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Realistic or Modern Children of the Sea


Senior Member
Role Play Rating:

  • M - Mature (17+)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting


The ocean is important to people. Some more than others.

There are two types of people in this world:

The Landlubbers and The Children of the Sea.

These eight teens are a variation of each.

They are sent to live in a household together by family tradition.

It is guaranteed that the differences between them will cause drama.


the backstories



Landlubbers have no special abilities under the water. They are average swimmers, and a majority of the Landlubbers swear excessively. They are usually loud, and if not, they are shy towards others. Most of them are brave, and will take chances. You will often catch them listening to ocean folklore, or just admiring the ocean nearby. To this day, there are still Landlubbers. Their ancestors are famous conquistadors and sea explorers, and now, conservationists or navy sailors. Their personalities now are unpredictable, and are varied because of the varied ancestry.

Every Landlubber is born with a nautical tattoo on the back of their neck.


sea children

Sea children date back to the times where sea explorers and conquistadors made up legends based off of what they saw on their adventurous travels. But, they are often lumped in with mermaids, which do not exist. Sea children can either be wild, or laid back, but are often indecisive souls. Now, they have the ability to hold their breath in the water longer than most, about 50 to 60 minutes, and can see underwater like they can see on land. They can be easily dehydrated, and need water near them at all times. They do not have tails, but have abilities that are mermaid-like, as mentioned above. Sea children's ancestors are now famous surfers, ocean conservationists, scuba divers, and sometimes even Vegas mermaids found in casinos.

Every Sea Child is born with a seahorse tattoo on the back of their neck.



santa monica beach


santa monica pier




front porch


living room




dining room








1.) Be literate! If I see any illiteracy in your sign-up, I won't accept.

Plus, in the role play, I need at least 1 paragraph, that's at least 4-5 lines.

2.) Be active! Try to post at least once every one or two day(s).

3.) Only ask questions in the OOC tab! Don't be that person to ruin someone's mojo by asking a question in the role play.

4.) Your character can be rude, but, however, you cannot. I will not tolerate any rudeness towards a role play by any circumstances.

5.) My word is law. These rules are here for a reason. So, just read them. There won't be a problem if you put the real password in your sign-up sheet, which is, 'I'm not really a mermaid'. If you put the fake password at the bottom along with this one, I won't accept you. Keep your eyes peeled.

6.) Make the role play juicy! I love drama and romance, but don't go too far, such as more adult themes, and gory things. Some of us are squeamish. Please Fade-to-Black.

7.) Speaking of drama, don't steal the spotlight. Don't be that person who will drag their character into the drama that's in between a few characters. Your character will be in the spotlight sooner or later.

8.) Have fun! Role playing is for your giggles and kicks! Make it fun.

9.) Please, for the love of god, use the roles provided for you. They're there for a reason. Also, please read the rules if you've haven't.

10.) Put 'Everything's going swimmingly' at the end of your sign-up sheet so I'll accept your character for the roleplay?
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