-Children of Aspera-


Bear With Me Here ?
Child of Aspera CS



A. ppearence:

Faction (Sanctum, Bushido, S.N.T.S, etc.)


Personality: (How your character acts and feels, and maybe a reason why they are that way.)

Weapons: (Usually a sword then a gun of some sort)




If there is anything that you think should be added into the CS, let me know.
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Name: Archimedes

Age: 27


Faction (Sanctum, Bushido, S.N.T.S, etc.) Rogue

Power: (Basic elements, or maybe something different but nothing too O.P.) Electrokinesis and Organic Absorption; Leo has an excellent control of electricity, able to generate it from himself as well as take it from nearby areas, he is also able to absorb organic matter to fuel himself.

Personality: (How your character acts and feels, and maybe a reason why they are that way.) Leo is mysterious and secluded, usually detailing nothing of his intentions to those he encounters, as well as rarely helping or letting anyone help him with his goals.

Weapons: (Usually a sword then a gun of some sort) A dark black, wide sword as tall as himself. For a gun he uses a small rail accelerator which he fuels with his own powers, decreasing the size of the gun while still providing the energy needed to fire the slugs.

Rank: Previously a Master until he disappeared without a trace from Cilestia for an unknown reason.

Bio: Can I just TBA this? I can make one but I hate to, I prefer making it up as I go, adapting to fit situations, allows me to be more creative. Mainly because of what I said in his rank also, I don't have a good enough reason yet for a bio.

I never got to this since the last one lol

I'll make one tomorrow abd edit it in

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(Accepted! I'll be making my character soon.)

Child of Aspera CS

N.am.e: Arin Lloyd

A.ge: 24

A. ppearence: Arin has a rough appearence. He is caucasian, and stands at directly 6 feet in length, athletic medium build. There is visible scarring avidly across his body, which his torso is filled with various types of tattoos suggesting a rough past or a rather free individual. He has very little hair on his body, just a knick of his. That being said he has a shaved head, and no visible facial hair with light blue eyes. (I'm not going to post a picture but I guess if you wanted a reference he would look like Matt Damon from Elysium.)

The most notable piece of clothing he has on is his black stocking cap. He never parts from it. Never. On his torso he wears a long sleeve white shirt with a dark grey button up shirt over it, with the sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned. For pants he wears grey loose combat pants, and combat boots under it.

Faction: Sanctum

Power: The ablility to be able to use his mind to manipulate things around him. Telekinesis for short, but it has other applications.

Personality: A rather interesting character, Arin has a rather rebellious personality. While he may be with the sanctum he avidly disobeys orders, saying how he goes his own way, and most often times ends up into trouble. However though, Arin has intelligence, and is very tech savy, always fiddling around with various gizmos and what not. He actually is a gifted engineer, that's what he wanted to do before he figured out he was a child of Aspera.

Weapons: A modified assault rifle, looking much like an AK assault rifle but it has more electronics on it than normal ones, most noticable is the tactical assembly put at the end of it. He also had a black carbon fiber katana.

Rank: Knight

Bio: A rather...interesting past. Arin wasn't actually from Sanctum...but rather a country that was forced into the annexation of Sanctum. Growing up the Annexation was hard on his country...he was forced to become a combat engineer in the military where he spent most of his youth fighting against the SNTS, not knowing that he was actually a Child of Aspera. There he learned the trade of being an engineer, and on the combat fields through traumatic experiences he figured out that he was a child of Aspera

Immediately he was taken back, and sent to the academy for Education. From then on out his career as a CA began, working on aircraft, computers, etc, piecing them all together with just his mind. He grew stronger, and once again he found his way onto the front lines...where he made many friends, and fought many enemies. He even partook in the major Sanctum offensive that failed, helping many of his comrades flee the battlefield by halting enemy lines.


If there is anything that you think should be added into the CS, let me know.
(To be edited later as my CS)

(Sorry, I simply don't have the time to do it now, or possibly tonight, and I want to make sure to have this thread watched.)

