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Chosen Akeira/xx0mittens0xx

James chuckled at her confident statement of Gypsy's ability to keep up with them. "I am glad to hear it. The thought and action of leaving a beloved horse behind is never an easy one." He continued, staring at the path ahead of them, as they ventured further through the fog. He exhaled slowly when she brought up his arranged marriage, feelings of disdain toward his father rising once more. Despite the love and admiration he had for the King, James could not help but feel contempt, as he was being forced into a marriage. Though his parents also had an arranged marriage, they had been childhood friends, growing to love each other in a short period of time. The prince did not have the same luxury, as he would be meeting the village girl for the first time when he arrived at the castle. In spite of his rather large ego, it was times like these that made him wish that he was a common man.

"I am sure she will be able to put up with me just fine." James chuckled in response to her teasing statement, throwing her a smile and shaking his head. "I am afraid that I have no choice in the matter. It is for the common good." He sighed, holding the reins a bit tighter in his fists. James raised an eyebrow when Aria mentioned that she would never marry, thinking at once that it was a simply outrageous idea. It was simply a social tradition that men and women would marry, especially considering Aria was at the proper age to do so. "Marriage is not the worth thing in the world. The bonds it creates are one to be remembered." He said mechanically, as the idea of being married for the kingdom's gain was programed into him as a child. "I believe your husband would be able to last a few weeks with you before petitioning the church for an annulment." He smirked teasingly with a shrug.
"No it never is easy and I'd rather not have to save for a new one when I give you this one back" She states matter of factly. "Not to mention Gypsy is already broken in and trained for what I need" She noticed his change in demeanor when she mentioned the marriage, apparently it was a touchy subject for him but of course how could it not be? Marrying a stranger was something that didn't seem like it'd end well for either party even though she assumed it worked for some people, but they had to have some sort of regret about it right?

"The common good... it takes a lot of courage to sacrifice your happiness for the good of someone else. I have to admit I couldn't do that..." She knew that was true because here she was running from becoming part of a "common good" though she reasoned with herself they could find someone else. She couldn't play that big of a part for them to hunt her down, even if they did she had a feeling they weren't going to just make her marry the prince but make an example out of her and her fate would most likely be death. She takes a deep breath at that thought, knowing that she'd have to be extremely careful until the whole marriage thing died down and they found someone else and didn't find her. She snaps out of her thoughts at his comments and teasing about marriage before just shaking her head. "I just don't see it happening. Don't get me wrong I've been courted but every man who shows interest in me tries to change this part of me when it is completely me. They only show interest because I have a pretty face and think they can turn me into some domesticated house wife.... bah... and I fear that's how all of them are and I have no intention of settling down to that type of life any time soon"
James nodded at her words, continuing to look ahead at the path. "She must be a very special horse." He commented, sensing a connection between Aria and Gypsy. "Much like Claude is to me. He and I grew up together, though I did not learn to ride with him. He was just a calf when I did, but the two of us have gone on many journeys together. You're in great hands." He chuckled, glancing over at her with an amused smile. His only hope was that she would not notice his deliberate attempt to sway the conversation away from his arranged marriage. Though it was going to be a large part of his life, the monarch wanted to enjoy the rest of his freedom in peace. He knew the moment he returned to the castle, his life as a free man would be over for good.

