Chevalier Academy (Reboot)


I will kill you ^.^






Chevalier or Chatelain:

Armor (If Chevalier):

Partner: (Edit after they have been announced)



History/Bio: (Optional)

Theme Song ( xD ) : (Optional)

*You can be part of the Student Council (Please PM if you wish to be part of it) or just a regular student. If your character has a part time job, then put that in. You are also free to create a club (It is after all a school) just run it by me (Lynx) first. 
Time to invite some awesome people~!

@Britt-21 @Shura11 @Jason Rorstiel @Alex Phalin
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Andrew Vahlour










196 lbs

Chevalier or Chatelain:


Armor (If Chevalier):




Student Council President


Andrew is a friendly young man. Very outgoing and likes to make friends. He's very smart. However, like every human, he has his flaws. Although Andrew is smart, he lacks certain qualities. He's very aloof and can almost be seen as lazy. He forgets things easily, by demand or just because he really can't remember. Either way, he tends to go off and do his own thing, rather than do his responsibilities.

Like every boy, he likes girls. Andrew is very courteous and polite to the female students. It's crossed his mind that he could be quite manipulative as the Student Council President but he's never done it. Andrew has had a few relationships, most of them were broken off not by him. Oh Andrew loved and cared for his girlfriends but no one could really stand that Andrew was so bright yet so aloof!

Andrew doesn't want to change himself. He gets his duties and classes done (Eventually) and he is doing fine as he is. Perhaps he should change but Andrew doesn't want to have to change because someone doesn't like him that way. He wants people to like him the way he is without him having to change.


Andrew's family, one way or another, has always studied the warrior arts. Andrew is the eldest of his siblings and chose to become a Chevalier/Knight and compete in national tournaments. He was exceedingly good at his practice and was immediately enrolled into Chevalier Academy.

Being as smart as he was, he rose through the ranks of the students and he was eventually placed as Student Council President. He was chosen because he was quite familiar with all of the students and many students felt comfortable coming to him about problems.

Theme Song

The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

Aki rocks
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Clarisse Maxim







(Minus the grin)


5 feet


95 lbs

Chevalier or Chatelaine


Armor (If Chevalier)






To be announced


Student Council Vice President


Clarisse (Clair for short) is a hardy little girl. Her short stature belies her strong will and she wears a perpetual pokerface around people she doesn't know and most people she does know. Her extremely short temper is rather renowned through the academy. That, coupled with her stern demeanor, has earned her more people fearing her than friends. But she is always surrounded by an air of authority and an aura of confidence, probably the reason why she finds herself in the post of vice president. Despite her seemingly indifferent attitude towards this lack of friends, she often finds herself wondering what was wrong with her. But she is yet to find a reason to change, given that her personality has many many admirers, thanks to her frankness and the ability to call a spade a spade. Her smile is one of legends, in that it has never been seen in public. The last time a person was rumored to have seen her smile was the first time she met her horse. But that was one time, just one person and just a ghost of a smile. No more.

Aki Rocks!

Name: Naomi Rei

Age(15-18): 16

Gender: Female


Height: 5'6

Weight: 145lb

Chevalier or Chatelain: Chatelain

Armor (If Chevalier):


Occupation*: She volenteers to hang out with children at the hospital have spend time. But she works as a cashier

Personality: Shes sweet, funny, strong and brave, confident and loves to cheer others up. Sometimes she shy and doesnt talk much. Naomi loves eating sweets since she has a big sweet tooth. Its easy to make her happy but its also easy to make her upset. Naomi tries her best to make her friends happy and always puts them first before herself.

History/Bio: (Optional)

aki rocks
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Very little is known of what he looks like because he wears a handcrafted mask over his face after his whole faced was burned from a horrible accident.

