Childhood Demons


Friendly Neighborhood Fanthing

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Accepted characters

Daniel Harlow Thompson (Harlow) ~ @S n o w

June Thompson

Zane Marshall ~ @TheyCallMeFox

Edo ~ @GoddessOfGod

Thalia Irene Weather ~ @Nikki Rodgers

McKenna Jay Poor

Melissa Osana ~ @PunkKat1

Felicita Scarpa ~ [MENTION=4363]Assassin Of Fate[/MENTION]


Tacey wandered into the center of camp where a small fire was burning strong. She never was able to figure out what Almira did to keep the villagers from seeing the smoke, but for some reason they never seemed to notice it. With a small sigh, she sat down one of the logs that surrounded the fire. They had been bringing so many more children lately. It was kind of sad, actually. How many were going to die to join their ranks..? She glanced up, the flickering fire reflected in her red eyes as she sighed again. Mother really didn't seem to mind the new intake. Sure she acted all sad and sincere when she revived a child, but Tacey knew she was excited to see their numbers growing. She didn't know what her mother had planned for them, but it had to be something big for her to be this happy over new children. She didn't really want to think about it though. She loved her new mother and thinking about what she could be planning with them only served to depress her. Under her breath she began to sing the lullaby that her old mother used to sing her to sleep. Anyone within earshot of her would currently be feeling the calming sensation of her tune as she attempted to calm herself down.


Across the camp, Jett sat leaning up against a tree. In his palm was a small ice butterfly. "If only you could fly away.." He said as he accidently dropped the delicate thing on the ground and watched as it shattered. Oh well.. He supposed he could always make himself a new one.. As he started to work, he caught sight of a few of the new children. Their numbers sure were growing fast. If things kept up at this rate, they'd have to start sharing their living areas. He really didn't want that. He needed his space. He looked down with a small smile at the new butterfly that was sitting in his palm.
Zane was sitting in the darkness away from the fire, he froze as he saw Tacey. When she started to sing he felt his emotions being pulled on. A sense of calmness slowly washed over him. He creeps over closer to Tacey. He pulls on her emotions making her more calm and just a bit happier. He had seen her around and she seemed nice enough. He thought he might as well help her out. Zane smiles slightly. His heart was beating quickly, he didn't much like being around people. As he stands upto walk back into the darkness he trips over a log, his hand hits a hot rock around the fire and he grabs it, a kind of bad burn covered his palm "Ouch." he sits up and cradels his hurt hand. He looks at Tacey and freezes
Sitting father away from the fire. She sat against a tree with her kneeks tucked closly to her chest. Burrying her face into her legs, she shut her eyes and closed off everything around her. why am i alive, she thought.

To be here , kickin like always, she was upset a little. Finally she was able to die, to leave her mom's side but she was here. She tightend her grio she had around her legs. The voices in her head all talking

with loud voices. The were upset, how could her mother be so cruel. Personally she had no problem. It was her fault , so she had rather it be this way. Away from her mother and out of her life.
A new feeling of calm washed over Tacey that brought a small smile to her face. It appeared that someone was assisting her. Glancing around, she caught sight of Zane just as he tripped over a log. Tacey quickly stood from her spot and wandered over to him. "Are you alright..?" She asked quietly, red eyes looking at him with concern. She gazed down to notice he was cradling his hand. He must have burned it... She thought, glancing around to see how far away they were from the hut that housed their medical supplies. There should be something in there for burns.

McKenna sat near a lake. The water had always calmed her. The moonlight shined on the surface giving her a fresh perspective. McKenna smiled as she wisped her finger's around the waters edge. She picked up a pebble with her mind and flung it across the water. She smiled as the pebble danced, allowing the water to ripple from where it had struck. She sat there quietly.


