

Thanks. I'll say she studied archaeology in college, and plans to become an archaeologist later in her life.

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Actually she would probably still be in college, but she already has a master's degree in archaeology since that takes 2 years to get.

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I'm very happy with this update for two reasons.

1) My idea worked. (Points to me! :3 )

2) You addressed the nagging question I had of why the guy listened to her when she pointed an empty gun at him.

I know that Anomaly doesn't follow this quest thread anymore, so she doesn't need to be tagged with it.

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So when will we be able to vote on Kerry's appearance?

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Didn't Kerry drop the gun when she found out it was empty? I don't think it was ever stated she picked it up again before leaving the boat.

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Hey , I don't mind that at all. It gives us a good amount of options , and I always like that. (I love option 4 , by the way).

Also , I give you the Official Kreia Seal of Approval for that artful manipulation.
It's not just the hands, it's the thousand-yard stare and the turtleneck. Makes her look like a conspiracy academic.
Go ahead and vote then. Right now we have the current primary vote and the vote for Kerry's appearance open. Just make sure you understand the voting style we're using before you post, k?

Cool! First, what KamiKahzy said. Second, definitely read the story. If you just read the last entry things may be hard to understand. Also, for voting, you simply rank the options, favorite to least.

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Aart, for voting you're supposed to go to the vote here sub thread , and rank options from most to least desired.

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Hey Aart. Two things. One: The write-in option is a first-come thing, so whoever posted the option first locks in that write-in as the official option. In this case I locked it in first as "See if Wylie left anything for us to find." So make sure you factor that into your preferred votes. Second: Don't forget to vote on Kerry's appearance! -gently nudges towards my entry-

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I know I can't do the write-in this week, but if I could, it would totally be this.

4: Vomit the lovely breakfast you had all over the man's trousers, then feign sick.

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