Chevalier or Chatelin:



Armor(If Chevalier):





Works in the armory helping making weapons and repairing them for other chevaliers and has become skilled at making weapons

Is also a member of the student council


Sam is a very quiet man and focuses on the task he has ahead of him. He loves to work with anything that has to do with weaponry or armor. He worked in the schools armory for 3 years and has become very skilled with working with metal.

Sam usually doesn't talk to people because of his injury and the mask he wears to cover the injuries he had and people are scared of him when he walks by but he is a very smart man and can fix almost anything that cuts or protects people.

He is very friendly when people look past the mask and get to know him. He is very trustworthy bu tpeople don't give him chances and he doesn't talk to may people. He is one of the shining stars of the Chevaliers and wants to keep it that way, he worked hard to reach where he is and want to keep it that way


Sam was born into a rich family but was not very loved by his parents since he was the 7th child of the family and they were very well known in the area. Sam showed many potential at a young age but no one noticed and when Sam reached the age of 15, his parents sent him to chevalier academy so they wouldnt have to deal with him. When he got there on the first day, he got a job at the armory that is at the academy, but when he first worked there, there was many new students working there and one of them was carry so molten metal to make a new sword and tripped throwing all over him burning his whole face and leaving it all scared except miraculously his eyes. He survived but the local armory master had to make a special mask for sam so he could he still work without people being scared to death of him and running out of the room.

3 years later he had worked hard and had become a chevalier and one of the armory's top weapon smithes and was nominated to be on the student council for all of his hard work and skill.

Theme Song:

Walkürenritt or Ritt der Walküren(ride of the Valkyries) by Wagner

Aki Rocks!

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Oh, go ahead and twist my arm for this one, why don't ya? :P I'll have my sheet up shortly. 
Name: Antonio Lucioni (pronounced Lu-chi-o-ni)

Age(15-18): 17

Gender: Male


Height:5' 11"

Weight: 153 lbs.

Chevalier or Chatelain: Chevalier

Armor (If Chevalier): An old set of Italian tilt armor that was passed down through his family. It's undergone quite a few repairs and isn't in the best shape, but it works.


Partner: (Edit after they have been announced)

Occupation*: Antonio works in a convenience store as a part-time job.

Personality: Antonio is, for lack of a better word, brash. He can be quite the loudmouth, and constantly brags about how good he is on horseback. He never backs down from challenges, and will often go out of his way to challenge others either on or off the field.

Deep down, though, he's a kind person. He takes care of people he calls friends, though it doesn't happen very often due to him being a bit of a jerk.

History/Bio: Antonio comes from a Sicilian family, a descendant of a great Chevalier. He takes his bloodline very seriously, and believes that jousting is in his blood. He was always the one to get kicked around in his family, so from a very young age he learned to become independent. He doesn't speak with his family much anymore, due to his trademark Italian temper.

Theme Song ( xD ) : Highway to Hell, ACDC.

Aki Rocks!
[Drop out]

Name: Jade Hunter

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150lbs

Chevalier or Chatelain: Chatelain

Armor: N/A

Partner: TBA


Jade is fairly quiet and observant but still friendly in her own awkward way. She loves animals and the fresh air so she spends most of her time out doors. Although most see her sweet and kind side she can be force to recon with. If challenged or confronted Jade remains calm but is very stubborn and fairly snark. If she knows she will loose she will at least have the last word, or at least take her opponent down with her. She is fairly skilled with fencing and is rarely ever seen with out her sword at her side.

History/Bio: Jade is the youngest daughter fairly successful parents. Her mother, Jenna Hunter, was a well known fencer who used to compete while her father, Aaron Hunter, was a well known Chevalier. She has one older brother named Chase who trained to follow in his father foot steps and become a chevalier. Jade too wanted to follow this path when she was young despite her mother wanting neither of them to become Chevalier because of the risk of injury. Things changed when Jade was 7, her Brother had an nasty accident while training and injured his spine rendering his legs useless. After that day Jenna forbid Jenna from trying to be come a Chevalier, Jade couldn't really argue after seeing her fairly athletic and energetic brother now bound to a wheel chair. Instead Jade took up Fencing like her mother urged her too and found a good amount of enjoyment in it.

