo got ready to blink away if danger arose, switching his crossbow's bolts to sleep darts, too.

    Corvo stopped wordlessly beside Kass, activating Dark Vision to try to find what weapons the stranger held or potentially any other threats.
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Receiving the nuggets from the sponge, Hiryu decided to sit at the same table as Akari. He soon started to eat through the nuggets.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

After listening through Sage's explanation of his sudden outbursts, she took note of them, silently giving a thumbs up of support. Magic isn't exactly her point of expertise, but going beserk because of it is probably a bad thing. Coming out with this information would be useful.

After noticing Agent 3 had already left them, Whisper opted to do the same, walking towards one of the many alleyways and hovered her way up a building, setting herself down at the roof of said building in order to get a good view of the city itself. Rooftops are always the coolest spots in a city, especially with the lovely breeze

When Antoneva approached Squidward, her request would garner no response from him, as he appeared to be too busy reading a magazine on the job to even notice her. He did, however, glance up from his magazine slightly when Lucky approached, scoffing a bit as he spoke.


"We serve food here, sir." Squidward said in a slightly more annoyed tone than usual, before looking back down at his magazine. As he did so, he snorted a little, chuckling to himself a bit. "Heh.... food..."

Meanwhile, over at the pre-existing table, a very tall, lanky, curly red-haired man approached their table, holding what appeared to be a menu.


"H-hello, ladies and gentleman," The big-nosed waiter said in a nervous sounding tone as he began to hand them their menus. "I apologize for the wait, there's a bit of a hold up in the back..." He would explain. When they looked down at their menus, they would find an elegant selection of foods and drinks. "M-might I recommend trying our special?" He would ask. The menu itself had these items on it:


TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher marc122 marc122 Ineptitude Ineptitude Zamasu Zamasu

"Why, that's Mario!" Pauline exclaimed in response to Lilith with a small laugh. "He's only saved the entire universe more than once!" She would quirk a brow as it registered that she really hadn't heard of Mario at all, despite him being pretty famous around here. "You guys really aren't from around here, are you?" She'd ask. Mario, as the Italian was apparently named, merely shook his head in response to Lealan.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials DerpyCarp DerpyCarp


"Enchanté," The tall man said with a bow towards Megumin and Ciri. "I am Doctor Facilier!" The man would exclaim in a deep voice that was somehow smooth as literal sild. With a quick flick of his wrist, a purple card appeared in his hand, which he held down as an offer towards Megumin.


He would lean onto his cane and smile down at them as they read his card. "If I were a betting man, which I'm not, I stay away from games of chance, but I'd wager that y'all folks aren't from around here. Am I wrong there?" He'd ask. Then, Kassandra approached and decided to give her two cents.


And when she did so, his polite smile soon devolved into that of a displeased frown. He his his gapped teeth ad he pursed his lips together, eyeing Kassandra for a moment. "Well, there ain't no reason to be rude to someone who's just offering help." Doctor Facilier replied to Kassandra, clear spite in his tone as he spoke towards her. He then noticed the other's clear worried looks, as Megumin even began to scoot away from him. He sighed, before tossing his cane up into the air slightly, before catching it in the same hand, and holding it under his arm. "Alright, alright," The Doc replied, raising his hands a bit. "If y'all'd like, i can show you around this here city of our's. Foreigners like y'all might have some trouble fitting in, after all." He said as he began to walk in the other direction, leading the small crowd that had gathered near him towards an alleyway. "My shop's just down this way. Y'all just be sure to leave your coats and shoes by the door." He said, half-joking in tone. As he walked, he turned to face B.j. over his shoulder for a fleeting moment, before turning around entirely and raising both arms into the air with a kind smile. "Don't you worry your pretty little heads one bit! I'd be wary too if a tall man dressed in all black approached me out of nowhere."

also the parrot dropped Megumin’s stupid hat

StaidFoal StaidFoal FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
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From the explanation Weiss gave her, it seemed like Yang did need to be restrained but slapping someone who was clearly in emotional pain and grieving wasn't the greatest idea. She then chose to insert herself in the conversation, saying it was what she had to do and there was no time for emotions before getting cut off. At first, Blake thought that Shanoa was the quiet type but she might have had an understanding of how people work.

Clearly, that second part didn't seem to be true.

Soma then apologized on Shanoa's behalf and looking at her, she didn't seem like she even wanted to apologize. "Right..." Two others entered, one of them she noticed as Lucky. "Over here, you two."

