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Realistic or Modern children of the revolution


Junior Member
Hello all! I would really like to get some more rp's going as I'm feeling very creative lately and especially. Before I get to the plots I'll tell you a bit about myself.
  • While I'm not in school right now, I do work quite a lot so if I ever don't reply it's because work has caught up to me and I'm literally too physically/mentally exhausted to reply. It'd be cool if whoever I was rping with could reply at least once a day, but honestly, I'm not really picky. If you can't reply once a day, every other day works, only on the weekends, whatever works for you. Also if you ever feel like I'm taking too long to reply (like longer than a week or smth like that) don't be afraid to drop me a message! I'll only send you a message after about a week or so of silence unless you let me know it's gonna take longer than that for you to reply.
  • My replies are usually three to five paragraphs, depending on the scene and how much dialogue is happening they could be longer. Please be detailed or semi-detailed as I love to read as well as write and the longer your replies are, the longer mine are probably going to be. If you would like an example of my writing, just ask! I have no problems sending one.
  • I'm not really one for planning ahead past the basic plot, but occasionally I'll get an idea as we go through the rp and share that to see what you think. Obviously I want to hear any ideas you have too, it's always nice when people bring their own ideas for the plot and our characters to the table!
  • I love love romance!! I love an angsty, drama filled romance with equal amounts humor and cutesy stuff. I really only rp m x f. (Also prefer to fade to black if/when it comes to that!)
  • I've found that I really enjoy talking about the rp and our charcters ooc !! it just makes it all the more fun and, honestly in my experience, helps everyone be comfortable bringing ideas and concerns to the table.
  • I don't have any triggers or anything but ofc please let me know if you do !!
  • I'm 21 years old and would appreciate it if you were 18+.
  • I prefer to rp as a female character, or to double.
So I've actually done this plot before (and to that partner I credit the title, as I'm absolutely horrible at coming up with them) and unfortunately it just didn't work out. I've been wanting to do this plot again for a while and I just want to put a small plea here to not abandon me lmao Of course I understand if you just aren't feeling it anymore, happens to everyone !! But if it's just that you need to taking a break from our rp, from rp-ing in general, whatever I'm completely open to starting back up whenever you want !

Children of the Revolution
Set way in the past, when there were still kings and queens, and castles. Wars fought only with swords and cannons. The kingdom of Hallaway is ruled by tyrants. For the past few years there have been talks of over throwing the King and Queen, a small rebel army has already started gathering and planning. Character A is one of the leaders of the rebelling army. After watching his own family murdered in front of him, he made it his mission to take down the King himself. He went on a solo mission to the castle to try and find a rumored secret entrance into the it, maybe take a few guards out on the way. He was caught, beaten nearly to death, and thrown into the dungeon. They had him tried with treason, his execution date set for the morning. Character B is the King and Queen’s daughter. Living under their rule had never been easy, as she was as scared of them as any of the villagers, but hid it behind an attitude her father couldn't help but be proud of. Ever since she got word of the rebellion she had been trying to find a way to get in contact with them. When one of the leaders ends up in her parents dungeon she decides to break him out, knowing that this might be the one chance she has to help overthrow her parents.
**I prefer to be character B !!

If interested please just shoot me a pm!!!
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Hi! I'm really interested but I also would like to play Character B, if there's away we could work that lmk!

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