Children of the Stars


New Member
...A long time ago, the stars were different. They didn't just sit in the sky, they danced. People would sit up staring at the stars for hours, mesmerized by the glory of it all. These stars were called lots of things, white witches, angels, and even spirits. They were only the stars of old. People eventually decided they would catch these dancing lights and keep them in their own homes. It was an almost impossible task to woo a star down to earth only to trap it in a glass jar. Stars could do nothing about this. Until they learned that upon death, (the could only die by choosing, so this didn't happen in the beginning of time) they would become the stars of today. The would be completely untouchable and completely dead. One star in particular, named Spirit, never wanted to die. So she danced every night until the night she was wooed to earth by a man. There Spirit sat, alone in a jar. She was desperate to get out and began singing. The man listened closely and soon became mesmerized by her beautiful voice. He let her out of the jar promising to be a faithful husband. The were soon married, but she hated her husband. He only loved her for her voice. She soon fled from him, back to sky. There she gave birth to her only daughter, Jasmine. She was half star of old, and half human. She was unable to stay in the night sky and was given up to earth. There, she would only appear at night, where she would dance and sing the night away. Her mother then was hunted again, and soon was dead by choice. She left her daughter with her voice and ability to dance.

Hi, I'm Jasmine. I am a daughter of the star, Spirit. We, the children of the stars, only come out at night where we dance and sing together. We have the power to mesmerize humans by our work. We can only die by our own choosing. Are you a child of the stars too, or are you a human?


1) I don't accepting cussing at any time.

2) There is a maximum of 3 characters per person.

3) Don't fall in love with your own character, please.

4) I encourage OOC (Out of context) posts. I personally enjoying talking, but you must also have an IC (In context) section.

5) A minimum of 5 sentences (In context) in every post.

6) If you aren't having fun or feel left out. PM me I will fix it.

7) No text talk and try to spell correctly

8) Character ages 16-21






Human or Star Child:

Name: Selene

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Human or Star Child: Star Child

History: Selene fell from the sky, singing wonderful songs about the moon. A lonely peasant woman found her and locked her up in a jar, bringing the jar to a market to sell. The star child was sold for $50, for she wouldn't sing or dance; She refused to. When the man brought the girl home, he opened the jar and freed her, but made a promise with her. Once the promise was made, every full moon Selene will have to come to the man's house and sing to him.

Name: Jason Wayne

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Human or Star Child: Human

History: Was born and raised on the planet. Is known for his charming good looks (HAHA!!!) and handsome smile. He attracts alot of Laidies, but none of them fit what he looks for in a girl. Every night, he'll look out his bedroom window to watch the star children dance, and maybe, one of the girls will be the one for him.
Name: Alec Knightley

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Human or Star Child: Human

History: Made fun of for his "emo" style and odd behaviors, Alec feels as if he will never fit in. His mother was a prostitute, and he was the child of one of her "customers" so she didn't want him. He lives with his aunt and uncle, who love him, but don't understand him at all. They think it odd for him to be so quiet and thoughtful.

Name: Rayne Scythe

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Human or Star Child: Star Child

History: Her mother was one of the many captured stars of old; however, she actually fell in love with the man who had captured her. Rayne was born not out of servitude, but out of love. Supported and encouraged by her family, she wants to show this love to everyone she meets.

Name: Kevin Makos

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Human or Star Child: Human

History: He's your average human; lives with two parents and a younger sister, who he loves with all of his heart. He's a nice guy, always treating girls with respect. A lot of people look up to him, because he's a football star, has straight A's, and seems to be the perfect guy

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