Their waiter finally arrived and from how he seemed to act, he seemed nervous. Shocker, isn't it? Apologizing for the staff in the back, she looked at him. "It's fine." They were all handed menus and as he mentioned the special, she was curious about it. "What is your special?"

marc122 marc122 , Zamasu Zamasu , Ineptitude Ineptitude , P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Others began to come over to join Ciri in protecting Megumin which helped with protecting her . It was then that the man introduced himself as Doctor Facilier. ...yep, this was most definitely that same man that was described to them.

Reading the card, she noticed that all of the things he had on it were things she already had back in her world. "So you're a sorcerer of some kind, I take it? Sorry, but I already have some of those and I already know some sorceresses, I believe that position is filled." He then made a guess that they weren't from here, in which she stared at him. "Isn't it obvious?"

Megumin began to scoot away, telling the man that they were all very powerful. Facilier offered to show them around, leading them to an alleyway. "I believe we all know better than to follow a man we just met into a dark alleyway."

Lilith let's out a small laugh and rolls her eyes. "Yeah I guess you could say that." But her smile then slowly fade and she starts to look surprised, thinking about what Pauline said not a moment ago about Mario saving the universe before she would soon speak up again. "Hey hold the phone." Lilith says as she looks over to Mario. "You mean to tell me that guy over there saved the whole universe multiple times over?" She obviously had her doubts about the red clothed plumber since he looks to be pretty harmless and friendly. "Not sure if you're pulling my leg here but if that's the case then that's honestly really impressive."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pauline)
Rex wanted to know more about this ‘Bowser’ guy who he heard Lucky and Megumin keep talking about, instead of getting answer from them, it comes from Red Hood who tells him Bowser’s dead via Twilight. “Dead? Mushroom Kingdom? Yikes. I kind of feel sorry for the guy. I guess Twilight is nothing to brush off.”

Robbie is saved from Yang and is take away. Eventually, everyone makes their destination to a lively looking city that looks fun, everything seems well and there’re probably fun to be had expect for Sora and Rex who were.. once again sleeping. The boys were tired after a long day of keeping an angry woman at bay, dealing with comical villains on a train, pretty much everything. They were also once again taken by a unknown force in a quiet place of the city, was it a teammate, a ghost? Who knows. After enough heavy sleeping and the sound of street traffic, the boys finally awake. “Huh? Where am I? Where are we?”

“Ahhh. Did we oversleep again?”

“We really gotta stop doing that.” They take in their surroundings leaving them awestruck they’re in such a place. “We slept the whole time in this! Oh well, no use in complaining now. Let’s look around the place, I wonder what they have in store here.”

With that, the boys explore whatever looking for what might peek their interest.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • "A doctor..." Megumin whispered, her eyes darting around. Did she tell Dr. Facillier about their meeting with his client? No, no, that wouldn't be intelligent at all.

    Facillier gave her a card, which did nothing to alleviate her wariness. "So, you're a fortune teller. We do have lots of those back in my home village. Some are more accurate than others..." Her brows knitted together. "Yet, even if they're not perfectly accurate, I know I can trust fortune tellers from my own home. You even smell untrustworthy." As she moved herself closer to Ciri, she looked around for the parakeet. "I'm not sure about everyone else, but I am not interested in having my fortune told by some creep who literally materialized out of nowhere. Please, allow me to go and retrieve my hat."

    After that, Facillier seemed to leave them alone, showing them the way to his shop at the end of the alley. "Oh, please." Megumin dismissed him with a flick of her wrist. "Even the magical item shop at home appears more trustworthy than that, and it's run by a Lich." A very friendly Lich who, despite being undead, wouldn't harm a butterfly, but still. "Now, where did that bird go? My leg doesn't hurt so much anymore, and I have half a mind to just lob the top half of my staff at him!"

"Oh... uh... our special is Ratatouille, ma'am..." The waiter explained to Blake, before looking at the rest of her table. "Have you all... um... decided on what to order yet?" He asked, clearly still nervous in his tone and voice. Squidward had meanwhile returned to reading his magazine, not paying Lucky any mind all the while.

"Uh huh..." He muttered quietly as he flipped the page, not even looking up at Lucky in the meantime.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Zamasu Zamasu marc122 marc122 Ineptitude Ineptitude Zamasu Zamasu

"I prefer the term 'witch doctor', ma'am," Doctor Facilier replied to Ciri as he continued to walk down the sidewalk, only to stop dead in his tracks when Ciri denied his request. He turned to face them, attempting a smile, though that attempt failed as he heard Megumin.


