Children of the Pentagram.


Resident Old Guy

Magick Name: (it's what you will go by at the Academy)

Age: (14 -16)

Appearance: (realistic please)



Side: (light, dark)

Wand or staff appearance:

Legendary spell: (I'll give them out after bios are accepted)


Blood type:

Magick type: (I'll assign them but you can list your preferred typing)

Celestial magick:control over light and Pure angelic forces

Oblivion magick:control over complete darkness and demonic energies

Draconic magick: the the ability to summon or use dragon abilities

Arcana Magick: psychic, card magic (fortune telling, ability to see the future)

Elemental Magick: control over all the elements, the dominant magick.

Spiritual Magick: the ability to see and hear spirits and summon them.
Name: Rey Hail

Magick Name: Dragon

Age: [/b]15

Personality: Rey is a trickster and a prankster, and loves to get on people's nerves. She is silly yet sweet, and caring sometimes. She likes to see others laugh and sometimes even laugh at them. Rey is quite deviant and a clever girl.

Background: To be announced



Legendary spell: Hellfire rain


Blood type: B+ (if that's what you mean)

Magick type: Draconic Magick
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cloudyblueday said:
Name: Rey Hail
Magick Name:


Personality: Rey is a trickster and a prankster, and loves to get on people's nerves. She is silly yet sweet, and caring. She likes to see others laugh and make them smile, but can also be a little bit devious.

Background: To be announced

Side: A little bit of both, if possible? If not, dark.


Legendary spell:


Blood type: B+ (if that's what you mean)

Magick type: Draconion Magick (if possible)
It's all accepted, but you've gotta choose a side to work for butbother than that everything is all good.

I'll assign spells and types after all bios are posted.
Name: Devin Lockwood

Magick Name: Eclipse

Age: 16


Personality:Devin is very open minded and can at times be very childish but he never let's that cloud his judgement of others, he always thinks of himself as a natural born leader and sees himself in no other position.

Background: There's not really much history behind Devin that he knows about all he could ever remember was just being in several foster homes throughout the years being picked up by several parents and only to be dropped back off into another home because of weird things that happened around him until one day when he was twelve a decently small family took him in whrn he was only nine, although they semmed nice he was always treated like he didn't exist but no matter how hard he tried, how many weird things happened they wouldn't let him go.

Side: Neutral (I'm only doing this for my character because of something I have planned )

Wand or staff appearance:

Legendary spell: Thunder of Ares

Family: Phil Davison (Foster dad), Amy Davison (Foster mother), Max and Adam Davison (Foster brothers)

Blood type: O negative

Name: James Winters

Magick Name: Frost



Personality: Is a free spirit and can't take orders real well as he likes to be in control of his own destiny. If he is under control he will become very stubborn and try to say no trying to get out of their control.

Background: Revealed throughout RP


[/float] Legendary Spell: Arcana rage Family: Older brother and younger sister. Blood Type: AB+ Magick Type:Arcana Magick
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Name: Vlad Dracul

Magick Name: Dracula

Age: 16

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.918b305cc2aabfcf3bc400a1b9875162.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36170" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.918b305cc2aabfcf3bc400a1b9875162.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Only talks when he is taunting his enemies. He is usually reclusive although he likes being around people. He has weird tendencies like cutting apples exactly three times then carving a droplet on the flesh of the apple then eating it. He is always smiling although e has nothing to smile about. He thinks he is the bomb if you get to know him.

Background: It's shrouded in fog. Only rumors are told and Vlad just agrees to all of them.

Side: Light (may change to dark.)

Wand or staff appearance:

Legendary spell: Chaos border

Family: No living family.

Blood type: AB+

Magick type: Oblivion.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.945d38ff34ae52d0b6ebc7797229131e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.945d38ff34ae52d0b6ebc7797229131e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kiotaro said:
Name: Vlad Dracul
Magick Name: Dracula

Age: 16

Appearance: View attachment 90032

Personality: Only talks when he is taunting his enemies. He is usually reclusive although he likes being around people. He has weird tendencies like cutting apples exactly three times then carving a droplet on the flesh of the apple then eating it. He is always smiling although e has nothing to smile about. He thinks he is the bomb if you get to know him.

Background: It's shrouded in fog. Only rumors are told and Vlad just agrees to all of them.

Side: Light (may change to dark.)

Wand or staff appearance:

Legendary spell:

Family: No living family.

Blood type: AB+

Magick type: would it be ok to have Blood magick?
Yeah, but that would just be a Practice not a typing.
Ok thanks. So Oblivion? Or some other magick would be the broader form of blood magick. And what is the legendary spell?
Name: Nikolai Vance

Magick Name: Arawn

Age: 16


Personality: Doesn’t speak often, even to close friends and family. Quiet but caring, he prefers to stay outside of the crowd and watch what’s happening rather than get directly involved in something but will if he desires. He hates having someone in control of him and gets stubborn and rebellious if he feels that is the case.