Thalia watched a boy with a butterfly. The first one had fallen to the ground, where it shattered like glass. This fascinated Thalia. Although she felt like a stalker, she approached the boy with the new creature. "That's very pretty." She spoke out, her voice sweet and calm for once. Thalia noted where McKenna had gone, giving her self ease.
Zane hops to his feet "F-fine." He pulls his hand against his stomache and winces slightly he holds out his hand to her, his palm was a dark red "S-see fine." he frowns and looks at her, just his luck that he would trip just as he was making a get away. He frowns slightly and the flames of the fire flicker around his face giving him a slightly threatening look
Jett looked up in surprise, jolting and dropping the new butterfly. "Thank you.." He said in almost a whisper. He wasn't really used to people complimenting his little sculptures. Heck, he wasn't really used to people talking to him period. With a soft sigh, he began working on a new creation. This one was a puppy. When he finished, it sat on the ground in front of him with its tongue lolling out of its mouth happily.


Tacey tilted her head slightly to the side. So, he was trying to get her to go away, hmm..? That wasn't going to work out very easily. Lightly, she grabbed his uninjured hand and tried to pull him towards the medical hut. This wasn't very easy for her considering her small stature. "Well, I'd still like to put some cream or something on it." She said with determination. She wasn't going to give up.
Zane smiles slightly, it was nice having someone care about him. He pushes on her emotions making her feel more calm, he just wanted to something nice in return so he did what he did best. She seemed bothered, and she was nice enough. So he thought he might as well help her out "O-okay. Thanks."
The voices varing from a low and high pich, arguments ran through her head. She lifted her head from her legs as she looked up toward the sky. She narrowed her eyes as she ducked her head back in beteen her legs

sighing. "..stop" Her voice was low, but it made the talking stop for now.
Tacey smiled as she felt another wave of calm wash over her. " No problem... It's what I do." She said, glancing up at him. She pulled him to a wooden chair that was outside of the medical hut. "Wait here.." She told him before darting inside. She emerged a moment later with a small container. Inside the container was a soft pink lotion. She sat down in front of him and began carefully applying the cream to his hand.

Thalia looked at the new creation. A Puppy. "That's a nice power you know, mine. Well its odd. " She smiled. Thalia leaned down to pet the puppy. Glancing up at the kid. "I'm Thalia. You are?" She asked polietly. Thalia turned her attention back to the puppy. She feared that if she was too rough that it might shatter at her will.
Zane smiles "If you haven't guessed I can control emotions." he looks at her and winces slightly and pulls his hand away. He frowns "Sorry." he streatches his hand back out to her, it felt quite pleasent now that the initial sting of it was over
"I'm Jett... " He said. He always left off his last name. When ever people heard his last name they tended to be afraid of him because of his family and what they did. He wasn't like that though. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your power..?" He inquired, glancing away from the puppy to look at her with calm blue eyes.


Tacey continued her work as carefully as she could manage. "It's fine.. and I kind of figured.." She said softly, pausing for a moment to smile at him. " There." She said as she climbed back to her feet and dusted the dirt off of her white dress. "So, I take it you're the one that's been helping me..?"
Zane blushes slightly "Yeah. I've been. Erm. Watching you for a few days. You seem stressed so I gave you a nudge in the right direction. But when you sing. It's beautiful. It has the same effect on me." he rubs his head slightly "Thanks by the way. This feels much better." he gestures to his hand "Want to go back to the fire?" he raises an eyebrow

Thalia smiled deviously. She stood up to face Jett. "I Don't mind Jett." Thalia closed her eye's. She concentrated hard. "I Love when people ask me that." She mumbled to herself. Thalia opened her eye's. "Ta~Dah!" She announced. Even though she knew nothing happened, something had. A Girl stood behind Jett. She looked exactly like Thalia. The girl behind Jett tapped him on the shoulder. "Does that awnser your question?" She asked kindly. The Girl's image blurred, before it faded out and dissapeared. Thalia looked gingerly at Jett.
"Well, thank you..." Tacey said softly, a smile growing on her face. She supposed she did need a little nudge. Her mother had been coming to fetch her a lot more frequently to go and pick up new children and she had been a bit more stressed than usual. ".. and no problem, I'm glad to help.." She chimed before glancing back over to the fire. "Sure, why not." She said, smile growing. This night was turning out better than she thought.