"Do y'all disrespect all the new people you meet, or is it just my unlucky day?" He asked in a spiteful tone as he exhaled through his nose. Seconds later, Megumin would feel herself suddenly being shoved from behind. If she turned around she would find that nothing was there! Before she could find what had shoved her, she would be shoved again, though this time it was hard enough to send her falling onto her butt. "Denying my help is one thing, but insulting me is another." He said. At this point, if anyone were to look at the nearby wall in an attempt to find the source of the shoving, they would see it clear as day.


"Now, I don't know if you know this, but I got friends. Powerful friends who wish to speak to all of you specifically. Now, we can either do this the easy way, or..." He would then chuckle to himself and raise a hand. Once he did so, he waved it around a bit, and Megumin was surrounded in a black mist. The mist swirled around her, hiding her from sight entirely, and then once it subsided...


She had been turned into a shoe! A shoe which was quickly picked up by Facilier's shadow and placed into his palm. "I can show your little friend here my friends firsthand..."

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher StaidFoal StaidFoal Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Zwei would find that Spongebob had brought enough nuggets for the entire table.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Pauline chuckled a bit and shook her head. "I'm afraid not..." She said, before turning to look up at Mario and exhaling a soft sigh. "He may not look it, but Mario truly is remarkable..."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long
La Ratatouille, New Donk City
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Talking to Soma and Shanoa) (Discomfort 100)

Before long, Yang was already starting to feel uncomfortable just being here.

Both Soma and Shanoa, who came to the restaurant, had not only witnessed her episodic fury, but Shanoa appeared to not have accepted her apology. Only after Soma calmed the black-haired vampire hunter and apologized on behalf of her, not to mention Weiss accepted her apology before making a request, did she appear to back off. To her, however, it would only be a matter of time before the mistreatment would start all over.

And now Blake was bringing Antoneva and Lucky, two of the people who had also witnessed her trying to strangle Robbie.

"Blake, y--you sure about that?" Only after her partner had called him and Antoneva forward did she finally speak up. The amount of people gathering up was already starting to become too much; she had hoped it would be a relaxing place to eat at with just her friends, but Weiss had the brilliant idea to answer Blake right in the middle of a conversation with two witnesses of her episode.

"Yang?" Weiss asked. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I--"

"I'm not okay!" Yang snapped. "It's like nobody stops bringing up all these things that I want to move on from and--" As she turned her head, her eyes caught sight of Linguini, who had arrived by then and, for some reason, handed them another set of menus, causing her to reel back while raising her hand a bit in surprise. "--Aaaaaaaaaahh..."

While Yang launched into her rant, Weiss had realized her mistake. Now was the perfect time to deflect the conversation away from whatever was still being discussed. So the two capitalized on it.

"...Hi!" Yang's demeanor had suddenly changed, albeit to one of forced "happiness". "Umm, yeah! I'll get a Monte Cristo Sandwich--"

"And I will happily have the special: the Ratatouille." Weiss said.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Linguini), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), Zamasu Zamasu (Soma, Shanoa), P PopcornPie (Lucky), Ineptitude Ineptitude (Antoneva)
"Witch doctor... right. From where I come, we call those druids." His mood seemed to turn for the worse when the offer to follow him was denied. "It's more like we know that following men down dark allyways can only mean bad things."

Then, when he pointed at the wall, she put a hand on her sword. When she saw that, she recalled a job Geralt did for Cerys that dealt with possession due to it being caused by a Hym. And this looked like that same creature, appearing as a shadow, but looked more like the man than what it would usually look like. Whether or not this was some form of a Hym or not remained to be seen. "I don't think I quite like your friend here."

Facilier mentioned that he had powerful friends who wanted to speak to each of them individually. "And just how powerful are they? More importantly, why do they want to speak with us?" Just then, Megumin was turned into a shoe and picked up by the shadow. Now, she was very much against following him, but they didn't really have a choice. None of them had the means to turn her back and she really didn't want to see what happens if they kept refusing him. "If we go with you, will you turn her back?"


Soma Cruz & Shanoa

Antoneva and Lucky came in and the waiter, Linguini, explained the special being "Ratatouille". Interesting of note is that ratatouille isn't actually the ACTUAL ratatouille, but rather, a peasant vegetable dish called "Confit Byaldi", which is a variation of the actual traditional ratatouille. Yang is starting to have another fit, which annoys Shanoa. Good thing she stopped herself before all hell breaks loose. Soma and Shanoa turns to the waiter and say their orders.