His reluctant feelings resurfaced when Aria mentioned happiness and the common good.
"I will admit that sacrificing for the common good can sometimes be an act of cowardice, rather than bravery." He responded, as he personally was afraid to defy his father's wishes. James enjoyed his lavish life, living in the castle and having servants listen to his every request. If he were to disobey, his father would not disown him, though it would threatened the future of the kingdom. Not only would the prince have to face his father's wrath, but the unrest would surely continue. "I believe there has to be a man somewhere whom will take you for who you are." He reasoned aloud with a shrug and a small simper, loosening his excruciatingly tight grip on the reins, as their conversation took a different turn. "Forgive me if I am speaking out of term, but any man whom spends time with you should know you are fond of living far from domesticated lifestyle." He commented, speaking about her independent nature.
"Foal or rather colt to be more exact" She corrects patting Claude on the neck. "You're not a cow now are you?" She says almost cooingly as she listens to him continue to speak, the softness in her voice was quite a difference compared to the less than pleasant sounding woman who stood in front of him when they first met. She gives a small nod at his cowardice remark. "Yes I suppose, especially when it's not the person's own choice but rather someone else's and they don't wish to speak up their feelings on the manner. Though I can't say I would look at that man as a coward when it's not a selfish endevour, rather it be for the common good rather than when the person knows it's wrong and still refuses to speak up, that's true cowardice" She looks over at him briefly. "But if it was really bothers you to an extreme than you should say something, you can't live being miserable either. It's not fair to either parties..."

Her own father had tried to marry her off before he died, wanting someone to take care of her if something ever happened to him. He grew frustrated and eventually gave up when she sent every suitor running in the opposite direction, mostly on purpose. She believed she could more than take care of herself and she has been so she knew it wasn't a lie when she was trying to convince her father. She knew he only did it for her well-being but she didn't want to marry for her "well-being". If was going to wed it'd be for someone who took her as her not someone who would try to make her into something she's not. She chuckles a bit before replying to his response. "Perhaps but I need more than just someone who would take me as I am, I need someone willing to discuss things equally with me, someone who would stand up for their own opinions and not be afraid to stand up to me. I can be rather pushy at times I know that.... but I don't need someone that's just going to follow me along like a pet, I've met several of those men" She just shakes her head. "Perhaps I am being too picky but I never found the need or grow desperate at the thought of not being married but I suppose if I never give anyone a chance I'll never find out" She frowns after saying that, she was getting way more personal than she'd like with this man who'd she'd rather keep mostly a stranger because she had no intention of ever seeing him again after this. She didn't know why she felt like she could be so open around him.
James nodded at her correction, glancing at Gypsy for a few moments. He smiled lightly in admiration when she cooed at Claude, sensing a softness that was present before in her voice. It was peculiar, as she seemed like a much different person when in the presence of animals. He decided to keep his observations to himself, choosing not to remark on them aloud in the chance that they would offend her. Normally, he would not mind doing so, though there was something contrastive about Aria that made the young prince want to be on her good side. "I am afraid that I must admit that speaking up on my behalf would not do any good. The arrangement has been decided already, whether I want to comply willingly or not." He continued, looking at the road ahead of them once more. "Be glad that if you ever marry, it will be for love." He murmured rather gravely, knowing he would never have such fortune.

The monarch was surprised by how frank she was, but nodded all the same. It was odd, as she felt comfortable opening up to him about her personal troubles and he did the same. The only difference was he still had yet to disclose his royal distinction.
"There is nothing wrong with being selective about whom you want to spend the rest of your life with." He remarked, as any marriage in the kingdom would bind the parties together until death separated them. Divorce was very uncommon and frowned upon, especially for those of royalty. "A woman should have as much say in the matter as the man she is to marry." He continued, though this declaration astonished him. As he noted earlier, James was no misogynist, though he habitually acted haughty around women. It could be seen in his partying ways and the rendezvouses he has had with women in the past.
Aria raises an eyebrow curiously at his remarks about being able to be selective and having as much say as anyone else in the matter. It wasn't a viewpoint held by most. She looks ahead as the dirt road starts to turn to stone. "Your opinion on the mater is quite different than most I've heard. It's definitely refreshing hearing it come out of someone else's mouth other than my own." She looks over at him briefly, wishing circumstances were different. It'd be nice to have a friend who wasn't some caught up with the latest fashion or views on women were left at an agree to disagree opinion. But if she stayed she probably wouldn't be able to talk with him again anyways. She doubted if she'd be permitted to talk to men who weren't mutal friends. She groans internally at that thought, glad she was making a run for it after all. She turns her attention away from him and at the gates that meant they had reached Besaid. She sighs a bit at finally getting here. The sun was at it's last hour of full day light before setting for the night. She stops before entering the city, sliding off Claude and grabs his reins to hand him back to Nathan. "I appreciate you escorting me here but I believe I can take it from here" She gives a small smile, feeling a bit bad sending him back when it'd be night before he reached home but didn't want him sticking around while she made her run to the next city over. She leads Claude to Nathan only to wince a bit as she heard her name coming from a shrill voice.