Lucy Osteler



A. ppearence:

Short, wiry and pale, Lucy is often mistaken to be much younger than she really is. Her innocent-looking eyes are almost always obscured by her shoulder length fiery hair, and her lips lie in a perpetual smirk. Lucy dresses practically while on the job, in light-weight and breathable leggings, soft leather boots that are nearly slippers, and a fitted leather jacket.

Faction (Sanctum, Bushido, S.N.T.S, etc.)



Lucy has the power to take control of a persons body, and move it at her will. Otherwise known as possession, this ability can be used on anyone within a 50 mile radius. Before she can possess someone, Lucy must take control of their mind, and although most people would be completely unprepared and give in right away at the alien presence in their head, a select few that know such a power exist can prepare their minds to be more resistant.


Because her power requires her to have a strong mind, Lucy is one of the most stubborn people almost everyone she talks to has met. Once she has an idea in her head to do something, nearly nothing can sway her. Despite this, Lucy can be kind and thoughtful to people she considers her friends, especially if they give the same in return.


When not taking over someone else, Lucy fights “Hook and blade” style. She has a long nearly blunt blade with a hook on the end that she uses to grab onto her opponents sword and pull them towards her, and a short sword she then uses to stab them.




When she was a child, Lucy was quite a handful. She refused to behave, had to be wrestled into the car to be convinced to go to school, and would only touch macaroni and cheese for dinner. And strangely enough, her parents found themselves doing what she wanted at times when it was completely inappropriate. Her parents, middle class individuals who dreamed of living in the floating cities, eventually had had enough and took her to a therapist. After several weeks of sessions and no progress, the therapist requested she be examined by the Sanctum and when the test results came back, Lucy’s parents willingly gave their little monster up for a large home in a flying city.

Lucy was mildly successful as a university, but was generally unliked by most of her teachers because she argued with them so much. They warned her that her superiors in the field wouldn’t take insubordination like that, but she has yet to learn of this as she hasn’t gone on a mission yet.

Sorry this took so long, I have been kind of busy with school work!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c135502b7_Animeblackhair.jpg.150c1f9ea47ebcdc45930a5f8620e456.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38666" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c135502b7_Animeblackhair.jpg.150c1f9ea47ebcdc45930a5f8620e456.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Takara Koetsuji (also called FateBringer)



Faction (Sanctum, Bushido, S.N.T.S, etc.) Neutral. If he had to choose one, Sanctum.

Power: Staying true to his concept of being a mechanic, Takara fully utilizes his mechanized weapon; the 'Nasod Dynamo', to aid him in battle. The Dynamos are not only able deal physical damage to targets, but are also able to fire rays of electricity as a way of dealing magical damage. As a ranged alternative, his dynamos can also be configured to form a powerful electricity cannon by the same way. Takara is able to manipulate the electricity the cannon fires by either using his hands or kicking to fire powerful electrical blasts. This allows his attack style to freely transition between long and close range attacks. Another aspect of Takara is that some of his skills have the concept of 'Magnetism', allowing numerous homing attacks which compensates for his low HP and physical defense values.

Personality: (How your character acts and feels, and maybe a reason why they are that way.) Takara is a little bit...Eccentric. All that time being trapped in a library drove a certain part of him insane after all. When he's not wanting to fight, he is a very intellectual, rational guy. He likes to joke around sometimes and loves making friends/allies.

Weapons: (Usually a sword then a gun of some sort) Sword is called "Fate". Unique sword that Takara made himself.

Rank: Doesn't prefer one, but soldier.

