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Fantasy Children Of Dragons (Reboot)

...Hi, I really like this roleplay, great idea...can I reserve Lightning, please?...
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]
...Hi, I really like this roleplay, great idea...can I reserve Lightning, please?...

Thanks, yeah I'll hold it for you
FantasyDoctor said:
@XxBouncy BunnyxX I love your character! Actually my character and yours would be a wonderful pair. Not as a couple, but as best friends. Like Elysia would be the one who would pet Leon when no one else would.

Thank you! I'm sure they'll be great friends! If we get accepted, that is...But if we do, beware, for the hand of slapping awaits...huehuehuehue...:3
Thank you! I'm sure they'll be great friends! If we get accepted, that is...But if we do, beware, for the hand of slapping awaits...huehuehuehue...:3
As I am sure he will love her in all. Also I have already been accepted.
Last edited by a moderator:
Both of your characters are amazing and accepted, we only need a few more then we can begin.
remembervvinter said:

Click, click, click, click.

The sound of black heels echoed throughout the empty halls as she walked through. She gave a malicious smirk, her eyes burning a bright crimson red that could be seen, illuminated through the darkness. Her blood lust was rising as she licked the stained blood off of her finger, dragging a bloodied sword along the marble floors, causing a shrill screeching sound.

"Where is your god now?"



Name: Ayano Kiwamura

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Simply put, Ayano doesn't like socializing with people much. She doesn't really care about what people think, and at first glance you wouldn't think that she's the nice type. Ayano is a chamber of secrets, and is full of many of them. She rarely speaks, she just stares, but when she does she usually just talks in small, short responses. Ayano is described to give off a dangerous aura, making most people avoid her. She also has the "resting bitch face" down, which usually in most places, causes fights that are unnecessary. Her tone of speaking is also one thing that makes people see her as rude, but really she's just blunt and outspoken. Now, Ayano does have some good points. She's honest (sometimes a bit too honest), and most of all courageous. She's not cocky, even though she may seem to be, and she has a sense of self responsibility. Ayano prefers to keep to herself, and tends to push other people away, giving her a cold attitude and first impression, due to past circumstances. When she fights, however, it's like her whole personality changes. She begins to get more fired up, sometimes, depending on the person, Ayano begins to have a sense of blood lust, sometimes exerting herself to where she kills her victims or leaves them half dead. Don't worry, she's still a good person......ish.

Element: Dark

Likes: Starry night skies, the moon, peaceful areas, her katanas

Dislikes: Loud mouths, brutes, pushy people, durian, needless fights

Background: So far, Ayano's life hasn't been the best. Born to two drunkards of parents, she had always been severely abused, both physically and mentally. It was worse enough when her parents were sober, but when they were drunk it was just plain terrible. Each night, Ayano would have to endure the pain of having glass bottles smashed against her, being called hateful words, being told of being a mistake, a waste of money, filth. Every night was filled with fear of what the evening's punishments would be. She continued to endure the pain and fear for years until all her feelings manifested into a swirl of hatred and blood lust. Eventually, this led to the brutal murder of her parents, done by her own two hands at the age of 12.

When the murder of her parents came to light, Ayano had to find refuge somewhere in order to not get caught. It was then where she encountered a gang while she was running away in the slums. The gang took her in, and to her surprise they were like family she never head. She was educated, clothed, and taken care of. They weren't perfect, but they were the best Ayano ever had, and soon she bonded deeply with them. The gang taught her many ways on how to kill and survive, even giving her the two katanas that she carried around today. However, her happiness didn't last forever. One night while Ayano came back from a job, she only came back to find the destruction of her family. The gang headquarters was trashed and completely demolished, and the corpses of her gang members were dissembled and thrown around. Ayano's soon had a panic attack from the sudden event, and she couldn't help but vomit at the sight.

Ever since then, Ayano's views on friends and family had drastically changed. She began to believe that she only attracted danger, and was a child of bad luck. What made it worse was that every night she would have a dream, a dream that told her to take back what was once hers. But the thing was, she had no idea what the dream was talking about, and soon she began to conclude that it was a nightmare.

Theme song: [media]


xD , I love the "resting bitch face" part. Also, I love the CS!and also the character...
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]
xD , I love the "resting bitch face" part. Also, I love the CS!and also the character...

I didn't know what you said for a moment bc I had trouble reading the font x.x haha but thank you ^^
remembervvinter said:
I didn't know what you said for a moment bc I had trouble reading the font x.x haha but thank you ^^
Woops, sorry. I have a habit of using gibberish fonts, that others can't understand.
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]Woops, sorry. I have a habit of using gibberish fonts, that others can't understand.

Ahaha it's alright

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