"Aria!! What are you doing here!?" A petite brunette runs up to Aria wrapping her arms around her in a hug that Aria obviously looked uncomfortable at receiving.

Aria gives a forced chuckle. "Lizzy... so nice to see you... here... of all times...and of all places. I just decided to go for a ride and thought it'd be a nice day to see the city of Besaid... what are you doing here?" She asked, her tone full of forced niceties.

"Father was hired as a personal tailor for some lord and lady with some weird last name, but anyways you'll never get back home before dark! The people he's working for were nice enough to board us at the local inn and let me tell you, they have the best pot pies you'll ever eat not to mention their ale's not half bad either! I haven't had any of their pastries but the locals say it's to die for. Jeez Aria I haven't seen you in nearly two weeks, what have you been up to?" She blinks a bit before looking over at James and smirks a little. "You didn't tell me you had a friend with you" She teasingly hits Aria on the arm. "Well aren't you going to introduce me to your handsome friend? Or is he spoken for?" She asks giving Aria a sly grin.

Aria just stares at Elizabeth as she goes on, talking about a mile a minute. She felt like she could just melt into the ground right then and there. Of all people and of all places, it just had to be Elizabeth she'd run into. "No Elizabeth, it's not like that..." She just sighs before looking back at Nathan with an almost apologetic look on her face. "Elizabeth this is Nathan, Nathan this is Elizabeth.... there introduced... but I think he has to be going and I think I can fare on my own Lizzy..."

"Pleasure to meet you..... Nonsense Aria! He won't back before dark. You two will stay at the inn, we'll make a night of it! It'll be fun and I won't take no as an answer!...So come on! I'll lead you to where you can put your horses for the night and take you to the inn! You can't possibly see the entire city of Besaid in just a few hours so you may as well decide on it tomorrow" She walks over and grabs Gypsy's reins knowing Aria wouldn't turn and leave without her and leads them into the actual city.
James smirked gently when she conveyed her surprise of his statements. "I believe it is my position and my family that allows me to see multiple perspectives." He replied, as it was an indication of a good ruler to understand the many beliefs of the people he governed over. "I can assure you that you are not the only one who thinks this way. Perhaps, one of the few bold enough to voice it aloud, however." He continued, looking over at her. It intrigued him how easily the conversation flowed, as opposed to their initial retorts. The prince felt that she quite easy to talk to.

He sat up straight when they approached large gates, signaling their arrival in Besaid. He pulled on the reins of his horse gently, causing him to trot before stopping completely. Sliding off the horse and holding the reins in one hand, James looked toward Aria, smiling gently when she handed him Claude's reins. It was sad to say the least, as they would probably be parting ways.
"I am glad I was able to assist you in making it to your destination safely." He nodded with an amiable simper, noticing that the sun was being its descend in the sky. His guards would voice their concern, as he would be traveling alone at night until their paths crossed, though he would be able to make it back much sooner.

The monarch's eyes widened in alarm when he heard a feminine voice yell Aria's name. Watching a petite brunette approach and wrap her arms around his companion, he almost chuckled outwardly at Aria's obvious discomfort at the embrace. Instead he coughed lightly, observing their interaction and beginning to tie Claude's reins to the saddle of his other horse. He smirked lightly, as it was quite clear that Aria wanted to end their conversation, though her friend, Elizabeth, kept speaking as if nothing was wrong. He listened to their exchange, turning back to face them properly when he completed his task.