Bio: Takara is a descendant of a family that researched Nasods. His entire family was exterminated after being caught researching the forbidden secrets of the Nasods. He was sold into slavery and while escaping, he fell into an Ancient Library and became trapped alone. Fortunately, there was a steady supply of food to sustain himself as well as a large number of books about the Nasods. He spent his time reading them and waited for the day he could escape. With his vast knowledge, Takara eventually invented the Nasod Dynamousing the parts from broken down Nasods found inside the library. Using the weapon's power, he escaped from the collapsing library. However, the isolation of being trapped alone for so long left Takara a little bit insane along with an obsession to find rare Nasod codes. He still has a good amount of his sanity, enough to not go crazy on anyone.

Other: Watch out for his insane side.

Name: Alice Leigh Varnweather

Age: 22



You may not notice, but that's not a pistol or a handgun. It's a rifle.

Faction: N/A

Power: Chlorokinetic Constructs - Alice can change plants, flowers, trees, etc., into tools, objects, weapons and other similar items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures of varying permanence. Limited by her knowledge of tools, Alice can create any item she has seen or can imagine and has a decent idea on how it functions. Also limited by the amount of organic material she has on hand, unable to generate more herself.

Personality: A natural contrarian and opposed to all forms of discipline, rule, and authority Alice is an independent out for herself kind of person. Ruled, funny enough, by the idea that if people are to stupid to function without law than they don't have the right to exist. Not as if she doesn't fundamentally agree with most law, she isn't pro murder, stealing etc. Alice merely finds the prospect moronic.

Alice has a cold exterior hiding a surprisingly emotional woman. Blunt, and more or less truthful she trends to speak her mind. Finding the only way she can communicate to both those she likes and dislikes through insults.

Weapons: In appearance, as well as an old switch blade.

Rank: N/A

Bio: By age five Alice was sent to her aunt to be raised. Her mother deemed unfit to care for Alice due to neglect, and her father unknown. The aunt, Echo, however wasn't a much better option. Quite paranoid and greatly influenced by the genuine belief that the world could end at any minute.

Alice lived in a small house, hidden away the thick of forest. Although it wasn't completely isolated. Sixteen miles off sat a small town, not much but enough for Alive to make the walk nearly everyday since she turned 7. Alice never made friends her age, though in the town there existed next to none, her closest friend was an older gentleman who ran an old bookstore. She took a deep interest in books, though there wasn't much else for her to do besides read.

Basically raised with no rule and no formal education, everything she knows she taught herself. But it worked well for her as she is very and in her ability to teach herself.

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N.am.e: Michelle Tamakazi (goes by Chelle as you can probably guess :D )

A.ge: 15

A.ppearance: Chelle has short lavender hair which is usually tied up. She says it's because it bothers her too much, and it's a hassle to deal with, but she actually just really doesn't like the way she looks with her hair down. It's a stupid reason, and that's why she never tells anyone that. No one has ever seen her with her hair down. She's pretty short, but uses that her her advantage. She's an average size (not skinny but not chubby, either. She's usually wearing a red t-shirt and a gray sweatshirt over it. She has jeans and a pair of combat boots on. Chelle also has a shell necklace that she made herself. She thought it was pretty funny with her name and power. (Seashells... water... haha! I try. n_n;)

Faction (Sanctum, Bushido, S.N.T.S, etc.): Sanctum

Power: Hydromania- Chelle can manipulate water as long as there is a body of water nearby. Small bodies of water like a puddle can be handled. However, she can't handle large bodies of water because it's too physically straining on her body. (That's her limitation.)

Personality: (How your character acts and feels, and maybe a reason why they are that way.) Chelle is quiet and awkward when socializing with others, and prefers being alone. This is because of the time she spent alone when her parents began to ignore her. When she does speak, she is sarcastic, mainly because that was the way she was brought up, but has a good sense of humor. She's kind of clumsy when out of combat and is the type of person who trips over air. She can be a little dark sometimes, but usually she's laughing- except during combat. That's a different story. She's always focused and doesn't speak unless fighting is over, because of the amount of concentration her power takes, and the strain it puts on her body.

