chat here [Indiana Jones and the Book of Three Circles]

I have a bit of a problem.

My character doesn't really fit well into any of the archetypes, backstory-wise. Should I rewrite her backstory, just not pick an archetype, or go some other route?
It's been a while since I read your charecter history and I can't remember it too well.

If your character is sufficiently possessed of history to say, 'before she left her homeland in search of the bearer of the same exaltation that was born by her former exaltation's immortal beloved, she did ____1____ for a living. The key too making a living doing ___1____ is _____2____. Other important skills are ____3___.

if your charecter has something lke that in her past, then her archetype is ____1____
The problem is just that, before my character Exalted, she... didn't do much. She lived with a traveling merchant family, but while she helped out when she could, she wasn't exactly a leader or anything. It would seem strange to make her the merchant archetype...

I suppose I could always define her role a little more clearly, and make her a craftmason or courier...
The problem is just that, before my character Exalted, she... didn't do much. She lived with a traveling merchant family, but while she helped out when she could, she wasn't exactly a leader or anything. It would seem strange to make her the merchant archetype...
I suppose I could always define her role a little more clearly, and make her a craftmason or courier...
Guard: Influence (Guild) 1+, Melee 2+

Craftmason: Craft: Water 3 (The Wagons were gifted with a skilled chef) or Wood 3: You were exceptionaly skilled at Maintingn the Wagons and could capenter new wheels while riding in a wagon.

Courier: Athletics 2, Linguistics 1, Ride 2

* * *

Story Girl: Lore 1, Perform 2 (Storytelling), Survival 1

Lore, Performance, Pressence, Socialize, Surivval
Oh, one more thing I need to ask. When choosing Merits and Flaws, do we use the costs listed for mortals or Exalted?

...Also, when I'm done with my character, any suggestions on how to fit her into the story? Does everyone in the group know each other at the beginning, or are we meeting for the first time?
The situation is that we are all here answering Banishes the Darkness's call for aid against the Death Lords. Whether that means a direct knowledge of Banishes the Darkness, or knowing someone who knew her, or a bizarre coincidence written in the stars....


Choose merits as a mortal, unless they are exalted specific or otherwise the kinds of things you should be taking when you exalt, in which case just bank the bonus points you need to take them when you exalt. AKA, you can take the Experienced Merit when you are a mortal, but the lost Atribute doesn't go away so it really doesn't work out in the end given that you could just spend 5 bonus points or apropraitie EXP on Abilities. Likewise, if you buy extra favored abilities while you're a mortal, they'll just be subsumed into your exalted favored abilities without being refunded.

Please look for my new Background rules. i'm trying a houserule expansion of Resources.
...Er, sorry. I didn't realize this had started.

I'll try to finish my character soon. I just haven't been doing well.
Sure. I'm having issues getting online right now, but if you look for me in the eveinings on YAhoo or AIM you shuold be able to find me.
Feel free to start without me. My life hasn't been going well recently, and I don't want to hold things up. I'll just join when I can.
Sorry, I've been busy and depressed recently...

I'll get to my character as soon as I can, but would it be alright if I post before I'm done, as long as we don't need to roll anything?
9 Bonus Points worth of Backgrounds.
Does this mean we have 9 extra bonus points for Backgrounds, or that we should spend 9 of our points on Backgrounds?

EDIT: Also, should I choose a new Solar mate? Though I don't know much about the other PCs...
Heya all, been forever since I was in a position to play alongside such fine and fair figures such as yourselves. How goes the contesting of existence and the constant pressure to stop?
Good Luck Phoenix and it is understandable, just hurry back to us, Aria is lost without you. (Though we haven't technically been introduced.)
I was going to ask if someone can NPC my character, since I'm (still) not doing well enough to post, but... it looks like this has slowed a bit.

Is there any way I can help? I can push myself to post once in a while, if it'll help keep this alive.
And low, after player issues, computer issues, connectiity issues, site misunderstandings, and 10,000 other issues that amount to a whole lot of story not happening, i have at long last returned to the web!!!

So, provided we have at the very least Defies the Darkness and at least three other players, let's get this party started right! Let's get this party started quickly!

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