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Realistic or Modern Chemical 432

"If you can throw it into the center of the Horde, we can set all of them on fire." Jin pointed out. "Their skin is decayed and they're much more flammable than us." She added, looking at her handgun. "Just toss one jerry can. I can make the shot." Jin replied, filled with confidence.
"Don't toss the whole fucking can!" Jack argued. "We're going to need some of that to get away from here. Why don't you find some bottles or something to throw? You'll need incendiaries otherwise." he added, flinching as he heard a stained glass panel being shattered, as the zombies pressed in closer to the church. Jack fumbled in his pocket for his lighter, finally producing it. "It won't take long to make some Molotovs, and those'll be perfect."
"alright smart guy how about we pull some bottles out of our asses." shouted Cajun "fuck this" he mumbled he climbed the ladder and jumped on the scaffolding. he ran down and it gave way half way down. Cajun hit the ground hard and rolled. he stripped his gear and left it lying on the ground the only thing on him where his blade and pistol. the horde saw him and took off in a sprint. "aw fuck" he spit and took off towards his truck. he turned back and fired into the horde dropping one zombie a couple others jumped over it and keep for his truck. he piled into it and slammed the door starting it he cracked the windows and took off circling the place laying on the horn. he finally rounded back and plowed into the crowd
"Well, you're wrong. I don't want to burn to death, and I think most of us can agree with that." Jack said gruffly, wetting each of the cloths with gasoline before he filled the bottles with the foul smelling liquid, shoving the torn, fuel soaked rags into their necks. "Who wants to toss these?" he asked tiredly, although he was forced to sigh as the obvious ass in charge of the new group took matters into his own hands. "Fuck it." Jack decided with a sigh, grabbing all of the bottles in one hand and placing his lighter in his mouth as he began to climb back up the ladder.
"crazy white people" Adrian said with a grin, he then took his pistol and started letting off rounds to the ones still trying to get in
Cajun stepped from the truck and quickly dispatched the few remaining cannibals and calmly walked back to the church "there dead since you want to fuck around kid." said Cajun looking at Jack shaking his head Cajun thought he killed them all but they where running at him as he looked at jack. "So ya I think we could all just ch-" he hit the ground hard as they swarmed him. He continued to fight them off using the body as one to shield him and kicking and stabbing at the rest with his blade. "I spoke to soon!!!!" he shouted
Jack winced as he heard every gunshot, knowing that the position would grow untenable if even more zombies were drawn to the church. The half finished building was no fortress, and it's defenders hardly a strong garrison. He returned to his former spot atop of the bell tower, peering down at the developing situation below. "Cocksucker." he swore as the man shouted up at him, although he did toss a pair of Molotovs some distance away from the man, to take some of the pressure off of him, and he also lowered down his rope, as a possible escape route for the beleaguered man. "Hang tight motherfucker!" he yelled down at the man, looking for other ways to help.
Adrian heard the yell he ran to the bell tower saw the rifle near jack "watch out homie" pushing jack to the side picking up Cajuns rifle started aiming the sight and taking fire dropping zombie after zombie
suddenly Cajun heard the sound of his rifle after that he felt a sharp pain in his leg. fuck ive been bit he thought he got a burst of anger as he started to see red and tore through the last two zombies. he stood and checked his leg. just a bullet hole he breathed a sigh of relief "Toss me my smokes." he called at Adrian. smiling and limping
Jack tucked his lighter back into his pocket, letting out a deep breath as he wiped his face off with the center of his tattered shirt. His hands shook momentarily, and he leaned against a post in the bellower for a few seconds before regaining his strength and looking down at Cajun, grudgingly respecting the man. "I'll be goddamned." he said to himself, having written him off as dead.
Adrian grabbed a cig and throw the pack laughing and then shouting "you alright you crazy muther fucker" knowing he would then looking at jack "what about you man?" "you look a little shooken up."
He took the cig and lit "Never been better Hey I might take you up on that offer from earlier." he said referring to the blunt Adrian rolled he climbed the rope up and grabbed jack by the shoulders "I appreciate it kid names Mark call me Cajun im an asshole but ill grow on ya ask the Mexican fucker right there he will tell ya all about it." he patted the kid on the shoulder and sat down lookin at his leg
Jack spat to the side, stepping away from Cajun's hands, not trusting the man quite enough to come that close to him yet. He pulled his crumpled pack of Marlbro reds from his pocket and lit it, placing the cigarette between his lips and sitting down on a pile of two by fours. "That leg's gonna need a doctor. Looks bad." he remarked, grim expression unchanged.
"ya and the only thing close enough to a doc is down the ladder." he pulled his blade out and rammed it into his leg digging the bullet out. his torn pants leg revealed his navy seal sniping tattoo he took another drag of his cig and grabbed the bullet with his finger tips. "dammit that's a big ass bullet." he laughed "I need a drink someone grab my bag please." he said looking into the night sky he figured it was about three maybe four in the morning by now
"We'll have to lower you down with the rope." Jack said with a nod, exhaling the warm smoke from his cigarette. He winced as Cajun preformed surgery on himself, slowly rising to his feet. "I'll find it." he volunteered, more to get himself out of the room than anything else.
Cajun nodded at him. and stretched his leg out a he finished his cig and threw it over the edge "So how about that blunt G?" he said to Adrian laughing
Jack climbed down the ladder, back into the church. He quickly found the SEAL's bag and returned it to the belfry, quickly returning to the lower levels of the church and stretching out on a pew, closing his eyes and letting out a yawn. The attack had exhausted him, and he quickly fell asleep, head resting on his battered backpack.
Jin saw the massive bullet wound. "Here, let me help you with that." She said, revealing that she was a professional in the medical field. In the past, Jin has treated bullet wounds before, but nothing as bad as Cajun's leg. She got down on her knees and examined the wound before opening her small first aid kit to grab a few things to treat the wound, starting with cleaning the blood. She also got out of a needle and a few other materials required for stitches. "You're going to have a beautiful scar when I'm through with you." She said to him as she began patching him up.