Weapons: (Usually a sword then a gun of some sort) Kamas. There's a picture of them below for anyone who doesn't know what they are! :) (And water.) Chelle doesn't know how to shoot- she's never handled a gun before.

Rank: Apprentice, for now!

Bio: Chelle was a troublemaker as a small child. She took water and made it look like the other children peed themselves and once accidentally flooded her home. As a young child, she wasn't capable of controlling her powers well enough. Chelle's parents were not supportive of her powers. They didn't accept her the way she was and gave up trying to raise her- eventually neglecting her. Chelle spent about four years of her life living on her own. During that time, she practiced controlling water and testing her limits at the beach. The beach became her home, and the place she felt most comfortable. Chelle injured herself quite a lot in the process, and now has a bruise/scar on her left shoulder from all the pressure she put on it. After a year or so, she wanted to go back home, but her parents wouldn't let her because of all the trouble that she'd put them through. They pretended like she didn't exist, and they emotionally damaged her by refusing to accept that she was actually their child. After arguing, they sent her to Sanctum, hoping that there she would finally be out of their way. Chelle agreed to this, hoping that there would be people there who'd accept her there.
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Interesting Power. Accepted!


I soppose seeing into the future would be fine, as long as it is used in moderation.

Also please lengthen out your CS a little more and it will be accepted!

It's technically quoting Oppenheimer quoting Hindu scripture soooo
Yet it's still from Hindu Scripture

Also as my english teacher would say, you did not credit Oppenheimer!


Child of Aspera CS

Name: Haze


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/bounty_hunter__by_duster132-d79pj1c.jpg.8803bd25da376d3f483dcd134cb9db5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/bounty_hunter__by_duster132-d79pj1c.jpg.8803bd25da376d3f483dcd134cb9db5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Bounty Hunter

Power: Haze has no apparent power. Instead, Haze has numerous mechanical enhancements to his body, and going along with this due to the profits of his huntings he has gained an extremely vast arsenal of weapons. Ranging from assault rifles, to gadgets, to SMGs, and experimental weapons. With his special exoskeleton suit his speed and strength is greatly increased, along with special jet capabilities in the suit Haze is a hunter perfectly capable of taking down any CA that stands in his way. The most vital part of his suit though is his helmet, inside of it is a complex computer able completely scan its surroundings. Haze even has the ability to use a sonar like ability to get a complete layout of the room and including to sense what is behind him.

Personality: One who has completely buried himself inside of the art of the hunter. Haze rarely speaks, when he does his helmet changes his voice into a dark intimidating intimidating voice. This hunter shows no remorse, no hesitation, and always completes a contract no matter what the cost. Haze is very quick to the gun, and is very perceptive and cunning, able to improvise and jury rig his way out of any situation. Needless to say he is the perfect hunter.

Weapons: Haze carries many weapons. His main weapons are his various gadgets and traps, all very brutal and devious in nature. The very suit that he wears under his overcoat can be used as a weapon itself. To go along with this he carries numerous weapons including:

A standard sword

Various Handguns

Two SMG's

One heavy impact assault rifle, with a high rate of fire and very high powered. Very heavy though. Requires a very skilled user.

A light sniper, very durable and light, sacrificing power for rate of fire.

Various other tools used for capturing or subduing targets.

To go along with all of this Haze is trained in a devious form of martial arts, trained specifically to take down targets quick and breaking them down physically.

Bio: Much is unknown about this strange figure. Some even question if Haze is even human. What is known is that Haze came out of a city-state known as VECTOR, a strange city where crime lords govern it to keep the peace. Money flows like rivers there and bounty hunters originating from there is not uncommon as many of the rich residing there set targets on those in the outer world. VECTOR sits in a strange position as it has alliances with both the SNTS and the Sanctum, keeping it out of the war.