Jett looked between her and the double before the other one disappeared. "Yes, it answers my question quite well in fact." He said, with a rare smile on his face. Looking down at the ground, he suddenly got an idea. He began working on a new creation. When he was finished, there was a mini replica pf Thalia in his hand. Carefully, he set if on the ground so as not to break it.
Zane smiles and pulls her back to the fire. He sits on a log and looks up at her "It's warmer here." he smiles and yawns slightly "Sorry." he chuckles lightly "So what wxactly is your power miss...oh. My name is... Um.. Zack.. No Zane. Myname is Zane. What is yours?" He smiles up at her waiting fkr her to sit somewhere
Thalia stared in awe at the Miniture sculpture. "That is amazing. How do you di that of sorts?" She asked, observing the statue. Thalia set her knee's on the ground as she observed the thing. "I just hope it doesn't think it's better than me." She smirked, slyly. Thalia grinned up at Jett.
Tacey settles herself down next to him on the log. "My name's Tacey.. " She said with a smile. "and my power is my voice... I can compel people into doing things or feeling a certain way. That's why mother takes me with her to fetch the new children. In case the bolt, I can call them back..." She didn't really like to control people, that's why she usually sang her happy or calming songs. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zane. Well, formally anyways.." She giggled.


"Don't worry. It doesn't think at all..." Jett said with a small laugh. "It doesn't do much unless I make it.." Looking intently at the mini statue, his forehead wrinkled in concentration as the small sculpture smiled and waved at them. "See..?"
Thalia laughed. She gently waved back at , well, herself. Thalia looked up at Jett, she stood up once more. "Why are you over here and not sitting at the fire. You know its cold right?" She asked, her voice avoiding that mocking term. Thalia wasn't use to actually being nice to somebody. Usially she didn't trust easily.

Jett raised an eyebrow."I don't mind... I'm cold..."He said as he held up a hand in front of him. With the development of his new ice powers, Jett's skin had cooled considerably. In fact, sometimes he even wondered if the ice itself flowed through his veins.
Zane smiles "Yeah it is." he smiles and streatches out his arms. Zane looks at the fire and smiles. His teeth flash in the light of the flame. He looks at Tacey he liked making her giggle. He looks up at the stars and smiles "It's a very nice night tonight, isn't it." he smiles brightly at Tacey
Harlow sat on a high tree branch, looking down at the others and the 'new' children, although he himself could be considered new. He saw a guy and girl looking at some sort of tiny ice sculpture. He couldn't really see what it was from where he was sitting, and their leader was around the fire with someone else. He shifted slightly on the branch, making a small noise as the branch creaked.

June looked around with a slight frown, her forehead creased in thought. She wanted someone to talk to but didn't know who to pick. There were so many children now! She spotted a girl with her head down between her legs not too far away. June ran over to where the girl was and sat down cross-legged in front of her. "Hi!" She said brightly.
Tacey nodded, glancing up at the stars. "You're right.. It is.." She said softly, a smile gracing her lips. It was rare that she got to spend a night like tonight peacefully. Usually her mother would show up to collect her since night time was when most murders took place. If only for a single night, she wanted a break. She looked up at the full moon. There was barely a single cloud in the night sky. The darkness in the forest just made the stars seem as if they were shining brighter.
Zane looks up at the stars. All of a sudden he has a flashback. He falls back off the log unconcious. He remembers running from the man that killed him. It was a group. Three men. One of them was his brother Elend. Zane was backed into a corner by the men. He tries to step back and his hands touch a rough wall. He sits back up, fully concious. He was sweating and and breathing heavily. He looks at Tacey, his eyes wide

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