Background: He doesn't talk about his family history much but what is known is that his father was an alcoholic that died of alcohol poisoning when he was young and his mother was manipulative and demanding. His motives from joining dark seem to stem from the saying "Some men just want to watch the world burn."

Side: Dark

Wand or staff appearance:

Legendary spell: Rath of the fallen

Family: Joy Vance (older sister)

Blood type: A+

Magick type: Spiritual

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Nikolai_Vance.png.b79ef1b27bf9e1f9fa7f89afe9fb25d6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Nikolai_Vance.png.b79ef1b27bf9e1f9fa7f89afe9fb25d6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Nikolai_Vance.png.eb57f9eac010e9fb8022f64787066070.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Nikolai_Vance.png.eb57f9eac010e9fb8022f64787066070.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Catalina Santiago

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guzeller-galerisi-1_14_53639d969606ee01a68e74d0.gif.45f05426746942af4253703f2028afff.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36322" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guzeller-galerisi-1_14_53639d969606ee01a68e74d0.gif.45f05426746942af4253703f2028afff.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magick Name:


Age: (14 -16)



Those who come to know find she mysterious, charming, and intelligent. People often go to her with their problems because she is so trustworthy. However, some have said Catalina can turn on you, although it is rare for this to occur. She's quite unpredictable so it's almost like gambling if you trust her with something very important. You're either making a good choice or a very big mistake.


Surprisingly enough, Catalina came from a long line of wanted criminals. At least on her father's side. Considering her mother was definitely no saint, no one really knows why Catalina turned out to yield the forces of light, but it's pretty obvious where her bad streak hails from.


Light, with a little dark

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/83521-adriana-lima-blows-kiss-gif-vi-75O6.gif.cc85b5044eb4113b7f68af99e94c61be.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/83521-adriana-lima-blows-kiss-gif-vi-75O6.gif.cc85b5044eb4113b7f68af99e94c61be.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Catalina is petite, and stands at around 5'3, with a slim frame with slight curves. Her skin is a light caramel shade which contrasts against her piercing electric blue eyes and nearly black hair.

Wand or staff appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/angel_fairy_silver_glitter_rhinestone_sequins_star_wand_a751217f.jpg.a61e0ce8d88cf7fd0879226a75a98649.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/angel_fairy_silver_glitter_rhinestone_sequins_star_wand_a751217f.jpg.a61e0ce8d88cf7fd0879226a75a98649.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Legendary spell: Heaven's gates


Isabella Santiago ((Mother))

Sergio Santiago ((Father))

Luciana Santiago ((Sister))

Blood type:

O Positive

Magick type:

Celestial Magic



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Alright I've assigned spells and typings

So in other words were ready to start

Ok just as a last minute note once they've all leftm and went to the school their personalities will completely change either for the better or worse just keep that in mind when you post.
Name: Selene Trevanicus

Magick Name: Gaia

Age: 16



Personality: She is cold and calculating, never showing mercy or compassion to those who wronged her. She is always distant, even to her friends, preferring to keep to herself. She will never hesitate to speak her mind, hating those that force her to. She is blunt and straight forward, both with her fists and words, never wanting to be the damsel in distress. She easily gets angry, but her anger dies as fast as it starts.

Background: Her background is being kept secret by her, the only known thing about her past is that she was orphaned, the reason unknown.

Side: Dark

Wand or staff appearance:


Legendary spell:

Family: None

Blood type: A Positive

Magick type: Elemental Magick
Name: Aniweta Okafor

Magick Name: Mistress of the Other Side

Age: (Total Chronological Age 1000 approx.) Appearance 22.


Personality: Aniweta is at first glance, a generous and kind woman. Scratch the surface, and you'll find that she is controlling, manipulative and is not above intimidation to get what she wants. Aniweta tricks her victims into making deals with her. She can read their past and present with her tarot cards; she then looks into their futures as well, and offers to "change it". However, the deals she makes usually backfire on the victim, though Aniweta is not exactly dishonest as she does give them exactly what she promised, even though it isn't what his victims had in mind. Aniweta is indeed suave, smooth-talking and often charming, but also cruel, remorseless and sadistic, Aniweta is a smooth talker of drama and showmanship. A glutton for power, she is controlling and vindictive, doing whatever she can to get what she wants.