"I'll have the special as well."

"Me too, the special. Also, add two cokes please, make one a diet."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher marc122 marc122 Ineptitude Ineptitude P PopcornPie

Mood: Wary, Judgemental, Outraged
Tags: (Facilier)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The pyromancer had a narrowed, unusually judgemental look the whole time as he had watched the mysterious man, apparently called Facilier, and his each and every move. As both strong biases and apprehension swirled, the temperature around him would pick up a few degrees, not yet the heater sensation, but something akin to electronic devices left turned on for long periods of time. It was mild, and yet rather noticeable on closeness.

The man in a black and red tophat stated that he was there to 'help' and Sage could only scoff at the idea. Help. When did anyone carrying the feel of mystery and twisted interests ever want to just help? It was more likely that he would be leading them straight into a trap. If anything, the motif of skulls did not sell the lie any further. Exposed skeletons evoked both Death and wickedness. If that wasn't the mark of a cult or something similarly of sinister nature, he didn't know what it was...

With a discreet glance towards Megumin, the young man wondered if it was too late to take the mage into the air and run away with her. Well, if Leo had tagged along too, there'd be two passengers to handle... Maybe Alexis could carry him as well? But all instincts were screaming to escape before the situation escalated too much, his firey-gaze glowing ever so slightly with the held-in tension. At least, the Missy's excited comments had offered a little reprieve from everything, even if temporary. The temperature subsided just a bit...

"...Huh?", he had blinked out of it in confusion before glancing away awkwardly, "Weeell, what part of Phoenix Deity mix, didn't you get?", what else did you think of when you heard the word, really? Big fire bird! Also... wasn't him flying when they had first interacted properly?, "But uhh thanks! It's my favorite Facet of it, really.", normally he'd be more excited and go on a huge rambling session about it buuuuuut-

That man was still there, and setting off every darn alarm in his mind!

Sage leaned in closer to the archmage just enough to see the card in her hands. None of the words in it really meant anything to the pyromancer. Well, maybe Tarot would, eventually, but it was not something his Clan messed with. Why? Because 'Fortune-telling' as Megumin would mention was a well-known scummy Moon Clan practice. They know Time can only be channelled to be measured, but they still created these 'tools' to trick others, selling them as magic. It wasn't, it was just very clever and ill-intentioned body language reading summed to the right words and questions. Absolutely despicable. Some of the cards and symbology would be different too, not that he would know it, not having seen the deck in person at all.

It was one thing to balance energies and assess personalities, it was another to straight lie to people for money.

So here he was, being crushed by biases, in front of a terrible and possibly dangerous man that was suggesting they visited his 'shop', a shop that existed in the alleyway of a huge urbanized city. Ciri had been the one to best word the pyromancer's exact concerns out loud, though only indirectly. She was right though, they did know better than to follow a stranger into what was probably a trap in a more isolated location... Away from public eyes.

He, had not liked that. To make matters worse, the magical Missy had been a little too straight-forward, if not plain sassy with this 'Doctor'. The young man had exchanged a nervous glance with her and shook his head ever so slightly.
She was being way too overconfident in their abilities.

It did not take too long for the girl to pay the price.

Some type of Illusion, then Shapeshifting. The shadow of the man would shove Megumin up back to the front a couple of times and expose the mage to his power's range. The tone changed, it was a clear threat now, they were being given no chance other than to follow him into his dominion. But even further, it became a hostage situation once where had once stood the archmage, engulfed by a smoke that spelled 'bad news', now stood an odd living cartoonish shoe. Sage let out a gasp and, with the sudden incoming mix of outrage, shock and confusion, as his eyes had flashed brighter, a streetlamp right beside Facilier had suddenly exploded and caught on fire.

And the outrage would remain alight. 'Oh no, you DIDN'T.'
If there had been any chance for the pyromancer to warm up towards the mysterious man, it was clearly off of the table after that.

"H-hey!", he protested, orange flame-aura starting to burn around his silhouette, the temperature was on heater levels and quickly rising, "You better shift that Missy back, immediately!!"

He wasn't about to start anything for real. Not yet at least, attacking first wasn't the Descendant's thing. But, he was incredibly annoyed and could not tolerate the oppression done to poor Megumin; Nor the egocentric, 'full of himself' way that Facilier had lashed out with Magic. He hated those types, it was a similar gripe to the one he had with the Entity.
Come oooon, the girl hadn't even done anything that was close to warranting that kind of harsh punishment!
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