-Children of Aspera-


Accepted, but I have just one question.

What specific branch of Chi manipulation will your character be using? Because it has a LOT of applications.
Name: Aoi Mirin

Age: 23

Appearance: Aoi has a small and nimble body that stands at slightly under five feet, she doesn’t have any particular physical characteristics that make her athletically talented, besides moving. She has a pair of colorful blue eyes that glow whenever she utilizes her power, and short-length black hair that barely passes her soft chin with it normally tied up in a ponytail by a simple blue ribbon. A small blue butterfly hairpin decorates the left side of her head.

Typically, her clothing would consist of a slightly loose black jacket over a somewhat wrinkled navy-blue shirt and dark grey pants. The hooded jacket does little to conceal the sword strapped to her side, but her shoulder pistol holsters are concealed just fine. Aoi also carries a small black backpack with a small form-factor around, so it does little to hamper her movement.

Faction: S.N.T.S

Power: Mass-Energy Conversion and Control, this power typically allows Aoi to generate energy using practically any substance, though the energy yield has to be released in a controlled manner; this typically takes the form of typically bright blue beams, however, they can be any color on the visible light spectrum. She can also form transparent barriers (with a light blue tint) with this power, allowing her to block most attack. The extent of her energy control is limited to the energy she generates; furthermore, Aoi is normally incapable of initiating a large-scale nuclear explosion because the sheer amount of energy generated by the blast would exceed her ability to control it and the chances of surviving such a blast are slim to none.

Personality: Aoi is an amicable, friendly person to chat with; she values the lives of others and hesitates to cut them down. Aoi can admit her faults, she has a practical, but somewhat pessimistic view of people in that everyone has their own faults, but some are just unforgivable. She tends to be indecisive and doesn’t like to make the first approach. Aoi is honest with herself, refusing to place the blame on others when she is the one to blame. She can be considered selfish in that she isn’t fighting for her country, but for herself- Aoi is not patriotic, in fact, she might just despise order itself. Her commitment to finding her missing former squad leader is the dominating factor in her life.

Weapons: Her main melee weapon is a rather simple sword with a dull grey metal blade with a black ergonomic grip typical of that seen on a machete, it is lightweight and Aoi can channel energy into the blade, effectively turning it into an energy sword with laser precision- the blade is a bright blue in this state. She also carries a pair of P226-X5s with a black finish, this particular variant is optimized for competition shooting but it is effective in combat as well.

Rank: Knight (SNTS Equivalent)

Bio: Aoi was initially raised in a government-run orphanage, where she lived and got along with the other children there, even if life was difficult. Aoi and a few other children from the orphanage were drafted into a military program because of their abilities, with the difficult conditions of the program, the children from the orphanage formed a group so that they could survive through it. When she was six, there were at least fifteen children in the impromptu group, by the time that the children were ready for combat- when Aoi was sixteen, only five remained, so she has held a bitter view of the same organization she serves because of the death of her friends. The surviving members of the group was organized into a single team, Aoi was the second-ranked member of the group, and the missions that the squad was assigned were completed, but most of the members were killed in an operation that spanned the course of several months. The squad leader disappeared one day, leading to the dissolution of the crippled unit, and Aoi has been searching for them ever since, while trying to perform her duties in the military. She is still haunted by the death of her close childhood friends, and the disappearance of the one that she looked up to.

Other: Her powers are limited to beam attacks, protective energy fields, and the generation of usable energy derived most commonly from nuclear fusion. The energy generated can be channeled into objects to charge them or in the case of her sword, increase their lethality.
Operator said:
Name: Aoi Mirin
Age: 23

Appearance: Aoi has a small and nimble body that stands at slightly under five feet, she doesn’t have any particular physical characteristics that make her athletically talented, besides moving. She has a pair of colorful blue eyes that glow whenever she utilizes her power, and short-length black hair that barely passes her soft chin with it normally tied up in a ponytail by a simple blue ribbon. A small blue butterfly hairpin decorates the left side of her head.

Typically, her clothing would consist of a slightly loose black jacket over a somewhat wrinkled navy-blue shirt and dark grey pants. The hooded jacket does little to conceal the sword strapped to her side, but her shoulder pistol holsters are concealed just fine. Aoi also carries a small black backpack with a small form-factor around, so it does little to hamper her movement.

Faction: S.N.T.S

Power: Mass-Energy Conversion and Control, this power typically allows Aoi to generate energy using practically any substance, though the energy yield has to be released in a controlled manner; this typically takes the form of typically bright blue beams, however, they can be any color on the visible light spectrum. She can also form transparent barriers (with a light blue tint) with this power, allowing her to block most attack. The extent of her energy control is limited to the energy she generates; furthermore, Aoi is normally incapable of initiating a large-scale nuclear explosion because the sheer amount of energy generated by the blast would exceed her ability to control it and the chances of surviving such a blast are slim to none.

Personality: Aoi is an amicable, friendly person to chat with; she values the lives of others and hesitates to cut them down. Aoi can admit her faults, she has a practical, but somewhat pessimistic view of people in that everyone has their own faults, but some are just unforgivable. She tends to be indecisive and doesn’t like to make the first approach. Aoi is honest with herself, refusing to place the blame on others when she is the one to blame. She can be considered selfish in that she isn’t fighting for her country, but for herself- Aoi is not patriotic, in fact, she might just despise order itself. Her commitment to finding her missing former squad leader is the dominating factor in her life.

Weapons: Her main melee weapon is a rather simple sword with a dull grey metal blade with a black ergonomic grip typical of that seen on a machete, it is lightweight and Aoi can channel energy into the blade, effectively turning it into an energy sword with laser precision- the blade is a bright blue in this state. She also carries a pair of P226-X5s with a black finish, this particular variant is optimized for competition shooting but it is effective in combat as well.

Rank: Knight (SNTS Equivalent)

Bio: Aoi was initially raised in a government-run orphanage, where she lived and got along with the other children there, even if life was difficult. Aoi and a few other children from the orphanage were drafted into a military program because of their abilities, with the difficult conditions of the program, the children from the orphanage formed a group so that they could survive through it. When she was six, there were at least fifteen children in the impromptu group, by the time that the children were ready for combat- when Aoi was sixteen, only five remained, so she has held a bitter view of the same organization she serves because of the death of her friends. The surviving members of the group was organized into a single team, Aoi was the second-ranked member of the group, and the missions that the squad was assigned were completed, but most of the members were killed in an operation that spanned the course of several months. The squad leader disappeared one day, leading to the dissolution of the crippled unit, and Aoi has been searching for them ever since, while trying to perform her duties in the military. She is still haunted by the death of her close childhood friends, and the disappearance of the one that she looked up to.

Other: Her powers are limited to beam attacks, protective energy fields, and the generation of usable energy derived most commonly from nuclear fusion. The energy generated can be channeled into objects to charge them or in the case of her sword, increase their lethality.


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