Chat Game - Shadowrun

And that's enough!

Okay, y'all. Be online Monday at 7 PM EST. It's okay if you're a bit late this time 'round. We will be doing character creation. Hopefully all of it in one night.

Think about what kind of character you want to play, but don't get bogged down in one idea. Group character creation is there for a reason.

My internet disconnected before I could give you may AIM this morning!

*sniffles and turns away dejected, big charlie brown head bobbling along down the street, leaving his card on the table.*

AIM: TenshiMuse
Good and bad news I'm afraid. I finaly got a job interview on tuesday (as Finley would say: "Hell it's anbout time"). That means that I won't be able to attend monday night and possibly future games depending on how well it goes.
Midboss said:
Good and bad news I'm afraid. I finaly got a job interview on tuesday (as Finley would say: "Hell it's anbout time"). That means that I won't be able to attend monday night and possibly future games depending on how well it goes.
Congrats! Even though it could cost us a runner, I hope it goes well for you. :)
Proof once again that I'm right about things way more often than people want to believe. :wink:

As a sidenote, I may be a bit late (but still there) on Monday, because my parents who live far away can actually make time to see me this coming week, so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity. I should still have internet, but if they want to have dinner with me, well, that's sort of important. I'll do my best, though.
Hey hey y'all. Don't forget to be online at 7 PM EST. Tonight! It's a big deal!

If I forget to invite you to the chatroom, just be sure to ping me.

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