Haze clawed his way out of that city, first taking petty bounties off of small time criminals trying to start up their own criminal enterprises and disturb the peace. Haze never spent the money earned for personal gains, but rather for his work, buying more equipment to become more efficient. This is what eventually led him to the top as he was able to quickly gain advantage over every one of his bounties no matter what the situation. Once he was at the top bounty hunter list in VECTOR he was assigned outer bounties, bounties on high priority targets known as Children of Aspera located outside of VECTOR.




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Name: Iosif Hitchkin

Age: 18

Appearence: Iosif is a medium built caucasian male, his height being at an average for soldiers this age. He usually wears his custom uniform, having a few "personal" touches to it, as is the celtic cross on his left arm. A tattoo of two snakes covers his upper right shoulder along with the rest of his arm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/snk_oc__freckled_faust_by_fancy_finch_by_caustic_creations-d78nsha.png.f0de8f09092f0d202811d3a48f599678.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/snk_oc__freckled_faust_by_fancy_finch_by_caustic_creations-d78nsha.png.f0de8f09092f0d202811d3a48f599678.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction (Sanctum, Bushido, S.N.T.S, etc.) : Sanctum

Power: Iosif can control fire. Not like spawn it or make thing burst into flames. Just the ability to control where the flames go and how they act. He can also use it to make himself fire redundant, but it can also drain him of power if used to much.

Personality: (How your character acts and feels, and maybe a reason why they are that way.) : Ever since he emigrated, Iosif developed a more fiery and aggressive personality. After living in the S.N.T.S. , he thinks this world is a "dog-eat-dog" one, as said by his parents so many times. He developed a fascination with fire, liking it since he saw it for the first time. He usually doesn't trust other people, but under some circumstances, he can make an exception.

Weapons: (Usually a sword then a gun of some sort)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/futuristic_sword_by_kronikweasel-d5ze19a.png.2cdfd6dbda924f7820bc35372c6ad223.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/futuristic_sword_by_kronikweasel-d5ze19a.png.2cdfd6dbda924f7820bc35372c6ad223.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/needlegun_concept_by_proxygreen-d680nqk.jpg.9a9345c8929d1040e199dcc63028a422.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/needlegun_concept_by_proxygreen-d680nqk.jpg.9a9345c8929d1040e199dcc63028a422.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank : Scarlet

Bio: Iosif was born in the S.N.T.S. to an engineer and a trader. After seeing that they were not treated good and money was scarce, they emigrated to Sanctum, so they could give their child a good life and a good future. There, his father started to drink they money they got, and his mother started to work more hours to sustain the now defunct family. Iosif's sexual preferences were not agreed upon by his father, as he beat him senseless. From then on, he became kind of a shut-in, being scared of his father. At the age of 6 he saw his first fire, and he was able to play with it, literally "playing with fire". Once he got a chance, he joined the army, wanting to get away from his family. After years of abuse, he was finally getting repaid for his patience and suffering, growing to stand for himself, not wanting to rely on others.

Other: N/A



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Child of Aspera CS

Name: John Kessler (Called 'Kessler')

Age: Kessler's age is presumably 28, though because of his primary ability, his aging process appears to have been slowed drastically, if not frozen him at his current age.

Appearance: Kessler has a strikingly deranged appearance, perhaps due to the affect that his healing process has done to his body. He appears to naturally have golden eyes due to be a C.A, though constantly described as possessing a fanatically murderous gleam to them. He has blond upright/spiked hairstyle, with a windows peak hairline. His physique is unnaturally lanky, and he appears to have a few noticeable scars upon his chest. Kessler's main outfit consist of a long-sleeved, elegant white shirt underneath a turquoise vest, and a long, black and leather trench coat. For his lower body, he wears a ebony pair of elegant pants, as well as boots. Lastly, for certain occassions, he has on a silver, skull-like mask.

Faction: None, he serves himself.