Jade remained close to the horses not blaming them or hating them for what happen to chase, the whole thing was an accident. She cared for them and the other pets spending most of her free time with them. She begged her father to give her horseback riding lessons, he gave in but only if it was kept a secret from her mother. Despite enjoying Fencing Jade wanted to a good part of her still go to the Chevalier Academy if not to be a Chevalier than to be a Chatelain. She might not be able to continue in her father foot steps but that didn't mean she couldn't be part of the sport at all. After much pleading and convincing Jade was allowed to enter the Academy.

Theme Song: Thirty Second to Mars -

Aki Rocks!
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Hello! I'm totally new to this site so many sorry's should I mess up.

Name: Alder Wryncast

Age(15-18): 16

Gender: Male

(We can just take them from the internet right?)

Height: 5'7


Chevalier or Chatelain: Chatelain, as there seems to be a slightl lack of them.

Armor (If Chevalier): N/A

Partner: (Edit after they have been announced)

Occupation*: Part Time Janitor Work at the local hospital/clinic


Upbeat, friendly, and a bit naive, Alder means well and likes to help others. However, he does like to curl up with a good book now and then and if he feels stressed you can probably find him trying to escape into one in the library. He tries to listen to others before speaking and has a tendancy to want to help solve problems he has nothing to do with. This usually ends up with him way in over his head, but he's grown to be able to shrug off snug remarks and the like. He'll have his friends' backs in almost any situation, and he's someone you can depend on no matter what.

History/Bio: Alder is the son of a middle class family that work boring jobs day in and day out from nine to five. Ever since he was young, Alder wanted to do something fun with his life, to shake off the chains that seemed to follow him everywhere of his parents boring and demanding lifestyles. He wasn't sure what he wanted to be but he fell in love with the world of jousting as it became more popular. However, unlike many others he knew there was something more important then being in the front of the show, fighting others for crowns and glory. His reserved upbrining didn't quite make it his cup of tea. He was outgoing, but not ready for fame. So he decided to become a Chatelain, the person behind the scenes doing everything they can to make sure the Chevalier has a good chance at winning. In his own way, Alder could change someone's world for the better.

Theme Song ( xD ) : (Optional) I can't think of one so...

Anyway, like I said, totally new to this site, so if I do get rejected please tell me where I went wrong!

Oh yah, Aki Rules! (Or Rocks, one of the two.)


Mirajane "Mira" Hughes






:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/anime13.jpg.57eccd05653c6efa9a126fd6832bb9fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16897" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/anime13.jpg.57eccd05653c6efa9a126fd6832bb9fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




118 pounds.

Chevalier or Chatelain:


Armor (If Chevalier):

Partner: (Edit after they have been announced)


She's a part-time waitress at a tiny burger shop.


Mira is a timid and childishly innocent girl. She's kind and compassionate, but worries often and about pointless things. She's brave in the face of danger, but can be terrified of every day things, like spiders or thunder. She can get jealous somewhat easily, and it doesn't take much to annoy her either. She gets violent and loud when she's angry, though it doesn't happen often, and can become withdrawn, quiet, and depressed afterwards. This only lasts for a few hours, or occasionally days, but most of the time she quickly bounces back to the normal, cheery girl that everyone knows.

History/Bio: (Optional)

Mira was an orphan, and doesn't remember much from her life before she was adopted. All she knows is that both of her parents died in a fire when she was four, and was soon adopted by an elderly couple. She calls them 'Gran' and 'Gramps' even though she has no blood relation to either of them. They took notice to her interest in medieval times, and so she now goes to Chevalier Academy. She has a recurring nightmare of the fire that killed her parents, and she gets insanely sick around smoke..

Theme Song ( xD ) :

Monster, by Skillet.

