The Suspicious Eye
Your Darling Devil
Given Name:
The China chick, China, but she prefers Natsu.

Natsu loves to play she has a large sense of curiosity. She is inclined to climb on top of people and chat your ear off. She is a very bubbly and energetic person. If she imprints on you (likes you) then you will never hear the end of it. She is extremely energetic and can hardly stay still. Sometimes she will literally bounce off the walls just to do something. When she's really bored she'll start singing random nonsense. Although she's always cheery she has a protective instinct. She cares greatly for those she trusts and will willingly lay down her life for the sake of her friends.
Has the ability to shift her own gravitational field and slightly expand it with her hands. This allows her to be super strong and have very strong skin (not impenetrable, just used to pressure).
Nightsticks and arm blades if she has to hurt people, but she usually sticks with hand to hand.
"Blood is just so....creepy."
Other equipment:
Control gloves, core stone and sticky shoes. The Control gloves help her release the gravity she has and the sticky shoes keep her on a surface. Core stone the core stone is part of the astral element Natsu was introduced to during the experimentation. It helps her find her core and rotate her gravity around it. It is the belt she wears in the picture above.
Natsu wasn't born like most people she was made in a test tube. Meshing human genes with some unknown DNA they found on a space rock. Not expecting it to work in the slightest they were surprised when the subject survived and turned out human. At a early age she showed signs of a gravity augmentation. At 4 she rose to the ceiling and began wall crawling ever since. The government thought they could use her for a spy experiment so they began to strictly train her. She never really liked the whole training thing, but she kept a positive attitude. As she got older and the doctors failed to replicate her, things became more intense. Her examinations became more like torture, her training became more like slave working. Then they gave up and moved her to E.S.C.A.P.E. hoping that they would have more success in replicating and weaponizing her. Natsu hated her new prison, but she liked to keep a positive attitude. Natsu's cell partner told her much of the outside word. What fascinated her most is the sky. She always wanted to see the sky.Her life became harder and harder she held the hope of seeing the sky. It has been her dream to see the real world, one without ceilings.
I'll put fun stuff here later
Theme Song:
If I could describe her in a gif: