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Realistic or Modern Chemical 432

Adrian took the blunt "Man ,the undead are walking around and killing people... eating them.. infecting them... it just seems like a nightmare if you ask me, never thought this would ever happen, my question is, what do we do? i doubt a cure is coming out any time soon." Adrian looked around then looked at Cajun, "pop me in the head if i ever get infected homz, I don't ever want to be a walking dead, id rather be dead dead, and just hope there's peace after Life." thinking to himself he knew that if there was a heaven or any place of that sorts after life, that he wasn't going, knowing that this is hell on earth, but he has a hell waiting for him after life, much, much worst. *INHALES* looks at the weed "this the only shit keeping me sane I swear." passes it back and lays down.

(Hope everything gets better @Annabella ,sorry to hear that.)
(Wow I am really behind. Sorry about the hiatus)

"Charlie and I, we found each other when the virus broke out...and we kind of stuck together. So, we survived on our own then the colonies came. We agreed that we would go together but the day before we were going we got an alert that space was limited so I said that we aren't going. He didn't have the same idea," she whispered an looked at Charloe who was sitting in the hood of the car that brought them to safety.

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