Chat Game - Shadowrun


One Thousand Club
So, because I actually have the resources, I'm planning to run a Shadowrun game. But not here. This is to be a game played in a chatroom, on a frequent basis (hopefully weekly, certainly no less than every two weeks). Fairly long-term campaign.

Basically, let me know if you're interested, and what times (EST) you're available. Don't get started making a character, because I'd rather everyone make theirs together.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here.

GM available times:

Sunday and Weekday nights: As early as 6 PM EST to start, and probably going as late as 12 AM or even a bit later.

Saturday: My big free day, which I'm happy to dedicate to gaming. Can start anytime after 9 AM (I gotta sleep in a little), and can go until the sun rises on Sunday. Clearly optimal.
Currently being unemployed, I'm typically free anytime anyday. Allthough I will say that after midnight british time (so 7pm EST time), I may want to get some precious sleep. On week days at least.

What chat program would we use ?

Wow, this is a happy coincidence. I've been looking over my shadowrun stuff for the past week.

I'm mostly available after 5 PM (EST).
I'm definitely interested, but I am doubting that I'd be able to make the chat time as my evenings are getting sort of planned. That said, I'll watch with interest, and if you end up on a time that works for me I'll speak up. :) <3 SR (this would be 4th ed I assume?)
Adding the following to the main post: Here's what currently works for me as far as time (accounting for the fact that school starts up in a month).

Sunday and Weekday nights: As early as 6 PM EST to start, and probably going as late as 12 AM or even a bit later.

Saturday: My big free day, which I'm happy to dedicate to gaming. Can start anytime after 9 AM (I gotta sleep in a little), and can go until the sun rises on Sunday. Clearly optimal.

The client for this is up in the air. My main chat program is AIM ('cuz that's what everyone I chat with has), but I have no problem using other clients. I would certainly be open to the idea of using a gaming-specific client, but I feel we have no need for that.

Actually, doing it on Google Wave would kick ass, and I'd be happy to hand out invitations.

Yes it's 4th edition. I read through 3e once, and was satisfied with not playing it.
I'd be interested as well though Sunday or Monday evening works best for me.
I am very interested in this. So... should I just put my character right here?

I am making a Face by the way.

EDIT: Ahem. I am available 6PM CST weekdays and Saturday 8PM CST. Sunday I may be in an Exalted game.
Okay, 4 people have posted here that Monday evenings are good. I have a strong suspicion that Monday evenings will be best.

Alright, please tell me as exactly as you can what timeslot you have on Monday, adjusting to make it EST. If I find a window at least 4 hours long that at least 4 people can make, we're doin' this shit.
Monday anytime after 6 works best for me.

Also, do you allow things like Changelings from Runner's Companion?

Gecko Ninja! Power GO!
Also' date=' do you allow things like Changelings from Runner's Companion?[/quote']
Tentatively, most options from RC are available, though please wait until the group is together to decide on it fully. The group may be dissatisfied if EVERYONE is playing some obscure thing from RC. You'll probably all be happier if less than half the group has a metatype not in the corebook. But that's only a guess from me, which is why y'all should wait until the group is together to decide.

Oh, nobody's made a suggestion on chat medium yet. I'm going to assume you all have AIM and are fine with running a game on it, unless someone says otherwise.
I've got an AIM account that i connect to using trillan. I'll PM my contact details since I really don't like making my details public.
Hm... I just realized I have school from Mon-Thur from AT LEAST 8PM CST.... so really Friday/Saturday/Sunday would be my day.

If Bardlebee can decide to be face' date=' I can decide to be ninja gecko.[/quote']
And what makes you think I was excluding him from "don't decide on stuff too early"? :)

Also, don't forget, my Saturdays are seriously really free. If people can do Saturday, I'd find that optimal, personally, so do let me know.
Ok, since it looks like this is maybe doable...

I can do Monday after 7pm EST (I can get home from work ~6:30 at best) now, but after DST swaps I can make it by 6pm EST (I'm in AZ where we don't do DST so I don't remember when that change happens, but probably not so far away right?).

Saturday is pretty free for me as well, earliest available is 12pm EST. (I do occasionally take weekends to travel around though)

I can do AIM, wave, w/e. You might be able to find a dice roller for an IRC channel or something, and there is a good SR framework for maptools, but that might be more headache to set up than it's worth.
Okay, so here's the plan...

If you can get on an AIM chatroom at 7 PM on Monday the 22nd and most likely most Mondays thereafter, please provide me with an affirmative answer plus your AIM screename, either in this thread, by PM, or by IMing me. I want to get a sense of the exact number I can get for that.
TherealBrickwall said:
Okay, so here's the plan...
If you can get on an AIM chatroom at 7 PM on Monday the 22nd and most likely most Mondays thereafter, please provide me with an affirmative answer plus your AIM screename, either in this thread, by PM, or by IMing me. I want to get a sense of the exact number I can get for that.
Yeah, I don't think I can do a Mon-Thur game. I have class until 8PM some nights (9PM for you) and 10PM others (11PM). I could do Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So I will have to sit out.

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