James finally laughed aloud when Elizabeth noticed his presence, stepping closer to the pair.
"I can assure you that I can speak for myself. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Elizabeth." He said with an enchanting smile and a charming tone, glancing between the two girls before him. He chuckled when Aria threw him an apologetic look, knowing she was suffering internally, as the dialogue took an interesting turn. He raised an eyebrow when Elizabeth mentioned staying at an inn for the night. Though it would be a hassle in the morning, James reasoned that he could use some rest to recover from the day's travel. Another thing he relished is that it would positively irritate Aria, something he found to be quite comical.

"Thank you for your generosity. I do believe resting for the night is a excellent idea." James replied in response to her offer, taking Claude's reins and beginning to lead the two horses into the city of Besaid. He simpered lightly, looking back at Aria and wondering if she had begun fuming yet. "I am sure one night together will not kill us." He joked, looking at her for a few moments.
Aria looks back at Nathan narrowing her eyes slightly at agreeing to all this before just sighing defeatedly, it wasn't his fault Elizabeth was so pushy. One, Elizabeth had Gypsy and two she couldn't exactly outwardly say she was going to continue on to the next town rather than stay the night in this one because she was avoiding marriage so it seemed she was stuck spending the night at an inn with him. She just had to regret not seeing him again after being dropped off in esaid, if this was karma's idea of good karma, she was not amused. Of all things to happen and all of the people to meet up with it just had to be this. She could kill Elizabeth right now. She follows Elizabeth to the stables near the inn to drop off Gypsy and the other two horses. She makes her way over to Gypsy to grab her things off of her before looking back at her. "Lizzy, you really didn't have to do this..." She states, knowing there was no getting out of it now.

"Nonsense! It's only polite. Besides I have some catching up to do with you and several questions. I'm shocked you left before I could get back! I'm glad I found you before you disappeared. Come on, I'll let you guys have my room, I'll share with father." She gives a wink before continuing to the inn. "But after you drop your things off, we're going to chat. I have SO much to tell you" Elizabeth says excitedly.

Aria looked back at Elizabeth in shock as she offered her room to them. She wished she could just melt into the ground. "Lizzy... I really don't think sharing a room would be... proper... maybe I can just share it with you and he could stay with your father..." She says nervously.

"Oh stop it Aria, you're a modern girl aren't you? What's the big deal and when did you start caring about proper? You've shared a room with Evan before, same thing."

"No Lizzy, not the same thing.... Evan is like a brother to me, I hardly know this guy"

"Oh? Well you're out of luck. I'm not sharing a room with you, you snore. Besides, maybe it'll give you some time to get to know each other. Seeing as how he didn't turn tail and run after spending 10 minutes with you, perhaps he stands a chance" She says coyly as she walks into the inn, which was a tavern on the first floor with rooms on the second. She places a finger over Aria's mouth before she could object. "I'm not hearing it, now go drop off your things and come back down. It's room 4, I'll get my things later. I'll get some ales and then we can order dinner. I'm sure you have to starving." She looks back at Nathan, putting her hand on the side of her mouth to whisper to him. "She's not that bad. She acts tough but she's nice when she wants to be"

"I can hear you Lizzy!! And don't think I don't know what you're doing!"

Lizzy just smiles innocently before giving Aria a push towards the stairs. "I have no idea what you're talking about"
James could only smirk wider when Aria narrowed her eyes, following Elizabeth further into Besaid toward the inn. When they arrived, he helped the two ladies prepare the horses for the night. One thing that astounded him is how easily Aria agreed to her friend's request after she took Gypsy's reins. It was yet another testament of her attachment to Gypsy, something the young monarch was beginning to admire. It was very much similar to his fondness of young Claude when he was just a boy. Now that they were both grown, times had changes, as the prince had more responsibilities. With these new duties, he had less and less time to enjoy a ride with his favorite horse.

He listened to their conversation and resisting chuckling, seeing as Aria still protested Elizabeth's hospitality. He found it curious, as the two had spent much of the day traveling and could use a night's rest. At the mention of sharing the room for the evening, he simpered slightly, knowing his companion would not like the sound of that. Though they had begun to know each other a bit more throughout the day, spending the night in the same area was an entirely different situation. He could only think that the night would fare to be quiet interesting, as Elizabeth repeatedly insisted on her arrangements.

