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Realistic or Modern Chemical 432

Jack took a few minutes to climb down the ladder of the belfry, sliding down the final few rungs and landing with a thump on the floor of the church. He slowly turned to face the new arrivals, grease stained face wearing a bitter, tired expression. "Well, stuck with y'all now." he grumbled, as the light coming through the stained glass windows of the church faded farther, as the sun set further in the sky.
Among the new arrivals was young expecting mother Jin Young Kang. For the past six months in their horrid world, even though things have gotten really bad within the past few years, Jin held onto hope that her husband was still alive, as they got separated a couple of months ago. As a result, she has had to endure pregnancy alone, which had caused her to sink into depression, but now that she has finally found a place of refuge. With the sun setting, Jin started feeling very tired and just wanted to find a place to sit. In this state though, there was no way she was gonna be able to climb a ladder, oh what to do she wondered...
"What the fuck man?" Jack complained as the man pushed passed him, arms held to the sides. He had been rather gracious, not shooting the intruders on sight like most would, and expected to be left alone for it. He didn't do anything further however, other than spit to the side and walk past the strangers, to the front door. Fucking Ranger Rick assholes he thought to himself as he pushed a heavy oaken pew in front of the door, having grown used to the type while in the Marines.
Adrian studying the church turns and says "hell of a place homie" looking at all the blood and bodies then ask "how long have you been here? did you just find it?" as Adrian took out a journal and started writing in it.
Cajun looked out at the land from the crows nest. he took his rifle and took aim. "thank god ive got the night vision scope." he mumbled to himself he looked around as it began to storm. He looked off in the distance and his eyes grew wide with fear


June hadn't exactly thought this out but when did she ever do anything that didn't involve winging it? She glided silently across the street, knife in hand before slipping into the crack which extended from the church walls to the building beside it. They had blocked most sections off fairly well but June was a bit of a pro when it came to entering places unwanted, taking a running start before jumping and grasping on to the ledge which led to the roof. She would figure it out when she was able to quit playing Spiderman, supporting herself before mustering some form of upper body strength and pulling upwards. She swung her leg over the side before rolling onto the surface and grimaced as she made a noise akin to a thump, uprighting herself before padding along the flat area which circled around the building. She leaned down hesitantly, cursing quietly as her leg slipped abruptly and almost sent her crashing down below before peering into the window which extended from the bottom to the top and overlooked the entrance of the Church. She couldn't see much due to the darkness but she needed to get in there.

Adrian finished writing, looked around again and noticed that jin looked tired, he studied the ladder and thought that she was going to have a tough time getting up there, Adrian felt sympathy for her because he grew up without a mother, so just knowing that she was carrying made him feel "shady". he always wondered if life would be different for him if he had his mom around, maybe he wouldn't of done the sick things he did, but who knows, he thought to himself. whats done is done. he walked up to jin and asked if she wanted to sit pointing to a church bench.
Adrian turning his head, "que viene" adrian climbed the ladder "que paso homie?" "hey can I get one of those cigarettes man?"
When approached by Adrian, Jin looked over at him before running her fingers down her hair. When he pointed at the Church Bench and asked if she wanted to sit, she nodded, smiling a bit before sitting down, feeling very relaxed as she did so. Afterwards, she pulled out a Hair tie and tied her hair into a Ponytail so it doesn't have to get in her face. Her back started hurting as well. Now was not a good time to be dealing with aches and pains...When Adrian and Mark interacted, she heard him ask for a Cigarette. Because of that, Jin can only hope that he doesn't smoke around her, knowing that it was going to be bad for her baby.
mark handed him the pack and lit another one. he handed his rifle to Adrian and said "look out that way we have an issue." he pointed and took a drag of his cig. "hey wheres that other guy he slid down the later and called "Corp man where you at." he said looking around he saw Jin and remembered she was pregnant he quickly swallowed his cig. "Ima regret that later." he smiled
Adrian took the rifle peeking down the sight just wondering what it could be, "ah shit" adrian says putting down the rifle and his cig, he climbed down. checking his ankle strap
"alright look we have a huge ass horde of zombies heading our way guys I say we have about twenty minutes before they're on top of us and this thunderstorm is not helping." mark spoke quickly he pointed to Jin." we have to move you somewhere safe." He ascended the ladder again and took aim again they where gone


