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Realistic or Modern Chemical 432

He jumped into the truck and started it up. the engine roared to life as he looked around the area. the slim black of his supercab ram turned to red from all the dried blood on the hood. He sat there fucking with an ipod he had sitting on his dash. he hooked It up to the truck and turned the volume up all the way. fat around the heart by King 810 began to blare as he waited for everyone to pile in
As people piled in the car, a shot went off and grazed the hood of the truck. Adrian steps out front from a building across saying, "Ahhh Mark, its been awhile since our last meet, pretty funny, or even ironic to see you again. you still working for the government?" looking around making sure walkers aren't closing in.
Adrian Laughs. "Ah Hermosa, you could say he knows me pretty well, would you like to explain country boy? or shall I?

Adrian starts to light up a blunt, Still looking around.
Sara looked at Mark, then Charlie got in and she looked forward, "Care to explain why you're still here, Charles?"

Chaflie looked at his ex and womdered why she was so angry. He went to be safe, leaving her, and was setting up a place to be safe for her, but the colonies got destroyed. "I'm jeading with safety, which is always with you." He snuck a look at this Mark fellow, immediately jealous. Sara always had a soft spot for Texans. "I'm Charlie, the way," he said to the new man.

"Don't get used to him," Sara said, crossing her arms. "And if you say I'm safe, then why did you leave?"
Mark stepped from the truck his gun drawn as he examined the deep scratch to his hood. "Adrian here is one of the most deadliest cartel members known to man ive been hunting him for years. tell me why I shouldn't leave your Mexican ass here to rot with the walkers." He crouched taking aim with his rifle at center mass of Adrians body.
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Adrian took a drag, inhaled deeply, exhaled, "well, ever since all this zombie shit hit the fan, ive lost customers, competition, and overall, my status to the streets ,you see dead people don't buy guns, or drugs and well, money has no use in a time like this, but I can be of some help, I have no crew in the states, my last soldiers just died on me, ambush, fucking zombies..." takes another drag. "and im guessing my hideout isn't doing any good either, haven't heard anything from anyone, so im a lone wolf now as one would say, let me tag along with you gringos and this beautiful senorita, you know, for humanity's hope? you help me, I help you?"
Mark lowered his weapon and stood. "I don't trust you Adrian. Just remember that." he said he walked towards Adrian shook his hand and spoke. "Everyone that doesn't have their own ride in the truck we gotta go."
(Sorry I was gone so long guys)

Sara kept her eyes in front of her, not looking at Charlie, "I'm Sara. Ex-Marine."
June was pissed. She was more than pissed, she was infuriated by the sheer audacity of people. Not exactly people at the moment the last time she had checked but re-animated corpses, same difference as far as she was concerned and she wasn't. Dealing with this on a daily basis had become tedious and more often than not, June had considered running headfirst into the hordes of zombies just to be rid of them once and for all and finally not be considered a meat package on legs. She sighed in resignation as the decomposed body which had somehow managed to break every rule concerning Biology stood in the midst of her shelter, rotten slabs of flesh dropping onto the floor and blood seeping into the carpet. The carpet for God's sake, the least they could do was bleed profusely on the exterior of the house. Suffice to say, June embedded a bullet into the dead man's brain and had a field day removing him without being attacked.
Adrian finishing his blunt and says "shotgun" and hops in the car rolling another blunt, "anyone want a hit when im done?" not showing any concern of the chaos all around him
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Cajun glared and lit a cigarette looking around its been quiet very quiet in fact a little to quiet therefore Cajun was getting nervous. Therefore he was about to start freaking out something needed to happen and soon wether it be zombies raiders or whatever but something needed to be going on now
Dark was starting to settle in and the howls and growls of the undead where getting louder. traveling has always been strange in this new world because depending on where you where decided the best time to move. more zombies move at day. More raiders move by night. unfortunately for the group they where caught right in the middle of it. "I say we set a camp somewhere hirer up for the night. Raiders wont think of it and the dead cant essentially climb." Cajun spoke calmly looking at his new group. He jumped on the hood of the truck to get a better view of their surroundings. a few buildings lie half crumpled across the area but his eyes laid upon a four story church it looked like the where in the middle of a fifth story when the out break struck judging from the construction material scaling the side of the building. "There should be a good place." he said pointing to the church in the burning ember of day light.
At the top of a church steeple, where the bell would usually be housed, stood Jack Gilbert, battered jeans unzipped and lazy in demeanor as he relieved himself upon a zombie wandering past the half finished chapel where he had taken refuge. Jack held a cigarette in one hand, breathing in the warm, bitter smoke as he watched a thin orange line crawl in increments up the white cylinder of the Marlbro, zipping up his pants and fastening his belt before returning to his lawn chair, which sat in the center of the crow's nest he had taken up residence in for the night. Jack's truck was parked directly under the bell tower, and a rope lay at the ready next to his chair, should a quick escape be necessary. He yawned, placed his ankle on the opposite knee and began to read a hunting magazine, tossing the butt of his cigarette out of an open window and exhaling the bitter tobacco smoke still in his throat.
"Fucking church man, fucking church." "alright, lets go, lets pray there isn't any trouble."
Cajun started up the truck and drove towards the church . They hit the church right before it hit dark and Mark got out. "Clear on your side?" he said to his shotgun rider rudely. he looked around slowly checking for movement or anything else. Cajun glanced around and shrugged
Looking around," yea, all clear" Adrian says then mumbles to himself "this is familiar" Looks at Cajun and the others "lets hurry up and get inside"
Jack frowned as he heard voices below him, and sat his magazine to the side, slowly rising from his lawn chair and peering down into the yard of the unfinished church, his vision clouded a little by the twilight. However, he could make out a pair of people moving about. Jack took up position by the ladder leading up to the crow's nest, listening intently.
Cajun his side arm drawn slowly open the doors they creaked loudly and echoed fiercely. he stepped in Adrian watching his six. "HELLO?" Cajun hollered if anything in here wasn't human itd come running
Jack sighed as he heard the man's shout, hoping that he would be able to have the church to himself for the night. "Shut up and close the damn door!" he shouted back, knowing that it was best to be quiet and indoors when nighttime came around.
Cajun looked up from where the response came. He shut the door behind him and his new friend. "Hope you don't mind man but we are gonna need this place for a night or two and we have a couple more people at our last camp" he spoke simply and checked his surroundings again


June had witnessed the events concerning the other survivors and restrained the urge to flinch as a man bellowed out a greeting, people were still intent on acting normal despite the soul-sucking flesh eaters in their general vicinity. She gripped the brick wall from where she stood, peering around the corner before sighing in resignation. She was honestly tired truth be told, the survivors which roamed this place were just as heartless as the zombies who were trying to fucking devour them and she had avoided both at all costs. Avoiding people was June's forte however she couldn't deny that it got lonely as hell when no one was around to stare unabashedly at her and wonder if she was mentally disabled, the company of people was something humans often needed. "Aren't I just the best, Doctor Phil?" June decided that she would sneak in and reside there and if they shot her, oh well.

"Just get off of the ground floor, they can come in through the windows." Jack shouted back, relaxing a little. He slung his shotgun over his shoulder, looking down the ladder. "I'm coming down, don't shoot me." he added gruffly, taking a few steps down the ladder.

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