"Thank you for your warm reception once again, Elizabeth. I do believe Aria and I will be most comfortable tonight. Even if she does snore loudly." James voiced aloud, a gracious smile with a lingering tone of amusement on his face. "I can assure you that Aria is a very modern girl. She proved so this morning when she nearly shot an arrow through my chest." He continued with a chuckle, glancing between the two girls. At the time, he had been rather curious as to why the blonde had been so defensive, though piece by piece, it was starting to make more sense. A keen mind, the prince's intelligence was often discredited due to his rather arrogant ways and occasionally rash decisions.

At the mention of a man named Evan, he raised an eyebrow and looked at the two girls. What surprised him even more is that Aria had been willing to share a room with him. He followed the maidens into the tavern, glancing at the varying decorations and the layout of the structure. He nodded in response to Elizabeth's dinner arrangements, clasping his hands behind his back and chuckling at Elizabeth's hushed comment.
"I must admit that I have yet to see the nice side of her. Oh, I believe I am out of the loop. Who is Evan?" He asked, wondering who would be willing to answer his prying question. Yes, the monarch knew it was none of his business, though he could not help but relish the opportunity to poke fun at Aria just a bit more.
Elizabeth watches as Aria made her way upstairs still giving an innocent look before ushering Nathan over to one of the tables. "Well thankfully she didn't. I know I shouldn't believe her aiming an arrow through your chest but sadly I'm not" She states with a slight chuckle, asking for three ales from the waitress who comes over to greet them. "As for Evan, you don't have to worry about him. Evan and Aria have known each other since childhood. He's still bitter that Aria bests him at nearly everything that comes to hunting" She chuckles with a shake of her head. "Anyways we had this great idea to go searching for faeries or something like that. I think we were 15. Anyways we ended up here actually and luckily my father had just made an entire wardrobe full of clothes for the inn keeper and we had a place to stay. We drew straws and I ended up getting the floor, I still like to tease her about that though. You should see how red Evan turns"She laughs before looking over at Aria who came back downstairs with a rather sour look on her face. Elizabeth only grins. "I heard you had quit the meeting with your traveling companion, sounds like love at first sight with the whole arrow to the chest thing Aria"

Aria glances over at Nathan before back at Elizabeth, sitting down just before the waitress brought their drinks over. "He told you about that did he? And don't think I don't know what you're doing Lizzy... he accompanied me here simply because he's a gentleman... or something" She looks over at Nathan, she wouldn't say it out loud but she was thankful she had company along the ride. Even if nothing happened, having someone to talk to helped pass the time.

"I'm not doing anything Aria" Elizabeth bats her eyelashes innocently. "Just simply having a conversation." She looks back at Nathan. "Can you keep a secret? Of course you can..." She leans in close to Nathan. "It's a shame that she was the one chosen to be the prince's bride... you two would really do great together in my opinion, but I think if you convince her, she'll run off with you. I think that's why she's he-" Before she could finish her sentence Aria had tackled Elizabeth to the floor.

"How do you know about that!!?" She asks in a panicked tone before getting back up to her feet realizing she was starting a scene for a tackle. She straightens her clothing to regain her composure.

Aria gets back up on her stool as well. "Aria, relax and... please, they said the most beautiful eligible maiden would be chosen and I knew it just had to be you" She states with a smile that was hoping would be believable. At seeing Aria's face she sighs. "I went through your mail the other day... sorry. Is that why you're here? Are you running" She asks with a girlish giggle before hitting Aria on the wrist. "Every other girl would dream to be in your position, you should be ashamed... though maybe it's for the best. You'd probably send the prince running for the hills after trying to "refine" you"
James followed Elizabeth as she ushered him to one of the tables, sitting down across from her and getting comfortable in his seat. "I believe she's the only maiden I know with enough valor to aim at a man like that." He chuckled in response, resting his hands on the table. "I can imagine how Evan would be envious of Aria's talents. She does not seem to like giving up or losing a battle." He remarked, thinking of their confrontation earlier in the day and her resistance to stay at the inn for the evening. He smirked when the woman remarked about how he enjoyed teasing Aria about Evan, something the two of them shared. Though he had only known Aria for a day, it was quite amusing to poke fun at her whenever time allowed it.