Fuck. June heard the zombies rather than saw them and instantly set to work on opening the window, she would be unable to return to the floor below if she didn't want to be feasted upon and used the knife to slide it under the makeshift opening. She tilted it upwards before sliding her finger into the crack and practically growling in frustration as the window barely budged. She finally gave up, deciding that going She-Hulk on the fucker was the best idea and instantly smashing her hand through the glass, restraining from screaming as shards of glass embedded themselves into her skin and sliced open flesh. Her hand was now coated in a bright layering of red and June placed one foot inside before struggling to drop down below without applying pressure to her now injured hand, using the other to grasp the ledge before glancing down at the floor below as well as the others. The drop wasn't entirely difficult and June slid down, steadying herself as her feet hit the floor whilst clutching the knife in her wounded hand, she had done it quite loudly and had made herself known. All hopes of stealth were tossed out the window. She fucking hated zombies.

Adrian pulling his weapon out on this stranger "who the fuck are you? and god damn it, whyd you have to be so loud?" Adrian looking all around
twistedreincanrante said:
"alright look we have a huge ass horde of zombies heading our way guys I say we have about twenty minutes before they're on top of us and this thunderstorm is not helping." mark spoke quickly he pointed to Jin." we have to move you somewhere safe." He ascended the ladder again and took aim again they where gone
Mark caught her attention when he said that she needed to move somewhere safe. In her condition, she was unable to fight. Holding her stomach, frightened, she followed the other non-fighters to hopefully a safer place in the church. Maybe the basement? If there even was a basement...


June scoffed at the sight of the gun, rolling her eyes in sheer disbelief at the sudden hostility of the man. "Damn, I guess people can't even pray during shit like this..kidding, I'm June and you might want to save those bullets for the mini-Hannibal Lecter's out there.." She hissed slightly as she splayed her fingers out in a symbol of mock surrender, her eyes fixated on the two who had just walked away before she scanned the area in general. Not bad.

Adrian laughs lowering his gun "alright, names Adrian" banging started hitting the walls and moaning from the undead got louder, "well i guess that's enough of introduction for now, lets go meet Cajun on top, i wonder how many there are" pulling his AK to his side
When the undead got louder, Jin decided that she wasn't just going to sit there and be a burden on the rest of them, so before she entered the Church's Basement, she turned around and made her way up the ladder to the other fighters. "You guys need a hand? I can help. The more hands we have, the better." She volunteered.


June grinned, jumping at the sudden onslaught of banging by the persistent zombies which were awaiting outside before walking towards Adrian and gesturing towards where the other two had disappeared. "Pleasure to meet you Adrian, lead the way." She nearly screamed as the same woman she saw earlier appeared, cursing inwardly at her jumpiness before shaking her head. "Look, as far as I know, you're probably some badass pregnant lady who slaughters zombies at the snap of a finger but that baby in your stomach comes first over our bullshit..if you want to fight, this is America and you can but you can sit up there and chill too if you want."

@Shimakage Thunder
Kim chuckled at June's remark, but assumed it was a compliment. "Of course, my baby comes first before anything else. But I can't give him or her a chance at life if I get eaten alive. And no worries, they'll be on the ground before they even have a chance to bite me. As long as that blood doesn't get in my Eyes or my Mouth, I'll be fine." She reassured the other woman as she grabbed her Beretta. Looking at it, she could remember the days she took that firearms safety course and went shooting with her cousins and when her Father first introduced her to firearms. "So how many of them are there?" she finally asked

Cajun aiming for the scragglers in the group of zombies fired. it echoed like a clap of thunder and a zombie dropped. he chambered another round adjusted and fired again. BOOM another dropped. he rechambered BOOM another dropped. That was the last of the slow ones. now the big issue is the rest. He took a quick count and slid down the ladder again. "Stat update guys Im looking at 37 that I counted surrounding us we have maybe 5 minutes before they got through these doors and then we are probably fucked. anyone got a plan?" He asked trying to come up with something.
Adrian laughed "I got a plan" noticing some gallons of gas in a corner. "we light these bitches up" the church might come down with it buuuuuut, its a plan." walking to the gasoline
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,..." Jack swore over and over to himself, pulling his shotgun into his capable hands, as many of the others scrambled about. He quickly turned to face Adrian, angry, confused expression on his filthy face. "That's a terrible idea. We'll all be cooked in here. How about your pour it off of the roof, and toss burning shit after it, so the fires are outside of where we're stuck until daylight." he grumbled.

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