The Suspicious Eye
Your Darling Devil
If anime ain't your style
Name: Chocolate Cartel
Age at death: 16
Current age: 30
Gender: Female
Human Appearance:
Cause of death: Extreme and Rapid Diabetic Attack
Personality: Chocolate can be very pushy at times, especially when food is considered. She likes everything sweet and fattening. She's a great cook and a better tank (being like a Frankenstein cannibal and all xD ) She is fun and outgoing when she's on a sugar high, and moody when she is hungry .
Brief description of death: Over indulging. Chocolate finally kicked all her weight with an odd fast acting diet. At the Halloween party her metabolism snapped and she consumed every candy and sweet in her sight. She wasn't gaining any weight back and was super hungry. She ate and ate till she went into sudden diabetic shock and died.
Brief back story: Chocolate was a average poor girl who went to a rich kid school. Her parent's were doctors and her siblings were pre-med or pre-law. She was the youngest and felt insignificant compared to the others. She was picked on because she was heavier than the others and had very few friends.
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