"My only instinct at the moment was to get her to lower the arrow. It would not have been in her best interests to injure me. I can tell you that much." The prince remarked vaguely, smirking lightly and wondering how the kingdom would have reacted to his being shot in the chest by a woman. Chances are she would have been brought to court for questioning, something he was glad was avoided in the long run. He raised an eyebrow when Aria joined them at the table, chuckling when she attempted to call him a gentleman. "I will be taking that as a compliment, thank you." He replied rather arrogantly, smiling to himself and shrugging his shoulders up and down. He received them often from royal women of the land, though a compliment from Aria seemed like it was hard to come by, especially considering the hard exterior Elizabeth described earlier.

James nodded slowly and leaned closer to Elizabeth when she mentioned a secret, gazing at her and wondering what it could be. As she began to speak, his eyes slowly widened, as Elizabeth divulged that Aria was meant to marry the prince. He leaned back far in his chair, almost falling over when he heard a large thud in front of him. Peering over the table, he saw that his companion had tackled Elizabeth to the ground. A situation that would normally cause him to laugh, the monarch was in too much shock to breathe properly. As Aria stood and straightened her clothes, James looked her over slowly, a surreal feeling coursing through him. Here before him was the woman he was meant to marry, yet there was a chance that she was trying to run away. He contemplated telling her the truth, though he knew that she would flee as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I would not put it past the prince to get used to her ways." He said slowly, trying to regain his composure and sitting back down in his seat. "I hear that he can be quite understanding at times, though a ruthless man at others." He continued, glancing down at the table in front of them. "How long after the ale do you think we would be able to order dinner?" James asked suddenly, wanting to change the subject rather quickly.
Aria was fuming and it took all she had in her to keep composure at Elizabeth's prying questions. She was too caught up in Elizabeth blowing her cover to notice Nathan's temporary change in demeanor. She just rolls her eyes as he goes on about how the prince was, probably forced to say such things due to whatever it was he did for a living. "Look it's nothing against the prince or the kingdom or anything like that. I... can't live like that. And yeah I know that's selfish but I would be a disgrace to the crown. And as you said, any girl would kill for my position so let them have it..." She leans back in her chair after downing a large part of her ale. She was also sure she wouldn't get along with the prince, it wasn't like she got along with many people and the people she were friends with, she knew since childhood.

Elizabeth just stares at Aria before deciding a change in topic was in order as well and waves the waitress over. "I recommend the chicken pot pie, but they'll make you just about anything here." She turns her attention back to the waitress. "So that's what I will have and..." She looks over at Aria slouched in her chair taking another sip of her ale. "So will she... and another ale it looks like..." She turns her attention back to Aria when the waitress turned to Nathan to get his order. "Aria! Stop slouching it's not lady like. Jeez if it wasn't for me I think you'd be a complete lost cause...Isn't it exhausting being so hard all the time? Don't make me start telling embarrassing stories if you keep acting like a stick in the mud"

Aria sighs but sits up in her chair realizing she was acting a bit childish. She knew Elizabeth was right and definitely didn't want embarrassing stories about her dished out. Though Lizzy seemed ditzy she was in tune to people's emotions and pretty good at reading them. She rolls her shoulders a bit trying to get rid of some of the tension of the earlier topic. "Sorry.... " She looks over at Elizabeth with a smirk. "What if we say you're me and then you go to marry the prince and live happily ever after?" She jokes, trying to make light of the situation tired of the tenseness it was causing.