"I can try." Jin chuckled as she took an Antiseptic spray and sprayed it on and around the bullet wound before wiping it off with a clean piece of cloth and began stitching it up.
"Damnn did i do that? aha must of went through one of the zombies," "well on the bright side" reaching into his pocket pulling out the blunt he rolled ealier. "i have some of California's finest here rolled up, this will help you with the pain just light it up when jin is done. don't want her around the smoke and hollar at me, ill join you on smoking it." Adrian sat down looking around, "wheres june? don't tell me she missed all that badass shooting"
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(Gosh guys, I apologize. I've been taking care of my Mother who has recently been having all kinds of surgeries due to a tumour and I've been homeschooling. Give me a moment to catch up, I'll post.)
Cajun sparked up and inhaled deeply. watching the night pass slowly in its Hughes of color. "Adrian" he said offering the blunt to his friend
After she finished with the Stitches, Jin decided to patch up the wound so no infections would enter, since it was fresh and all. "There we are. Good as new. Try not to take the bandage off for a few days, I don't want you getting sick...or infected." She said, placing a hand over her stomach, mostly to signify that she was pregnant and if he hadn't noticed yet. As she did that, she used her other hand to put away all her first aid supplies and disposing of the other used tissues and wipes.

(I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully your Mother gets well soon @Annabella )


June had more or less ventured off towards the back area to take care of the matter concerning the barricades and had removed them ever so slightly to rid of the smarter zom zom's (her term for zombies) who had decided that the back entrance was the best to be sneaky. She had driven her knife through their skull repeatedly and had no conflict slicing and dicing them as if they were food, reverse psychology was fun. She had heard the imminent shooting which reverberated around the hollow Church walls and had chuckled quietly at the thought of breaking a good portion of sins. She had never been a religious zealot but her father had preferred the bible although he had taken to the bottle a plethora of times when his everlasting faith had been shaken and it had been often. She returned to the main area when things had calmed down and the fuckers had dispersed, sending a two-finger salute in Jin's direction. She respected a woman like that.
"So, what'd I miss?"


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