Aki Rocks! :3



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Okay, now Surfergirl has pulled out her application. Meaning, if one of you guys want the role of a Chatelaine, feel free to post one or let me know if you're interested. If not, I'll make one (to balance the count).


Name: Godiva Anne Geer

Age(15-18): 17

Gender: Female


Height: 5’10”

Weight: 154 pounds

Chevalier or Chatelain: Chevalier

Armor (If Chevalier):


Occupation*: Student Council Treasurer, waitress at a local café, tutor, and babysitter.

Personality: Everyone underestimates Godiva. She is sweet and caring, so she must be a mat to be walked all over. She almost always has a smile on her face, so she must never get angry. She is small in size and female, so she must be weak and cowardly. She accepts everyone and gives people a second chance, so she must be stupid. What is stupid is underestimating her. She might be easy going, kind, and accepting, but she could still take down a man three times her size. She tries to help everyone she can, which results in stretching herself too thin at times, but always seems at ease and happy. However, the instant she puts on her armor, her whole demeanor changes. She becomes cold, calculating, and merciless. She never gives up and always gets up when she falls. However, after a fight, she is always a good sport. If she loses, she asks the opponent to teach her what she did wrong and how to fix it. If she wins, she makes sure the other person is okay, offers her help, and tells them what a good job they did.

History/Bio: Her father always wanted a boy to teach the fine art of knighthood. He had been a notable jouster at the academy himself and wanted to pass this legacy down to his son. What he got instead was Godiva. And since Godiva’s mother died in childbirth, his hopes of a son died with her. So, he gave her the name of a notable female in history and a variation of a deity and raised her like a boy. She learned how to ride a horse before she could walk and learned how to handle a sword before she could write. He put her through grueling training every day until he could enroll her in Chevalier Academy.

Theme song: Just a Girl by No Doubt


Name: Caspian “Cas” Turner

Age(15-18): 16

Gender: Male



Weight: 180

Chevalier or Chatelain: Chatelain

Armor (If Chevalier):


Occupation*: Volunteers at the local animal shelter

Personality: Because of the way that Cas looks, people tend to avoid him. He doesn’t smile very often and has a very serious aura about him, but he is a gentle giant. He is very kind and wouldn’t hurt anyone. However, he does prefer the company of animals over people. Animal don’t judge a person just for the way they look. They treat a person by how they are treated. Because of how he has been prejudiced against, he tends to avoid people and doesn’t talk much to humans, only animals. He is shy and because of his lack of experience, tends to stutter when talking to girls, if he talks to them at all.

History/Bio: Caspian grew up with his parents on his family farm, mostly taking care of the horses. His future looked pretty bland without much chance to get into college with his parents’ poor financial standing. However, one day, everything changed. A representative from Chevalier Academy came to the farm, looking for good horses. Caspian’s parents struck up a deal. They would sell their horses to the Academy at a discount if Caspian could in return attend the school at discount. The representative agreed and Caspian came to the school right away, happy to have the opportunity for a bright future.

Theme song: Liar by Korn

Avi Rocks!



Age: 18

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_mp6d5zItes1sxyt28o1_400.jpg.aa05f8d47e2ad6aeca83bd6b06bda2ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_mp6d5zItes1sxyt28o1_400.jpg.aa05f8d47e2ad6aeca83bd6b06bda2ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 180 lbs





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/knight_by_mineworker-d419vo9.jpg.07a7cfe6c8eb554229cde921c14d95d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/knight_by_mineworker-d419vo9.jpg.07a7cfe6c8eb554229cde921c14d95d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Partner: (Edit after they have been announced)



Amature Mixed Martial Artist


On initial inspection, most tend to see Desmond as a bit of an jerk. To quote many of the acquaintances he has happened to be around for an extended period of time, "You're an asshole." Desmond, might in fact, be a jerk. He only sees himself as a realist, though. Not talking much unless he knows you. Very well at that. Then when he does talk, it's generally sarcastic and not what you were wanting to hear necessarily. However, since he does stay so quiet, he tends to be a good listener and great for giving advice to those he believes deserve it. If someone is tolerable enough for him, they would be able to experience a different side of him. A very caring and somewhat happy go-lucky person. Tending to revert to immaturity and goofiness for humor.