"If only Aria, but I think they'll notice the change in hair color and the fact you're half a foot taller than me" She states with a smile glad Aria decided not to sit there and sulk.
In any other situation, James would have smirked as Aria fumed. Instead, he was as pale as a ghost, trying to keep himself together in front of the two maidens. He raised an eyebrow when Aria spoke once more, nodding his head slowly and thinking on her words. "Unfortunately, I do not think it works that way. I would think choosing the next princess of the kingdom would be a very long process. They cannot simply choose any girl in any village." He responded with a casual shrug, as he knew from experience that it was a long procedure to pick the next princess. Despite revolving around him, James was kept out of the loop throughout the search. In choosing a future ruler, looks, as well as personal history, had to be taken into consideration. The kingdom would not condone having a robber as their next ruler. It would surely lead to a revolution and fight for power.

James cleared his throat in wanting to forget the conversation, as Elizabeth waived the waitress over. As a gentleman, he waited for the two girls to order, tapping his foot anxiously beneath the table.
"I'll also have a chicken pot pie." He stated when it was his turn, following Elizabeth's recommendation. The girl seemed hospitable enough, something he would be sure to remember when he returned to the castle The monarch found himself chuckling when Aria was reprimanded for her slouching, something her friend pointed out as not being lady-like. She was right, of course, as it was customary for all women, particularly those of high status, such as his mother, to sit properly. "I would like to hear one of these embarrassing stories." He said offhand with a smirk, wondering what type of stories Elizabeth had to tell. "It seems you two have a very long history." He commented.

The prince chuckled when Elizabeth mentioned her marrying the prince instead. Though an interesting suggestion, Aria was true in stating that there would be an obvious difference. Looking between the two girls, it was easy to see their dissimilarities. One was tall, while the other was short. In addition to their other physical disparities, there was also a contrast in personality. Aria seemed to be more of a hard woman, bargaining where she could and trying to live her life the way she wanted. Elizabeth, on the other hand, had more characteristics of an average girl in the kingdom, somewhat foolish at times, yet welcoming.
"Understandable but it would be nice to "live happily ever after" and be waited on hand and foot" Elizabeth laughs, mostly joking but grins as he asks to hear an embarrassing story looking over at Aria before back at Nathan ignoring Aria's "look of death". "Well our parents were friends and inevitably we became friends from being around each other all the time, so we have a very long history, much to Aria's dismay."

She taps her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm... let's see if I can think of one that she won't completely kill me for sharing.....She can be quite the character if you get enough alcohol in her. I remember when we were... I think 15 or so? Anyways Aria decided it'd be a good idea to steal her father's whiskey and she, Evan, Daniel, and I from town decided to haul it off to the woods like we often did and just hang out. So we're passing the bottle around and just talking it up being stupid kids and Evan gets the bright idea to play truth or dare. Well as you might be able to tell Aria has an issue with pride so no matter how crazy the dare was she wouldn't dare back out of one. So the boys made it a game of seeing how far she'd go hoping to get at least one thing over her head since she bested them at most things." She looks over at Aria who was still glaring and burying her face in her second ale, turning red at knowing where the story was going. "Careful Aria you don't want to relive that night" She states teasingly. "Anyways she was dared to go skinny dipping in the stream..." She starts laughing before composing herself to finish the story. "She agreed and ended up freaking out, saying she had forgotten how to swim... mind you this is when the bottle is nearly empty, which I found out later she helped herself prior to bringing it to all of us... anyways Evan had to go in and save her.... All he did was wade in and carry her out.... the stream was only hip high. All she had to do was stand up and she would have been fine" She starts laughing again looking over at Aria who seemed to be trying to melt into her chair. "Posture Aria!"

Aria just rolls her eyes and sits up straight again but had a slight smirk on her face remembering the night. "That was the same night I punched Daniel in the face for daring me for a kiss"

Elizabeth just shakes her head. "You could have denied him politely. He really liked you..."

"Please I was just some challenge for him and besides that would be losing the dare. I gave him that kiss, I just followed it up with my fist. It didn't hurt him that badly besides at least I'm much more mannered than back then."

"hmm I suppose. You could be considered almost lady like compared to that wild child which I'd like to say I played a part in"

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