Background: Born in Ghana originally, Aniweta was always considered odd. Animals ran away from her, and other children sensed she wasn't like them. And they were correct, Aniweta is from the world beyond our own. She was murdered a very violent way by her parents when she was first born as she was "a horrific witch". Her soul became more and more enraged as time went on, and after many centuries, the spirits of the other world reincarnated her in her descendent's hometown, New Orleans. Having learnt the Dark Arts of Voodoo from the Spirits, she became a very powerful voodoo priestess, becoming incredibly rich due to her fortune telling powers and her natural talent for curses, she is respected and feared by her peers.

Side: Dark

Wand or staff appearance: Aniweta's staff has been described as ghoulish by many, it is made out of a skull and it's attached spinal column. the bones have been stuck together with pins running through them, the spine itself has been left au natural. The skull has been heavily bejewelled, it is completely covered in black diamonds except for the teeth, which have been left au natural. It has 2 gigantic normal diamonds in it's eye sockets, Aniweta often talks through it,the skull's jaw perfectly capable of movement.

Legendary spell: Spirit Transfer from the Great Beyond, she holds her staff forward at her victim, the two eye diamonds light up with a dark purple light which fires as beams, they connect with the target's eyes, their spirits is sealed into the diamonds in her staff, whilst an evil spirit enters the target's body, turning them into a voodoo zombie, as well as her servant.

Family: Her parents perished a very long time ago, she lives in the same city as her descendants, as she had an older brother.

Blood type: AB-

Magick type: Voodoo ((A combination of Arcana, Spiritual and Oblivion Magick, she specializes in Oblivion slightly, frequently calling spirits to attack her enemies as well as other tasks, she combines elements from all 3 into her mysterious magick))
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Name: She Who Walks With Spirits (Katoralitadinak in her native tongue)

Magick name: Katori

Age: 16


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/1.jpg.99705413dc5e372d70af440927d35198.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/1.jpg.99705413dc5e372d70af440927d35198.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(most on picture) As custom of her tribe, Katori wears a beautiful headdress adorn with feathers, fur and bones, representing her position among her people. She also wears fur moccasins, leather leggings with a sleeveless top to match and of course her honorary wolf pelt cloak.

Personality: Katori's primitive wardrobe is not the only reason she has difficulty fitting in with her peers; in addition, struggling with the English language and her odd ways create a harsh gap when trying to connect with fellow students. However, deeds often speak louder than words, and Katori never hesitates to help another human being. Her naivety and lack of experience with common culture shields her from discrimination and unfair judgement towards others, but also makes her vulnerable to some things.

Background: Katori was once a huntress for her village, known as Kinihaka, nestled within a cradle of mountains in the uncharted north. There the village's people lived in peace for many generations, completely unknown and un-contacted with the rest of the now civilized world. This isolation was due to the arrival of the "invaders" or "children of salt", who took over and claimed much of the ancestral lands once belonging to her tribe and many of their neighbors. Fortunately, tribe legend has it that led by the first and last Spirit-walker, her people managed to flee from the outburst of anger, greed and sorrow that corrupted the land, and forged a new home deep in the mountains. The Spirit-walker was forever honored, but never seen again, nor any of his kind since... that is until Katori's 16th year on the eve of the shaman naming ceremony. Instead of the shaman's pupil, the "Great Spirits" chose Katori, a simple onlooker, to be their vessel, and on top of that named her the next Spirit-walker. This event caused her body to temporarily leave her body to allow the spirits to bind with her own, bestowing countless gifts, and placing a heavy burden upon her shoulders.

Side: light


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2.jpg.70152b4654a43c3b4fe752b987b41bfb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2.jpg.70152b4654a43c3b4fe752b987b41bfb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Legendary spell:

Family: Mother: Akasa Father: ?

Blood type: A-

Magick type: Spirit Magick (particularly attuned to the great animal spirits)

(if there is anything wrong or needs editing, just tell me and I will fix it as soon as I can :) !)



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Name: Lyra Kohl

Magick Name: Surge

Age: 16




(Could be wearing any of these at any given time.)


Personality: Lyra is very logical and practical. She is hesitant about her powers both becausebof her powers and because a man once told her she would be the difference.

Background: Her parents are absent at their equally demanding jobs all the time, so she is constantly alone. When she was 11, she was told by her mom's friend that she would be the difference. She didn't know what that meant, so she was always trying to get out of making her own decisions. That is, until her powers developed. She was 14 when it happened. An argument with her parents turned into a 3 day blackout caused by exploded sockets. Lyra had caused so much electricity to surge toward her the sockets in the room literally exploded in a shower of sparks. After that, Lyra knew the man was talking about her powers. He came back after the incident and gave her her wand. All she knows for sure is that she will never use her powrrs for bad.

Side: light


(The fourth one)

Family: Mom: Jeani Dyean-Kohl Dad: Leo Kohl

Blood type: O -

Magick type: elemental magick - electricity

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