  • Accelerated Regenerative Ability: Kessler's primary ability, and the thing that drove him mad in the first place, John possesses the ability to regenerate injuries and wounds, from minor to moderate, at a very swift rate. Major injuries, while not impossible to heal, take a longer amount of time to heal. To some unknown extent, it appears that his lifespan has even been slowed. Now then, moving on to a few weaknesses of this ability: One thing would be poisons, toxins, etc. Such chemical compounds are capable of slowing his regeneration down drastically, given the dosage, or could even stop it for a while, perhaps for days (It could even kill him before his regeneration manages to expel it from his bloodstream). Another thing would be that it puts his state in a constant flux, the reason why he mentally deteriorated until he become utterly unstable. And of course, when regenerating certain injuries, it takes its toll on his body, causing him to be fatigued.

  • Molecular Teleportation: Kessler second and only other ability, the madman can theoretically teleport by dissembling his molecules and reassembling that at a different location. When doing this, he appears to be like a black swarm, moving to a different location rapidly, before merging together into his physical state yet again. The main drawback to this ability is that it drains him swiftly, and he cannot go TOO far a location with it. If he attempts to use it when low on energy, he could possible trap himself in a dissembled form, unable to reassemble until his C.A energy pool refills itself.

Personality: Kessler is a rather complex individual. His regenerative ability, at this point, has brought his mind to a state of no return. His most distinctive trait is his murderous personality, and illogical reasoning. He bears a great hatred against the S.N.T.S because of their strict regulations over their citizens and their laws, perhaps showing some kind of utter disregard for order imposed throughout society. He possesses a rather dark sense of humor, finding things such as famine, war, and slaughter to merely be hilarious topics, free to be discussed. He revels in the horrific acts that he commits, regardless of how many people may die in the process. He possesses a rather odd outlook on reality, as his own reality was shattered the day he was brought to near death. Most tend to see him as psychotic, but he views himself as merely possessing a higher form of mind. His unpredictability is to be feared, and his true intentions are unknown.


  • Two Combat Knives
  • Assault Rifle
  • M1911

Bio: In the beginning... John was merely a member of the Sanctum. Born, trained, served, and lived there for two decades. At that point in time, his powers hadn't quite developed to the point that they have now. Starting out as a loyal soldier to the Sanctum's cause, it seemed that this wasn't to last, as he would later go on to use his special abilities for his own selfish purposes, beginning to disregard the true purpose for his abilities. At the same time, the rapidly increased use of his abilities caused them to expand, and thus, caused the mental deterioration of his healing factor to take place at a faster rate. At some point, when he went a bit overboard, he eventually found himself brutally taken down by the S.N.T.S, and left to rot. He was presumed to be dead then... but his regeneration thought otherwise. Over the course of a few days, it began to heal him from his major injuries. However, when he had finally reawakened, the amount of power it had taken to bring him back brought his mind to a point of no return. His outlook of reality shattered into pieces, and with nowhere to turn, he succumbed into madness... thus, his psychotic crusade truly begun.

Other: "Hehehehe.... I'm HERE @Atom, @Gilzar! I just COULDN'T miss our little migration to RPNation and raise my amazing expectation for the humiliation of those with an orderly affiliation!"
Name: Kayla Ariel D'Sole


Age: 21

Faction: Sanctum

Power: Aquakinesis (Her Clan's Skill) / Cryokinesis (Main focus) / Frigokinesis (sub-ability) [/tab]

Personality: Ariel is usually a pretty open person, not being afraid to tell what's in her mind. She is very proud of her swordsmanship, that she inherited from her father. She is level-headed during battle, and most of the time will avoid fights. But once started one she will not stop until her enemy is incapacitated. Her fighting style is a bit wild, for that reason she earned the nickname "Lioness" or "Ice princess" for the nature of her ability, during her time at the Academy. After attaining the rank "Knight", her parents gave her as present a customized weapon, a rapier forged from Osmium which is the most durable and hardest element known, having a black-gray tint, and incorporating a metarch level AI, which she named Aila.