He'll tell you if you are actually interested.

Theme Song:

Indestructible, by Disturbed

Aki rocks and rolls!



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Angelique Allen








5' 11"


170 lbs

Chevalier or Chatelaine



To be announced


Bartender at a local club


Angelique (Angie for short) is tall beyond belief. Taller than her parents and taller than her brother. So tall that she is often invited to model at fashion shows. So tall that she is easily visible. So tall that it vexes her. Because tall is not a cute height. It is a scary height. It often scares away a lot of smaller animals. But she still loved animals and that is probably what made her get close to horses. Her charm and charisma easily puts the most unruly of horses at ease. And it was this same charm and charisma that led her to fake her age and become a bartender. It paid well after all and the slightest bit of flirting earned her a big tip. She is rather outgoing as well. Not in that she makes friends easily, which she doesn't, but in that she doesn't hesitate to lend a hand when it is needed, no matter who may be in need or what help is needed. Nor is she afraid to walk up to a stranger and shake hands and introduce herself (flirting included). She is extremely athletic as well, a basketball player in school. And now a chatelaine at Chevalier Academy.



Lilianette 'Lily' Vahlour






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sisilala.Overdrive.full.1383039.jpg.ffc652d67ed043d07bb3f7b2c3861a2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sisilala.Overdrive.full.1383039.jpg.ffc652d67ed043d07bb3f7b2c3861a2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




94 lbs

Chevalier or Chatelain:


Armor (If Chevalier):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/359bas5.png.1e8e309895def29ce0d0f73b77e9d89a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/359bas5.png.1e8e309895def29ce0d0f73b77e9d89a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(Edit after they have been announced)




Lily is a hard-working but lovable young girl. She's small but she prefers the term 'fun-sized'. Lily is optimistic and can bring a smile to almost anyone's face. She can fall down and pick herself back up and continue smiling.

Lily is a free-spirit. She does what she's told but also likes to do it her own way. Unlike her older brother Andrew, she does things on time, efficiently. People believe that Andrew and Lily are opposites but they're really just similar with small differences.


Lilianette is the younger sister of Andrew Vahlour. When she was born, she was quite sickly and stayed indoors for the first six years of her life, barely leaving her room. Andrew kept Lily company and played a lot of games with her as she grew up. However, he soon left to go to Chevalier, leaving Lily alone with her parents.

Thankfully, her poor health improved and she eventually was able to walk around freely. However, she had major catching up to do with school so she never did make much friends. She was very excited as she watched Andrew completely dominate Jousting tournaments. Lily aspired to be like her older brother. Andrew back then was proud, hard-working, boastful. His ego was enormous. Lily didn't care, Andrew was her role model and she would follow his very footsteps. When he came home one summer, he announced that he was going to 'semi-retire' from jousting.

Lily was distraught and demanded that Andrew tell her the reason. He refused and only ruffled her hair and smiled. However, she began to realize that the 'new' Andrew was a lot more fun. Her dream to be like him didn't die, only slighted modified. Andrew told Lily that he saw potential in her so he wanted her to pave her own way. Lily wanted Andrew to teach her how to be a Chevalier but he refused.

Now she's entering Chevalier Academy, excited to finally be with her brother once again and to take a chance at becoming the best Chevalier.

@Ethreal Oatmeal




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Dear me, we need 2 more chatelaines. 3 if we include an inactive Shadow =/ 
Unless we get new sign ups, which we probably won't, I'll just pair one of the Chevaliers with an NPC. I don't see any other choice =/

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