chat here [Indiana Jones and the Book of Three Circles]

Sorry if Aria tends to be a bit flashy and dramatic, but sorcerors and Solars both tend to be, and well, she is a Solar sorceress. Not to mention that Solar does not lend itself very well to subtle. They have this tendancy of being all or nothing type of people. Even when hiding they do it with a style that is untouchable.
No problem, it makes Shimmering Kiss's job so much easier when there are flashy beings around, so people don't pay much attention to her own actions :mrgreen:
Khadavla, could I talk to you on MSN when you have the time? I just need some help getting back into this, since I'm pretty far behind, and it looks like the story has been progressing without me.
Aaaand... finally. I should be active now.

Sorry about that.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help get the game moving again.
I've been effectivly off the net so long, that I thought I'd lost forgoten my way here. But my password went through the first time and everything. :)

And I found Phenix ready to go and Havoc still hanging in.

These omens are ausipcious indeed!
I'll wait for Aria's new player to post, then. I was kind of holding off on posting until she acted again, since I'm not too sure what to do at the moment without her.
Hey there, I am going to join you as the Frog That Brings Sorrow.

Hoping everything will move smoothly.
*sighes* Well, I'm about too give up on this.

If it's something i'm doing wrong, can someone plese tell me what?
It takes too long for people to post, and honestly, Exalted is one of those really complicated systems and settings that intimidate people, especially when you have inexperienced people not able to talk to the GM directly in real time for the ability to ask what is going on.
Sorry about not posting in the main thread. I haven't really been sure what to do, and I haven't seen you on to ask about it... that's my fault, though. I need more confidence about this sort of thing.

I don't think you're doing anything wrong, it's just that, like Peteman said, it takes too long for everyone to post. Play-by-post games can be very difficult to keep going without keeping up their momentum, but I'm not sure what should be done about that...

But if you ever need me to post, feel free to contact me on MSN and let me know.
Sadly, I think so.

I think if the boss wants to run an Exalted Game, he needs more experienced players.

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