In battle she relies on her trained reflexes, judges the opponent's movements and reacts accordingly, but sometime can be temperamental and act unconsciously. She sometimes goes to her family's residence to spar with her father. And for some reason hates felines of any kind.

Weapons: A black tinted Rapier (check the character's picture)

Rank: Knight

Bio: Kayla is the daughter only daughter of Eugeo D'Sole and Eveline D'Sole. She lives in her modest home in the city of Cilestia, in which she moved almost a year ago.

She was trained by her father, a retired knight, in the art of swordsmanship since she was very little, then she joined the academy and graduated at the age of 16. Then she underwent numerous missions, striving for the rank of Master. She had awaken her powers a little later after she started training with her father, and managed to control them before graduation, in time she developed sub-abilities to her clan's Water Manipulation. She showed a natural affinity towards Ice Manipulation, which she decided to train as her unique trait. Surprisingly she developed Snow Manipulation after figuring out that ice can be thinned and broke until it was as small as a snowflake. She decided to use Ice manipulation to reinforce her swordsmanship, coating her blade with sharp and dense layers of Ice that could cut through metal with ease. She reached the rank of Knight recently, almost a year ago. Upon earning the new title her parents presented her with a custom made weapon that had integrated in it a advanced AI, named Aila. Now she continues to gain experience in the result that one day she could ascend to the rank of Master.



Companion(secondary character)

metarch level AI.


Current location: Kayla's personal weapon.

Description: The tactical AI, codename "Aila", can run battle simulations, transmit highly encoded messages, relays informations to the user, and other AI-related tasks. This AI has incorporated in its programming, essential human emotional elements that results in the AI's self-consciousness, but as its prime directive, it is to obey to the user's orders, as long as they don't lead to the user's death. The AI can use nearby screens or holographic projectors to manifest itself, the data used for the manifestation is managed by the AI itself(=the AI chooses its own appearance, voice and personality).The AI can be used to rewrite certain program protocols(=hack stuff), but this feature applies only to technology lower than the AI itself(so that the AI can't reprogram its basic protocols).
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Name: Kazuma Makubex




Faction: Sanctum


Personality: (Revealed in RP))

Weapons: No gun just his awesome sword


Rank: Knight

Bio: His entire clan was killed before he was born. They died in a massive raid on one the Floating Cities of the Sanctum. As the last of his clan he along with his mother were moved to the capital, Cilestia. When he was about 12 he had found his fathers sword(the one he uses today), though not knowing it was a sword because it looked like a hilt. But when he picked ignited it's blade his power awoken though it was quite subtle at first because it was Chi Augmentation. Suddenly he was increasingly agile, stronger, and faster. Seeing this his mother concluded his powers had awoken and sent him to the academy.

There was a lot of buzz about him when he entered being the sole survivor of his clan, everyone knew solely by his last name. Many had unusually high expectations of him being the Makubex clan always produced powerful CA. However he failed everyone's expectations at first which caused a lot of negativity towards him and many ridiculed his dead clan. It was only then he found the determination because he wanted to prove them wrong and bring glory to the name of his clan that had been damaged ever since their annhilation. He quickly became a prodigy in his clan as he unlocked more and more of his ability. He graduated in the top 10 of his class.

In his days as a Scarlet he was assigned many missions. Most involved serving under Knights, it was seeing those Knights that made him strive to be one. It was his sole focus on becoming a Knight that when he became a soldier some of the typical perks went unused including his gunship. But one day, on a mission to attack the enemy he happened upon the group that killed his clan. It was that day it was discovered that his powers had a dark side to them, for became a raging berserker that crush the enemy and after the enemy were all but massacred he turned on his allies for a short period before collasping running out of energy. He was officially warned by the Empress herself that should he turn to his dark side again and become a danger to his comrades that he will be killed without hesitation. Though he on bright side he was promoted to Knight for that performance.

Other:For the sake of character develooment I've chosen three of his sub powers for him to starr with: Chi Augmentation, Invisible Energy, and Imdomitable Will
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